Rush Limbaugh

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You don't have to be a conservative to object to a grown man freely walking into a bathroom with your adolescent or teenage daughter.

That you claim sex offenders won't suddenly claim they are an inner woman shows what a liar you are.

Here's the Democrat response to that won't happen. Saying it won't happen. Obviously it will

Estrogen, the female sexual hormone, also affects erectile function, as demonstrated in both clinical and basic studies. Interestingly, estradiol-testosterone imbalance is considered a risk factor for ED. Furthermore, endocrine-disrupting chemicals have estrogen-like effects and cause ED.

just what are you implying????

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra
June 27, 2006 / 7:29 AM / CBS/AP

Rush Limbaugh could see a deal with prosecutors in a long-running prescription fraud case collapse after authorities found a bottle of Viagra in his bag at Palm Beach International Airport. The prescription was not in his name.

Limbaugh was detained for more than three hours Monday at the airport after returning from a vacation in the Dominican Republic...

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra


So the fuck what? Now your proof you don't hate, Rush does, is attacking him for buying Viagra?

LOL. You're a terrible lawyer for yourself, that's classic.

In a thread about Rush's death, you blast Rush and Trump and now attack Rush for using Viagra to prove that Rush is the one full of hate, not you.

Keep talking, you're proving my point where the hate is, fascist

View attachment 458648

it's about rush limbaugh. period. not just about his death ... but what a pig he was on all levels. sandra fluke ring a bell? people dying of aids? iraq vets against the war - are phony soldiers? his own drug use whilst blasting dealers & users? children should learn to dumpster dive to eat?

lol.... he's worm bait now & i don't care one bit.
And yet you can't seem to stop posting about him in a thread dedicated to him. Seems a mite hypocritical to go on and on trying to convince people you don't care. Most people realize if you don't care about something, you don't waste any time or effort telling people you don't care about it.
Rush’s sacrifice is noted in here by the reaction of the demofks
Yes, he had to sacrifice when he was pinched for a fake script....
He put up with classless asses like you all day every day. Never one demofk could challenge him. Not one. 30 fking years

Really is that why you never saw him anywhere other than his EIB Network, because had he got out of that comfort zone he would've got his ass handed to him.

Many tried, few achieved. Yes, left wing echo chambers are your speed. Just left wing fascism for you, that's dope

The dude only debated folks when he controlled the environment and usually the person he was debating was a setup on his own show. You never saw this dude debate of the individuals with intellect, he debated someone clown who called in. So if that is what you call Excellence, ok.

Just leftist hate and spin, that's all you have
Hate is foolish because Rush did not really influence anyone, he simply told them they were justified.
Actually he explained how to process msm
I think the issue is that Rush only ascribed evil to the Ds.
The simple fact is that If you voted for Trump, you voted against Rush.

Rush "only ascribed evil to the Ds?" Did you ever listen to Rush?
Did you ever listen to Rush?

All the time.

Rush never attacked Rs until Trump caused his ratings to plummet.
It's part of my job to visit businesses.
I do go to places where they have Rush playing on the radio.

I never heard Rush ascribe evil to anyone. He disagreed with leftists. He mocked them and made fun of them. But I never heard him ascribe evil, sorry. My question stands where you got that
Rush would explain in a very rational way why Leftism leads to a nation's destruction.
99% of time, Leftism is incurable.

Exactly the way a right-wing yahoo I heard on shortwave radio "explain" patiently why Jews are inferior. But thanks for so eloquently demonstrating exactly what I noted about Lush Rimjob and Eliminationism.

Pogo jumps up and down stomping his feet in total hatred because he's against hate, LOL.

You're funny

Might wanna ask your reading teacher to explain the post you quoted. It's about Eliminationist rhetoric, not emotions. The poster I quoted (Groucho) gave us a perfect example of it, and I thanked him for it. So now you want a participation trophy for failing to read it?

Maybe you can get someone to read my post and explain it to you when you get home from school today
You don't have to be a conservative to object to a grown man freely walking into a bathroom with your adolescent or teenage daughter.

That you claim sex offenders won't suddenly claim they are an inner woman shows what a liar you are.

Here's the Democrat response to that won't happen. Saying it won't happen. Obviously it will

Estrogen, the female sexual hormone, also affects erectile function, as demonstrated in both clinical and basic studies. Interestingly, estradiol-testosterone imbalance is considered a risk factor for ED. Furthermore, endocrine-disrupting chemicals have estrogen-like effects and cause ED.

just what are you implying????

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra
June 27, 2006 / 7:29 AM / CBS/AP

Rush Limbaugh could see a deal with prosecutors in a long-running prescription fraud case collapse after authorities found a bottle of Viagra in his bag at Palm Beach International Airport. The prescription was not in his name.

Limbaugh was detained for more than three hours Monday at the airport after returning from a vacation in the Dominican Republic...

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra


So the fuck what? Now your proof you don't hate, Rush does, is attacking him for buying Viagra?

LOL. You're a terrible lawyer for yourself, that's classic.

In a thread about Rush's death, you blast Rush and Trump and now attack Rush for using Viagra to prove that Rush is the one full of hate, not you.

Keep talking, you're proving my point where the hate is, fascist

View attachment 458648

it's about rush limbaugh. period. not just about his death ... but what a pig he was on all levels. sandra fluke ring a bell? people dying of aids? iraq vets against the war - are phony soldiers? his own drug use whilst blasting dealers & users? children should learn to dumpster dive to eat?

lol.... he's worm bait now & i don't care one bit.
And yet you can't seem to stop posting about him in a thread dedicated to him. Seems a mite hypocritical to go on and on trying to convince people you don't care. Most people realize if you don't care about something, you don't waste any time or effort telling people you don't care about it.
Rush’s sacrifice is noted in here by the reaction of the demofks
Yes, he had to sacrifice when he was pinched for a fake script....
He put up with classless asses like you all day every day. Never one demofk could challenge him. Not one. 30 fking years

Really is that why you never saw him anywhere other than his EIB Network, because had he got out of that comfort zone he would've got his ass handed to him.

