Rush Limbaugh

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They're saying Rush Limbaugh passed away. End of an era for sure.

I've been listening to Rush since 1990.
Just listening to his voice was like listening to Paul Harvey before him.
He was better at it than anyone.
I spent the last 18 years listening to him 5 days a week at work while I was in my Truck doing service-calls for the Dept of the Army.

Actually, Paul Harvey was more eloquent and just a tad smarter, IMHO. Tho', Rush served a similar purpose.

Clearly you never listened to Rush Limbaugh.
The only reason you liked Paul Harvey was because he wasn't a conservative who was constantly being attacked by the communists in the Democrat Party.

Actually I like Dr. Michael Savage the best! He didn't mince his words and went at the meat of the matter! Savage's books are the best! Even much, much better than Ann Coulter.
BTW, where is Coulter these days?
Just stop with your bullshit Nazi Boy. He said what he said. i don't care if he tossed that line in to cover his ass or not.
He pushed the mob to storm the Capitol. Then, instead of marching with them, he slunk back to the WH to watch it all
on the coward he is.

He said what he and you're a fucking liar. You deliberately cut out the key element so that you could slander the president.

Like all Nazis, you are devoid of even a shred of integrity or honor.
sold their integrity and souls to the devil himself. thanks,
Sadly the hate will start shortly.

In most cases I hate seeing harsh or nasty things posted in threads about people dying.

But Limbaugh did it often enough, against the living and the dead, that it is more justified here.

All I heard: "Believe that I'm not a piece of shit, so that I can say this really shitty thing without feeling as guilty as I know I should!"

Next time, why don't you be a man instead of a weaseling pussy? It's not like your attempted pre-justification lessened the contempt we feel and you earned, so why bother?

Exactly what was it I said that was so bad for you to get your panties in a wad???

Go back and look at your post. Now imagine me saying that about your father. If you have even one iota of the decency you erroneously want to believe you have, you won't have to ask your question again. In fact, you will slink away from this thread in shame.

If you have to come back and ask the question again, I'll know that you are exactly what I spit on you for being. Frankly, just the fact that you had to ask it once tells me that your parents failed utterly in raising you.
Sadly the hate will start shortly.

In most cases I hate seeing harsh or nasty things posted in threads about people dying.

But Limbaugh did it often enough, against the living and the dead, that it is more justified here.

All I heard: "Believe that I'm not a piece of shit, so that I can say this really shitty thing without feeling as guilty as I know I should!"

Next time, why don't you be a man instead of a weaseling pussy? It's not like your attempted pre-justification lessened the contempt we feel and you earned, so why bother?

Exactly what was it I said that was so bad for you to get your panties in a wad???
Just keep in mind:

They are not happy unless they are unhappy about something.

This will explain 99% of their behavior.
and they have said just about the same thing about your party people are so much alike.....
I won't say I liked him. He liked to stir up anger and hatred. But he meant a lot to a lot of people, and certainly defined an era of political engagement. And lung cancer is a sucko way to go.
Nothing wrong with stirring up anger over people who hate America and Western Civilization so much they want to destroy it.

like sandra fluke? oxyboy spent 3 full days denigrating her.

he said children should eat outa dumpsters thru the summer when school is out....

he said drug dealers & USERS 'outa be sent up' for their criminality & habit AT THE SAME TIME he was using. made his housekeeper buy his drugs for him.

that is or now i get to say WAS rush limbaugh.
post the video of him saying that. go ahead now, prove your post big shot. I got a feeling you'll take a knee.
I'm not exactly crying.

View attachment 458257

Glad to see however we are seeing what you people are really like.
Rush limbaugh is one of the large causes of the problems facing my country. His divisiveness, lies, and conspiracy theories spawned the whack-jobs tRump took advantage of in his attempt to destroy my country.

Rush created a conservative monster that Republicans are now saddled with.
Gave us Trump

Rush didn't do that.

. . . and Trump is but an opportunist, anyone that has studied his history knows this.

Both are symptoms of a bigger problem. If you do not see this? You are deluding yourself.

These problems would have existed with, or without Rush and Trump, and some other folks would have risen to speak for the people.
...speak for some people.
To some people.
Translated: We can just get our talking points completely safe from any chance of having to actually hear those nasty dissenting viewpoints
Horseshit, obviously. The media is now inundated with wannabe Rush morons with half the class and intelligence Rush had. Which is why you love them.
the fact is, you hate opposing viewpoints because they prove your side is fked in the head. go ahead, admit it.
They're saying Rush Limbaugh passed away. End of an era for sure.

I haven't read this thread other than the OP. I'm not going to either. I am going to say the same thing about Rush as I did Elijah Cummings... My silence on him is me showing him respect. I will not lie about my opinion on someone alive or dead.

Rest in peace.
Translated: We can just get our talking points completely safe from any chance of having to actually hear those nasty dissenting viewpoints
Horseshit, obviously. The media is now inundated with wannabe Rush morons with half the class and intelligence Rush had. Which is why you love them.
the fact is, you hate opposing viewpoints because they prove your side is fked in the head. go ahead, admit it.
Cry it all out, crybaby. I can take it. I am here for you.
Not one leftist spewing hate on this board could argue with Rush. Every one would be destroyed with facts. They would end the call with racist fat drug addict then hang up the phone believing they won.
When was he a "voice for freedom" for any American other than an American who is a white, heterosexual male who is a member of a fundie "Christian" cult?

He did not want to join in with his fellow Americans.

Get a life. We're all here, all Americans. together.

I don't see you and your fellow Nazis as Americans.

You are the enemy of the Constitution, the enemy of liberty, the enemy of a free market where anyone can be whatever they work to be.

Explain all of this. Provide details. Explain who are "Americans". As I said, we are all here and all Americans.
it depends on whether your loyalty is for the US or global entities. let us know yours.

dumb post, it shows that you don't understand how globalization benefits America
hahahahahaha thanks for your loyalty to other countries. thanks, BTW, I didn't say anything other than loyalty. I see you jumped in to defend the other countries.

You post makes no sense.

Why post as an idiot?
see, you still don't understand loyalty. can't find any except for yours for other countries. you ain't american.

OMG, you are so stupid. Does it hurt?

You miserable moron, we set up the globalization that we ENJOY to benefit US.

Why are you Trumpist nuts so fuckin ignorant? You are gonna drag us back to the stone age with your ignorance, Good grief. Go back to school and learn to think, then take the time to keep current. You woe it to me unless you want to give up your vote.
RIP Rush.

Sad day.

Hate it, he was a true American.

What made him a true American? Better yet define what a true American is.
He wanted every law abiding citizen to be free and treated the same.

How is that when he was CAUGHT breaking the law.

He wanted everyone to have a chance at being successful.

Yea if you were a white man.

He believed America is the best country in the world. What else do you need to know?

A helluva lot more, you still haven't explained what made him a GREAT American.
Not one leftist spewing hate on this board could argue with Rush. Every one would be destroyed with facts. They would end the call with racist fat drug addict then hang up the phone believing they won.

Rush never used facts, how was he going to destroy anyone with a brain?
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