Rush Limbaugh

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Good grief, left loons are orgasmed over a man's death?

I think it's sad...but as Rush stated himself recently, even bad things like his cancer, is for the good, in the end.... He said in time, you will notice and find, what good came out of the bad and sad..... it gave me a sense of hope, for him and the world. :(
Evil person 6 feet under= safer world.
Besides the dumb ass knew smoking causes cancer and he continued smoking, not smart.

Moooohaumed was a baby raper....Rush wasn't that low was he?
Rush is a POS fear mongering racist. Good riddance.
you are a you are right up there with him....
How am I a bigot ? He is though.
As an Asian-American, I didn't even know who Rush Limbaugh even was back in 1989. It wasn't until early 1990's did I start listening to his radio show. He would come on right after a small bit "And Now You Know the Rest of the Story" done by a radio icon Paul Harvey. I was a diehard radio freak. I would listen to music and talk. So, it was around the Summer of 1991, did I start listening to one of his radio shows. I have never looked back since.

Now, I know he went through some hard times, but I am sure we all did at one point. I am not saying that he was perfect. But he perfected and inspired me ( I am only speaking for myself). I was not in the best shape in my personal life at that time. But I made it through, nonetheless. Today, I am a much better person than I was back then. And I was glad that I was able to listen to his shows through the years - make that three decades.

So, that would certainly make me a Rush Baby. Or a Dittohead, as he would sometimes call it.

Anyways, Mega Dittos for all those who followed him through the years. I know I will certainly miss him greatly. But since I am a subscriber to his 24/7 Rush, I will continue listening to most of his past shows. As I do frequently on the weekends.

RIP Mr. Rush Limbaugh!

I first tuned in to Rush in late 1989, after an Uncle told me about him. One of the very first things I listened to was one of his "caller abortions."

Somehow, I took it completely the wrong way. I thought that he was simply trying to shock people by being gross, rude and crass.

So. I changed stations.

Weeks later, I listened again, MOSTLY to hear Rush getting grief from the callers. . . The "caller abortion" subject came up again. Only, this time, Rush made the brilliant point about the offended listener's hypocrisies when he pointed out how much MORE outraged and upset people were getting over a (vacuum cleaner) sound effect on a radio show. . . than they were likely to be upset by REAL abortions taking place all over the country, every day.

And, he was right.

By Monday, nobody will remember he ever existed. And that doesn't include the 99.99% of the entire planet that doesn't even know who he ever was.
I hope we don't allow Democrat behaviors to cause us to do anything they do out of revenge.

President Trump loved ALL the American people and gave minorities quality jobs. He blessed America very much. He, like Mr. Limbaugh is the best at lifting America to enable us the people to attain the American dream.

Well Beautress, one thing you learn young on about bullies and punks. If they hit you and you don't hit back twice as hard, they will keep hitting you.
Ray, I march to a different drummer who on his physical death blessed those who were tormenting him with insults a slow death from a stomach wound and later threw dice to win the rags he wore. I too want right to be done about the stolen election and prefer poetry and doing charity acts to unfairness here any day of the week. Your valor and love for America has few peers but my grateful admiration for beating back communism. Sociopathic extremism is a horror of a system.
just like Hulk Hogan made wrestling what it is today, Rush made talk radio and conservative media what it is today, my friends

Mary Matalin during the Clinton years said thank God we have Rush on the air to keep lifting our spirits. this is the genius of Rush. he had a God-given talent!
I wonder if his program will or can continue on without him
I have listened to 770 AM, and folks like Tod Herman, Jason Rantz have been carrying the LOCAL (WA State) torch for Rush. But he gets calls from all over the Nation.
Herman likes to spout about how 'well known he is' I have no idea if people on the East Coast Know who Tod Herman is? So tell me, Do You know Tod Herman?

If not already known, he WILL BE the next RWI voice. Herman is banking on it.

You RWI's can get your 'love on' for some Tod Herman.
The people hatefully celebrating Rush's death and trashing his life are just demonstrating the emptiness of their own lives.

Rush lived an exceptional life. Well done, Rush.
When you make your living off of calling over half the US population communists and some form of nazi (and convincing millions of same), you can expect some people to spit on your grave. Believe me, Rush's family is eyeballing that estate and feel it was totally worth it. Don't weep for them.
The people hatefully celebrating Rush's death and trashing his life are just demonstrating the emptiness of their own lives.

Rush lived an exceptional life. Well done, Rush.
The only thing exceptional about pimpballs is his bigotry towards anyone who dared to be different than him
Rush was okay, but Lou Dobbs and Ann Coulter were way ahead 20 years ago concerning national security on our So. Border!
Dittoheads forget that was what got Trump elected! Rush was late to that party compared to those two!!!
Rush preferred Ted Cruz.
I never held that against him tho......
Who’s the guy in your sigpic? A tranny?
Oh....she's the former MMA fighter that switched to doing movies....Gina Corano.
Fucking hot as fuck.
She dared to voice her opinion on Twitter about the left's bigotry, and because of that Disney fired her for exercising her freedom of speech.
Nothing she ever said was inciting violence or obscene.......but they didn't like hearing the they decided to can her.
I think it's coming back to bite them in the ass.
Most of Hollywood is screaming about this move including the director and producer of the Mandalorian series and several Iron Man films, Jon Favreau.
All of her castmates are highly upset about this form of fascism.
The people hatefully celebrating Rush's death and trashing his life are just demonstrating the emptiness of their own lives.

Rush lived an exceptional life. Well done, Rush.
The only thing exceptional about pimpballs is his bigotry towards anyone who dared to be different than him

I'd feel sorry for you if I gave a shit about you, but I don't. Begone you sad little person.
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