Many tried, few achieved. Yes, left wing echo chambers are your speed. Just left wing fascism for you, that's dope

The dude only debated folks when he controlled the environment and usually the person he was debating was a setup on his own show. You never saw this dude debate of the individuals with intellect, he debated someone clown who called in. So if that is what you call Excellence, ok.

Just leftist hate and spin, that's all you have
Hate is foolish because Rush did not really influence anyone, he simply told them they were justified.
Actually he explained how to process msm
I think the issue is that Rush only ascribed evil to the Ds.
The simple fact is that If you voted for Trump, you voted against Rush.

Rush "only ascribed evil to the Ds?" Did you ever listen to Rush?
Did you ever listen to Rush?

All the time.

Rush never attacked Rs until Trump caused his ratings to plummet.
It's part of my job to visit businesses.
I do go to places where they have Rush playing on the radio.

I never heard Rush ascribe evil to anyone. He disagreed with leftists. He mocked them and made fun of them. But I never heard him ascribe evil, sorry. My question stands where you got that
Rush would explain in a very rational way why Leftism leads to a nation's destruction.
99% of time, Leftism is incurable.

Exactly the way a right-wing yahoo I heard on shortwave radio "explain" patiently why Jews are inferior. But thanks for so eloquently demonstrating exactly what I noted about Lush Rimjob and Eliminationism.

Pogo jumps up and down stomping his feet in total hatred because he's against hate, LOL.

You're funny

Might wanna ask your reading teacher to explain the post you quoted. It's about Eliminationist rhetoric, not emotions. The poster I quoted (Groucho) gave us a perfect example of it, and I thanked him for it. So now you want a participation trophy for failing to read it?

Maybe you can get someone to read my post and explain it to you when you get home from school today
Pogo's a school janitor?
End of an era for sure - Hated the dude, but hope he RIP.
The truth is, Rush should have never been needed. The Progs took over in the 1960's. Legislation passed set the tone for our future. The fiat currency ran amok starting in the early 1970's. To the religious we killed God then. To the secular.. yahoo. Feminism, diversity, political correctness ramped up to the stratosphere. Quotas the norm. Taxes have exploded since then. More then all of us want to admit. And many need it to survive today. I do not know if Rush was just a shill to make the conservative side feel better. But he gave us a lot of insights to what was going on. If only with massive expanding social programs we practiced sense in our living ways things would be different now with a stronger economy and people not at each others throats. Rush made a lot of money. Lung cancer for the most part is caused by ourselves. Rush liked his cigars. Conservatives or Non Progs now need more champions to show up to promote the cause. RIP Rush...The rest of the popular Non Prog Radio and Internet men and women... we need you.

Rush was never needed. He was a pig who had more to do with causing the great divide in our country than anybody else I know of.

Nothing to see here. Just more leftist hate from a leftist fascist that anyone who disagreed with you wasn't kept off the air. Move along ...

Rush made a career stoking hatred from the left

Rush didn't need to help you. You need no help having your hatred stoked as you keep proving. Now go keep melting down over Trump and lying about what he said and calling people racists to prove my point you fascists don't need any help with your hatred. You have a burning ember of hatred on your own
Rush learned there was money to be made by being offensive.

And you're against that, aren't you. That's why you binge watch CNN, you're against being offensive.

I can't take you seriously, but you are proving my point where the hate comes from, the left. You're full fledged fascists now
Your responding to RWer guarantees him a contract; starve him.

I know he always claims to be a paid poster. I've asked him numerous times why anyone would pay him to parrot what ever other Democrat says for free and he never responds. You don't take him seriously on that, do you? Why would anyone hire someone as flat down dumb as RW?
RWers had a federal contract to test military equipment.
This is his way of keeping the bread coming in when he needs it.

How do you know that? Do you know him personally?
I asked months ago and he told me.

And you believe him? Why would anyone pay him to say what every other Democrat fascist says for free?
I know quite a few people who go on Facebook to attack Rs in order to get consulting jobs.
You should see some of the mansions in my community built on R hate.
Many of trump's cabinet and advisors got their jobs based on left wing bashing and sucking up to trump on fox. That DeVoss idiot is a prime example. What do you think qualified that pillow idiot to be an advisor on trump's policies?
She's intelligent and loves her country. That's enough to send you freaks into fits of rage.

She knew nothing about what her job required.
Wrong. She ignored the leftist new age agenda and focused on education instead of indoctrination. You know that.

DeVoss was inexperienced, incompetent, and not curious enough to find out what was required in the job she was appointed to. Her only qualification was her donations to trump.

You mean she wasn't a new age socialist agenda propaganda parrot. You're not talking to a naive college kid.

I know exactly who I am talking to, idiot.

Yes, you know your audience is saying you believe to the leftist echo chamber

You wanna try that again? Your series of words didn't become an inteligable thought as you hoped it would.

BULLSHIT: That's not leftist, it's not it's not it's not!

LOL, yeah, I know
Many tried, few achieved. Yes, left wing echo chambers are your speed.
The dude only debated folks when he controlled the environment and usually the person he was debating was a setup on his own show. You never saw this dude debate of the individuals with intellect, he debated someone clown who called in.

I never knew you were a frequent listener or caller into the show.

I listened to that garbage 20yrs ago and realized he was nothing but a loud mouth, racist, wind bag that was all talk and no substance. Funny how he thought folks using drugs should be thrown under the jail until his fat ass got caught buying Oxy.

Rush spoke to this, on his show, soon after his addiction was duscovered.

An open minded and objective thinking person would have a hard time disagreeing with what he had to say.

Paraphrasing; there is a big difference and distinctons to be made, between recreational drug use and users and those who become addicted secondarily to the prescribed medicines used for the treatment of pain.

Ironically, at the time that Rush got busted and puted for his addiction, I was dealing with my own Grandmother and her addiction to darvocet pain pills, as well.

The difference and distinction is still valid today.

I digress.

Why did I peek?

Was he buying Oxy illegally?

A question you would never ask if he was a Democrat ...
It's an honest and valid question

No, it's not since it's asked with an agenda.

It could be an honest and valid question if it was asked without an agenda.

