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Rush Limbaugh

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They're saying Rush Limbaugh passed away. End of an era for sure.

He always said the show was about entertainment. Same thing that Walter Williams, a black Conservative said about his teaching of economics at George Mason Univ.. People who do hours a day of teaching, informing, and public speaking have to understand this.

But like Walter Williams -- he was loved as a educator of a kind. If you didn't take his "1/2 my brain tied behind my back" literally or take his 3 hour monologue out of context -- not a mean or malicious bone in his body.

I've come to realize he was probably the rightwing equivalent of a shock jock. Not my cup of tea and I was certainly no fan, but he had a devoted audience.

Much more informative and thought provoking than Howard Stern with a bunch of hookers and fart jokes.

Let;s do a little thought experiment here. PRETEND "The Green Raw Deal" was actually a targeted plan to save the Planet and all 5th graders from death before they graduate they graduate HS.. You've got ONE CHANCE to find a radio host that can HOLD AN AUDIENCE for 3 hours a days, 5 days a week AND educate and convince the public of this great idea.

Who would it be?

Do the same thought experiment with say -- educating and convincing public of the need to teach critical race theory to all 1st graders so they feel like shit before they start middle school?

Who would it be? 3 hours a day.. Drawing 10s of millions of listeners?

Reason leftists dont value what Limbaugh did is because THEY HAVE LITTLE TO SELL to public in terms of plans or actual sound ideas. So they dont value the "talent that was on loan from God"...

Not sure there's enough of that progressive stuff LEFT that's marketable. That's why all these progressive programs being signed in action by Biden/Harris are NEVER REALLY BROUGHT public in the 1st place. Nobody BIG ENOUGH to justify or defend them..


Wow. You're as dumb as trump. He thinks viewers are the same as credibility too.

Wow.. You're unable to answer my questions. How dumb and dishonest does that make you? Because if your morons could have possibly duplicated what he did for marketing conservative principles -- you wouldn't have to manufacturer votes in a tight election by screwing with last minute illegal changes to voting law..

When you come up with a name with the talent to SELL AND MARKET Progressive principles (if there are any) as well as Rush did for 30 or so years 3 hours a day--- we'll talk ---- Kay??? In the meantime please continue to tweet simplistic crap and act like a baby..
I didn't wait for him to assume room temperature (his phrase) before I hated that lying bastard. I've hated him and his crap for a long time. Limbaugh hurt this country and divided it's people in a real way. If there is a hell, he deserves to rot there for eternity.
Rush pushed the republican agenda. Divide and conquer.

Push hot button social issues to get people angry, and motivated to vote. In essence instead of pointing out what's good in America, all he did was point out what was bad.
You think they’d go in advertising in an op?
What a stupid gotdam question. As if it were up to democrats, if the protestors wore "Biden 2020" hats.

Saw quite a few Trump 2020 flags at the violent insurrection, though.
Why wouldn’t you, it was a Trump rally? The unadvertised fks in camouflage and back packs were antifa

look up infiltrate.

you all are really stupid and uneducated after boasting how smart you all are

The stupid folks are folks like your dumb ass, you are one ignorant POS.
Rush Limnbaugh's producer is a black man, you dumb shit racist piece of shit.

Whoop dee fucking doo Fuck Boy, Trump had Uncle Ben Carson WTF does that mean.
Why would Black professionals choose to work with a racist white guy, Ubangi lips.

Why do we have folks like Candace Owens, Herschel Walker, Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas that is a damn good question.
Because they got educated and got off the plantation. Unlike you who does nothing but cry victim and play the race card.

Take that cry victim and race card, shine them up, turn them side ways and stick them straight up your little candy ass.
Deflection and surrender noted. All you do is cry racist you one trick pony. Your jealousy of educated blacks is also noted. Come try and make me do anything bitch.

You Trump Humpin ass clowns don't do nothing but bitch and cry. I don't need to waste my time with an asshole like you.
So now you've used everything in your arsenal. Trump humper and racist. Your cowardice is also noted. Just pathetic.

Trump Humpin ain't easy is it Loser..........I mean Lantern.
Your obsession with man on man leads one to believe you should be called superGAYbrutha. Keep running boy

Naw Fuck Boy, it is you right wingers who love to make the GAY references.
Gee fuckwit, it’s not conservatives who constantly yell “Trump humper”. That would be YOU you cowardly gay pissant. Keep digging boy. Keep digging.

