Rush Limbaugh

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He has no idea about sacrifice for others
What sacrifice did Rush make for others?

HEY JACKASS, he sacrificed and devoted his entire LIFE for others, pimple-brain.

Get off his dick Fuck boy and tell us what those sacrifices were.

Damn you gotta be dumber than shit. 190 pounds of fat to the cranium.

I guess you think your stupid ass is smart. Tell us Mega dumbass what were all these sacrifices he made, I'll tell you what he made millions off of idiots like you.
He exposed trash like you at his expense

He exposed morons like you at your expense and his gain.
Here you are in his thread exposed to your hate. Show me mine?
You don't have to be a conservative to object to a grown man freely walking into a bathroom with your adolescent or teenage daughter.

That you claim sex offenders won't suddenly claim they are an inner woman shows what a liar you are.

Here's the Democrat response to that won't happen. Saying it won't happen. Obviously it will

Estrogen, the female sexual hormone, also affects erectile function, as demonstrated in both clinical and basic studies. Interestingly, estradiol-testosterone imbalance is considered a risk factor for ED. Furthermore, endocrine-disrupting chemicals have estrogen-like effects and cause ED.

just what are you implying????

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra
June 27, 2006 / 7:29 AM / CBS/AP

Rush Limbaugh could see a deal with prosecutors in a long-running prescription fraud case collapse after authorities found a bottle of Viagra in his bag at Palm Beach International Airport. The prescription was not in his name.

Limbaugh was detained for more than three hours Monday at the airport after returning from a vacation in the Dominican Republic...

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra


So the fuck what? Now your proof you don't hate, Rush does, is attacking him for buying Viagra?

LOL. You're a terrible lawyer for yourself, that's classic.

In a thread about Rush's death, you blast Rush and Trump and now attack Rush for using Viagra to prove that Rush is the one full of hate, not you.

Keep talking, you're proving my point where the hate is, fascist

View attachment 458648

it's about rush limbaugh. period. not just about his death ... but what a pig he was on all levels. sandra fluke ring a bell? people dying of aids? iraq vets against the war - are phony soldiers? his own drug use whilst blasting dealers & users? children should learn to dumpster dive to eat?

lol.... he's worm bait now & i don't care one bit.
And yet you can't seem to stop posting about him in a thread dedicated to him. Seems a mite hypocritical to go on and on trying to convince people you don't care. Most people realize if you don't care about something, you don't waste any time or effort telling people you don't care about it.
Rush’s sacrifice is noted in here by the reaction of the demofks
Yes, he had to sacrifice when he was pinched for a fake script....
Name one
name what he was arrested for?
You don't have to be a conservative to object to a grown man freely walking into a bathroom with your adolescent or teenage daughter.

That you claim sex offenders won't suddenly claim they are an inner woman shows what a liar you are.

Here's the Democrat response to that won't happen. Saying it won't happen. Obviously it will

Estrogen, the female sexual hormone, also affects erectile function, as demonstrated in both clinical and basic studies. Interestingly, estradiol-testosterone imbalance is considered a risk factor for ED. Furthermore, endocrine-disrupting chemicals have estrogen-like effects and cause ED.

just what are you implying????

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra
June 27, 2006 / 7:29 AM / CBS/AP

Rush Limbaugh could see a deal with prosecutors in a long-running prescription fraud case collapse after authorities found a bottle of Viagra in his bag at Palm Beach International Airport. The prescription was not in his name.

Limbaugh was detained for more than three hours Monday at the airport after returning from a vacation in the Dominican Republic...

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra


So the fuck what? Now your proof you don't hate, Rush does, is attacking him for buying Viagra?

LOL. You're a terrible lawyer for yourself, that's classic.

In a thread about Rush's death, you blast Rush and Trump and now attack Rush for using Viagra to prove that Rush is the one full of hate, not you.