I don't agree with Rush on social issues in general including drugs. But when someone who says Democrat pass suddenly cares then the discussion isn't honest, and yes, that matters

The agenda of wanting to know your thoughts? I've never known anyone who had a problem with that agenda, except a couple insane people.
You don't have to be a conservative to object to a grown man freely walking into a bathroom with your adolescent or teenage daughter.

That you claim sex offenders won't suddenly claim they are an inner woman shows what a liar you are.

Here's the Democrat response to that won't happen. Saying it won't happen. Obviously it will

Estrogen, the female sexual hormone, also affects erectile function, as demonstrated in both clinical and basic studies. Interestingly, estradiol-testosterone imbalance is considered a risk factor for ED. Furthermore, endocrine-disrupting chemicals have estrogen-like effects and cause ED.

just what are you implying????

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra
June 27, 2006 / 7:29 AM / CBS/AP

Rush Limbaugh could see a deal with prosecutors in a long-running prescription fraud case collapse after authorities found a bottle of Viagra in his bag at Palm Beach International Airport. The prescription was not in his name.

Limbaugh was detained for more than three hours Monday at the airport after returning from a vacation in the Dominican Republic...

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra


So the fuck what? Now your proof you don't hate, Rush does, is attacking him for buying Viagra?

LOL. You're a terrible lawyer for yourself, that's classic.

In a thread about Rush's death, you blast Rush and Trump and now attack Rush for using Viagra to prove that Rush is the one full of hate, not you.

Keep talking, you're proving my point where the hate is, fascist

View attachment 458648

it's about rush limbaugh. period. not just about his death ... but what a pig he was on all levels. sandra fluke ring a bell? people dying of aids? iraq vets against the war - are phony soldiers? his own drug use whilst blasting dealers & users? children should learn to dumpster dive to eat?

lol.... he's worm bait now & i don't care one bit.
And yet you can't seem to stop posting about him in a thread dedicated to him. Seems a mite hypocritical to go on and on trying to convince people you don't care. Most people realize if you don't care about something, you don't waste any time or effort telling people you don't care about it.
Rush’s sacrifice is noted in here by the reaction of the demofks
Yes, he had to sacrifice when he was pinched for a fake script....
He put up with classless asses like you all day every day. Never one demofk could challenge him. Not one. 30 fking years

Really is that why you never saw him anywhere other than his EIB Network, because had he got out of that comfort zone he would've got his ass handed to him.

Many tried, few achieved. Yes, left wing echo chambers are your speed. Just left wing fascism for you, that's dope

The dude only debated folks when he controlled the environment and usually the person he was debating was a setup on his own show. You never saw this dude debate of the individuals with intellect, he debated someone clown who called in. So if that is what you call Excellence, ok.

Just leftist hate and spin, that's all you have
Hate is foolish because Rush did not really influence anyone, he simply told them they were justified.
Actually he explained how to process msm
I think the issue is that Rush only ascribed evil to the Ds.
The simple fact is that If you voted for Trump, you voted against Rush.

Rush "only ascribed evil to the Ds?" Did you ever listen to Rush?
Did you ever listen to Rush?

All the time.

Rush never attacked Rs until Trump caused his ratings to plummet.
It's part of my job to visit businesses.
I do go to places where they have Rush playing on the radio.

I never heard Rush ascribe evil to anyone. He disagreed with leftists. He mocked them and made fun of them. But I never heard him ascribe evil, sorry. My question stands where you got that
Rush would explain in a very rational way why Leftism leads to a nation's destruction.
99% of time, Leftism is incurable.

Exactly the way a right-wing yahoo I heard on shortwave radio "explain" patiently why Jews are inferior. But thanks for so eloquently demonstrating exactly what I noted about Lush Rimjob and Eliminationism.

Pogo jumps up and down stomping his feet in total hatred because he's against hate, LOL.

You're funny

Might wanna ask your reading teacher to explain the post you quoted. It's about Eliminationist rhetoric, not emotions. The poster I quoted (Groucho) gave us a perfect example of it, and I thanked him for it. So now you want a participation trophy for failing to read it?
Explain it then
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
End of an era for sure - Hated the dude, but hope he RIP.
The truth is, Rush should have never been needed. The Progs took over in the 1960's. Legislation passed set the tone for our future. The fiat currency ran amok starting in the early 1970's. To the religious we killed God then. To the secular.. yahoo. Feminism, diversity, political correctness ramped up to the stratosphere. Quotas the norm. Taxes have exploded since then. More then all of us want to admit. And many need it to survive today. I do not know if Rush was just a shill to make the conservative side feel better. But he gave us a lot of insights to what was going on. If only with massive expanding social programs we practiced sense in our living ways things would be different now with a stronger economy and people not at each others throats. Rush made a lot of money. Lung cancer for the most part is caused by ourselves. Rush liked his cigars. Conservatives or Non Progs now need more champions to show up to promote the cause. RIP Rush...The rest of the popular Non Prog Radio and Internet men and women... we need you.

Rush was never needed. He was a pig who had more to do with causing the great divide in our country than anybody else I know of.

Nothing to see here. Just more leftist hate from a leftist fascist that anyone who disagreed with you wasn't kept off the air. Move along ...

Rush made a career stoking hatred from the left

Rush didn't need to help you. You need no help having your hatred stoked as you keep proving. Now go keep melting down over Trump and lying about what he said and calling people racists to prove my point you fascists don't need any help with your hatred. You have a burning ember of hatred on your own
Rush learned there was money to be made by being offensive.

And you're against that, aren't you. That's why you binge watch CNN, you're against being offensive.

I can't take you seriously, but you are proving my point where the hate comes from, the left. You're full fledged fascists now
Your responding to RWer guarantees him a contract; starve him.

I know he always claims to be a paid poster. I've asked him numerous times why anyone would pay him to parrot what ever other Democrat says for free and he never responds. You don't take him seriously on that, do you? Why would anyone hire someone as flat down dumb as RW?
RWers had a federal contract to test military equipment.
This is his way of keeping the bread coming in when he needs it.

How do you know that? Do you know him personally?
I asked months ago and he told me.

