Rushing To Reverse Everything Trump Did Just Bit Joe In The Rear

Why is it SO hard for people like you to simply admit the truth?

What just happened in Afghanistan was a major failure in policy, decision-making, an execution.

You can not seriously, legitimately deny this, especially if you want to be taken seriously.

If you believe both President Biden's military advisors and his CIA, they both informed the President that Afghanistan would be lost QUICKLY, far faster than they originally believed. Not only this, if you believe them, they informed Biden of this several months ago, before he told the American people what would NOT happen. Knowing what his advisors had told him, there are only 2 options for why he told the American people what he did: Either he lied to the American people - because everything he said would not happen DID happen, or his dementia played a part in his misleading the American people.

President Biden publicly stated that he KNEW leaving Afghanistan would turn into 'Chaos'. Despite knowing there were tens of thousands of Americans in Afghanistan that would have to be evacuated, despite knowing (according to the President) that getting them out would be a near-impossible task, he STILL dismantled a program created by former President Trump that was specifically designed to help rescue / evacuate Americans abroad during situations like the one in Afghanistan.
- WHY would any sane person, who claims to know in several months they would be faced with such a situation, dismantle a program specifically designed to help get Americans out?

Between Gen Milley and President Biden, the decision to not only pull American troops out of Bagram in the middle of the night but making the decision to abandon the bases so quickly that they left a treasure trove of weapons, specially-modified Humvees, tanks, aircraft, etc... was a MASSIVE FAIL. The decision to close 11 bases and pull the military out of Afghanistan while more than 40,000 Americans remained unprotected was even more of a disastrous decision. The military should have remained to assist in the evacuation of every American citizen in Afghanistan.
- The swiftness of the Taliban advance could have been immediately stopped by the President TELLING (not asking) them they would halt their advance while the US pulled our people out or face swift kinetic retribution. Instead, Joe allowed our terrorist enemy ro literally run the military out of the country, leaving behind approx 40,000 unprotected US citizens.

The fact that President Biden SENT 5,000 TROOPS BACK INTO AFGHANISTAN, instead of leaving them there to begin with to help with the evacuation and protection of US civilians, was an admission by this administration that they had made a mistake.

Several Liberals on this board have tried to declare a 'win' for Biden by pointing out 'the evacuation is still going on'. They ignore these facts:
- President Biden, WH Spokeswoman Psaki, Gen Milley, and Biden's State Department Rep have all said THEY HAVE NO PLAN TO RESCUE AMERICANS NOT IN KABUL. There are some 30,000 Americans outside of Kabul. Biden and his administration has told those Americans, 'YOU must get YOURSELVES' to the Kabul airport - we will not help - you are on your own. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE AND A MAJOR FAIL! You seriously can not deny that!

Biden declared his administration - with all the power of the United States Govt, can not help those 30,000 get out of Afghanistan....yet a retired SpecOps Army Ranger went to Afghanistan when he heard a family he knows was sheltering in place and being told by the Biden administration they could not help - and this lone retired military member HIMSELF got the family out.
- You can not reasonably deny that this one man doing what Biden said his entire administration can not do is an EMBARRASSING BLACK EYE to the Biden administration.

Everything Biden said would not happen did.

Either he or his military advisors & CIA are lying about what Joe was briefed/knew.

Having no serious plan to evacuate US citizens was STUPID / irresponsible / 'criminal'

Dismantling the 'Civilian Evac' program Trump created was politically motivated & STUPID / irresponsible / 'criminal'

Pulling the military out before you got all US citizens out was STUPID / irresponsible / 'criminal'

Abandoning 11 bases, billions of dollars in weapons, vehicles, drones, aircraft, etc... was STUPID / irresponsible / 'criminal'

Biden declaring he would ensure Afghanis interpreters, those who helped us in the war, and their families get out and ordering millions of dollars be immediately allocated to help them settle in the US BEFORE GETTING EVERY US CITIZEN OUT OF AFGHANISTAN, WHILE TELLING AMERICANS 'YOU ARE ON YOUR ON - WE HAVE NO PLAN TO COME RESCUE YOU - IF YOU WANT OUT YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT TO KABUL' WAS STUPID / irresponsible / 'criminal'.

