Rush said he would leave the USA if Obamacare survives five years.

Funny how liberals support the biggest liar in the world and they feel they can criticize someone who they think lies.

For some reason it seems so hypocritical.

And you will probably also be saying that about President Hillary Clinton. RUSH FOR PRESIDENT!

he and Trump would be the perfect GOP ticket.
I don't support any of them.

Epic fail
Rush said he only meant he would go to Costa Rica for his health care and not that he would be moving to the country!!!!!!
To get the government run health care there!

Costa Rica’s Government-Run Health Care System is a government-sponsored network of more than 30 hospitals and more than 250 clinics throughout the country, the Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS) has primary responsibility for providing low-cost health care services to the Costa Rican populace. Although sometimes overburdened, this system has worked well for Costa Ricans for the past 60 or so years. Foreigners living in Costa Rica – legal residents only – can join the CCSS and get free treatment (everything from check ups to prescription drugs to major surgeries) by paying a small monthly fee–based on income. Tourists and visitors can use Caja facilities only in emergencies.

Health insurance from the state monopoly Instituto de Seguro Nacional (INS) is also available to legal residents, valid with over 200 affiliated doctors, hospitals, labs, and pharmacies in the private sector. In 2010, the government made it mandatory for residency applicants to become members of La Caja. The monthly payment is 7% – 11% of the applicant’s monthly income. A dependent spouse is also covered and able to join Caja under that payment.

Your MessiahRushie also said he was moving to New Zealand if the government takes over the private sector, which he frequently rants has already happened.

February 13, 2009
RUSH: I want the stimulus package to fail. 'Cause if this thing for the first time ever does what it never has done before, we're in even worse trouble. If it becomes established that the federal government and the federal government alone can manage the economy and take over the private sector, then forget it, folks. I'm looking for property in New Zealand, and I'm going to put my money in Singapore.
"Tourists and visitors can use Caja facilities only in emergencies."
The U.S needs to put this into the law. Right now those filthy south of the border wet back flea infested cockroach eating beaners, ( no insult intended) are flooding our ERs with simple things that would be ok long enough for them to sneak back to the hell hole they created and left.
But the liberals here would scream about people dying in the street if that were to happen.. Of course we dont hear them screaming about Costa Ricas policy.
If he waits five years he might not be able to afford to leave after paying for obamacare subsidies

I has been over five years. What's the problem?
All the NeoCommies have wet hands and cum on their lips from their CIRCLE JERK

Rush said he only meant he would go to Costa Rica for his health care and not that he would be moving to the country!!!!!!

Now WATCH the little piss ants SWARM.... it will be EPIC!!!!:itsok:


You know as well as I do, that this statement is also a lie....Rush has a hard time with facts and the truth.


Sorry, you don't like getting kicked off tour Liberal podium, by THE TRUTH!:fu:
Rush said he only meant he would go to Costa Rica for his health care and not that he would be moving to the country!!!!!!
To get the government run health care there!

Costa Rica’s Government-Run Health Care System is a government-sponsored network of more than 30 hospitals and more than 250 clinics throughout the country, the Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS) has primary responsibility for providing low-cost health care services to the Costa Rican populace. Although sometimes overburdened, this system has worked well for Costa Ricans for the past 60 or so years. Foreigners living in Costa Rica – legal residents only – can join the CCSS and get free treatment (everything from check ups to prescription drugs to major surgeries) by paying a small monthly fee–based on income. Tourists and visitors can use Caja facilities only in emergencies.

Health insurance from the state monopoly Instituto de Seguro Nacional (INS) is also available to legal residents, valid with over 200 affiliated doctors, hospitals, labs, and pharmacies in the private sector. In 2010, the government made it mandatory for residency applicants to become members of La Caja. The monthly payment is 7% – 11% of the applicant’s monthly income. A dependent spouse is also covered and able to join Caja under that payment.