Most of you Trump Humpers wear it with honor, I guess you are still in the closet. Tell you what Fuck Boy take that gay pissant comment, shine it up, turn that son of a bitch sideway and stick it straight up your candy ass.
Now repeating yourself. Pathetic. Hee nimrod, you're not convincing anybody you aren't gay with that post. You want to use quotes from the Rock, then go lick a llama's anus. You're out of material boy.

Is that the best you've got Fuck boy is to call a man gay. Lantern sounds gay as hell, but I understand that is the right wing, racist way.
Real Christians would never do it, but fake Christians who claim the religion to justify their unchristianlike behavior are going around trying to deny gays the right to marry.
Jesus is a real Christian, and he said marriage is a male and female. Idiot.

Marriage as defined is a sacred union (holy matrimony) between MAN AND WIFE. Any other arrangements, call them what you want but it's not a MARRIAGE. Gays united are a civil union. Calling it that in no way impedes them from being a "couple."

according to 'christianity' - any marriage ( not ending in the death of one spouse ) that occurs after the first one is not bona fide & is considered adultery... which is a bigley no no.

both oxyboy & donny are guilty as sin.
Wrong. That's according to the Old Testament Jewish law, which Jesus was quoting. Allow me to educate you....Jesus was living in the Old Testament law until his death and Ressurection ushered in the New Testament. Testament is defined as Covenant. There must be a blood sacrifice to make a Covenant. Under the New Testament (Covenant), divorce is forgivable. That's The grace of Christianity covered by the blood of Jesus.


that's pure bullshit.
That's Scripture. You haven't got a clue.

lol ....


most of them thar scriptures are from the NT.
God hates divorce, but it is not the unforgivable sin. When Jesus was speaking in the Gospels before his death and resurrection He was speaking as an Old Testament Prophet under the Law. You still don't understand.

i never said 'unforgivable'.

just that divorce - - - other than in the case of infidelity is not a divorce.
Nope. You're still operating under the law. The law died on the cross. You don't understand Scripture.

& you operate under the guise of 'christianity' - when using the right to life mantra & then decries WELFARE QUEEN to those who choose to have their children .... & vote for those who's tax cuts go to the real welfare queens. & have no problems putting little post born brownies in cages. riiiight?

& jesus had skin of bronze & hair like wool - yet you've slurred right on this very thread about people with those very attributes. so save the spiel, aflak.
Mental illness is such a terrible disease.

'eh that only means you got busted. besides - donny's syphilitic brain IS terrible, but he's the only one to blame for that.... right?
Oh yeah. Whatever you say.

thanx for admitting you lost this one.
Um, what did Iose?

you trying to reCONcile bible scripture & your 'christianity'... trying to apply excuses for donny & oxyboy's obvious breaking some if not all of the the commandments whilst spewing hate speech & CONdoning the very antithesis of christianity.

^^^ that ^^^
What hate speech ? Yeah Trump and Rush remarried and Rush was a synthetic heroin junkie ...so what the times have changed...

Now again what hate speech?

Real Christians would never do it, but fake Christians who claim the religion to justify their unchristianlike behavior are going around trying to deny gays the right to marry.
Jesus is a real Christian, and he said marriage is a male and female. Idiot.

Marriage as defined is a sacred union (holy matrimony) between MAN AND WIFE. Any other arrangements, call them what you want but it's not a MARRIAGE. Gays united are a civil union. Calling it that in no way impedes them from being a "couple."

according to 'christianity' - any marriage ( not ending in the death of one spouse ) that occurs after the first one is not bona fide & is considered adultery... which is a bigley no no.

both oxyboy & donny are guilty as sin.
Wrong. That's according to the Old Testament Jewish law, which Jesus was quoting. Allow me to educate you....Jesus was living in the Old Testament law until his death and Ressurection ushered in the New Testament. Testament is defined as Covenant. There must be a blood sacrifice to make a Covenant. Under the New Testament (Covenant), divorce is forgivable. That's The grace of Christianity covered by the blood of Jesus.


that's pure bullshit.
That's Scripture. You haven't got a clue.

lol ....


most of them thar scriptures are from the NT.
God hates divorce, but it is not the unforgivable sin. When Jesus was speaking in the Gospels before his death and resurrection He was speaking as an Old Testament Prophet under the Law. You still don't understand.

i never said 'unforgivable'.

just that divorce - - - other than in the case of infidelity is not a divorce.
Nope. You're still operating under the law. The law died on the cross. You don't understand Scripture.