Keep talking, you're proving my point where the hate is, fascist

View attachment 458648

it's about rush limbaugh. period. not just about his death ... but what a pig he was on all levels. sandra fluke ring a bell? people dying of aids? iraq vets against the war - are phony soldiers? his own drug use whilst blasting dealers & users? children should learn to dumpster dive to eat?

lol.... he's worm bait now & i don't care one bit.
And yet you can't seem to stop posting about him in a thread dedicated to him. Seems a mite hypocritical to go on and on trying to convince people you don't care. Most people realize if you don't care about something, you don't waste any time or effort telling people you don't care about it.
Rush’s sacrifice is noted in here by the reaction of the demofks
Yes, he had to sacrifice when he was pinched for a fake script....
Name one
name what he was arrested for?
Why? I don’t deny that! If you’re interested you post your deflection
You’re not intelligent enough to understand
You are to stupid or naive to list them.

^^^^^ Says the idiot too ignorant to even spell "too" correctly.

DING DING. You better go now, another car just pulled up to the pumps needing air in his tire.
Rush was easily the most influential radio personality in history. He very well may have changed the course of GOP politics.
The only other radio head I can think of that was also that influential was Paul Harvey. While politics wasn't really his thing I can still hear his voice in my head right now.

As for Rush I would say he was the biggest influence in my life that turned me to conservative values. One of the first people to hire me in the mid eighties after my stint in prison listened to his religiously on the job. That was over a year of hearing the principles of self reliability and responsibility when I truly needed it the most.
While I didn't listen to him much over the last few years his imprint was left in my mind.

Oh, be honest (tongue in cheek). . . Rush BRAINWASHED you. He turned you into a Greedy Racist Bible Thumping Gun Hugging Hater! He made you stuppidly think the money your earn is YOURS?!? What the fuck is that all about?

He even got you to buy into that whole, "Build a Wall to keep the Undesirables OUT. . .

How fucking stupid is THAT?


OOOPS, wrong wall. . . . That one is Biden's.
Naw, he exposed classless useless Americans like you

Dude, I think you mistook my Sarcasm.
the left hates everyone that refuses to bow to tyranny .
The Left just defeated tyranny in November.

They installed tyranny in Nov.. There, fixed that!
That's why barbed wire and 7k troops remain around the Capitol, sluggo!
No....January 6th and the inspiration many found in the BIG LIE caused the troops and barbed wire around the Capitol. And you are continuing the BIG LIE by amplifying it with another BIG LIE.....Popeye....
will they use any of those troops to defend private business owners when the left burns and riot this summer ?
If they are federal the Capitol. You have a brain....USE IT. Stop being a trump humper.
sooo only federal properties should be protected .....spoken like a good bolshevik..
He can and already has. This is the era of Trump as the "voice" for freedom.
No. Trump was the voice of insurrection, autocratic rule and Vladimir Putin. Why do you think he lost? We're not living with that crap.

And Biden is the voice of corruption, racism, misogamy and Xi Jinping.
Not so far. Check back in 9 months. Right now the person you describe is the utterly defeated Donnie trump, except take out Xi and insert Putin.

LOL! You deny the truth, but that's all stuff that's already known, from using his son to sell access to the RussIans and Chinese, to his racist history and racially insensitive comments, to the allegations of Tara Reade. Honestly, your attempts are pathetic.
Say his to your hero, dumbass don, since neither one of you have a job.

I accept your surrender and will go back to my grading papers for the job that you are sure I don't have. LOL!
Congrats on landing a job, and from what I read (though certain it is a minor localized issue) continuing to do the job in these covid times. Hopefully, you are not grading history papers, as I would not want youth polluted with extremist views and Q conspiracy.

LMAO! You're putting out a lot of weakness, blockhead.
End of an era for sure - Hated the dude, but hope he RIP.
The truth is, Rush should have never been needed. The Progs took over in the 1960's. Legislation passed set the tone for our future. The fiat currency ran amok starting in the early 1970's. To the religious we killed God then. To the secular.. yahoo. Feminism, diversity, political correctness ramped up to the stratosphere. Quotas the norm. Taxes have exploded since then. More then all of us want to admit. And many need it to survive today. I do not know if Rush was just a shill to make the conservative side feel better. But he gave us a lot of insights to what was going on. If only with massive expanding social programs we practiced sense in our living ways things would be different now with a stronger economy and people not at each others throats. Rush made a lot of money. Lung cancer for the most part is caused by ourselves. Rush liked his cigars. Conservatives or Non Progs now need more champions to show up to promote the cause. RIP Rush...The rest of the popular Non Prog Radio and Internet men and women... we need you.