Your MessiahRushie also said he was moving to New Zealand if the government takes over the private sector, which he frequently rants has already happened.

February 13, 2009
RUSH: I want the stimulus package to fail. 'Cause if this thing for the first time ever does what it never has done before, we're in even worse trouble. If it becomes established that the federal government and the federal government alone can manage the economy and take over the private sector, then forget it, folks. I'm looking for property in New Zealand, and I'm going to put my money in Singapore.

NOWHERE did he say he was moving to Costa Rica.... another EdtheAsshole failure!
Poor Pennyante.... sees the suggestion that his Lord Master and Commander might be flawed, jumps in phone booth to change into Superhero leotard and melts down into a sputtering Google Machine of Costa Rica Fun Facts to defend Milady's honour...


"nngghh! ngghh!"
Poor Pennyante.... sees the suggestion that his Lord Master and Commander might be flawed, jumps in phone booth to change into Superhero leotard and melts down into a sputtering Google Machine of Costa Rica Fun Facts to defend Milady's honour...


"nngghh! ngghh!"
Yes OCD Pogo, it's a bitch when I'm right, and all you have is....

...... You sre so much fun to bitch slap, but you rarely come out to play anymore.... Am I too aggressive? :ahole-1:
Rush said he only meant he would go to Costa Rica for his health care and not that he would be moving to the country!!!!!!
To get the government run health care there!

Costa Rica’s Government-Run Health Care System is a government-sponsored network of more than 30 hospitals and more than 250 clinics throughout the country, the Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS) has primary responsibility for providing low-cost health care services to the Costa Rican populace. Although sometimes overburdened, this system has worked well for Costa Ricans for the past 60 or so years. Foreigners living in Costa Rica – legal residents only – can join the CCSS and get free treatment (everything from check ups to prescription drugs to major surgeries) by paying a small monthly fee–based on income. Tourists and visitors can use Caja facilities only in emergencies.

Health insurance from the state monopoly Instituto de Seguro Nacional (INS) is also available to legal residents, valid with over 200 affiliated doctors, hospitals, labs, and pharmacies in the private sector. In 2010, the government made it mandatory for residency applicants to become members of La Caja. The monthly payment is 7% – 11% of the applicant’s monthly income. A dependent spouse is also covered and able to join Caja under that payment.

Your MessiahRushie also said he was moving to New Zealand if the government takes over the private sector, which he frequently rants has already happened.

February 13, 2009
RUSH: I want the stimulus package to fail. 'Cause if this thing for the first time ever does what it never has done before, we're in even worse trouble. If it becomes established that the federal government and the federal government alone can manage the economy and take over the private sector, then forget it, folks. I'm looking for property in New Zealand, and I'm going to put my money in Singapore.

NOWHERE did he say he was moving to Costa Rica.... another EdtheAsshole failure!
And neither did I, learn to read :asshole:

I said he was Buying property in New Zealand.
Rush said he only meant he would go to Costa Rica for his health care and not that he would be moving to the country!!!!!!
To get the government run health care there!

Costa Rica’s Government-Run Health Care System is a government-sponsored network of more than 30 hospitals and more than 250 clinics throughout the country, the Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS) has primary responsibility for providing low-cost health care services to the Costa Rican populace. Although sometimes overburdened, this system has worked well for Costa Ricans for the past 60 or so years. Foreigners living in Costa Rica – legal residents only – can join the CCSS and get free treatment (everything from check ups to prescription drugs to major surgeries) by paying a small monthly fee–based on income. Tourists and visitors can use Caja facilities only in emergencies.

Health insurance from the state monopoly Instituto de Seguro Nacional (INS) is also available to legal residents, valid with over 200 affiliated doctors, hospitals, labs, and pharmacies in the private sector. In 2010, the government made it mandatory for residency applicants to become members of La Caja. The monthly payment is 7% – 11% of the applicant’s monthly income. A dependent spouse is also covered and able to join Caja under that payment.