& you operate under the guise of 'christianity' - when using the right to life mantra & then decries WELFARE QUEEN to those who choose to have their children .... & vote for those who's tax cuts go to the real welfare queens. & have no problems putting little post born brownies in cages. riiiight?

& jesus had skin of bronze & hair like wool - yet you've slurred right on this very thread about people with those very attributes. so save the spiel, aflak.
Mental illness is such a terrible disease.

'eh that only means you got busted. besides - donny's syphilitic brain IS terrible, but he's the only one to blame for that.... right?
Oh yeah. Whatever you say.

thanx for admitting you lost this one.
Um, what did Iose?

you trying to reCONcile bible scripture & your 'christianity'... trying to apply excuses for donny & oxyboy's obvious breaking some if not all of the the commandments whilst spewing hate speech & CONdoning the very antithesis of christianity.

^^^ that ^^^
You obviously aren't aware that God doesn't grade on a curve. Perhaps you are aware of the Scripture that states if you have broken one commandment it's the same as being guilty of breaking them all. Have YOU broken one commandment?

^ ' Perhaps you are aware of the Scripture that states if you have broken one commandment it's the same as being guilty of breaking them all. '

please - by all means ... post it.
Not one leftist spewing hate on this board could argue with Rush. Every one would be destroyed with facts. They would end the call with racist fat drug addict then hang up the phone believing they won.
And yet Rush allowed virtually zero debate on his show. If he was such a skilled debater, why did he allow none on his show?

I can believe he was a skilled debater. He was brilliant and talented. That being the case, Rush knew full well his material -- which generally rested on falsehoods and fallacies -- would not stand up in a debate or under any real scrutiny. And this is why such a sharp man was forced to maintain a bully pulpit at all times and shout down callers who challenged him. It wasn't that Rush was incapable of good debate; it was that Rush's material was dubious and indefensible. Rush knew this. He wasn't going to spend a second of his program allowing his own material to be undermined.

Similarly, the ShamWow guy isnt going to show you footage of the ShamWow failing.
You are lying to yourself-----rush had no problem arguing his points at all.
I didn't wait for him to assume room temperature (his phrase) before I hated that lying bastard. I've hated him and his crap for a long time. Limbaugh hurt this country and divided it's people in a real way. If there is a hell, he deserves to rot there for eternity.
Rush pushed the republican agenda. Divide and conquer.

Push hot button social issues to get people angry, and motivated to vote. In essence instead of pointing out what's good in America, all he did was point out what was bad.
You think they’d go in advertising in an op?
What a stupid gotdam question. As if it were up to democrats, if the protestors wore "Biden 2020" hats.

Saw quite a few Trump 2020 flags at the violent insurrection, though.
Why wouldn’t you, it was a Trump rally? The unadvertised fks in camouflage and back packs were antifa

look up infiltrate.

you all are really stupid and uneducated after boasting how smart you all are

The stupid folks are folks like your dumb ass, you are one ignorant POS.
Rush Limnbaugh's producer is a black man, you dumb shit racist piece of shit.

Whoop dee fucking doo Fuck Boy, Trump had Uncle Ben Carson WTF does that mean.
Why would Black professionals choose to work with a racist white guy, Ubangi lips.

Why do we have folks like Candace Owens, Herschel Walker, Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas that is a damn good question.
Because they got educated and got off the plantation. Unlike you who does nothing but cry victim and play the race card.

Take that cry victim and race card, shine them up, turn them side ways and stick them straight up your little candy ass.
Deflection and surrender noted. All you do is cry racist you one trick pony. Your jealousy of educated blacks is also noted. Come try and make me do anything bitch.

You Trump Humpin ass clowns don't do nothing but bitch and cry. I don't need to waste my time with an asshole like you.
So now you've used everything in your arsenal. Trump humper and racist. Your cowardice is also noted. Just pathetic.

Trump Humpin ain't easy is it Loser..........I mean Lantern.
Your obsession with man on man leads one to believe you should be called superGAYbrutha. Keep running boy

Naw Fuck Boy, it is you right wingers who love to make the GAY references.
Gee fuckwit, it’s not conservatives who constantly yell “Trump humper”. That would be YOU you cowardly gay pissant. Keep digging boy. Keep digging.

Most of you Trump Humpers wear it with honor, I guess you are still in the closet. Tell you what Fuck Boy take that gay pissant comment, shine it up, turn that son of a bitch sideway and stick it straight up your candy ass.
Now repeating yourself. Pathetic. Hee nimrod, you're not convincing anybody you aren't gay with that post. You want to use quotes from the Rock, then go lick a llama's anus. You're out of material boy.

