Did Joe Biden Just Have The Worst First Year Of Any President In Modern History?

Did Joe Biden Just Have The Worst First Year Of Any President In Modern History?​


Did Joe Biden Just Have The Worst First Year Of Any President In Modern History?

The first year of Joe Biden’s presidency has been an absolute bomb, maybe the worst in living memory. The economy is still faltering, inflation is awful and still rising, the Afghanistan exit was a disaster, and COVID is still raging. On top of all this, every time Biden opens his mouth he...
1 Jan 2022 ~~ By Mike LaChance
The first year of Joe Biden’s presidency has been an absolute bomb, maybe the worst in living memory.
The economy is still faltering, inflation is awful and still rising, the Afghanistan exit was a disaster, and COVID is still raging.
On top of all this, every time Biden opens his mouth he sounds like a blithering idiot.
The Washington Examiner reports:
The numbers:
– 74% said 2021 was a fair to poor year, with most, 48%, calling it poor.
– Just 23% called it a good to the best year ever, with just 2% dubbing it “one of the best years.”
– 63% of Democrats agreed that it was fair to poor.
– 50% expect 2022 to be fair to poor, and 41% believe it will be good to the best.

An analyst at FOX News had a similar take:
Marc Thiessen: No American president has ‘fallen from grace’ as fast as Joe Biden in 2021
Just imagine what Biden’s presidency is going to look like a year from now.

Hmm..., What a Rhetorical Question.
Measuring effectiveness or not is a non-starter when everything Biden has done was wrong, evil and purposeful! The only measurement is whether he is actually in charge!
Biden has become the useful idiot puppet for Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats and global communism.
If Joey's performance during 2021 is any indication of things to come in 2022. Covid, Afghanistan, China/Taiwan, Russia/Ukraine, inflation, Build Back Bust and subversion of Constitutional rights are on his anti-American agenda.
The only upside will be the midterm elections. Both Pelosi and Schumer will be out, and Lame Duck Joe will be slowed for his last two years
It's a tossup: Both he and President Obama had serious problems on day one, and both seem to have had zero, nil not any cooperation with the Republican Party which fucked up our economy. So what did the GOP do, it blamed Democrats for their absolute screw ups by cutting taxes twice and starting two wars in the first decade of the 21st Century. And the hate when trump was given a post which was an office of trust, and spent four years + or - lying and playing golf.

Did Joe Biden Just Have The Worst First Year Of Any President In Modern History?​


Did Joe Biden Just Have The Worst First Year Of Any President In Modern History?

The first year of Joe Biden’s presidency has been an absolute bomb, maybe the worst in living memory. The economy is still faltering, inflation is awful and still rising, the Afghanistan exit was a disaster, and COVID is still raging. On top of all this, every time Biden opens his mouth he...
1 Jan 2022 ~~ By Mike LaChance
The first year of Joe Biden’s presidency has been an absolute bomb, maybe the worst in living memory.
The economy is still faltering, inflation is awful and still rising, the Afghanistan exit was a disaster, and COVID is still raging.
On top of all this, every time Biden opens his mouth he sounds like a blithering idiot.
The Washington Examiner reports:
The numbers:
– 74% said 2021 was a fair to poor year, with most, 48%, calling it poor.
– Just 23% called it a good to the best year ever, with just 2% dubbing it “one of the best years.”
– 63% of Democrats agreed that it was fair to poor.
– 50% expect 2022 to be fair to poor, and 41% believe it will be good to the best.

An analyst at FOX News had a similar take:
Marc Thiessen: No American president has ‘fallen from grace’ as fast as Joe Biden in 2021
Just imagine what Biden’s presidency is going to look like a year from now.

Hmm..., What a Rhetorical Question.
Measuring effectiveness or not is a non-starter when everything Biden has done was wrong, evil and purposeful! The only measurement is whether he is actually in charge!
Biden has become the useful idiot puppet for Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats and global communism.
If Joey's performance during 2021 is any indication of things to come in 2022. Covid, Afghanistan, China/Taiwan, Russia/Ukraine, inflation, Build Back Bust and subversion of Constitutional rights are on his anti-American agenda.
The only upside will be the midterm elections. Both Pelosi and Schumer will be out, and Lame Duck Joe will be slowed for his last two years
Jimmy Carter has to be thrilled with him Biden might make people forget his Presidency.
Jimmy Carter has to be thrilled with him Biden might make people forget his Presidency.

