Rushing To Reverse Everything Trump Did Just Bit Joe In The Rear

His military and CIA advisors have said in the last few days they warned Biden it was suddenly going to be much faster...and he ignored them.
- Perhaps they are just trying to cover THEIR asses
- At the very least, Biden & his team did not plan for worst case scenario
Much faster than the 6 months to a year they original estimates called for.
He will always be legendary for getting that fuckup out of office.

Wow, 40,000 now?
Are you shipping more people in just to be able to say bad things about Joe?

No, you are just ignoring the news. At least 10,000 - 15,000 Americans at the Kabul airport and surrounding areas wsas reported with another 15,000 - 20,000 spread out all over Afghanistan. I watched CNN even report this early yesterday afternoon.

'There are approximately 5000 to 10000 Americans "near Kabul"
- That is just NEAR Kabul

Times of India
Desperate US seeks to evacuate
40,000 Americans from under Taliban
guns as Biden
Taliban Latest News: Desperate US seeks to evacuate 40,000 Americans from under Taliban guns as Biden defends premature withdrawal | World News - Times of India

News Chant USA
‘Up to 40,000 Americans are still stranded’ in Afghanistan
The Washington Post

Biden must rescue thousands of U.S. citizens trapped in Afghanistan.



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No, you are just ignoring the news. At least 10,000 - 15,000 Americans at the Kabul airport and surrounding areas wsas reported with another 15,000 - 20,000 spread out all over Afghanistan. I watched CNN even report this early yesterday afternoon.

'There are approximately 5000 to 10000 Americans "near Kabul"
- That is just NEAR Kabul

View attachment 527910
View attachment 527909
Desperate US seeks to evacuate
40,000 Americans from under Taliban
guns as Biden
Taliban Latest News: Desperate US seeks to evacuate 40,000 Americans from under Taliban guns as Biden defends premature withdrawal | World News - Times of India

View attachment 527913
View attachment 527914
‘Up to 40,000 Americans are still stranded’ in Afghanistan
The Washington Post

Biden must rescue thousands of U.S. citizens trapped in Afghanistan.

Yet only the RWNJ sources are saying that. Your CNN link says 5-10 thousand just like all the other real news..
He beat the shit out of Drumpf. He will always be legendary for getting that fuckup out of office.
I'm sure the Americans left in Afganistan are rejoicing in that fact. Heck, I'm happy for you that you can cling to your little bit of glee as we watch the disaster unfold. "Hey, who cares if thousands die, he beat TRUMP!. Time to party!".

Contingency and Crisis Response Bureau (CCR) was created during Trump administration

The Biden administration moved in June to dismantle a system designed to protect American citizens trapped abroad — just months before the Taliban took over Afghanistan, stranding thousands of Americans in the Central Asian country.

Way to go, Joe!

EVERYTHING he does hurts this nation and Americans...he is a complete failure.

Apparently the people that
There are already like three threads on this. You kids swallow fake news without a blink.

THis agency Never actually existed. It was one of Pompeo's kooky ideas and never got beyond the planning stage. State department already has plans for this kinda thing.

You fell for the fake news.


Furthermore, the very people this agency was supposed to be helping - the diplomats and other Americans at risk, OPPOSED the creation of this agency because it took funds and staff from OTHER diplomatic agencies and support groups. In this case, 98 staffers and $26 million were being taken from the Diplomatic Services medical support funds.

Many medical providers are said to be up in arms about the rapid formation of this new Bureau — which happened in a span of just four months — with apparently no input from the field.​

“Medical services to diplomats and their families abroad may suffer.”​

So Biden's cancellation of this program was likely applauded by everyone not affiliated with Mike Pompeo.
Apparently the people that

Furthermore, the very people this agency was supposed to be helping - the diplomats and other Americans at risk, OPPOSED the creation of this agency because it took funds and staff from OTHER diplomatic agencies and support groups. In this case, 98 staffers and $26 million were being taken from the Diplomatic Services medical support funds.

So Biden's cancellation of this program was likely applauded by everyone not affiliated with Mike Pompeo.
The fact remains that Quid Pro cancelled something that was designed to help the very people that now need that help desperately. That's what will be hung on him as the mid-terms approach.
Biden is like a defiant little kid where Trump is concerned. But he really picked the wrong President to defy. America first is here to stay.
Biden is like a defiant little kid where Trump is concerned. But he really picked the wrong President to defy. America first is here to stay.
Wow, you kids have the projection thing down to a science.

Sorry, forgot you kids don't believe in science.

