Rush Limbaugh

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Hate it, he was a true American.

What made him a true American? Better yet define what a true American is.
He wanted every law abiding citizen to be free and treated the same. He wanted everyone to have a chance at being successful. He believed America is the best country in the world. What else do you need to know?
They're saying Rush Limbaugh passed away. End of an era for sure.

I've been listening to Rush since 1990.
Just listening to his voice was like listening to Paul Harvey before him.
He was better at it than anyone.
I spent the last 18 years listening to him 5 days a week at work while I was in my Truck doing service-calls for the Dept of the Army.

Actually, Paul Harvey was more eloquent and just a tad smarter, IMHO. Tho', Rush served a similar purpose.

Clearly you never listened to Rush Limbaugh.
The only reason you liked Paul Harvey was because he wasn't a conservative who was constantly being attacked by the communists in the Democrat Party.
He can and already has. This is the era of Trump as the "voice" for freedom.
No. Trump was the voice of insurrection, autocratic rule and Vladimir Putin. Why do you think he lost? We're not living with that crap.
So speaking your mind is now insurrection! Fk, can’t make it up dude, I’m laughing my ass off
Speaking your mind is fine, as long as you do not break down barriers around the capital, break out windows, beat in doors while attacking capital security, trampling to death people in your own rabid mob, and force your way into the capital to hunt down and kill the Vice-President, Speaker of the House and others you don't like, just because they will not let you overthrow free elections for your furor. What 3rd world bananna republic did you and those traitor that made the failed attempt think you were living in? If that is what you guys call speaking your mind, you can forget it.

Who did that?

The insurrectionist mob trump sent to the capital.

That was peloser that sent those traitors in. So still unclear your point.

John Sullivan is my evidence before you ask

You are delusional. Even Moscow Mitch would agree.

You think I agree with Mitch? Hahaha I believe in the people and liberty. Fks like you are a nuisance

Just like a trumper. He can carry your water for 4 years, one hint of the truth and you drop him like a hot rock and throw him under the bus. Nobody needs friends like you. Probably why you don't have many. You can't be counted on. I wouldn't want to be like you.

you wouldn't know a truth if it hit you in the chops. dude, you got nothing but trump TDS. we know. let me know when you actually have something resembling news.
Michael Fox admitted to exaggerating his symptoms at a senate hearing so that he would be treated seriously.
A nauseating lie that Rush admitted was a lie and apologized for. You are embarrassing yourself. But you are demonstrating the gullibility and happy dishonesty of the Rush audience base.

It wasn't, he didn't, and he didn't. You are embarrassing yourself by repeating your talking points as settled fact. But what else is new?
bullshit over the years here a few of them knew everything he talked about.....even quoted the guy often....
Well, peepaw, we younguns have this new thing called "the internet" where one can find content without subjecting themselves to 15 hours of Rush per week.
you have no idea,as usual,who i am even talking about.....this was long before you even knew this site existed.....
Then go ask another geezer, geezer. Stop bothering me.
i didnt ask you anything.....and if you dont want to be bothered,dont reply to threads....
When was he a "voice for freedom" for any American other than an American who is a white, heterosexual male who is a member of a fundie "Christian" cult?

He did not want to join in with his fellow Americans.

Get a life. We're all here, all Americans. together.

I don't see you and your fellow Nazis as Americans.

You are the enemy of the Constitution, the enemy of liberty, the enemy of a free market where anyone can be whatever they work to be.

Explain all of this. Provide details. Explain who are "Americans". As I said, we are all here and all Americans.
Sadly the hate will start shortly.

In most cases I hate seeing harsh or nasty things posted in threads about people dying.

But Limbaugh did it often enough, against the living and the dead, that it is more justified here.
Not true.
I think your image of him is a reflection of the anonymous he drew from leftists.
Everything bad you know of Rush is just their angry opinion of anyone who stands up for conservative thought.
It's the same with anyone who stands up to the left.
Most of it is total hogwash.
They're saying Rush Limbaugh passed away. End of an era for sure.

I've been listening to Rush since 1990.
Just listening to his voice was like listening to Paul Harvey before him.
He was better at it than anyone.
I spent the last 18 years listening to him 5 days a week at work while I was in my Truck doing service-calls for the Dept of the Army.

Actually, Paul Harvey was more eloquent and just a tad smarter, IMHO. Tho', Rush served a similar purpose.

Clearly you never listened to Rush Limbaugh.
The only reason you liked Paul Harvey was because he wasn't a conservative who was constantly being attacked by the communists in the Democrat Party.

Paul Harvey was good. But his stories were not his stories he found. Rush was all about the story. he had soooo many stories that he presented that MSM wouldn't touch. the demofks hate that. the fact the truth was exposed. The truth to them was a lie. know that.
I'm not exactly crying.

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Glad to see however we are seeing what you people are really like.
Rush limbaugh is one of the large causes of the problems facing my country. His divisiveness, lies, and conspiracy theories spawned the whack-jobs tRump took advantage of in his attempt to destroy my country.

Rush tried to destroy China?
Who knew?
When was he a "voice for freedom" for any American other than an American who is a white, heterosexual male who is a member of a fundie "Christian" cult?

He did not want to join in with his fellow Americans.

Get a life. We're all here, all Americans. together.

I don't see you and your fellow Nazis as Americans.

You are the enemy of the Constitution, the enemy of liberty, the enemy of a free market where anyone can be whatever they work to be.

Explain all of this. Provide details. Explain who are "Americans". As I said, we are all here and all Americans.
it depends on whether your loyalty is for the US or global entities. let us know yours.
Sadly the hate will start shortly.

In most cases I hate seeing harsh or nasty things posted in threads about people dying.

But Limbaugh did it often enough, against the living and the dead, that it is more justified here.

All I heard: "Believe that I'm not a piece of shit, so that I can say this really shitty thing without feeling as guilty as I know I should!"

Next time, why don't you be a man instead of a weaseling pussy? It's not like your attempted pre-justification lessened the contempt we feel and you earned, so why bother?
Hate it, he was a true American.

What made him a true American? Better yet define what a true American is.
He wanted every law abiding citizen to be free and treated the same. He wanted everyone to have a chance at being successful. He believed America is the best country in the world. What else do you need to know?
The kkkers couldn't have that. they needed the blacks confined. Rush exposed their kkk mechanisms often.
They're saying Rush Limbaugh passed away. End of an era for sure.

Thank you for being classy. Unlike a few others

death doesn't change what a bloated oxy addicted draft dodging hypocrite he was when he was alive. satan has a special place in hell for hat pig.

me? wanna see MY reaction?

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