Rush was never needed. He was a pig who had more to do with causing the great divide in our country than anybody else I know of.

Nothing to see here. Just more leftist hate from a leftist fascist that anyone who disagreed with you wasn't kept off the air. Move along ...

Rush made a career stoking hatred from the left

Rush didn't need to help you. You need no help having your hatred stoked as you keep proving. Now go keep melting down over Trump and lying about what he said and calling people racists to prove my point you fascists don't need any help with your hatred. You have a burning ember of hatred on your own
Rush learned there was money to be made by being offensive.

And you're against that, aren't you. That's why you binge watch CNN, you're against being offensive.

I can't take you seriously, but you are proving my point where the hate comes from, the left. You're full fledged fascists now
Your responding to RWer guarantees him a contract; starve him.

I know he always claims to be a paid poster. I've asked him numerous times why anyone would pay him to parrot what ever other Democrat says for free and he never responds. You don't take him seriously on that, do you? Why would anyone hire someone as flat down dumb as RW?
RWers had a federal contract to test military equipment.
This is his way of keeping the bread coming in when he needs it.

How do you know that? Do you know him personally?
I asked months ago and he told me.

And you believe him? Why would anyone pay him to say what every other Democrat fascist says for free?
I know quite a few people who go on Facebook to attack Rs in order to get consulting jobs.
You should see some of the mansions in my community built on R hate.

Fair enough on your reasoning. RW just strikes me as so low intelligence that I can't imagine anyone paying him. I don't see how anyone that flat out dumb would influence anyone. But admittedly I don't have the exposure to it you do
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The thinking of terrified, superstitious xenophobes:

Trans people would have been kidnapping and molesting children all this time (felonies punishable by up to life in prison), but they have been deterred to this point by the fear of being written an infraction ticket for entering the wrong bathroom.

Yes, we live in a country where 10s of millions of functioning adults actually believe this. Embarrassing.
I'll give you embarrassing. Embarrassing is you thinking that somehow equates to a substantive argument because no one thinks that way. What they DO think is that this makes it easier for a predator to gain access to vulnerable girls, and it does. Embarrassing is the fact that you're willing to ignore that reality.

Reality is that before all this, if a father saw a man get up and follow his 10 year old daughter into the bathroom, he would not only be able to get up and prevent the man from going into the bathroom, but have the entire place supporting him. Now, he has to consider what the tofu farting liberals are going to say if he makes a scene.
Rush Limbaug brought back AM Radio. It became a medium for other conservative talk shows. Ratings for him and others skyrocketed. Liberals took notice and tried the same model with Air America. It failed. When that happened, Liberals tried to take out Rush and others over the bullshit Fairness Doctrine?
They're saying Rush Limbaugh passed away. End of an era for sure.

He lived way to long, no one out lied or out hated this piece of goo. He raised more haters then any other person in the media over the year, hate, ugliness , bigotry , cruelty this guy was as ugly as anyone of the hate party members. He was a champion of hate, he did it with more lies then any other media person in my lifetime. Won't miss him at all, he just another traitor to this country any supporter of Trump is a traitor to this country.

That's weird but predictable.
A hater calling this victims haters.
But that's the specialty of the left.
Commit some crime or sin and blame it on your target.
And treason is trying to infiltrate the government with the aid of foreign governments like China.....and squash everyone's constitutional rights in the process.
Clearly you don't know what being a traitor is.

I find it's a specialty of the right as well. Wish it would just tone down. I do think Rush elevated hatred and anger to a whole new level while the left elevated outrage.

LOL, yeah, Rush elevated the hatred while you and a bunch of other leftists are here declaring your hatred for him. It's classic, you aren't capable apparently of grasping the irony in that.