And you believe him? Why would anyone pay him to say what every other Democrat fascist says for free?
I know quite a few people who go on Facebook to attack Rs in order to get consulting jobs.
You should see some of the mansions in my community built on R hate.
Many of trump's cabinet and advisors got their jobs based on left wing bashing and sucking up to trump on fox. That DeVoss idiot is a prime example. What do you think qualified that pillow idiot to be an advisor on trump's policies?
She's intelligent and loves her country. That's enough to send you freaks into fits of rage.

She knew nothing about what her job required.
Wrong. She ignored the leftist new age agenda and focused on education instead of indoctrination. You know that.

DeVoss was inexperienced, incompetent, and not curious enough to find out what was required in the job she was appointed to. Her only qualification was her donations to trump.

You mean she wasn't a new age socialist agenda propaganda parrot. You're not talking to a naive college kid.

I know exactly who I am talking to, idiot.

Yes, you know your audience is saying you believe to the leftist echo chamber

You wanna try that again? Your series of words didn't become an inteligable thought as you hoped it would.

BULLSHIT: That's not leftist, it's not it's not it's not!

LOL, yeah, I know

For God's sake, Ignore BULLSHIT!
Many tried, few achieved. Yes, left wing echo chambers are your speed.
The dude only debated folks when he controlled the environment and usually the person he was debating was a setup on his own show. You never saw this dude debate of the individuals with intellect, he debated someone clown who called in.

I never knew you were a frequent listener or caller into the show.

I listened to that garbage 20yrs ago and realized he was nothing but a loud mouth, racist, wind bag that was all talk and no substance. Funny how he thought folks using drugs should be thrown under the jail until his fat ass got caught buying Oxy.

Rush spoke to this, on his show, soon after his addiction was duscovered.

An open minded and objective thinking person would have a hard time disagreeing with what he had to say.

Paraphrasing; there is a big difference and distinctons to be made, between recreational drug use and users and those who become addicted secondarily to the prescribed medicines used for the treatment of pain.

Ironically, at the time that Rush got busted and puted for his addiction, I was dealing with my own Grandmother and her addiction to darvocet pain pills, as well.

The difference and distinction is still valid today.

I digress.

Why did I peek?

Was he buying Oxy illegally?

A question you would never ask if he was a Democrat ...
It's an honest and valid question

No, it's not since it's asked with an agenda.

It could be an honest and valid question if it was asked without an agenda.

I don't agree with Rush on social issues in general including drugs. But when someone who says Democrat pass suddenly cares then the discussion isn't honest, and yes, that matters

The agenda of wanting to know your thoughts? I've never known anyone who had a problem with that agenda, except a couple insane people.

Try reading the discussion again because that's a total whiff
Many tried, few achieved. Yes, left wing echo chambers are your speed.
The dude only debated folks when he controlled the environment and usually the person he was debating was a setup on his own show. You never saw this dude debate of the individuals with intellect, he debated someone clown who called in.

I never knew you were a frequent listener or caller into the show.

I listened to that garbage 20yrs ago and realized he was nothing but a loud mouth, racist, wind bag that was all talk and no substance. Funny how he thought folks using drugs should be thrown under the jail until his fat ass got caught buying Oxy.

Rush spoke to this, on his show, soon after his addiction was duscovered.

An open minded and objective thinking person would have a hard time disagreeing with what he had to say.

Paraphrasing; there is a big difference and distinctons to be made, between recreational drug use and users and those who become addicted secondarily to the prescribed medicines used for the treatment of pain.

Ironically, at the time that Rush got busted and puted for his addiction, I was dealing with my own Grandmother and her addiction to darvocet pain pills, as well.

The difference and distinction is still valid today.

I digress.

Why did I peek?

Was he buying Oxy illegally?

A question you would never ask if he was a Democrat ...
It's an honest and valid question

No, it's not since it's asked with an agenda.

It could be an honest and valid question if it was asked without an agenda.

I don't agree with Rush on social issues in general including drugs. But when someone who says Democrat pass suddenly cares then the discussion isn't honest, and yes, that matters

The agenda of wanting to know your thoughts? I've never known anyone who had a problem with that agenda, except a couple insane people.

Try reading the discussion again because that's a total whiff

You don't have to be a conservative to object to a grown man freely walking into a bathroom with your adolescent or teenage daughter.

That you claim sex offenders won't suddenly claim they are an inner woman shows what a liar you are.

Here's the Democrat response to that won't happen. Saying it won't happen. Obviously it will

Estrogen, the female sexual hormone, also affects erectile function, as demonstrated in both clinical and basic studies. Interestingly, estradiol-testosterone imbalance is considered a risk factor for ED. Furthermore, endocrine-disrupting chemicals have estrogen-like effects and cause ED.

just what are you implying????

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra
June 27, 2006 / 7:29 AM / CBS/AP

Rush Limbaugh could see a deal with prosecutors in a long-running prescription fraud case collapse after authorities found a bottle of Viagra in his bag at Palm Beach International Airport. The prescription was not in his name.

Limbaugh was detained for more than three hours Monday at the airport after returning from a vacation in the Dominican Republic...

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra


So the fuck what? Now your proof you don't hate, Rush does, is attacking him for buying Viagra?

LOL. You're a terrible lawyer for yourself, that's classic.

In a thread about Rush's death, you blast Rush and Trump and now attack Rush for using Viagra to prove that Rush is the one full of hate, not you.

Keep talking, you're proving my point where the hate is, fascist

View attachment 458648

it's about rush limbaugh. period. not just about his death ... but what a pig he was on all levels. sandra fluke ring a bell? people dying of aids? iraq vets against the war - are phony soldiers? his own drug use whilst blasting dealers & users? children should learn to dumpster dive to eat?

lol.... he's worm bait now & i don't care one bit.
And yet you can't seem to stop posting about him in a thread dedicated to him. Seems a mite hypocritical to go on and on trying to convince people you don't care. Most people realize if you don't care about something, you don't waste any time or effort telling people you don't care about it.
Rush’s sacrifice is noted in here by the reaction of the demofks
Yes, he had to sacrifice when he was pinched for a fake script....
He put up with classless asses like you all day every day. Never one demofk could challenge him. Not one. 30 fking years

Really is that why you never saw him anywhere other than his EIB Network, because had he got out of that comfort zone he would've got his ass handed to him.

