Russia escalating push into eastern Ukraine

Your information is another political spin as usually.

Kiev admits advancing on rebels in east Ukrainian town 'meter by meter’


A house damaged by the shelling of the Ukrainian army in Makeevka, Donetsk Region.

And it's a picture of just one house. Ukrainians are shelling at hospitals, schools, houses of civilians and even at the mine and the chemical plant. They broke water pipelines and civilians don't have water supplies any more. The human rights organization (paid by Soros) prefer to stay silent though.

*pro-globalist talking points out of Soros' organizations, including and Human Rights Watch, as well as US State Department talking points promoted by the National Endowment for Democracy and the network of organizations it funds, including Freedom House, Reporters Without Borders, International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), and Prachatai itself (listed by NED as the Foundation for Community Educational Media).
Land Destroyer: Soros-funded HRW Awards Soros-funded Prachatai Grant for "Bravery"

The Telegraph:
George Soros gives $100 million to Human Rights Watch
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Your information is another political spin as usually.

Kiev admits advancing on rebels in east Ukrainian town 'meter by meter’

View attachment 110022

A house damaged by the shelling of the Ukrainian army in Makeevka, Donetsk Region.

And it's a picture of just one house. Ukrainians are shelling at hospitals, schools, houses of civilians and even at the mine and the chemical plant. They broke water pipelines and the people, civilians don't have water supplies any more. The human rights organization (paid by Soros) prefer to stay silent though.
Thanks for RT's side of the story.
Putin started it. Putin and Trump will talk things over and declare a peace agreement that includes trump lifting the sanctions. They just have to make a mess first and kill a bunch of civilians with a good portion of kids to make it look like a genuine war crisis.
Pro Russian rebels are also anti Kiev Ukrainians. They are ethnically Russian and refuse to be ruled by pro Nazi Kiev.

Who by the way are banning any and all things Russian. Removing any Russian names; banning Russian news etc.

Don't forget the first move Kiev pulled was to ban the Russian language as well as a few others. The EU freaked on them and the President at that time vetoed the bill.

But nonetheless, that's what the Rada did. THIS bold anti Russian sentiment is what ethnic Russians in the Ukraine fear.

THIS is why Crimeans who are ethnic Russians ran to Moscow for protection from the nazis in Kiev.

And when I say Nazis I mean nazi lovers. Their hero is Stepan Bandera who as a good Ukrainian promoted genocide against the Polish peoples and his troops murdered over 70,000 Poles in WWII as his troops and himself were aligned with the nazis.

Kiev and the west worship the man and all nazi principles. They believe only in the purity of the Ukrainian peoples. Very racist. Very nazi.

If I lived in Donbass I'd be on the front line fighting Kiev with all I had.

And I'm Ukrainian.
Fighting flares in eastern Ukraine
Eastern Ukraine fighting flares with pro-Russian rebels -

Trump has given Putin the green light to expand imto Europe. Ukraine is omly the beginning.

No CNN reported this was a Ukrainian offensive. Fuck that noise that this is Putin. Sick of the lies JimH52.

." It said Ukrainian troops "continue to conduct offensive operations to seize positions held by self-defense forces, including in the suburbs of Donetsk."
Your information is another political spin as usually.

Kiev admits advancing on rebels in east Ukrainian town 'meter by meter’

View attachment 110022

A house damaged by the shelling of the Ukrainian army in Makeevka, Donetsk Region.

And it's a picture of just one house. Ukrainians are shelling at hospitals, schools, houses of civilians and even at the mine and the chemical plant. They broke water pipelines and the people, civilians don't have water supplies any more. The human rights organization (paid by Soros) prefer to stay silent though.
Thanks for RT's side of the story.

Not just RT. This is an offensive by the Ukraine. And they will have no mercy against ethnic Russian Ukrainians.

Kiev is freaking evil.
One thing to note. This is a Ukrainian offensive. Not the rebels.
The fighting is in and around Avdyivka. That city has been under government control with Ukrainian troops protecting it and the government administering and providing for the citizens since the Minsk ceasefire agreement. Are you suggesting that they are attacking themselves?
Your information is another political spin as usually.

Kiev admits advancing on rebels in east Ukrainian town 'meter by meter’

View attachment 110022

A house damaged by the shelling of the Ukrainian army in Makeevka, Donetsk Region.

And it's a picture of just one house. Ukrainians are shelling at hospitals, schools, houses of civilians and even at the mine and the chemical plant. They broke water pipelines and the people, civilians don't have water supplies any more. The human rights organization (paid by Soros) prefer to stay silent though.
Thanks for RT's side of the story.