You and anyone else who wants to lump themselves in with you, those who are defending Biden and claiming he did nothing wrong are LIARS, denying this was a major FAIL based on your own political views. Hell, if Trump - or any other politician / political leader had done something this heinous I would be screaming for him to be removed from office.

You can still be a loyal Democrat and still admit this Afghan disaster was a major failure. When your political bias causes you to defend the absurd and be unable to accept reality then you are past the point of being 'political' and are into the 'fanatical' zone.

This exit from Afghanistan has been extremely, poorly executed. Can you at least admit that?
You shouldnt expect any integrity from Asslips.
You didn't care one bit when Trump killed 500,000 Americans with his failed corona virus response. But you're going batshit crazy, over the fact that 10,000 Americans went to a war zone, on their own volition, and CHOSE to stay there as the US prepared to withdraw.

Trump signed the Agreement with the Taliban last September so why didn't Trump start sending the civilians home when he withdrew the troops? Shouldn't you send the civilians home first, and the military last? Trump didn't do that. He sent the army and equipment home first. That doesn't make sense.

But keep blaming Biden for the mess, by all means. Just like you blame Obama for ISIS. It's not true but it makes YOU feel better, and we all know that for conservatives, their "feelings" about things always trump facts and logic.
Trump tried to shut down flights coming into the US. You guys lost your minds and declared that he was a racist for suggesting the idea, remember?
Biden cancelled the US pipeline / US oil production - now he's begging OPEC to pump more oil for us...they said no.
- How's that 'reversing everything Trump had going' thing working out?

Biden cancelled building the wall on the southern border, all immigration policies, and cancelled all agreements with Mexico and South American countries - now we have approx 1,500 covid-infected illegals crossing into the US per day, forfeited our border security, surrendered our national security, have the biggest drug/human/child trafficking event and largest virus Super Spreader event going on in history....
- How's that 'reversing everything Trump had going' thing working out?

Biden just successfully affected the worst, 'historical. 'epic' failed attempt to exit and evacuate Afghanistan, a 'disaster', according to foreign leaders, 61% of Americans, and even liberal media like usually-faithful CNN, leaving thousands of Americans stranded, their lives in danger, and with no hope of being rescued if they can not get themselves without help form their govt to Kabul.
- How's that 'reversing everything Trump had going' thing working out?


BOOO FUCKING HOOO!!! GAWD BUT YOU'RE STUPID SLEAZY!! Cancelling the pipelines has NOTHING to do with OPEC to increase production. Cancellation of pipelines that aren't completed or operational has NO IMPACT ON SUPPLY.

Joe told OPEC to increase production to DRIVE THE PRICE OF OIL BACK DOWN TO PRE-PANDEMIC prices, not because the USA needs more oil, but because the price of oil worldwide is going up as the world emerges from a pandemic.

If what Donald Trump was doing on the Southern Border was working and effective, why did Trump declare a National Emergency on the Southern Border in 2019?

Throughout the Obama years, the number of illegal border crossings steadily decreased, until Donald Trump was elected President. In 2017 he had the lowest number of illegal crossing in 50 years. What Obama was doing prosecuting employers was working. So of course Trump stopped prosecuting employers. Koch Industries and Tyson Foods put out the "Now Hiring Illegals" sign and the rush began.

The Southern Border has been a "national emergency" since early 2019, and nothing Trump did fixed that. So stop with your bullshit lies about Biden's "failure" on the Southern Border. This is the mess that Trump created on the Mexican side of the border with his "metering" of refugees, that has boiled over into this current mess.

The exit would have been orderly if not for the total failure of the Afghan government. The Taliban are walking into cities, towns and villages and taking over without firing a shot. That's not on Joe Biden, that's on the Afghan military, and their government.

The abject failure of Afghanistan is not on Joe Biden's head, but like everything else he's being asked to do, he's cleaning up this mistake too.

Why was there no framework in place to extract the translators and Afghan staff to the American occupation before June of this year? Biden should NOT have had to legislate the framework and funding to take these people out. Why didn't the military have a plan for this before NOW?
Yep. Joe stole that election.
You know what's really funny?
You dumbasses let him do it.
GA, AZ, WI, MI all controlled by the GOP and you failed to stop Joe from stealing your election.