Many tried, few achieved. Yes, left wing echo chambers are your speed. Just left wing fascism for you, that's dope

The dude only debated folks when he controlled the environment and usually the person he was debating was a setup on his own show. You never saw this dude debate of the individuals with intellect, he debated someone clown who called in. So if that is what you call Excellence, ok.

Just leftist hate and spin, that's all you have
Hate is foolish because Rush did not really influence anyone, he simply told them they were justified.

I listened to Rush for years and never heard him say that once. You seem to be projecting what you wanted you think he said
I listened to Rush for years and heard him say that many times.
Be a business owner...the world is now your oyster thanks to Globalism...If you employees don't like their salary, benefits or hours, let them run their own business.

WTF? You think Rush advocated globalism? Globalism and that we have a global economy are entirely different things. We're agreeing on almost everything, that doesn't mean we have to agree on everything. But what you are saying Rush said on this not only did he not say but it's directly in conflict with Rush's views
Rush ignored the millions who were losing their incomes due to Business Visas and Off-Shoring and constantly praised the reality of cheap labor.
I don't understand why you are upset about this fact.
I have a few dozen neo-Cons in my community that I have discussed this issue with and they acknowledge this fact.
The difference between a RushBot and a Liberal is that, face to face, a RushBot, like a neo-Con, will admit they are greedy and cheap.

I'm not telling you how you feel and you obviously don't know how I feel, so let's stick to facts, thanks.

Let's get our definitions right:

1) We have a global economy. That is that all national economies are more or less interconnected. Agreed Rush has no problem with that

2) Globalism means that governments of the world directly manage the global economy. This is a leftist objective. Rush is clearly against this

You are using words for effect, which is fine when you use them by their correct definition. Which you are not
Our Open Border policy is detrimental to our economy.
Our Business Visa policy is detrimental to our economy.
Our Off-Shoring policy is detrimental to our economy.

If you have benefitted from any of these policies I understand your point of view.
Millions of US Citizens have had their lives destroyed by these policies; these are the 10s of millions that put Trump in the Oval Office.
90% of USMB members who now love Trump did not want his to be the Republican nominee because they liked these policies.
You know less than nothing about economics or any of those policies. The first two are good. The third is a favorite of your political heroes you vote for.

The perfect Rush bootlicker. You should have been invited to the funeral. You paid for it.

You're just prattling more leftist hate and bull shit. This is just an emotional lash out
Hate is all they all are about. Couldn’t challenge a rock with facts. It’s why they hate
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Many tried, few achieved. Yes, left wing echo chambers are your speed.
The dude only debated folks when he controlled the environment and usually the person he was debating was a setup on his own show. You never saw this dude debate of the individuals with intellect, he debated someone clown who called in.

I never knew you were a frequent listener or caller into the show.

I listened to that garbage 20yrs ago and realized he was nothing but a loud mouth, racist, wind bag that was all talk and no substance. Funny how he thought folks using drugs should be thrown under the jail until his fat ass got caught buying Oxy.

Rush spoke to this, on his show, soon after his addiction was duscovered.

An open minded and objective thinking person would have a hard time disagreeing with what he had to say.

Paraphrasing; there is a big difference and distinctons to be made, between recreational drug use and users and those who become addicted secondarily to the prescribed medicines used for the treatment of pain.

Ironically, at the time that Rush got busted and puted for his addiction, I was dealing with my own Grandmother and her addiction to darvocet pain pills, as well.

The difference and distinction is still valid today.

I digress.

Why did I peek?

Was he buying Oxy illegally?

A question you would never ask if he was a Democrat ...
It's an honest and valid question

No, it's not since it's asked with an agenda.

It could be an honest and valid question if it was asked without and agenda
The sad fact is that Leftist Brains are genetically incapable of dealing with a trail of facts leading to an inevitable result.
I always ask them to draw a flowchart and they have a nervous breakdown.
You mean like Louie's chart?
End of an era for sure - Hated the dude, but hope he RIP.
The truth is, Rush should have never been needed. The Progs took over in the 1960's. Legislation passed set the tone for our future. The fiat currency ran amok starting in the early 1970's. To the religious we killed God then. To the secular.. yahoo. Feminism, diversity, political correctness ramped up to the stratosphere. Quotas the norm. Taxes have exploded since then. More then all of us want to admit. And many need it to survive today. I do not know if Rush was just a shill to make the conservative side feel better. But he gave us a lot of insights to what was going on. If only with massive expanding social programs we practiced sense in our living ways things would be different now with a stronger economy and people not at each others throats. Rush made a lot of money. Lung cancer for the most part is caused by ourselves. Rush liked his cigars. Conservatives or Non Progs now need more champions to show up to promote the cause. RIP Rush...The rest of the popular Non Prog Radio and Internet men and women... we need you.

Rush was never needed. He was a pig who had more to do with causing the great divide in our country than anybody else I know of.

Nothing to see here. Just more leftist hate from a leftist fascist that anyone who disagreed with you wasn't kept off the air. Move along ...

Rush made a career stoking hatred from the left

Rush didn't need to help you. You need no help having your hatred stoked as you keep proving. Now go keep melting down over Trump and lying about what he said and calling people racists to prove my point you fascists don't need any help with your hatred. You have a burning ember of hatred on your own
Rush learned there was money to be made by being offensive.

And you're against that, aren't you. That's why you binge watch CNN, you're against being offensive.

I can't take you seriously, but you are proving my point where the hate comes from, the left. You're full fledged fascists now
Your responding to RWer guarantees him a contract; starve him.

I know he always claims to be a paid poster. I've asked him numerous times why anyone would pay him to parrot what ever other Democrat says for free and he never responds. You don't take him seriously on that, do you? Why would anyone hire someone as flat down dumb as RW?
RWers had a federal contract to test military equipment.
This is his way of keeping the bread coming in when he needs it.

How do you know that? Do you know him personally?
I asked months ago and he told me.

And you believe him? Why would anyone pay him to say what every other Democrat fascist says for free?
I know quite a few people who go on Facebook to attack Rs in order to get consulting jobs.
You should see some of the mansions in my community built on R hate.
Many of trump's cabinet and advisors got their jobs based on left wing bashing and sucking up to trump on fox. That DeVoss idiot is a prime example. What do you think qualified that pillow idiot to be an advisor on trump's policies?
She's intelligent and loves her country. That's enough to send you freaks into fits of rage.