Oh, trust me, I won't ever forget Carter's time. I might ask him to Thanksgiving Dinner but never vote for him as President.

Inherited from the Rump


You can call it a crisis but most of it was caused by the rump closing down favorable nations US Embassies handling the applications.


Again, inherited from the Rump who inherited from Obama who inherited it from Bush Jr. It was all but won in 2003 but we know how that went. After that, it became unwinnable by any sitting President. And the plug had to be pulled.


Inflation? With all that was inherited, how could inflation not be a problem.

Energy crisis

Funny, we aren't having any energy crisis around here. Of course, we seem to be smarter than you are.

Supply chain crisis

Not having enough workers to do the supply chain is a Corporate Problem not a Government Problem.

Ukraine? The only reason Putin didn't attack earlier was because Rump was doing his job for him. And Rump failed. Biden put Nato back on track and, including the fighting bravery of the Unkrainians, Nato is showing it strength.
Rising crime

Sorry, but your buddy Rump gets that one

I am still waiting for you to give me a complete definition of what CRT stands for. I always thought it stood for Cathode Ray Tube.
Inherited from the Rump


You can call it a crisis but most of it was caused by the rump closing down favorable nations US Embassies handling the applications.


Again, inherited from the Rump who inherited from Obama who inherited it from Bush Jr. It was all but won in 2003 but we know how that went. After that, it became unwinnable by any sitting President. And the plug had to be pulled.

Inflation? With all that was inherited, how could inflation not be a problem.

Funny, we aren't having any energy crisis around here. Of course, we seem to be smarter than you are.

Not having enough workers to do the supply chain is a Corporate Problem not a Government Problem.

Ukraine? The only reason Putin didn't attack earlier was because Rump was doing his job for him. And Rump failed. Biden put Nato back on track and, including the fighting bravery of the Unkrainians, Nato is showing it strength.

Sorry, but your buddy Rump gets that one

I am still waiting for you to give me a complete definition of what CRT stands for. I always thought it stood for Cathode Ray Tube.
Where are you that you have no energy crisis?

Biden handled the Afghanistan withdrawal very badly: What Biden Left Behind

You acknowledge that Trump kept Putin from invading. Trump pushed NATO members to spend more on defense, thus strengthening the alliance: NATO touts ‘unprecedented’ defense spending following Trump’s calls for parity

Blaming Biden’s predecessor for all Biden disasters exposes you as a partisan clown.
Where are you that you have no energy crisis?

Outside of home heating (NG) cars, trucks and a few buses, we only use hydro electric, wind and solar power for most things. And we export power. Many of our buses run on CNG as well. I suspect that the next batch of buses will be electrics. Before you go off on how those dirty stupid liberals are, this is a conservative area and the changeover is a fiscal conservative push. When your government can save more than 20% on energy as well as electricity generation by using alternative regen energy then only a very stupid persons will not do this.

Now, you figure out where I am. I've given enough information.

Biden handled the Afghanistan withdrawal very badly: What Biden Left Behind

Like Vietnam, there was no good way to leave Afghanistan.
The time to win would have been no later than 2003. For Vietnam, I knew it was all lost when a captured F-5E attacked the Presidential Palace in Siagon in 1975. Again, there was no good way to leave. Take it from an old Warrior, my heart may break but now nearly as bad as losing more young warriors.

You acknowledge that Trump kept Putin from invading. Trump pushed NATO members to spend more on defense, thus strengthening the alliance: NATO touts ‘unprecedented’ defense spending following Trump’s calls for parity

Rump caused NATO to almost splinter. His constant childish bickering even when he didn't have a leg to stand on turned many of the EU countries against America.

Blaming Biden’s predecessor for all Biden disasters exposes you as a partisan clown.

I can live with you saying that. Now, can you stand it when I point out that you are nothing but a Rump cult worshiping, domestic terrorist traitor?

Did Joe Biden Just Have The Worst First Year Of Any President In Modern History?​


Did Joe Biden Just Have The Worst First Year Of Any President In Modern History?