You've got it down to a religion.
Biden has declared he knew the exit out of Afghanistan was going to be CHAOS (only if poorly managed and allowed to be chaotic, Joe), IMHO, Joe did not cnx/change the agreement because he wanted to be able to blame President Trump...but he can't. What has happened is NOT on Trump:
- Biden ignored his military & CIA advisors.
- Biden dismantled the Evac Program Trump created.
- Biden pulled out the military, leaving 40,000 Americans behind w/no plan to rescue them

...and went on vacation when it all went down.

Terrible leadership.
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Biden cancelled the US pipeline / US oil production - now he's begging OPEC to pump more oil for us...they said no.
- How's that 'reversing everything Trump had going' thing working out?

Biden cancelled building the wall on the southern border, all immigration policies, and cancelled all agreements with Mexico and South American countries - now we have approx 1,500 covid-infected illegals crossing into the US per day, forfeited our border security, surrendered our national security, have the biggest drug/human/child trafficking event and largest virus Super Spreader event going on in history....
- How's that 'reversing everything Trump had going' thing working out?

Biden just successfully affected the worst, 'historical. 'epic' failed attempt to exit and evacuate Afghanistan, a 'disaster', according to foreign leaders, 61% of Americans, and even liberal media like usually-faithful CNN, leaving thousands of Americans stranded, their lives in danger, and with no hope of being rescued if they can not get themselves without help form their govt to Kabul.
- How's that 'reversing everything Trump had going' thing working out?

...and when on vacation when it all went down.

Terrible leadership.
Hey, you have to give the man partial credit - he did interrupt hois vacation long enoughto go back to DC and - in the middle of the disaster - give a statement, during which he blamed everyoe except himself.

When Benghazi went down no one even knew where Barry was. He didn't show back up until it was all over.
I'm sure the Americans left in Afganistan are rejoicing in that fact. Heck, I'm happy for you that you can cling to your little bit of glee as we watch the disaster unfold. "Hey, who cares if thousands die, he beat TRUMP!. Time to party!".

You didn't care one bit when Trump killed 500,000 Americans with his failed corona virus response. But you're going batshit crazy, over the fact that 10,000 Americans went to a war zone, on their own volition, and CHOSE to stay there as the US prepared to withdraw.

Trump signed the Agreement with the Taliban last September so why didn't Trump start sending the civilians home when he withdrew the troops? Shouldn't you send the civilians home first, and the military last? Trump didn't do that. He sent the army and equipment home first. That doesn't make sense.

But keep blaming Biden for the mess, by all means. Just like you blame Obama for ISIS. It's not true but it makes YOU feel better, and we all know that for conservatives, their "feelings" about things always trump facts and logic.
Yet only the RWNJ sources are saying that. Your CNN link says 5-10 thousand just like all the other real news..
Read the link I provided you, troll - CNN stated there are only 5,000-10,000 IN AND AROUND KABUL. There are a LOT more Americans all over Afghanistan. Not all worked / lived in Kabul, genius.
You didn't care one bit when Trump killed 500,000 Americans with his failed corona virus response. But you're going batshit crazy, over the fact that 10,000 Americans went to a war zone, on their own volition, and CHOSE to stay there as the US prepared to withdraw.

Trump signed the Agreement with the Taliban last September so why didn't Trump start sending the civilians home when he withdrew the troops? Shouldn't you send the civilians home first, and the military last? Trump didn't do that. He sent the army and equipment home first. That doesn't make sense.

But keep blaming Biden for the mess, by all means. Just like you blame Obama for ISIS. It's not true but it makes YOU feel better, and we all know that for conservatives, their "feelings" about things always trump facts and logic.
Setting aside the obvious, which is that you have no idea what I think/thought about all the other crap you want to toss in there, in politics image trumps (see what I did there?) everything, and in the mid-terms, it will be Quid Pro Joe's face plastered all over the videos and pics of the disaster that is unfolding right now. He owns it, and TRUMP! isn't running next year. So, good luck trying to spin everything to defend Quid Pro.

Parenthetically, I notice that Quid Pro's sycophants are STILL unable to defend/promote him without referencing TRUMP!. They couldn't do it during last year's campaign and they can't do it today. Here's your challenge. See if you can come up with a solid defense of Quid Pro's actions re Afghanistan WITHOUT referencing TRUMP!.
Read the link I provided you, troll - CNN stated there are only 5,000-10,000 IN AND AROUND KABUL. There are a LOT more Americans all over Afghanistan. Not all worked / lived in Kabul, genius.
Numbers are hard for democrats. They don't like how hard they have to work to comprehend them, so they just grab the first ones they see and go with them.
Hey, you have to give the man partial credit - he did interrupt hois vacation long enoughto go back to DC and - in the middle of the disaster - give a statement, during which he blamed everyoe except himself.

When Benghazi went down no one even knew where Barry was. He didn't show back up until it was all over.

If I remember correctly the day after Benghazi The Worthless Negro took off to Viva Las Vegas Baby to shake down the unions for political donations.

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