Is that the best you've got Fuck boy is to call a man gay. Lantern sounds gay as hell, but I understand that is the right wing, racist way.
Fuck off you little cowardly pissant. Now throwing the racist bullshit again. You’re one of those guys who acts tough, then runs like a pussy bitch when anybody tells you to bring it. I’ll guarantee you wouldn’t last 30 seconds before you’d run away crying the mean white guy beat you up. I’d educate you on the origins of my screen name, but retards like you wouldn’t understand it. Meanwhile, Rush looks down and laughs at bitches like you.
How far do you want to drill down on this? I've got all day. If they won't listen to you, that means you have to actually try to explain it first. You haven't even tried. You're not very good at this, are you? I asked a question. Jesus said you are supposed to explain it to me, and you can't leave until you try and I won't listen. Of course that only applies if you claim to be led by Jesus teachings.

Jesus said that huh?

A good Nazi like you wouldn't spin and distort, would you?
Are all right wingers racist?....is that the way you think?...that's the kind of thinking we saw at 1940's KKK meetings....way to go...you have become what you hate...nice work jackass....

Der Juden, the whites, are "racist." It's not their fault. Whites are inferior to colored people (POC) and are born racist. It's a genetic inferiority and why whites - Der Juden, must be second class and denied the privileges reserved for colored people. The democrat Reich knows that all the ills that have ever befallen humanity are due to the racism of whites and that for there to be a perfect Reich, the white problem must have a final solution. Fear not, the Nazi democrats have a final solution in mind.
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I know what is in the bible. Do the words magically change from one reader to the next? Answer the question.

My guess is that you know a few hating points from the Reich on "how to deal with hated Christians."

There is zero chance you have any actual knowledge of the Bible.
Fortunately, my knowledge doesn't depend on whether you believe it exists. It's pretty arrogant of you to claim I don't have any knowledge about the bible, don't you think?
7:20-23 “What comes out of a man is what makes him ‘unclean’. For from within, out of men’s hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality…arrogance…. All these evils come from inside and make a man ‘unclean’.”
I didn't wait for him to assume room temperature (his phrase) before I hated that lying bastard. I've hated him and his crap for a long time. Limbaugh hurt this country and divided it's people in a real way. If there is a hell, he deserves to rot there for eternity.
Rush pushed the republican agenda. Divide and conquer.

Push hot button social issues to get people angry, and motivated to vote. In essence instead of pointing out what's good in America, all he did was point out what was bad.
You think they’d go in advertising in an op?
What a stupid gotdam question. As if it were up to democrats, if the protestors wore "Biden 2020" hats.

Saw quite a few Trump 2020 flags at the violent insurrection, though.
Why wouldn’t you, it was a Trump rally? The unadvertised fks in camouflage and back packs were antifa

look up infiltrate.

you all are really stupid and uneducated after boasting how smart you all are

The stupid folks are folks like your dumb ass, you are one ignorant POS.
Rush Limnbaugh's producer is a black man, you dumb shit racist piece of shit.

Whoop dee fucking doo Fuck Boy, Trump had Uncle Ben Carson WTF does that mean.
Why would Black professionals choose to work with a racist white guy, Ubangi lips.

Why do we have folks like Candace Owens, Herschel Walker, Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas that is a damn good question.
Because they got educated and got off the plantation. Unlike you who does nothing but cry victim and play the race card.

Take that cry victim and race card, shine them up, turn them side ways and stick them straight up your little candy ass.
Deflection and surrender noted. All you do is cry racist you one trick pony. Your jealousy of educated blacks is also noted. Come try and make me do anything bitch.

You Trump Humpin ass clowns don't do nothing but bitch and cry. I don't need to waste my time with an asshole like you.
So now you've used everything in your arsenal. Trump humper and racist. Your cowardice is also noted. Just pathetic.

Trump Humpin ain't easy is it Loser..........I mean Lantern.
Your obsession with man on man leads one to believe you should be called superGAYbrutha. Keep running boy

Naw Fuck Boy, it is you right wingers who love to make the GAY references.
Gee fuckwit, it’s not conservatives who constantly yell “Trump humper”. That would be YOU you cowardly gay pissant. Keep digging boy. Keep digging.