She knew nothing about what her job required.
Wrong. She ignored the leftist new age agenda and focused on education instead of indoctrination. You know that.

DeVoss was inexperienced, incompetent, and not curious enough to find out what was required in the job she was appointed to. Her only qualification was her donations to trump.

You mean she wasn't a new age socialist agenda propaganda parrot. You're not talking to a naive college kid.

I know exactly who I am talking to, idiot.

Yes, you know your audience is saying you believe to the leftist echo chamber

You wanna try that again? Your series of words didn't become an inteligable thought as you hoped it would.

BULLSHIT: That's not leftist, it's not it's not it's not!

LOL, yeah, I know

For God's sake, Ignore BULLSHIT!

You respond to brainless leftists and you keep telling me this about one or the other. What's your standard for which to ignore? Serious question
End of an era for sure - Hated the dude, but hope he RIP.
The truth is, Rush should have never been needed. The Progs took over in the 1960's. Legislation passed set the tone for our future. The fiat currency ran amok starting in the early 1970's. To the religious we killed God then. To the secular.. yahoo. Feminism, diversity, political correctness ramped up to the stratosphere. Quotas the norm. Taxes have exploded since then. More then all of us want to admit. And many need it to survive today. I do not know if Rush was just a shill to make the conservative side feel better. But he gave us a lot of insights to what was going on. If only with massive expanding social programs we practiced sense in our living ways things would be different now with a stronger economy and people not at each others throats. Rush made a lot of money. Lung cancer for the most part is caused by ourselves. Rush liked his cigars. Conservatives or Non Progs now need more champions to show up to promote the cause. RIP Rush...The rest of the popular Non Prog Radio and Internet men and women... we need you.

Rush was never needed. He was a pig who had more to do with causing the great divide in our country than anybody else I know of.

Nothing to see here. Just more leftist hate from a leftist fascist that anyone who disagreed with you wasn't kept off the air. Move along ...

Rush made a career stoking hatred from the left

Rush didn't need to help you. You need no help having your hatred stoked as you keep proving. Now go keep melting down over Trump and lying about what he said and calling people racists to prove my point you fascists don't need any help with your hatred. You have a burning ember of hatred on your own
Rush learned there was money to be made by being offensive.

And you're against that, aren't you. That's why you binge watch CNN, you're against being offensive.

I can't take you seriously, but you are proving my point where the hate comes from, the left. You're full fledged fascists now
Your responding to RWer guarantees him a contract; starve him.

I know he always claims to be a paid poster. I've asked him numerous times why anyone would pay him to parrot what ever other Democrat says for free and he never responds. You don't take him seriously on that, do you? Why would anyone hire someone as flat down dumb as RW?
RWers had a federal contract to test military equipment.
This is his way of keeping the bread coming in when he needs it.

How do you know that? Do you know him personally?
I asked months ago and he told me.

And you believe him? Why would anyone pay him to say what every other Democrat fascist says for free?
I know quite a few people who go on Facebook to attack Rs in order to get consulting jobs.
You should see some of the mansions in my community built on R hate.
Many of trump's cabinet and advisors got their jobs based on left wing bashing and sucking up to trump on fox. That DeVoss idiot is a prime example. What do you think qualified that pillow idiot to be an advisor on trump's policies?
She's intelligent and loves her country. That's enough to send you freaks into fits of rage.

She knew nothing about what her job required.
Wrong. She ignored the leftist new age agenda and focused on education instead of indoctrination. You know that.

DeVoss was inexperienced, incompetent, and not curious enough to find out what was required in the job she was appointed to. Her only qualification was her donations to trump.

You mean she wasn't a new age socialist agenda propaganda parrot. You're not talking to a naive college kid.

I know exactly who I am talking to, idiot.

Yes, you know your audience is saying you believe to the leftist echo chamber

You wanna try that again? Your series of words didn't become an inteligable thought as you hoped it would.

BULLSHIT: That's not leftist, it's not it's not it's not!

LOL, yeah, I know

For God's sake, Ignore BULLSHIT!

You mad Bro?
End of an era for sure - Hated the dude, but hope he RIP.
The truth is, Rush should have never been needed. The Progs took over in the 1960's. Legislation passed set the tone for our future. The fiat currency ran amok starting in the early 1970's. To the religious we killed God then. To the secular.. yahoo. Feminism, diversity, political correctness ramped up to the stratosphere. Quotas the norm. Taxes have exploded since then. More then all of us want to admit. And many need it to survive today. I do not know if Rush was just a shill to make the conservative side feel better. But he gave us a lot of insights to what was going on. If only with massive expanding social programs we practiced sense in our living ways things would be different now with a stronger economy and people not at each others throats. Rush made a lot of money. Lung cancer for the most part is caused by ourselves. Rush liked his cigars. Conservatives or Non Progs now need more champions to show up to promote the cause. RIP Rush...The rest of the popular Non Prog Radio and Internet men and women... we need you.

Rush was never needed. He was a pig who had more to do with causing the great divide in our country than anybody else I know of.

Nothing to see here. Just more leftist hate from a leftist fascist that anyone who disagreed with you wasn't kept off the air. Move along ...

Rush made a career stoking hatred from the left

Rush didn't need to help you. You need no help having your hatred stoked as you keep proving. Now go keep melting down over Trump and lying about what he said and calling people racists to prove my point you fascists don't need any help with your hatred. You have a burning ember of hatred on your own
Rush learned there was money to be made by being offensive.

And you're against that, aren't you. That's why you binge watch CNN, you're against being offensive.

I can't take you seriously, but you are proving my point where the hate comes from, the left. You're full fledged fascists now
Your responding to RWer guarantees him a contract; starve him.

I know he always claims to be a paid poster. I've asked him numerous times why anyone would pay him to parrot what ever other Democrat says for free and he never responds. You don't take him seriously on that, do you? Why would anyone hire someone as flat down dumb as RW?
RWers had a federal contract to test military equipment.
This is his way of keeping the bread coming in when he needs it.

