Rush Says Romney Just Lost the Nomination

I think we're plenty smart. We're a decade or two from being able to download thoughts. Think about that for a second.

I think that if I had a month of critical thinking time to do it, I could develop a new way forward for society with our current technology and also continue research, all the while giving society more time with their own families and friends while here on Earth. For those that don't believe in heaven, it's an awful waste to spend 80% of your waking hours at work. What was it all for?> Exactly.

It's time for humans to get their act together. Doubt they can or will, though.

You could have a year.. yet you lack the capacityfor critical thinking, but, that is why you are a liberal.

Now, you may call me a racist or something.


I'm not a liberal, but by your standard, I'm probably a member of the red army.

You don't know dick about me, yet you always find a way to necessarily go out of your way to make a small minded, negative comment. You're not a good person. Don't let that keep you up or anything, though. Grow up.

Yikes! I've been labeled.. AGAIN.

Oh yes, Rush was so pivotal in getting Hillary elected with his operation chaos I and II. His theory was that Hillary would be easier for McCain to run against in the general. :lol:

Rush is about as cagey and strategic as Palin. He's just a big lump of blubber with a very loud mouth attached. That's all.
Do you really think the scientists of the world know less than you do on the subject?

Do you really think their agenda is just science and not making money based on liberals willing to dole out cash to those who will "prove" their BS theory is real?

You're projecting. Cons can muster a handful of scientists to refute climate change.

I can muster my grade school teacher who will tell you, as you obviously never heard of this, that the Earth's climate has been constantly changing for about 4.5 billion years.

Climate change? That's like debating rainfall.
Rush is probably right.

It's hard to see a candidate who passed Romneycare and supports Cap and Trade winning the Republican nomination.

Not to mention claiming that he was more pro choice and pro gay rights than anyone...
Oh yes, Rush was so pivotal in getting Hillary elected with his operation chaos I and II. His theory was that Hillary would be easier for McCain to run against in the general. :lol:

Rush is about as cagey and strategic as Palin. He's just a big lump of blubber with a very loud mouth attached. That's all.

The democrats ran a liberal as a Tea Party candidate in NY, and the people fell for it. A democrat steps in and fills a seat that republicans held for decades. I just love politics.
Oh yes, Rush was so pivotal in getting Hillary elected with his operation chaos I and II. His theory was that Hillary would be easier for McCain to run against in the general. :lol:

Rush is about as cagey and strategic as Palin. He's just a big lump of blubber with a very loud mouth attached. That's all.

The democrats ran a liberal as a Tea Party candidate in NY, and the people fell for it. A democrat steps in and fills a seat that republicans held for decades. I just love politics.

Democrats can't join the Tea Party?

Oh yea...I forgot. It's a branch of the Republican Party
Oh yes, Rush was so pivotal in getting Hillary elected with his operation chaos I and II. His theory was that Hillary would be easier for McCain to run against in the general. :lol:

Rush is about as cagey and strategic as Palin. He's just a big lump of blubber with a very loud mouth attached. That's all.

The democrats ran a liberal as a Tea Party candidate in NY, and the people fell for it. A democrat steps in and fills a seat that republicans held for decades. I just love politics.

Democrats can't join the Tea Party?

Oh yea...I forgot. It's a branch of the Republican Party

I thought there were all kinds of Democrats and Indes in the Teaparty.. :eusa_think:
Rush Says Romney Just Lost the Nomination - Rush Limbaugh - Fox Nation

I have to agree.

I never thought Romney was a conservative. I know more guillible people have been taken in by Romney.

They point out what Romney says NOW.

But, I keep telling people, ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS.

What Ronmey did as Governer was FAR FROM CONSERVATIVE. It wasn't even RINO. It was STRIGHT DOWN THE LINE LIBERAL.

Now, once again, Romney let it slip what he really thinks.

He believes in the hoax of Global Warming.

He's another McCain. A Rino trying to stay on conservative message who can't help letting it slip out what he really thinks.

Do we really want this as an alternative to Obama? Just an Obama light?

Seriously people.

We can do better than this.

Stop glomming onto candidates just because they tell you what you want to hear and LOOK AT THEIR RECORDS.

It's not that hard, and it sure will separate the boys from the men.

(Lucky for me, I'm backing a woman!) :D
good......if rush says he is against Romney.....ill have to give the guy a look....
anyone who denies global warming denies science.

You people may be the REAL reason our kids are so behind in science.

You people piss all over science daily

is it kinda like the way you get pissed on every day in these threads?....

Based on your posts...anything that agrees with your way of thinking is fact, non fiction and news repoorting...and everything else isw fiction, theory and news commentary.

And thus why you never learn. You only dictate.

and this is exactly what some of us were trying to tell her the other day.....obviously she has a hard time grasping things....
But the question is.....why do we want to continue to dump shit into the air?

What do we gain from that?

i agree with this and do not understand anyone thinking it is not harming anything.....and there are some out there who do think that.....
anyone who denies global warming denies science.

You people may be the REAL reason our kids are so behind in science.

You people piss all over science daily
You shouldn't get so excited about your faith, this is a secular country and we don't have to pass laws based on your religion.
Rush is an entertainer.
The left makes a bigger deal about what he says than the right does.

But based on your theory...maybe the democrats should have SNL decide who their nominees will be.

Just sayin'

I suppose that "officially" Rush is just an entertainer (despite the fact that many people don't find him entertaining in the least). But unofficially Rush carries a lot of weight with his dittoheads who seem to hang on his every utterance. Even conservative elected officials know better than to even publically criticize him because it creates a backlash against them, and they later have to backpeddle their previous statements.

Frankly, I find it amazing that such an ignorant man (uneducated) can get away with pontificating on such a wide variety of subjects ad nauseum and still be taken seriously by anyone. On second thought, I guess that fact is kind of entertaining.

It wouldn't shock me if 30-40% of Rush's listeners were liberals. I never listen to him, I have heard him a few times in my life but I'd bet there are liberals on these boards that listen to the man everyday.

Ed the Cynic......the guy has quote from Rush for just about any topic....
Do you really think the scientists of the world know less than you do on the subject?
LOL... which one? That fucking moron hansen? The liars at CRU? The government lacky's at Goddard with hansen? The government control freaks at the EPA? The grant stooges sucking the 80B dollar AGW teat? The fucking politicians at the IPCC?

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