Most of you Trump Humpers wear it with honor, I guess you are still in the closet. Tell you what Fuck Boy take that gay pissant comment, shine it up, turn that son of a bitch sideway and stick it straight up your candy ass.
Now repeating yourself. Pathetic. Hee nimrod, you're not convincing anybody you aren't gay with that post. You want to use quotes from the Rock, then go lick a llama's anus. You're out of material boy.

Is that the best you've got Fuck boy is to call a man gay. Lantern sounds gay as hell, but I understand that is the right wing, racist way.
Fuck off you little cowardly pissant. Now throwing the racist bullshit again. You’re one of those guys who acts tough, then runs like a pussy bitch when anybody tells you to bring it. I’ll guarantee you wouldn’t last 30 seconds before you’d run away crying the mean white guy beat you up. I’d educate you on the origins of my screen name, but retards like you wouldn’t understand it. Meanwhile, Rush looks down and laughs at bitches like you.
I didn't wait for him to assume room temperature (his phrase) before I hated that lying bastard. I've hated him and his crap for a long time. Limbaugh hurt this country and divided it's people in a real way. If there is a hell, he deserves to rot there for eternity.
Rush pushed the republican agenda. Divide and conquer.

Push hot button social issues to get people angry, and motivated to vote. In essence instead of pointing out what's good in America, all he did was point out what was bad.
You think they’d go in advertising in an op?
What a stupid gotdam question. As if it were up to democrats, if the protestors wore "Biden 2020" hats.

Saw quite a few Trump 2020 flags at the violent insurrection, though.
Why wouldn’t you, it was a Trump rally? The unadvertised fks in camouflage and back packs were antifa

look up infiltrate.

you all are really stupid and uneducated after boasting how smart you all are

The stupid folks are folks like your dumb ass, you are one ignorant POS.
Rush Limnbaugh's producer is a black man, you dumb shit racist piece of shit.

Whoop dee fucking doo Fuck Boy, Trump had Uncle Ben Carson WTF does that mean.
Why would Black professionals choose to work with a racist white guy, Ubangi lips.

Why do we have folks like Candace Owens, Herschel Walker, Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas that is a damn good question.
Because they got educated and got off the plantation. Unlike you who does nothing but cry victim and play the race card.

Take that cry victim and race card, shine them up, turn them side ways and stick them straight up your little candy ass.
Deflection and surrender noted. All you do is cry racist you one trick pony. Your jealousy of educated blacks is also noted. Come try and make me do anything bitch.

You Trump Humpin ass clowns don't do nothing but bitch and cry. I don't need to waste my time with an asshole like you.
So now you've used everything in your arsenal. Trump humper and racist. Your cowardice is also noted. Just pathetic.

Trump Humpin ain't easy is it Loser..........I mean Lantern.
Your obsession with man on man leads one to believe you should be called superGAYbrutha. Keep running boy

Naw Fuck Boy, it is you right wingers who love to make the GAY references.
Gee fuckwit, it’s not conservatives who constantly yell “Trump humper”. That would be YOU you cowardly gay pissant. Keep digging boy. Keep digging.

Most of you Trump Humpers wear it with honor, I guess you are still in the closet. Tell you what Fuck Boy take that gay pissant comment, shine it up, turn that son of a bitch sideway and stick it straight up your candy ass.
Now repeating yourself. Pathetic. Hee nimrod, you're not convincing anybody you aren't gay with that post. You want to use quotes from the Rock, then go lick a llama's anus. You're out of material boy.

Is that the best you've got Fuck boy is to call a man gay. Lantern sounds gay as hell, but I understand that is the right wing, racist way.
Fuck off you little cowardly pissant. Now throwing the racist bullshit again. You’re one of those guys who acts tough, then runs like a pussy bitch when anybody tells you to bring it. I’ll guarantee you wouldn’t last 30 seconds before you’d run away crying the mean white guy beat you up. I’d educate you on the origins of my screen name, but retards like you wouldn’t understand it. Meanwhile, Rush looks down and laughs at bitches like you.
View attachment 460318
Easily a lot tougher than you. The again, my 3 year old would pummel you into submission bitch. Another bitch who’ll sing it and never bring it. Seems every time YOU assholes get called out, all we see are assholes and elbows as you run away.
Fortunately, my knowledge doesn't depend on whether you believe it exists. It's pretty arrogant of you to claim I don't have any knowledge about the bible, don't you think?
7:20-23 “What comes out of a man is what makes him ‘unclean’. For from within, out of men’s hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality…arrogance…. All these evils come from inside and make a man ‘unclean’.”

