Rush the Lush "weighs" in on the GObP "surrender"

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Rush Limbaugh On GOP: 'One Of The Greatest Political Disasters I've Ever Seen'

"I was trying to think if ever in my life, I could remember any major political party being so irrelevant. I have never seen it. I have never seen a major political party simply occupy placeholders, as the Republican party has been doing. There has not been any serious opposition...against what's happening in this country. The Republicans have done everything they can to try to make everyone like them and what they've ended up doing is creating one of the greatest political disasters I've ever seen in my lifetime...I was pondering if I could ever remember...a time when a political party just made a decision not to exist, for all intents and purposes."

Pure hot air but what else would we expect from ole lard ass?
The Rs have done nothing for their country. Nothing except work to bankrupt it.

Part of lard-ohs problem is that Ted Cruz is the new (but temporary) head of the party. So, is Cantor next?


is this going to be like a Ted Nugent thread?

yes it is, he already called him a lush..

time to gloat or something and bring on the haten
Rush is always spot on in his political analysis. It's the reason the radical left hates him and wants to close him down. The radical left appreciates his honesty and accuracy when the gigantic tax exempt left wing propaganda entity manages to glean a paragraph that they can use for a political talking point to issue to the low information left, otherwise they hate him.
The Republicans before Reagan where just as bad

Republicans before Reagan were choir boys compared to the scum in the democrat party. The difference is, as always, the pop-culture low information view of republicans as illustrated by the liberal media.
By bad I mean totally inert and useless because they were all moderates

That's why they never won the House or the Senate for all those decades. They stood for nothing.

Up here they called themselves Progressive Conservatives. They lost consistently to the Liberals because they were the same as the liberals just a different label.
The funniest part of the MessiahRushie's on-air meltdown was when he tried to salvage his advertisers "Freedom Works" and "Heritage," who led the Tea Bag Brotherhood's cave in. He has lost so many real product advertisers that he depends on the Right-wing organization's advertisements and so he could not attack them for leading the cave-in! On the Right, Money ALWAYS trumps "principles."

October 16, 2013
RUSH: Dan from Wyoming was really on to something, and this is not to comment on Vitter. Let me comment on that. The Vitter bill, David Vitter, the senator, had a bill that everybody in Congress would live under Obamacare. No subsidies, no exemptions, no delays, no waivers. Every House member, every Senate member has to go to an exchange to get insurance like everybody else does. I think the Vitter bill did not include staff, not sure, but it did include every member of the House and every member of the Senate. There were some who wanted that to be in whatever cave-in legislation there was, such as this thing that was signed today. Okay, gonna raise the debit limit a trillion, gonna reopen the government and all this sort of stuff, but we're also gonna pass -- the Republicans coulda thrown that in.

Some people are blaming Heritage and FreedomWorks for caving on that.

RUSH: Now, the Republicans in the House and in the Senate did not want to attach Vitter to this cave-in bill, and some think that that's because the FreedomWorks and the Heritage Action Group advised them not to. The point of that is real simple. All the FreedomWorks and Heritage Action people want, is they want Congress to focus on defunding and delaying Obamacare for us, for the American people.

To hell with these people in Congress. Their vision is much larger. I mean, in addition to gotcha points, which is what the Vitter bill is, the people at FreedomWorks and Heritage, the Tea Party groups, are acting on behalf of the American people.
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By bad I mean totally inert and useless because they were all moderates

That's why they never won the House or the Senate for all those decades. They stood for nothing.

Up here they called themselves Progressive Conservatives. They lost consistently to the Liberals because they were the same as the liberals just a different label.

And the 'Leadership" is right back at it. They lost the last 2 election to Obama FFS. If that's not Fail, what is?
He's bang on the money.

What's the issue?
You mean he sold out his principles for the Freedom Watch/Heritage money. If they weren't keeping his show afloat he would be attacking them for leading the cave-in like he is attacking the GOP establishment.
Poor Rush

He was counting on the US defaulting on its debt so that he could blame Obama

Republicans are such pussies

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