Rush Limbaugh

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Not one leftist spewing hate on this board could argue with Rush. Every one would be destroyed with facts. They would end the call with racist fat drug addict then hang up the phone believing they won.
And yet Rush allowed virtually zero debate on his show. If he was such a skilled debater, why did he allow none on his show?

I can believe he was a skilled debater. He was brilliant and talented. That being the case, Rush knew full well his material -- which generally rested on falsehoods and fallacies -- would not stand up in a debate or under any real scrutiny. And this is why such a sharp man was forced to maintain a bully pulpit at all times and shout down callers who challenged him. It wasn't that Rush was incapable of good debate; it was that Rush's material was dubious and indefensible. Rush knew this. He wasn't going to spend a second of his program allowing his own material to be undermined.

Similarly, the ShamWow guy isnt going to show you footage of the ShamWow failing.
Rush was okay, but Lou Dobbs and Ann Coulter were way ahead 20 years ago concerning national security on our So. Border!
Dittoheads forget that was what got Trump elected! Rush was late to that party compared to those two!!!
I'm not exactly crying.

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Glad to see however we are seeing what you people are really like.
Rush limbaugh is one of the large causes of the problems facing my country. His divisiveness, lies, and conspiracy theories spawned the whack-jobs tRump took advantage of in his attempt to destroy my country.

Rush tried to destroy China?
Who knew?
Don't be stupider than you have to be.
Just stop with your bullshit Nazi Boy. He said what he said. i don't care if he tossed that line in to cover his ass or not.
He pushed the mob to storm the Capitol. Then, instead of marching with them, he slunk back to the WH to watch it all
on the coward he is.
He said what he and you're a fucking liar. You deliberately cut out the key element so that you could slander the president.

Like all Nazis, you are devoid of even a shred of integrity or honor.
You have to admit that most of what Trump says are lies. He said he was going to the capitol with his supporters, then he went back to the white house instead. Maybe he knew that the secret service wouldn't let Trump be in the line of ensuing violence.

They couldn't have the top people in the line of succession in the same place, especially during a riot.
So the viagra boy died? Great news if true.

Stiff as a board.

You got aroused huh?

Good gawd people someone died.....this is pathetic

What's even more pathetic? It's 2021 and some geezers are still listening to AM talk radio.

I know right? To be really informed you must get your information from social media.
Hey, did you know I'm a French model?
Not one leftist spewing hate on this board could argue with Rush. Every one would be destroyed with facts. They would end the call with racist fat drug addict then hang up the phone believing they won.
And yet Rush allowed virtually zero debate on his show. If he was sich a skilled debater, why did he allow none?

I can believe he was a skilled debater. He was brilliant and talented. That being the case, Rush knew full well his material -- which generally rested on falsehoods and fallacies -- would not stand up in a debate or under any real scrutiny. And this is why such a sharp man was forced to maintain a bully pulpit at all times and shout down callers who challenged him. It wasn't that Rush was incapable of good debate; it was that Rush's material was dubious and indefensible. Rush knew this. He wasn't going to spend a second of his program allowing his own material to be undermined.

Similarly, the ShamWow guy isnt going to show you footage of the ShamWow failing.

Actually, he put leftists to the front of the call list.
Didn't Anderson Cooper tell you that?
Explain all of this. Provide details. Explain who are "Americans". As I said, we are all here and all Americans.

America is more than a nation, it's an ideal - and ideal that is defined by the Constitution. You wage war on the Constitution. You seek to end the Constitutional republic in favor of a Marxist dictatorship. You wage war on the right to free speech. You crush religion, you attack any press not controlled by the Reich. You deny the right to private property, demanding that all belongs to the Reich, including the people, to be used as our rulers see fit. You deny the basic rights to defense of ourselves, our property, our families. If we defend ourselves from attack by criminals and thugs, you seek to put us in prison while bailing the thugs out.

You are Nazis, you are not Americans. You defy everything that America has ever stood for.
I'm not exactly crying.

View attachment 458257

Glad to see however we are seeing what you people are really like.
Rush limbaugh is one of the large causes of the problems facing my country. His divisiveness, lies, and conspiracy theories spawned the whack-jobs tRump took advantage of in his attempt to destroy my country.

Rush tried to destroy China?
Who knew?
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Your true colors have come out again. People are either laughing at you or disgusted by them.
They're saying Rush Limbaugh passed away. End of an era for sure.

I've been listening to Rush since 1990.
Just listening to his voice was like listening to Paul Harvey before him.
He was better at it than anyone.
I spent the last 18 years listening to him 5 days a week at work while I was in my Truck doing service-calls for the Dept of the Army.

Actually, Paul Harvey was more eloquent and just a tad smarter, IMHO. Tho', Rush served a similar purpose.

Clearly you never listened to Rush Limbaugh.
The only reason you liked Paul Harvey was because he wasn't a conservative who was constantly being attacked by the communists in the Democrat Party.

Actually I like Dr. Michael Savage the best! He didn't mince his words and went at the meat of the matter! Savage's books are the best! Even much, much better than Ann Coulter.
BTW, where is Coulter these days?

I rarely listened to Savage because his voice grated on me.
I didn't know when he came on.
With was 12 noon every weekday providing 3 hours of journalism excellence.
Not one leftist spewing hate on this board could argue with Rush. Every one would be destroyed with facts. They would end the call with racist fat drug addict then hang up the phone believing they won.
And yet Rush allowed virtually zero debate on his show. If he was such a skilled debater, why did he allow none on his show?

I can believe he was a skilled debater. He was brilliant and talented. That being the case, Rush knew full well his material -- which generally rested on falsehoods and fallacies -- would not stand up in a debate or under any real scrutiny. And this is why such a sharp man was forced to maintain a bully pulpit at all times and shout down callers who challenged him. It wasn't that Rush was incapable of good debate; it was that Rush's material was dubious and indefensible. Rush knew this. He wasn't going to spend a second of his program allowing his own material to be undermined.

Similarly, the ShamWow guy isnt going to show you footage of the ShamWow failing.

Actually, Rush used a lot of audio and video clips to back up his arguements.

Go ahead and celebrate, Rush changed the entire face of broadcasting, and there's nothing you can do about that.
Only wackos listened to him.
A significant portion of his audience was liberals hanging on his every word, hoping to hear something they could complain about.
My father in law listened to him to daily to find out what “the enemy” was doing. I always thought it was funny.
Were you around when Ruth Bader Ginsburg died? It was a bloodbath of attacks against her.
She was a worthless POS and deserved everything she got
Do you believe that, or are you just doing that to prove uncensored lied?

I was, and you're lying.
Most people here were respectful.
Not all, but most.
I firmly believe that she was a cancer on the court. She should have retired long long ago, but there i a bright side that Trump picker her replacement.
Rush was early spot-on about the fallacy of renewable energy along with the 'Big Lie' that we can actually change the climate!
But it no helped Texas this week!
The man is dead. If you don't have anything nice to say...don't say anything.

Rest in peace Mr. Limbaugh.
Were you around when Ruth Bader Ginsburg died? It was a bloodbath of attacks against her.
I was here. No it wasn't a blood bath. A few POS yes. Dont make a mountain out of a mole hill like you did with the "insurrection ".
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