Your MessiahRushie also said he was moving to New Zealand if the government takes over the private sector, which he frequently rants has already happened.

February 13, 2009
RUSH: I want the stimulus package to fail. 'Cause if this thing for the first time ever does what it never has done before, we're in even worse trouble. If it becomes established that the federal government and the federal government alone can manage the economy and take over the private sector, then forget it, folks. I'm looking for property in New Zealand, and I'm going to put my money in Singapore.

NOWHERE did he say he was moving to Costa Rica.... another EdtheAsshole failure!
And neither did I, learn to read :asshole:

I said he was Buying property in New Zealand.

He can BUY property ANYWHERE, for investment, for entertainment and vacation, apparently the only thing you could buy would be a used OUTHOUSE!


Hey he can come move to Freedmen's Town where I would like to establish a school campus for Constitutionalists where we can practice freely. With Veterans and others who are completely offended excluded and at a loss as to what the heck is being passed through Federal Govt that is outside that jurisdiction by our standard Constitutional principles and ethics.

We can secede financially by setting up our own health care and Veteran assistance and live there under that program. Create jobs in public education, outreach, assistance and services that pay the same benefits as Federal Officials, and everyone will want to create the same in their own cities and states.

How do I invite him personally? I'd love to work with him, though it might give him a heart attack or stroke to find out I'm a prochoice Democrat. He may give up completely and leave the planet at that point!
Rush said he only meant he would go to Costa Rica for his health care and not that he would be moving to the country!!!!!!
To get the government run health care there!

Costa Rica’s Government-Run Health Care System is a government-sponsored network of more than 30 hospitals and more than 250 clinics throughout the country, the Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS) has primary responsibility for providing low-cost health care services to the Costa Rican populace. Although sometimes overburdened, this system has worked well for Costa Ricans for the past 60 or so years. Foreigners living in Costa Rica – legal residents only – can join the CCSS and get free treatment (everything from check ups to prescription drugs to major surgeries) by paying a small monthly fee–based on income. Tourists and visitors can use Caja facilities only in emergencies.

Health insurance from the state monopoly Instituto de Seguro Nacional (INS) is also available to legal residents, valid with over 200 affiliated doctors, hospitals, labs, and pharmacies in the private sector. In 2010, the government made it mandatory for residency applicants to become members of La Caja. The monthly payment is 7% – 11% of the applicant’s monthly income. A dependent spouse is also covered and able to join Caja under that payment.

Your MessiahRushie also said he was moving to New Zealand if the government takes over the private sector, which he frequently rants has already happened.

February 13, 2009
RUSH: I want the stimulus package to fail. 'Cause if this thing for the first time ever does what it never has done before, we're in even worse trouble. If it becomes established that the federal government and the federal government alone can manage the economy and take over the private sector, then forget it, folks. I'm looking for property in New Zealand, and I'm going to put my money in Singapore.

Hi edthecynic
There is a huge difference between smaller more homogenous countries organizing their health care through a centrallzie govt.
Versus a country as large and diverse as the United States
where even the individual states might need separate systems for Democrats and Republicans
who have fundamentally different beliefs about the rights and responsibilities for health care
through the people and through the govt and which authorized the other.

Because our Constitution forbids the Govt from establishing a national religion
that also precludes mandating insurance, or spiritual healing, where people don't share the same beliefs.

Countries like China might authorize their govt to mandate spiritual healing for the entire population
to keep the health care costs down. But a Constitutionally based govt as in the US cannot mandate that.

So this makes a huge difference in how the US can set up a systems of serving our diverse populations.

We may be able to do more within Constitutional structures by allowing free choice and participation, so people
can all set up their own ways of paying and providing health care according to their beliefs.

But trying to mandate it through federal govt only accommodates the liberals/Democrats who believe in that,
while excluding discriminating or penalizing the citizens who believe in free market and that federal govt
is NOT authorized to mandate health care without a Constitutional Amendment showing approval by the people.

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