You are a Nazi, you hate Christians, whites, and America. It is pretty certain that beyond a few selected hating points you have no knowledge of the religion of your enemy and the enemy of your Reich.

Oh, and if you seek to quote scripture, you include the BOOK as well as chapter and verse. You avoided this in this case because context shows Jesus was speaking of pork to the Pharisees who sought to trap him and has nothing to do with the smear the Reich crafted in your hating points.

{ And the Pharisees and the scribes asked him, “Why do your disciples not live according to the tradition of the elders, but eat with hands defiled?”…. And he called the people to him again, and said to them, “Hear me, all of you, and understand: there is nothing outside a man which by going into him can defile him; but the things which come out of a man are what defile him…. Do you not see that whatever goes into a man from outside cannot defile him, since it enters, not his heart but his stomach, and so passes on?” (Thus he declared all foods clean.) (Mark 7:1-5, 14-19; RSV) }
They're saying Rush Limbaugh passed away. End of an era for sure.

He always said the show was about entertainment. Same thing that Walter Williams, a black Conservative said about his teaching of economics at George Mason Univ.. People who do hours a day of teaching, informing, and public speaking have to understand this.

But like Walter Williams -- he was loved as a educator of a kind. If you didn't take his "1/2 my brain tied behind my back" literally or take his 3 hour monologue out of context -- not a mean or malicious bone in his body.

I've come to realize he was probably the rightwing equivalent of a shock jock. Not my cup of tea and I was certainly no fan, but he had a devoted audience.

Much more informative and thought provoking than Howard Stern with a bunch of hookers and fart jokes.

Let;s do a little thought experiment here. PRETEND "The Green Raw Deal" was actually a targeted plan to save the Planet and all 5th graders from death before they graduate they graduate HS.. You've got ONE CHANCE to find a radio host that can HOLD AN AUDIENCE for 3 hours a days, 5 days a week AND educate and convince the public of this great idea.

Who would it be?

Do the same thought experiment with say -- educating and convincing public of the need to teach critical race theory to all 1st graders so they feel like shit before they start middle school?

Who would it be? 3 hours a day.. Drawing 10s of millions of listeners?

Reason leftists dont value what Limbaugh did is because THEY HAVE LITTLE TO SELL to public in terms of plans or actual sound ideas. So they dont value the "talent that was on loan from God"...

Not sure there's enough of that progressive stuff LEFT that's marketable. That's why all these progressive programs being signed in action by Biden/Harris are NEVER REALLY BROUGHT public in the 1st place. Nobody BIG ENOUGH to justify or defend them..


Wow. You're as dumb as trump. He thinks viewers are the same as credibility too.

Wow.. You're unable to answer my questions. How dumb and dishonest does that make you? Because if your morons could have possibly duplicated what he did for marketing conservative principles -- you wouldn't have to manufacturer votes in a tight election by screwing with last minute illegal changes to voting law..

When you come up with a name with the talent to SELL AND MARKET Progressive principles (if there are any) as well as Rush did for 30 or so years 3 hours a day--- we'll talk ---- Kay??? In the meantime please continue to tweet simplistic crap and act like a baby..

Manufacture votes? You're one of those aren't you?
I didn't wait for him to assume room temperature (his phrase) before I hated that lying bastard. I've hated him and his crap for a long time. Limbaugh hurt this country and divided it's people in a real way. If there is a hell, he deserves to rot there for eternity.
Rush pushed the republican agenda. Divide and conquer.

Push hot button social issues to get people angry, and motivated to vote. In essence instead of pointing out what's good in America, all he did was point out what was bad.
You think they’d go in advertising in an op?
What a stupid gotdam question. As if it were up to democrats, if the protestors wore "Biden 2020" hats.

Saw quite a few Trump 2020 flags at the violent insurrection, though.
Why wouldn’t you, it was a Trump rally? The unadvertised fks in camouflage and back packs were antifa

look up infiltrate.

you all are really stupid and uneducated after boasting how smart you all are

The stupid folks are folks like your dumb ass, you are one ignorant POS.
Rush Limnbaugh's producer is a black man, you dumb shit racist piece of shit.

Whoop dee fucking doo Fuck Boy, Trump had Uncle Ben Carson WTF does that mean.
Why would Black professionals choose to work with a racist white guy, Ubangi lips.

Why do we have folks like Candace Owens, Herschel Walker, Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas that is a damn good question.
Because they got educated and got off the plantation. Unlike you who does nothing but cry victim and play the race card.

