Russia continues to make Obama look like a fool (which he obvioudly is)

Why don't the nutters save time, and simply keep repeating, 'the President is "BLACK"!' It is all the racists ever actually mean.

Bush was a shitty president because he was white?

Shut the fuck up.

The society which justifies blacks for their crimes due to their skin color is not healthy. The law should be applied equally to all the citizens regardless of their skin color. If a person with white, black, yellow or even green skin color is a crook, he has to be judged. You , IOLO and other liberals are used to substitute the conceptions and to distract the attention from the crime itself to the color of the skin, so you, liberals, sound more racists than anybody else. When people use race to defend someone, it generally means it’s their only argument.

Obama is the worst POTUS, and that’s a fact. Does it have anything to do with the thing that he’s black? May be. But that’s not what he should be judged for. He should be judged for all the lies he’s told and for all the evil he’s done to his own country and to the whole world.

thankfully the rightwing crackas have become a minority and you numbers are shrinking, great to see the white trash on the way out
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Obama could learn a lot from Putin.
How to be a man, for starters. How to lead. How to stand up for what's right. How to punish those who threaten the people he's sworn to protect.
Etc. etc. etc.
Yeah - Obama could learn a lot from Putin.
If Obama is a fool, and yet beat (not once, but twice) the Republican Party's candidates to be President, what does this say about the Republican Party?

Rather - what does it say for the idiots that selected him.
Twice in most cases.
And the same bunch is lining up to select the wife of a child molesting, lying under oath, disbarred, disgraced, impeached pervert.
From the link:

In the meantime, several other Ebola vaccines have been developed and tested in countries affected by the epidemic. One of them was created by the Merck, a US company, and tested by the World Health Organization (WHO) in Guinea last year, with preliminary results demonstrating a high rate of effectiveness after testing more than 4000 patients, ABC News reported.
Another vaccine designed for people with immunodeficiency has been developed in the UK.

A whole nother bunch of right wing nitwits who did not bother to read the link. Seems vaccines are popping up everywhere. Oh wait, right wingernuts believe vaccines cause autism. So they cure ebola and leave behind autism?

Oh the pain, the pain.
Obama could learn a lot from Putin.
How to be a man, for starters. How to lead. How to stand up for what's right. How to punish those who threaten the people he's sworn to protect.
Etc. etc. etc.
Yeah - Obama could learn a lot from Putin.
Putin has led his country to economic ruin

It is Obama killing terrorists not Putin
Obama could learn a lot from Putin.
How to be a man, for starters. How to lead. How to stand up for what's right. How to punish those who threaten the people he's sworn to protect.
Etc. etc. etc.
Yeah - Obama could learn a lot from Putin.

Learn from what? How to become one of the richest man in the world? Worth $40 billions. What a corrupted president. Stand up for what? Murdering civilians in Syria to protect his fellow murderer Assad? Obama is kicking Putin ass with the sanctions and the whole world knew that. Can you tell me what is Putin contribution to world peace?

Russia Is Killing Civilians, Not ISIS, in Syria

The Top 10 Richest Presidents in the World
Obama could learn a lot from Putin.
How to be a man, for starters. How to lead. How to stand up for what's right. How to punish those who threaten the people he's sworn to protect.
Etc. etc. etc.
Yeah - Obama could learn a lot from Putin.

RWNJ do love them their corrupt, dictatorial Putin......
Obama could learn a lot from Putin.
How to be a man, for starters. How to lead. How to stand up for what's right. How to punish those who threaten the people he's sworn to protect.
Etc. etc. etc.
Yeah - Obama could learn a lot from Putin.
obama does punish those who threaten those who are under his protection. He protects the worst of islamic radicals.
US President’s speech at the UN. Barack Obama’s ranking of international threats:
deadly Ebola virus top, followed by so-called Russian aggression and ISIS in Syria and Iraq only third.

While Obama has been so busy with his narcissism and his alleged “successes”, Russia, the threat #2 (according to his ranking), not only started bombing ISIS, the threat #3, but also developed an effective medicine for Ebola, the threat #1:

Russia has registered a new Ebola drug that appears to be more effective than all of the other medicines currently being used to treat the disease, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced during a meeting with the Cabinet.

“We have registered a medicine for the Ebola fever that, after a series of tests, demonstrates high effectiveness. Its effectiveness is higher than that of those remedies that are used in the world up to now,” the Russian president said, as quoted by TASS.
Russia has developed and registered two separate Ebola vaccines, both of which surpass their counterparts in effectiveness, with one of the medicines designed specifically for people with immunodeficiency, Russian Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova said during the meeting.

Russia registers most effective drug for Ebola – Putin

Wake up, Obama, Russia is making all your ”strong” arguments look as foolish as you are!!!!
Wow, strat, what a shame we aren't more like Russia! If we were, we'd get nothing but the truth from our leader, our scientists would develop better drugs faster and stamp out Ebola and HIV, and instead of a flunky MSM, we'd have a reliable news source like TASS. sigh! I'll bet even the grass is greener.
reliable news as in TASS.

Wow Bull ........ That's a lot of bull**** don't you think Bull? Obama doesn't control our scientists or pharmaceutical companies. Obama doesn't put a duct tape over Americans mouth to shut up Americans..... We have a very reliable news media that are watch all over the world.
That would be so embarrassing and so despicable if we are more like Russians.
Are you aware that Russian Scientists would rather go to Europe or US for better living? Where are the Russians when there is an Ebola outbreak? When there is a major catastrophic event in other countries like earthquakes, flood or hurricane...... Did they call the Russians or the Chinese? Heck no. They dial 911 the White House. And that's a fact.
Char, I am so sorry I did not make myself clear that my post was sarcasm. I thought the line about greener grass made that evident, but when I noticed a Thank You I realized it was taken wrong. I will not make that mistake again. Russia is famous for it's controlled press, Putin is a bloviator about his accomplishments equal to Trump, and I wish I had followed the impulse to advise Strat to used his flyer miles to move to Moscow where he can be free and wallow in Putin's truthiness.
Strattford 57 = Russian plant

mark my words!

or not!!

FYI, I'm not either right winger or Russian citizen. Yes, I'm Russian by blood. Ethnic Russian, a hostage in Democratic (according to Obama) but fascist (according to reality) Ukraine. Half of Ukraine used to be Russia for centuries till the USSR collapsed in 1991. And we hope one day we [and our lands] will be also back to Russia, just like like Crimea did. And yes, we support Putin: he stands for the truth unlike Lying King Obama.
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