We have more trump russians on usmb than we do Americans.
Everyone knew after putin got his president on place in the wh, that he would be able to do what he wants. Trump will turn his very wide back.
Your information is another political spin as usually.

Kiev admits advancing on rebels in east Ukrainian town 'meter by meter’

View attachment 110022

A house damaged by the shelling of the Ukrainian army in Makeevka, Donetsk Region.

And it's a picture of just one house. Ukrainians are shelling at hospitals, schools, houses of civilians and even at the mine and the chemical plant. They broke water pipelines and the people, civilians don't have water supplies any more. The human rights organization (paid by Soros) prefer to stay silent though.
Thanks for RT's side of the story.

Not just RT. This is an offensive by the Ukraine. And they will have no mercy against ethnic Russian Ukrainians.

Kiev is freaking evil.
Do you have any idea of what the strategic value of Avdyvivka is? If you did you would understand why a Russian-supported rebel offensive there makes sense and a Ukrainian offensive makes no sense. Avdyvivka is close to the all important Donetsk Airport, well within artillery range that could keep the rebel-controlled airport closed. The Russians and rebels want to push them out of the area so that they can bring the airport back into use. It has been closed since the civil war began.
Putin started it. Putin and Trump will talk things over and declare a peace agreement that includes trump lifting the sanctions. They just have to make a mess first and kill a bunch of civilians with a good portion of kids to make it look like a genuine war crisis.

The Putsch in Ukraine was financed and started by the Obama administration (Fuck-the-EU-Nuland, Hillary Clinton, etc).

I hope that Trump will care about America, not the plans of Globalists, and the Junta in Kiev will lose its support.
Fighting flares in eastern Ukraine
Eastern Ukraine fighting flares with pro-Russian rebels -

Trump has given Putin the green light to expand imto Europe. Ukraine is omly the beginning.

Wat a BS!
CNN is fake news, who cares about these dishonest presstitutes and their lies!
CNN is not fake news and the reports from CNN on this topic are the same as reports being reported from all over Europe. Only Russia has differing reports. The propaganda from Russia is the fake news.
Putin started it. Putin and Trump will talk things over and declare a peace agreement that includes trump lifting the sanctions. They just have to make a mess first and kill a bunch of civilians with a good portion of kids to make it look like a genuine war crisis.

The Putsch in Ukraine was financed and started by the Obama administration (Fuck-the-EU-Nuland, Hillary Clinton, etc).

I hope that Trump will care about America, not the plans of Globalists, and the Junta in Kiev will lose its support.
The so-called Putsch you are babbling misinformation about has been reelected several times by the citizens of Ukraine in internationally monitored and supervised elections and accepted as the legitimate government of Ukraine.
CNN is not fake news...

It is fake news, these presstitutes are incompetent and dishonest.

Only Russia has differing reports.

Independent honest Journalists still do their job.
And they are not only Russians.
Sounds like you are overdosing on Kool-aid. Are there some independent honest journalist that are telling you that Ukraine is the aggressor in the current battles being fought in Ukraine? Who are they? Show the link of where you get this accurate and real reporting about the situation in Ukraine.
The so-called Putsch you are babbling misinformation about has been reelected several times by the citizens of Ukraine in internationally monitored and supervised elections and accepted as the legitimate government of Ukraine.

After the Junta imprisoned the judges and the elected government, and after parts of Ukraine declared their independence from the Junta in Kiev.
Who cares about these fake elections?

Would you like to live under a government, that was elected after a Junta removed the elected government and imprisoned the elected judges?

What a joke was this "internationally monitored" election?

Imagine China financed a Putsch in the USA, the Junta replaced the elected government and imprisoned the judges.

After that they do an "internationally monitored and supervised elections" and install their marionettes.

I can imagine that some states will immediately declare about their secession from Washington.

Some of these marionettes are not even Ukrainians!

The guy that was eating his tie, this coward from Georgia Saakashvili, is now a politician in the Ukraine!

That is so in your face!

I hope that Trump will not support these marionettes, and the two Slavic nations, the Ukrainians and Russians, will restore friendly relations.

The conflict between Ukraine and Russia was provoked by the warmongers, like Nuland and Hillary.

Without the money of banksters, that was payed to extremists, the Ukrainians and Russians would still live in peace.

And some dishonest people from CNN were whining about Russia interfering in American elections, after CNN and warmongers from the Obama administration interfered directly and blatantly in the Ukrainian elections.
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