What a bunch of maroons!
Of course. The establishment GOP wanted Trump out.
Trump tried to shut down flights coming into the US. You guys lost your minds and declared that he was a racist for suggesting the idea, remember?

Trump sold all of your PPE to China, and did NOTHING about the pandemic until he created the task force in mid-March, by which time you had 6,000 cases nationwide. You didn't even have a decent testing system by Mid-March - Trump said in his announcement that the test system would be rolling out in the next few days. - 3 months after the virus was already in the USA.

The stories of Americans coming home from cruise ships with outbreaks are harrowing. People collapsing on the planes. Coughing everywhere. They were met at the airport by DHS workers with no PPE, who processed their paperwork and then sent these people home. No one tested the people coming off those planes. The first outbreak in California was traced to the returning cruise ship passengers from Japan.

Canada never banned flights from China but they had testing from early January, and they tested and quarantined everyone coming in from China. We started buying PPE in January, to ensure every hospital and nursing home in Canada was well stocked. But once we closed the US borders and called the Snowbirds home, they brought the virus with them. On March 15th, when we went into lockdown, we had 54 cases a day. On April 5th, two weeks after we closed the US border and called the Snowbirds home, we had 1600 cases a day. No testing at the land borders, just airports.

Trump ignored the pandemic until it had spread throughout the country, and then he refused to do anything to stop it once it got started.
Wow man, you once again reminded everyone that you are a total idiot.
Do you have anything other than personal attacks to waste all of our time with, snowflake? If not, you can return to the kid's table and let the grown-ups talk,
Trump sold all of your PPE to China, and did NOTHING about the pandemic until he created the task force in mid-March, by which time you had 6,000 cases nationwide. You didn't even have a decent testing system by Mid-March - Trump said in his announcement that the test system would be rolling out in the next few days. - 3 months after the virus was already in the USA.

The stories of Americans coming home from cruise ships with outbreaks are harrowing. People collapsing on the planes. Coughing everywhere. They were met at the airport by DHS workers with no PPE, who processed their paperwork and then sent these people home. No one tested the people coming off those planes. The first outbreak in California was traced to the returning cruise ship passengers from Japan.

Canada never banned flights from China but they had testing from early January, and they tested and quarantined everyone coming in from China. We started buying PPE in January, to ensure every hospital and nursing home in Canada was well stocked. But once we closed the US borders and called the Snowbirds home, they brought the virus with them. On March 15th, when we went into lockdown, we had 54 cases a day. On April 5th, two weeks after we closed the US border and called the Snowbirds home, we had 1600 cases a day. No testing at the land borders, just airports.

Trump ignored the pandemic until it had spread throughout the country, and then he refused to do anything to stop it once it got started.
Oh, so stopping people from China infected with COVID wouldnt have slowed the spread of the disease? Is this the dumbass idea youre trying to push? Youre bending over backwards to try and deflect, but it isnt going to work.

Trump tried to shut down flights entering the US and democrats fought him to the death and called him a racist for it. Sorry, but you cant deny historical facts, no matter how many words you use.
He stole the election. The shithead was a failure in everything he ever did but he he was able to steal the Republic from the American people with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts.

Of course it was probaly his Chicom buddies that gave him the plan to steal the election. You know, the one that made his family filthy rich. I doubt he was smart enough to figure it out on his own.
"he stole the election".................. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Poor sucker....send more money.
Do you have anything other than personal attacks to waste all of our time with, snowflake? If not, you can return to the kid's table and let the grown-ups talk,
Some stuff is just too insane to need a serious response - it self-defeats like a shit-stain on your pants and I'm just pointing it out.
I wonder if she's getting all her troll farm rubles ok.
I've heard that rubles aren't worth a whole lot at the moment. I wonder if she gets paid by the word and that's why her OPs are always a mile long?
what could possibly go run undoing all the policies that were working? oh i don’t know a humanitarian crisis on our own southern border, massive increase in crime across the country, inflation off the chains, and then top it all off with allowing the Taliban to take back Afghan, lose our embassy, and make the fall of Saigon look like a walk in the park
Some stuff is just too insane to need a serious response - it self-defeats like a shit-stain on your pants and I'm just pointing it out.
So tge answer is NO, you have nothing to contribute worthwhile. Thanks.

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