The hate is yours. Rush was a happy and entertaining guy. No one listened to him liking him to get our hate. Your side listened to get your hate on. He's gone and you're still there. Democrats call us all racists and other names for disagreeing with you. Yeah, we have the hate problem, not you
You don't have to be a conservative to object to a grown man freely walking into a bathroom with your adolescent or teenage daughter.

That you claim sex offenders won't suddenly claim they are an inner woman shows what a liar you are.

Here's the Democrat response to that won't happen. Saying it won't happen. Obviously it will

Estrogen, the female sexual hormone, also affects erectile function, as demonstrated in both clinical and basic studies. Interestingly, estradiol-testosterone imbalance is considered a risk factor for ED. Furthermore, endocrine-disrupting chemicals have estrogen-like effects and cause ED.

just what are you implying????

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra
June 27, 2006 / 7:29 AM / CBS/AP

Rush Limbaugh could see a deal with prosecutors in a long-running prescription fraud case collapse after authorities found a bottle of Viagra in his bag at Palm Beach International Airport. The prescription was not in his name.

Limbaugh was detained for more than three hours Monday at the airport after returning from a vacation in the Dominican Republic...

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra


So the fuck what? Now your proof you don't hate, Rush does, is attacking him for buying Viagra?

LOL. You're a terrible lawyer for yourself, that's classic.

In a thread about Rush's death, you blast Rush and Trump and now attack Rush for using Viagra to prove that Rush is the one full of hate, not you.

Keep talking, you're proving my point where the hate is, fascist

View attachment 458648

it's about rush limbaugh. period. not just about his death ... but what a pig he was on all levels. sandra fluke ring a bell? people dying of aids? iraq vets against the war - are phony soldiers? his own drug use whilst blasting dealers & users? children should learn to dumpster dive to eat?

lol.... he's worm bait now & i don't care one bit.
And yet you can't seem to stop posting about him in a thread dedicated to him. Seems a mite hypocritical to go on and on trying to convince people you don't care. Most people realize if you don't care about something, you don't waste any time or effort telling people you don't care about it.
Rush’s sacrifice is noted in here by the reaction of the demofks
Yes, he had to sacrifice when he was pinched for a fake script....

Sorry, my head hit the table in boredom. What did you say, Holmes?
Really is that why you never saw him anywhere other than his EIB Network, because had he got out of that comfort zone he would've got his ass handed to him.

Actually years ago he had his own television show, and there is no EIB network on TV.

No shit, my point was how many times did you see him debate someone somewhere other than on his own show.
You don't have to be a conservative to object to a grown man freely walking into a bathroom with your adolescent or teenage daughter.

That you claim sex offenders won't suddenly claim they are an inner woman shows what a liar you are.

Here's the Democrat response to that won't happen. Saying it won't happen. Obviously it will

Estrogen, the female sexual hormone, also affects erectile function, as demonstrated in both clinical and basic studies. Interestingly, estradiol-testosterone imbalance is considered a risk factor for ED. Furthermore, endocrine-disrupting chemicals have estrogen-like effects and cause ED.

just what are you implying????

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra
June 27, 2006 / 7:29 AM / CBS/AP

Rush Limbaugh could see a deal with prosecutors in a long-running prescription fraud case collapse after authorities found a bottle of Viagra in his bag at Palm Beach International Airport. The prescription was not in his name.

Limbaugh was detained for more than three hours Monday at the airport after returning from a vacation in the Dominican Republic...

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra


So the fuck what? Now your proof you don't hate, Rush does, is attacking him for buying Viagra?

LOL. You're a terrible lawyer for yourself, that's classic.

In a thread about Rush's death, you blast Rush and Trump and now attack Rush for using Viagra to prove that Rush is the one full of hate, not you.