The first year of Joe Biden’s presidency has been an absolute bomb, maybe the worst in living memory. The economy is still faltering, inflation is awful and still rising, the Afghanistan exit was a disaster, and COVID is still raging. On top of all this, every time Biden opens his mouth he...
1 Jan 2022 ~~ By Mike LaChance
The first year of Joe Biden’s presidency has been an absolute bomb, maybe the worst in living memory.
The economy is still faltering, inflation is awful and still rising, the Afghanistan exit was a disaster, and COVID is still raging.
On top of all this, every time Biden opens his mouth he sounds like a blithering idiot.
The Washington Examiner reports:
The numbers:
– 74% said 2021 was a fair to poor year, with most, 48%, calling it poor.
– Just 23% called it a good to the best year ever, with just 2% dubbing it “one of the best years.”
– 63% of Democrats agreed that it was fair to poor.
– 50% expect 2022 to be fair to poor, and 41% believe it will be good to the best.

An analyst at FOX News had a similar take:
Marc Thiessen: No American president has ‘fallen from grace’ as fast as Joe Biden in 2021
Just imagine what Biden’s presidency is going to look like a year from now.

Hmm..., What a Rhetorical Question.
Measuring effectiveness or not is a non-starter when everything Biden has done was wrong, evil and purposeful! The only measurement is whether he is actually in charge!
Biden has become the useful idiot puppet for Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats and global communism.
If Joey's performance during 2021 is any indication of things to come in 2022. Covid, Afghanistan, China/Taiwan, Russia/Ukraine, inflation, Build Back Bust and subversion of Constitutional rights are on his anti-American agenda.
The only upside will be the midterm elections. Both Pelosi and Schumer will be out, and Lame Duck Joe will be slowed for his last two years
Better than Trump’s fifth! :biggrin:
Outside of home heating (NG) cars, trucks and a few buses, we only use hydro electric, wind and solar power for most things. And we export power. Many of our buses run on CNG as well. I suspect that the next batch of buses will be electrics. Before you go off on how those dirty stupid liberals are, this is a conservative area and the changeover is a fiscal conservative push. When your government can save more than 20% on energy as well as electricity generation by using alternative regen energy then only a very stupid persons will not do this.

Now, you figure out where I am. I've given enough information.

Like Vietnam, there was no good way to leave Afghanistan.
The time to win would have been no later than 2003. For Vietnam, I knew it was all lost when a captured F-5E attacked the Presidential Palace in Siagon in 1975. Again, there was no good way to leave. Take it from an old Warrior, my heart may break but now nearly as bad as losing more young warriors.

What Biden Left Behind

Rump caused NATO to almost splinter. His constant childish bickering even when he didn't have a leg to stand on turned many of the EU countries against America.

NATO touts ‘unprecedented’ defense spending following Trump’s calls for parity

I can live with you saying that. Now, can you stand it when I point out that you are nothing but a Rump cult worshiping, domestic terrorist traitor?
Some countries have had problems with renewables.

Biden could have left without endangering so many Americans and American allies. He also left behind a huge supply of war material. This was very stupid.

And let’s not forget Obama’s foolish policy in Afghanistan: The Nine Surges of Obama's War

Trump’s primary criticism was that NATO countries were not spending enough on their militaries. Some countries responded to this criticism and NATO is stronger as a result.

Biden, and the elites he serves, are the traitors.

Last edited:
To Fuck Biden he had a superb year. A few people kept lying about him. Everything else is going just the way he wants it.
Some countries have had problems with renewables.

This was dated in 2013. More than 9 years ago. It's a lesson on how NOT to change to renewables. But in the late 20th century, we made the change to incorporate renewables that saves at least 20% here. Norway learned from that German model and have changed nearing 100%

Biden could have left without endangering so many Americans and American allies. He also left behind a huge supply of war material. This was very stupid.

There was no smart way to leave. And that equipment belonged to the Afghanistan Military. It no longer belonged to the US. The Afghan Military chose not to fight much like the SV Military chose not to fight overall. Again, in both cases, there were no pretty ways of leaving for the US. Take what you can carry, trash the rest belonging to the US and get the hell out.

