Russia calls out CNN for propagating " fake news" in response to U.S. sanctions

My comment RE sanctions was sarcasm. (Though admittedly I'd very, very much like to see the MSM punished for their bullshit - but that's a long standing dislike. See my sig.)
Russia Calls Out CNN For Propagating ‘Fake News’ In Response To U.S. Sanctions | We Are Change
When CNN began circulating the rumors that Russia would retaliate against recent sanctions from the United States by closing an American School in Moscow and a U.S. embassy vacation house, Russia’s foreign ministry was quick to call the mainstream media out for broadcasting “fake news.”
Oh for the love of CNN the king of all bullshitters. These losers have been caught lying so many times, it is amazing they are still up and running.
CNN has been propagating fake news since the election season began.
Wrong. CNN may have an ideological or philosophical slant or editorial attitude, all news sources and even individual sources do, but they like all mainstream media follow a level of standards and protocols that insist and demand a level of integrity that includes a degree admitting and retracting stories that are shown to be inaccurate. The right wing fringe media such as Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, ect., and blog sites don't even attempt to meet those standards. Fake news is news entirely made up and has no foundation in fact or truth. It does not include stories that are embellished or exaggerated. As long as there is a source and foundation for a story it is not fake news. It may be wrong or inaccurate, grossly exaggerated or based on faulty information and reporting, poor journalism and investigative techniques, but none of that equalts fake news like we see at Breitbart or Gateway Pundit and the rw bloggers.
CNN "may" have an ideological slant?! Ha ha ha ho ho ho hee hee hee!

What fucking planet do you live on? CNN has jumped the shark and totally lost all journalistic objectivity. They are a hack network and a propaganda arm of the Democrap party. I love how leftists pretend they don't know this.
Russia Calls Out CNN For Propagating ‘Fake News’ In Response To U.S. Sanctions | We Are Change
When CNN began circulating the rumors that Russia would retaliate against recent sanctions from the United States by closing an American School in Moscow and a U.S. embassy vacation house, Russia’s foreign ministry was quick to call the mainstream media out for broadcasting “fake news.”
Oh for the love of CNN the king of all bullshitters. These losers have been caught lying so many times, it is amazing they are still up and running.
CNN has been propagating fake news since the election season began.
Wrong. CNN may have an ideological or philosophical slant or editorial attitude, all news sources and even individual sources do, but they like all mainstream media follow a level of standards and protocols that insist and demand a level of integrity that includes a degree admitting and retracting stories that are shown to be inaccurate. The right wing fringe media such as Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, ect., and blog sites don't even attempt to meet those standards. Fake news is news entirely made up and has no foundation in fact or truth. It does not include stories that are embellished or exaggerated. As long as there is a source and foundation for a story it is not fake news. It may be wrong or inaccurate, grossly exaggerated or based on faulty information and reporting, poor journalism and investigative techniques, but none of that equalts fake news like we see at Breitbart or Gateway Pundit and the rw bloggers.

WRONG CNN IS ALWAY LYING and GET CAUGHT , because they are paid off fkn idiots.
Not to mention ANDERSON COOPER is FORMER FKN CIA agent, oh and his MOTHER FILLED WITH BUCKS.......oh now lets connect those dots.......... last name " VANDERBELT" oh my CFR list OH MY, oh wait in the Globalist population control group wake up..

Right, like handing out questions in a national election to their preferred candidate.

Where are the sanctions on the MSM for trying to influence the election?
You have a right to boycott CNN for that perceived violation of integrity. You have a right to boycott them and encourage others to boycott them, but even if the claim is true, it has nothing to do with publishing fake news. Journalist colluding with political operatives is a violation of standards, particularly ethics and integrity standards. That is not the same as creating a totally fake story.

And here is one of their own FORMER employee who has blown the whistle on CNN

Amber Lyon (ex-CNN): Mainstream media is betraying the public.

Russia Calls Out CNN For Propagating ‘Fake News’ In Response To U.S. Sanctions | We Are Change
When CNN began circulating the rumors that Russia would retaliate against recent sanctions from the United States by closing an American School in Moscow and a U.S. embassy vacation house, Russia’s foreign ministry was quick to call the mainstream media out for broadcasting “fake news.”
Oh for the love of CNN the king of all bullshitters. These losers have been caught lying so many times, it is amazing they are still up and running.
CNN has been propagating fake news since the election season began.
Wrong. CNN may have an ideological or philosophical slant or editorial attitude, all news sources and even individual sources do, but they like all mainstream media follow a level of standards and protocols that insist and demand a level of integrity that includes a degree admitting and retracting stories that are shown to be inaccurate. The right wing fringe media such as Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, ect., and blog sites don't even attempt to meet those standards. Fake news is news entirely made up and has no foundation in fact or truth. It does not include stories that are embellished or exaggerated. As long as there is a source and foundation for a story it is not fake news. It may be wrong or inaccurate, grossly exaggerated or based on faulty information and reporting, poor journalism and investigative techniques, but none of that equalts fake news like we see at Breitbart or Gateway Pundit and the rw bloggers.

WRONG CNN IS ALWAY LYING and GET CAUGHT , because they are paid off fkn idiots.
Not to mention ANDERSON COOPER is FORMER FKN CIA agent, oh and his MOTHER FILLED WITH BUCKS.......oh now lets connect those dots.......... last name " VANDERBELT" oh my CFR list OH MY, oh wait in the Globalist population control group wake up..

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Whateva happened to Donna Brazil, another CNN commentator turned leader of the Democrap party, who "somehow" stole the debate questions being sponsored by....drum roll please...CNN (surprise!), and handed them over to morally and ethically bankrupt Crooked Hillary who ended up using them to her full advantage?

Oh wait, she still has her job as ruler of the DNC and still being asked to appear on CNN!

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
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