How do you know that? Do you know him personally?
I asked months ago and he told me.

And you believe him? Why would anyone pay him to say what every other Democrat fascist says for free?
I know quite a few people who go on Facebook to attack Rs in order to get consulting jobs.
You should see some of the mansions in my community built on R hate.
Many of trump's cabinet and advisors got their jobs based on left wing bashing and sucking up to trump on fox. That DeVoss idiot is a prime example. What do you think qualified that pillow idiot to be an advisor on trump's policies?
She's intelligent and loves her country. That's enough to send you freaks into fits of rage.

She knew nothing about what her job required.
Wrong. She ignored the leftist new age agenda and focused on education instead of indoctrination. You know that.

DeVoss was inexperienced, incompetent, and not curious enough to find out what was required in the job she was appointed to. Her only qualification was her donations to trump.

You mean she wasn't a new age socialist agenda propaganda parrot. You're not talking to a naive college kid.

I know exactly who I am talking to, idiot.

Yes, you know your audience is saying you believe to the leftist echo chamber

You wanna try that again? Your series of words didn't become an inteligable thought as you hoped it would.

BULLSHIT: That's not leftist, it's not it's not it's not!

LOL, yeah, I know

For God's sake, Ignore BULLSHIT!

You respond to brainless leftists and you keep telling me this about one or the other. What's your standard for which to ignore? Serious question

I have totally lost my patience with anyone who
...only posts ad hominems
...will not post any legislation or EO that adversely affected their lives
...anyone who creates artifacts rather than deal with a trail of facts that led to a failure.
End of an era for sure - Hated the dude, but hope he RIP.
The truth is, Rush should have never been needed. The Progs took over in the 1960's. Legislation passed set the tone for our future. The fiat currency ran amok starting in the early 1970's. To the religious we killed God then. To the secular.. yahoo. Feminism, diversity, political correctness ramped up to the stratosphere. Quotas the norm. Taxes have exploded since then. More then all of us want to admit. And many need it to survive today. I do not know if Rush was just a shill to make the conservative side feel better. But he gave us a lot of insights to what was going on. If only with massive expanding social programs we practiced sense in our living ways things would be different now with a stronger economy and people not at each others throats. Rush made a lot of money. Lung cancer for the most part is caused by ourselves. Rush liked his cigars. Conservatives or Non Progs now need more champions to show up to promote the cause. RIP Rush...The rest of the popular Non Prog Radio and Internet men and women... we need you.

Rush was never needed. He was a pig who had more to do with causing the great divide in our country than anybody else I know of.

Nothing to see here. Just more leftist hate from a leftist fascist that anyone who disagreed with you wasn't kept off the air. Move along ...

Rush made a career stoking hatred from the left

Rush didn't need to help you. You need no help having your hatred stoked as you keep proving. Now go keep melting down over Trump and lying about what he said and calling people racists to prove my point you fascists don't need any help with your hatred. You have a burning ember of hatred on your own
Rush learned there was money to be made by being offensive.

And you're against that, aren't you. That's why you binge watch CNN, you're against being offensive.

I can't take you seriously, but you are proving my point where the hate comes from, the left. You're full fledged fascists now
Your responding to RWer guarantees him a contract; starve him.

I know he always claims to be a paid poster. I've asked him numerous times why anyone would pay him to parrot what ever other Democrat says for free and he never responds. You don't take him seriously on that, do you? Why would anyone hire someone as flat down dumb as RW?
RWers had a federal contract to test military equipment.
This is his way of keeping the bread coming in when he needs it.

How do you know that? Do you know him personally?
I asked months ago and he told me.

And you believe him? Why would anyone pay him to say what every other Democrat fascist says for free?
I know quite a few people who go on Facebook to attack Rs in order to get consulting jobs.
You should see some of the mansions in my community built on R hate.
Many of trump's cabinet and advisors got their jobs based on left wing bashing and sucking up to trump on fox. That DeVoss idiot is a prime example. What do you think qualified that pillow idiot to be an advisor on trump's policies?
She's intelligent and loves her country. That's enough to send you freaks into fits of rage.

She knew nothing about what her job required.
Wrong. She ignored the leftist new age agenda and focused on education instead of indoctrination. You know that.

DeVoss was inexperienced, incompetent, and not curious enough to find out what was required in the job she was appointed to. Her only qualification was her donations to trump.

You mean she wasn't a new age socialist agenda propaganda parrot. You're not talking to a naive college kid.

I know exactly who I am talking to, idiot.

Yes, you know your audience is saying you believe to the leftist echo chamber

You wanna try that again? Your series of words didn't become an inteligable thought as you hoped it would.

BULLSHIT: That's not leftist, it's not it's not it's not!

LOL, yeah, I know

For God's sake, Ignore BULLSHIT!

You mad Bro?

You stupid, bro?
  • Funny
Reactions: kaz
Many tried, few achieved. Yes, left wing echo chambers are your speed.
The dude only debated folks when he controlled the environment and usually the person he was debating was a setup on his own show. You never saw this dude debate of the individuals with intellect, he debated someone clown who called in.

I never knew you were a frequent listener or caller into the show.

I listened to that garbage 20yrs ago and realized he was nothing but a loud mouth, racist, wind bag that was all talk and no substance. Funny how he thought folks using drugs should be thrown under the jail until his fat ass got caught buying Oxy.

Rush spoke to this, on his show, soon after his addiction was duscovered.

An open minded and objective thinking person would have a hard time disagreeing with what he had to say.

Paraphrasing; there is a big difference and distinctons to be made, between recreational drug use and users and those who become addicted secondarily to the prescribed medicines used for the treatment of pain.

Ironically, at the time that Rush got busted and puted for his addiction, I was dealing with my own Grandmother and her addiction to darvocet pain pills, as well.

The difference and distinction is still valid today.

I digress.

Why did I peek?

Was he buying Oxy illegally?

A question you would never ask if he was a Democrat ...
It's an honest and valid question

No, it's not since it's asked with an agenda.

It could be an honest and valid question if it was asked without an agenda.