And let’s not forget Obama’s foolish policy in Afghanistan: The Nine Surges of Obama's War

Trump’s primary criticism was that NATO countries were not spending enough on their militaries. Some countries responded to this criticism and NATO is stronger as a result.

NATO is stronger due to Putin. Rump tried to do something Putin was unable to. He attempted to splinter NATO. One of the many reasons he was fired.


Did Joe Biden Just Have The Worst First Year Of Any President In Modern History?​


Did Joe Biden Just Have The Worst First Year Of Any President In Modern History?

The first year of Joe Biden’s presidency has been an absolute bomb, maybe the worst in living memory. The economy is still faltering, inflation is awful and still rising, the Afghanistan exit was a disaster, and COVID is still raging. On top of all this, every time Biden opens his mouth he...
1 Jan 2022 ~~ By Mike LaChance
The first year of Joe Biden’s presidency has been an absolute bomb, maybe the worst in living memory.
The economy is still faltering, inflation is awful and still rising, the Afghanistan exit was a disaster, and COVID is still raging.
On top of all this, every time Biden opens his mouth he sounds like a blithering idiot.
The Washington Examiner reports:
The numbers:
– 74% said 2021 was a fair to poor year, with most, 48%, calling it poor.
– Just 23% called it a good to the best year ever, with just 2% dubbing it “one of the best years.”
– 63% of Democrats agreed that it was fair to poor.
– 50% expect 2022 to be fair to poor, and 41% believe it will be good to the best.

An analyst at FOX News had a similar take:
Marc Thiessen: No American president has ‘fallen from grace’ as fast as Joe Biden in 2021
Just imagine what Biden’s presidency is going to look like a year from now.

Hmm..., What a Rhetorical Question.
Measuring effectiveness or not is a non-starter when everything Biden has done was wrong, evil and purposeful! The only measurement is whether he is actually in charge!
Biden has become the useful idiot puppet for Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats and global communism.
If Joey's performance during 2021 is any indication of things to come in 2022. Covid, Afghanistan, China/Taiwan, Russia/Ukraine, inflation, Build Back Bust and subversion of Constitutional rights are on his anti-American agenda.
The only upside will be the midterm elections. Both Pelosi and Schumer will be out, and Lame Duck Joe will be slowed for his last two years

Did Joe Biden Just Have The Worst First Year Of Any President In Modern History?​


Did Joe Biden Just Have The Worst First Year Of Any President In Modern History?

The first year of Joe Biden’s presidency has been an absolute bomb, maybe the worst in living memory. The economy is still faltering, inflation is awful and still rising, the Afghanistan exit was a disaster, and COVID is still raging. On top of all this, every time Biden opens his mouth he...
1 Jan 2022 ~~ By Mike LaChance
The first year of Joe Biden’s presidency has been an absolute bomb, maybe the worst in living memory.
The economy is still faltering, inflation is awful and still rising, the Afghanistan exit was a disaster, and COVID is still raging.
On top of all this, every time Biden opens his mouth he sounds like a blithering idiot.
The Washington Examiner reports:
The numbers:
– 74% said 2021 was a fair to poor year, with most, 48%, calling it poor.
– Just 23% called it a good to the best year ever, with just 2% dubbing it “one of the best years.”
– 63% of Democrats agreed that it was fair to poor.
– 50% expect 2022 to be fair to poor, and 41% believe it will be good to the best.

An analyst at FOX News had a similar take:
Marc Thiessen: No American president has ‘fallen from grace’ as fast as Joe Biden in 2021
Just imagine what Biden’s presidency is going to look like a year from now.

Hmm..., What a Rhetorical Question.
Measuring effectiveness or not is a non-starter when everything Biden has done was wrong, evil and purposeful! The only measurement is whether he is actually in charge!
Biden has become the useful idiot puppet for Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats and global communism.
If Joey's performance during 2021 is any indication of things to come in 2022. Covid, Afghanistan, China/Taiwan, Russia/Ukraine, inflation, Build Back Bust and subversion of Constitutional rights are on his anti-American agenda.
The only upside will be the midterm elections. Both Pelosi and Schumer will be out, and Lame Duck Joe will be slowed for his last two years
Nope, not even close.

2020 was by far the worst for Trump.

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