Take that cry victim and race card, shine them up, turn them side ways and stick them straight up your little candy ass.
Deflection and surrender noted. All you do is cry racist you one trick pony. Your jealousy of educated blacks is also noted. Come try and make me do anything bitch.

You Trump Humpin ass clowns don't do nothing but bitch and cry. I don't need to waste my time with an asshole like you.
So now you've used everything in your arsenal. Trump humper and racist. Your cowardice is also noted. Just pathetic.

Trump Humpin ain't easy is it Loser..........I mean Lantern.
Your obsession with man on man leads one to believe you should be called superGAYbrutha. Keep running boy

Naw Fuck Boy, it is you right wingers who love to make the GAY references.
Gee fuckwit, it’s not conservatives who constantly yell “Trump humper”. That would be YOU you cowardly gay pissant. Keep digging boy. Keep digging.

Most of you Trump Humpers wear it with honor, I guess you are still in the closet. Tell you what Fuck Boy take that gay pissant comment, shine it up, turn that son of a bitch sideway and stick it straight up your candy ass.
Now repeating yourself. Pathetic. Hee nimrod, you're not convincing anybody you aren't gay with that post. You want to use quotes from the Rock, then go lick a llama's anus. You're out of material boy.

Is that the best you've got Fuck boy is to call a man gay. Lantern sounds gay as hell, but I understand that is the right wing, racist way.
Fuck off you little cowardly pissant. Now throwing the racist bullshit again. You’re one of those guys who acts tough, then runs like a pussy bitch when anybody tells you to bring it. I’ll guarantee you wouldn’t last 30 seconds before you’d run away crying the mean white guy beat you up. I’d educate you on the origins of my screen name, but retards like you wouldn’t understand it. Meanwhile, Rush looks down and laughs at bitches like you.
View attachment 460318
Easily a lot tougher than you. The again, my 3 year old would pummel you into submission bitch. Another bitch who’ll sing it and never bring it. Seems every time YOU assholes get called out, all we see are assholes and elbows as you run away.

A fly wouldn't run from a weak ass clown like you. Internet tough guy running that DS as usual. I don't have to to play with you Fuck Boy, when you want to talk adult stuff let me know. Have a nice day.
I didn't wait for him to assume room temperature (his phrase) before I hated that lying bastard. I've hated him and his crap for a long time. Limbaugh hurt this country and divided it's people in a real way. If there is a hell, he deserves to rot there for eternity.
Rush pushed the republican agenda. Divide and conquer.

Push hot button social issues to get people angry, and motivated to vote. In essence instead of pointing out what's good in America, all he did was point out what was bad.
You think they’d go in advertising in an op?
What a stupid gotdam question. As if it were up to democrats, if the protestors wore "Biden 2020" hats.

Saw quite a few Trump 2020 flags at the violent insurrection, though.
Why wouldn’t you, it was a Trump rally? The unadvertised fks in camouflage and back packs were antifa

look up infiltrate.

you all are really stupid and uneducated after boasting how smart you all are

The stupid folks are folks like your dumb ass, you are one ignorant POS.
Rush Limnbaugh's producer is a black man, you dumb shit racist piece of shit.

Whoop dee fucking doo Fuck Boy, Trump had Uncle Ben Carson WTF does that mean.
Why would Black professionals choose to work with a racist white guy, Ubangi lips.

Why do we have folks like Candace Owens, Herschel Walker, Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas that is a damn good question.
Because they got educated and got off the plantation. Unlike you who does nothing but cry victim and play the race card.

Take that cry victim and race card, shine them up, turn them side ways and stick them straight up your little candy ass.
Deflection and surrender noted. All you do is cry racist you one trick pony. Your jealousy of educated blacks is also noted. Come try and make me do anything bitch.

You Trump Humpin ass clowns don't do nothing but bitch and cry. I don't need to waste my time with an asshole like you.
So now you've used everything in your arsenal. Trump humper and racist. Your cowardice is also noted. Just pathetic.

Trump Humpin ain't easy is it Loser..........I mean Lantern.
Your obsession with man on man leads one to believe you should be called superGAYbrutha. Keep running boy

Naw Fuck Boy, it is you right wingers who love to make the GAY references.
Gee fuckwit, it’s not conservatives who constantly yell “Trump humper”. That would be YOU you cowardly gay pissant. Keep digging boy. Keep digging.

Most of you Trump Humpers wear it with honor, I guess you are still in the closet. Tell you what Fuck Boy take that gay pissant comment, shine it up, turn that son of a bitch sideway and stick it straight up your candy ass.
Now repeating yourself. Pathetic. Hee nimrod, you're not convincing anybody you aren't gay with that post. You want to use quotes from the Rock, then go lick a llama's anus. You're out of material boy.