Keep talking, you're proving my point where the hate is, fascist

View attachment 458648

it's about rush limbaugh. period. not just about his death ... but what a pig he was on all levels. sandra fluke ring a bell? people dying of aids? iraq vets against the war - are phony soldiers? his own drug use whilst blasting dealers & users? children should learn to dumpster dive to eat?

lol.... he's worm bait now & i don't care one bit.
And yet you can't seem to stop posting about him in a thread dedicated to him. Seems a mite hypocritical to go on and on trying to convince people you don't care. Most people realize if you don't care about something, you don't waste any time or effort telling people you don't care about it.
Rush’s sacrifice is noted in here by the reaction of the demofks
Yes, he had to sacrifice when he was pinched for a fake script....
He put up with classless asses like you all day every day. Never one demofk could challenge him. Not one. 30 fking years

Really is that why you never saw him anywhere other than his EIB Network, because had he got out of that comfort zone he would've got his ass handed to him.

Many tried, few achieved. Yes, left wing echo chambers are your speed. Just left wing fascism for you, that's dope
Really is that why you never saw him anywhere other than his EIB Network, because had he got out of that comfort zone he would've got his ass handed to him.

Actually years ago he had his own television show, and there is no EIB network on TV.

No shit, my point was how many times did you see him debate someone somewhere other than on his own show.

I'm just laughing at you. No one interviewed leftists like Rush. And they were pleasant conversations. You really should just stay in the echo chamber, you're showing how little you know
You don't have to be a conservative to object to a grown man freely walking into a bathroom with your adolescent or teenage daughter.

That you claim sex offenders won't suddenly claim they are an inner woman shows what a liar you are.

Here's the Democrat response to that won't happen. Saying it won't happen. Obviously it will

Estrogen, the female sexual hormone, also affects erectile function, as demonstrated in both clinical and basic studies. Interestingly, estradiol-testosterone imbalance is considered a risk factor for ED. Furthermore, endocrine-disrupting chemicals have estrogen-like effects and cause ED.

just what are you implying????

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra
June 27, 2006 / 7:29 AM / CBS/AP

Rush Limbaugh could see a deal with prosecutors in a long-running prescription fraud case collapse after authorities found a bottle of Viagra in his bag at Palm Beach International Airport. The prescription was not in his name.

Limbaugh was detained for more than three hours Monday at the airport after returning from a vacation in the Dominican Republic...

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra


So the fuck what? Now your proof you don't hate, Rush does, is attacking him for buying Viagra?

LOL. You're a terrible lawyer for yourself, that's classic.

In a thread about Rush's death, you blast Rush and Trump and now attack Rush for using Viagra to prove that Rush is the one full of hate, not you.

Keep talking, you're proving my point where the hate is, fascist

View attachment 458648

it's about rush limbaugh. period. not just about his death ... but what a pig he was on all levels. sandra fluke ring a bell? people dying of aids? iraq vets against the war - are phony soldiers? his own drug use whilst blasting dealers & users? children should learn to dumpster dive to eat?

lol.... he's worm bait now & i don't care one bit.
And yet you can't seem to stop posting about him in a thread dedicated to him. Seems a mite hypocritical to go on and on trying to convince people you don't care. Most people realize if you don't care about something, you don't waste any time or effort telling people you don't care about it.
Rush’s sacrifice is noted in here by the reaction of the demofks
Yes, he had to sacrifice when he was pinched for a fake script....
He put up with classless asses like you all day every day. Never one demofk could challenge him. Not one. 30 fking years

Really is that why you never saw him anywhere other than his EIB Network, because had he got out of that comfort zone he would've got his ass handed to him.
Hahaha haha

That's what he did all the way to the bank off of dumb asses like you. How many of his ties that were made in China do you own?
how? I never donated a buck.
I'm just laughing at you. No one interviewed leftists like Rush. And they were pleasant conversations. You really should just stay in the echo chamber, you're showing how little you know
no demofk ever won a debate against him. 30 years. He never met a political demofk that had courage to debate him. Let's make that clear.
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Limbaugh was worth $600 million dollars, and his last day worked was 15 days before his death (Feb. 2nd was last show)

It shows really, how addicted to his own voice, his own fame, and his own influence he really was, he stayed in his basement, spewing hate into his gold plated microphone until the bitter end. What a sad, pathetic human being.
Yet you will never be one one millionth the man he was. You pathetic government handout loving piece of shit.
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