I don't agree with Rush on social issues in general including drugs. But when someone who says Democrat pass suddenly cares then the discussion isn't honest, and yes, that matters

The agenda of wanting to know your thoughts? I've never known anyone who had a problem with that agenda, except a couple insane people.

Try reading the discussion again because that's a total whiff


Pogo: No I'm not kaz, you are!

The playschool drama queen strikes again ...
End of an era for sure - Hated the dude, but hope he RIP.
The truth is, Rush should have never been needed. The Progs took over in the 1960's. Legislation passed set the tone for our future. The fiat currency ran amok starting in the early 1970's. To the religious we killed God then. To the secular.. yahoo. Feminism, diversity, political correctness ramped up to the stratosphere. Quotas the norm. Taxes have exploded since then. More then all of us want to admit. And many need it to survive today. I do not know if Rush was just a shill to make the conservative side feel better. But he gave us a lot of insights to what was going on. If only with massive expanding social programs we practiced sense in our living ways things would be different now with a stronger economy and people not at each others throats. Rush made a lot of money. Lung cancer for the most part is caused by ourselves. Rush liked his cigars. Conservatives or Non Progs now need more champions to show up to promote the cause. RIP Rush...The rest of the popular Non Prog Radio and Internet men and women... we need you.

Rush was never needed. He was a pig who had more to do with causing the great divide in our country than anybody else I know of.

Nothing to see here. Just more leftist hate from a leftist fascist that anyone who disagreed with you wasn't kept off the air. Move along ...

Rush made a career stoking hatred from the left

Rush didn't need to help you. You need no help having your hatred stoked as you keep proving. Now go keep melting down over Trump and lying about what he said and calling people racists to prove my point you fascists don't need any help with your hatred. You have a burning ember of hatred on your own
Rush learned there was money to be made by being offensive.

And you're against that, aren't you. That's why you binge watch CNN, you're against being offensive.

I can't take you seriously, but you are proving my point where the hate comes from, the left. You're full fledged fascists now
Your responding to RWer guarantees him a contract; starve him.

I know he always claims to be a paid poster. I've asked him numerous times why anyone would pay him to parrot what ever other Democrat says for free and he never responds. You don't take him seriously on that, do you? Why would anyone hire someone as flat down dumb as RW?
RWers had a federal contract to test military equipment.
This is his way of keeping the bread coming in when he needs it.

How do you know that? Do you know him personally?
I asked months ago and he told me.

And you believe him? Why would anyone pay him to say what every other Democrat fascist says for free?
I know quite a few people who go on Facebook to attack Rs in order to get consulting jobs.
You should see some of the mansions in my community built on R hate.
Many of trump's cabinet and advisors got their jobs based on left wing bashing and sucking up to trump on fox. That DeVoss idiot is a prime example. What do you think qualified that pillow idiot to be an advisor on trump's policies?
She's intelligent and loves her country. That's enough to send you freaks into fits of rage.

She knew nothing about what her job required.
Wrong. She ignored the leftist new age agenda and focused on education instead of indoctrination. You know that.

DeVoss was inexperienced, incompetent, and not curious enough to find out what was required in the job she was appointed to. Her only qualification was her donations to trump.

You mean she wasn't a new age socialist agenda propaganda parrot. You're not talking to a naive college kid.

I know exactly who I am talking to, idiot.

Yes, you know your audience is saying you believe to the leftist echo chamber

You wanna try that again? Your series of words didn't become an inteligable thought as you hoped it would.

BULLSHIT: That's not leftist, it's not it's not it's not!

LOL, yeah, I know

For God's sake, Ignore BULLSHIT!

You respond to brainless leftists and you keep telling me this about one or the other. What's your standard for which to ignore? Serious question

I have totally lost my patience with anyone who
...only posts ad hominems
...will not post any legislation or EO that adversely affected their lives
...anyone who creates artifacts rather than deal with a trail of facts that led to a failure.

It’s why I asked for pogo stick to present an explanation. He won’t, and can’t, he’s a sucker, why he posts double talk constantly. I don’t ignore him because he’s fun to expose his limitations
You know you're looking ridiculous claiming Maddow was MAGA.

Thanks for admitting you didn't watch the lying sack of shit during the GW years.

Post Maddows "MAGA" positions during the first republican rein of error.
I should Link to an era where almost nothing was on the Internet?
Are you retarded?
Is that your admission what you said was bullshit?
If Maddow was MAGA back in 2001-2008 i'm sure the internet would have a record of it.

In June 2005, Maddow became a regular panelist on the MSNBC show Tucker, hosted by Tucker Carlson. During and after the November 2006 election,

The Rachel Maddow Show was a weekday radio show on the Air America Radio network ... The show began on April 14, 2005 and moved to 7AM–9AM EST on January 2, 2006. It later aired weekdays from 6PM–8PM EST

— In 2006, while she was still working for Air America, she started becoming a guest political commentator on CNN and MSNBC

Yeah... the internet has nothing on Maddow from that era.
Just like the Liberal "News" Media is playing videos of the BLM riots taking place right now across the US.
Are you that stupid?
There has been one BLM "riot" since election day, and that was in NYC with 100 people protesting in early February.
You know you're looking ridiculous claiming Maddow was MAGA.

Thanks for admitting you didn't watch the lying sack of shit during the GW years.

Post Maddows "MAGA" positions during the first republican rein of error.
I should Link to an era where almost nothing was on the Internet?
Are you retarded?
Is that your admission what you said was bullshit?
If Maddow was MAGA back in 2001-2008 i'm sure the internet would have a record of it.

In June 2005, Maddow became a regular panelist on the MSNBC show Tucker, hosted by Tucker Carlson. During and after the November 2006 election,

The Rachel Maddow Show was a weekday radio show on the Air America Radio network ... The show began on April 14, 2005 and moved to 7AM–9AM EST on January 2, 2006. It later aired weekdays from 6PM–8PM EST

— In 2006, while she was still working for Air America, she started becoming a guest political commentator on CNN and MSNBC

Yeah... the internet has nothing on Maddow from that era.
Just like the Liberal "News" Media is playing videos of the BLM riots taking place right now across the US.
Are you that stupid?
There has been one BLM "riot" since election day, and that was in NYC with 100 people protesting in early February.
What about the previous 12 months?
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