Rush Limbaugh

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Rush established the new voice of Conservatism

Before Rush, Conservatism was intellectual
William F Buckley, George Will, William Safire

Rush brought about the Carnival Barker, muckraking, bombastic Conservatism

I worship Dr. Michael Savage!
Only because he took no prisoner's!!! :muahaha:
“Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream society.” - Rush Limbaugh
Watching people on the Left celebrate the death of Rush Limbaugh makes me wonder if their loudly-professed outrage over Donald Trump's mean Tweets was entirely sincere.

It takes raw talent to outrage the left even in death. Rush Limbaugh accomplished that and so much more.

Best line from the NY Times Rush obit:

"He moved his bulk with surprising grace when showing how an environmentalist skips daintily in a woodland."
They're saying Rush Limbaugh passed away. End of an era for sure.

I've been listening to Rush since 1990.
Just listening to his voice was like listening to Paul Harvey before him.
He was better at it than anyone.
I spent the last 18 years listening to him 5 days a week at work while I was in my Truck doing service-calls for the Dept of the Army.

I won't say I liked him. He liked to stir up anger and hatred. But he meant a lot to a lot of people, and certainly defined an era of political engagement. And lung cancer is a sucko way to go.
He's the cause of half the country's problems. Fuck him.

Not really but he's certainly the cause of many of your problems.
Mission Accomplished.
They're saying Rush Limbaugh passed away. End of an era for sure.

I've been listening to Rush since 1990.
Just listening to his voice was like listening to Paul Harvey before him.
He was better at it than anyone.
I spent the last 18 years listening to him 5 days a week at work while I was in my Truck doing service-calls for the Dept of the Army.

Actually, Paul Harvey was more eloquent and just a tad smarter, IMHO. Tho', Rush served a similar purpose.
The great thing about this thread: It is a PERFECT illustration of why Rush was popular. Of his MO. His audience is who they are. And that is on display in this thread.

There have been several comments from people who weren't his fans that were NOT, "yay he is dead, hope he suffered!", but instead paid a nod to his impact and import and even complimented his talents.

But those arent the posts getting the attention from the Ditto-heads. No sir. The Ditto-heads are tripping over each other to post angry, rabid replies to the posts that insult Rush or dance on his grave. They are clearly doing so with lots of gusto and glee. Have you ever seen them so enthusiastic?

This was Rush's audience and his bread and butter that put money in his pockets:

They are not happy unless they are unhappy about something.

This phrase and the behavior on display in this thread could not sum them up or illustrate it any better. Rush's estate might receive a royalty check just for my post.
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They're saying Rush Limbaugh passed away. End of an era for sure.

I've been listening to Rush since 1990.
Just listening to his voice was like listening to Paul Harvey before him.
He was better at it than anyone.
I spent the last 18 years listening to him 5 days a week at work while I was in my Truck doing service-calls for the Dept of the Army.

One of my favorite tunes. Thanks to Rush. Added bonus was that the pretenders hated him for using it. (As I recall)
Ah Paul Harvey.

His words cut liberals with a knife so sharp that they didn't realize what had happened before their balls fell down their pants legs.

Free, one-directional, gender re-assignment! That's why liberals loved him so stuff!
When was he a "voice for freedom" for any American other than an American who is a white, heterosexual male who is a member of a fundie "Christian" cult?

He did not want to join in with his fellow Americans.

Get a life. We're all here, all Americans. together.

I don't see you and your fellow Nazis as Americans.

You are the enemy of the Constitution, the enemy of liberty, the enemy of a free market where anyone can be whatever they work to be.
He can and already has. This is the era of Trump as the "voice" for freedom.
No. Trump was the voice of insurrection, autocratic rule and Vladimir Putin. Why do you think he lost? We're not living with that crap.

And Biden is the voice of corruption, racism, misogamy and Xi Jinping.
Not so far. Check back in 9 months. Right now the person you describe is the utterly defeated Donnie trump, except take out Xi and insert Putin.

LOL! You deny the truth, but that's all stuff that's already known, from using his son to sell access to the RussIans and Chinese, to his racist history and racially insensitive comments, to the allegations of Tara Reade. Honestly, your attempts are pathetic.
The great thing about this thread: It is a PERFECT illustration of why Rush was popular. Of his MO. His audience is who they are. And that is on display in this thread.

There have been several comments from people who weren't his fans that were NOT, "yay he is dead, hope he suffered!", but instead paid a nod to his impact and import and even complimented his talents.

But those arent the posts getting the attention from the Ditto-heads. No sir. The Ditto-heads are tripping over each other to post angry, rabid replies to the posts that insult Rush or dance on his grave. They are clearly doing so with lots of gusto and glee. Have you ever seen them so enthusiastic?

This was Rush's audience and his bread and butter that put money in his pockets:

They are not happy unless they are unhappy about something.

This phrase and the behavior on duspkay in this thread could not sum them up or illustrate it any better.

You sound confused. Almost as bad as Bi-Dung at his Town Hall last nite! :smoochEE:
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