Is that the best you've got Fuck boy is to call a man gay. Lantern sounds gay as hell, but I understand that is the right wing, racist way.
Fuck off you little cowardly pissant. Now throwing the racist bullshit again. You’re one of those guys who acts tough, then runs like a pussy bitch when anybody tells you to bring it. I’ll guarantee you wouldn’t last 30 seconds before you’d run away crying the mean white guy beat you up. I’d educate you on the origins of my screen name, but retards like you wouldn’t understand it. Meanwhile, Rush looks down and laughs at bitches like you.

Whatever you say internet tough guy, I bet you scare yourself when you look in the mirror. Rush is probably looking up begging for water.
I didn't wait for him to assume room temperature (his phrase) before I hated that lying bastard. I've hated him and his crap for a long time. Limbaugh hurt this country and divided it's people in a real way. If there is a hell, he deserves to rot there for eternity.
Rush pushed the republican agenda. Divide and conquer.

Push hot button social issues to get people angry, and motivated to vote. In essence instead of pointing out what's good in America, all he did was point out what was bad.
You think they’d go in advertising in an op?
What a stupid gotdam question. As if it were up to democrats, if the protestors wore "Biden 2020" hats.

Saw quite a few Trump 2020 flags at the violent insurrection, though.
Why wouldn’t you, it was a Trump rally? The unadvertised fks in camouflage and back packs were antifa

look up infiltrate.

you all are really stupid and uneducated after boasting how smart you all are

The stupid folks are folks like your dumb ass, you are one ignorant POS.
Rush Limnbaugh's producer is a black man, you dumb shit racist piece of shit.

Whoop dee fucking doo Fuck Boy, Trump had Uncle Ben Carson WTF does that mean.
Why would Black professionals choose to work with a racist white guy, Ubangi lips.

Why do we have folks like Candace Owens, Herschel Walker, Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas that is a damn good question.
Because they got educated and got off the plantation. Unlike you who does nothing but cry victim and play the race card.

Take that cry victim and race card, shine them up, turn them side ways and stick them straight up your little candy ass.
Deflection and surrender noted. All you do is cry racist you one trick pony. Your jealousy of educated blacks is also noted. Come try and make me do anything bitch.

You Trump Humpin ass clowns don't do nothing but bitch and cry. I don't need to waste my time with an asshole like you.
So now you've used everything in your arsenal. Trump humper and racist. Your cowardice is also noted. Just pathetic.

Trump Humpin ain't easy is it Loser..........I mean Lantern.
Your obsession with man on man leads one to believe you should be called superGAYbrutha. Keep running boy

Naw Fuck Boy, it is you right wingers who love to make the GAY references.
Gee fuckwit, it’s not conservatives who constantly yell “Trump humper”. That would be YOU you cowardly gay pissant. Keep digging boy. Keep digging.

Most of you Trump Humpers wear it with honor, I guess you are still in the closet. Tell you what Fuck Boy take that gay pissant comment, shine it up, turn that son of a bitch sideway and stick it straight up your candy ass.
Now repeating yourself. Pathetic. Hee nimrod, you're not convincing anybody you aren't gay with that post. You want to use quotes from the Rock, then go lick a llama's anus. You're out of material boy.

Is that the best you've got Fuck boy is to call a man gay. Lantern sounds gay as hell, but I understand that is the right wing, racist way.
Fuck off you little cowardly pissant. Now throwing the racist bullshit again. You’re one of those guys who acts tough, then runs like a pussy bitch when anybody tells you to bring it. I’ll guarantee you wouldn’t last 30 seconds before you’d run away crying the mean white guy beat you up. I’d educate you on the origins of my screen name, but retards like you wouldn’t understand it. Meanwhile, Rush looks down and laughs at bitches like you.
View attachment 460318
Easily a lot tougher than you. The again, my 3 year old would pummel you into submission bitch. Another bitch who’ll sing it and never bring it. Seems every time YOU assholes get called out, all we see are assholes and elbows as you run away.

A fly wouldn't run from a weak ass clown like you. Internet tough guy running that DS as usual. I don't have to to play with you Fuck Boy, when you want to talk adult stuff let me know. Have a nice day.
Obsession in all its glory! You’re just a joke and we’re laughing . Did you discuss rush some more? Obsessed little demofk
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