Russia has Freed Bakhmut.

Pathetic. You want to believe very hard that Russia won something? Go ahead.

BTW, Russia is the one who was threatening with a nuclear war if other countries got involved.

Russia is losing, big time, no matter how much Ukrainian land it ends up keeping at the end of all battles and the war.
So if Russia is threatening nuclear war, why are we provoking that?

Posted here from RT news, because the Western media is still refusing to accept the fact.
And too for added discussion, America's Patriot missile system was attacked and destroyed by Russia's hypersonic missiles that are known to be unstoppable.
Hey, retarded indoctrinated Canuck: skye had a thread on this weeks ago.

You're a tard.

Owait, many weeks ago:

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Hey, retarded indoctrinated Canuck: skye had a thread on this weeks ago.

You're a tard.

Owait, many weeks ago:

Well, at least he didn't start his thread as a false start.
Bakhmut has been obliterated by the Musicians and this was never in doubt by any of the front line experts at any time . The main point of interest here is the number of people reading FakeNews every day , accepting it as gospel , and even now wanting to argue against simple facts . A bigger load of dimwits is hard to imagine . Is this a general factor or just the American Dumbed Down syndrome yet again ?
Bakhmut has been obliterated by the Musicians and this was never in doubt by any of the front line experts at any time . The main point of interest here is the number of people reading FakeNews every day , accepting it as gospel , and even now wanting to argue against simple facts . A bigger load of dimwits is hard to imagine . Is this a general factor or just the American Dumbed Down syndrome yet again ?
How the things are on a Romanian border, honey?

Posted here from RT news, because the Western media is still refusing to accept the fact.
And too for added discussion, America's Patriot missile system was attacked and destroyed by Russia's hypersonic missiles that are known to be unstoppable.
Why are you shilling for the russians?
Yes. Every nation should be afraid of them. They are super quick, nimble and cheap as fuck. An F-16 is half the price of an F-18, for example. Its probably the best figher in world history for its time. They are still supremely dangerous today, with modern engines and weapon systems. They were specifically designed to be upgradable in the future.
Yeah, because Tom Cruise told you so or some Cat woman or whatever the hell swim-suited Iron man from the Marvel Universe shit show, right?
Yeah, because Tom Cruise told you so or some Cat woman or whatever the hell swim-suited Iron man from the Marvel Universe shit show, right?
Youre too fucking stupid to even recognize that im warning people against beating Russia. Our F-16s will devastate Russian forces, which will push Putin into a corner where he will be forced to use nukes.

You Russians and Ukrainians are dumb as fuck. Youre all a bunch of inferior third world dipshits. :laugh:
Youre too fucking stupid to even recognize that im warning people against beating Russia. Our F-16s will devastate Russian forces, which will push Putin into a corner where he will be forced to use nukes.

You Russians and Ukrainians are dumb as fuck. Youre all a bunch of inferior third world dipshits. :laugh:
Paper tiger, all your F-16s will be downed like the rest of the Ukie planes have already been. That's why you've been so slow on approving their deliveries to the Banderastan, for fear of losing face when your shitty "super-fighters" start falling off the sky literally and otherwise.
Paper tiger, all your F-16s will be downed like the rest of the Ukie planes have already been. That's why you've been so slow on approving their deliveries to the Banderastan, for fear of losing face when your shitty "super-fighters" start falling off the sky literally and otherwise.
You are making this claim without a shred of evidence to support it.
You are making this claim without a shred of evidence to support it.
Evidence of what? Of Uke Air Force having basically ceased to exist? We only hear of it occasionally when some crazy Bandera-pilot is habitually shot down trying to embark on a stupid suicide mission losing the second to last of their so valued MIG-29s. Just what awaits your scrape-metal jets when they enter the Russian air defense zone. I am eagerly awaiting for that moment to come but afraid it won't ever. Like I said your MIC won't handle the image blow so they'll be finding reasons to not send them over.
Evidence of what? Of Uke Air Force having basically ceased to exist? We only hear of it occasionally when some crazy Bandera-pilot is habitually shot down trying to embark on a stupid suicide mission losing the second to last of their so valued MIG-29s. Just what awaits your scrape-metal jets when they enter the Russian air defense zone. I am eagerly awaiting for that moment to come but afraid it won't ever. Like I said your MIC won't handle the image blow so they'll be finding reasons to not send them over.
Yes, Ukraines airforce is bullshit. Practically non existent. That changes instantly if they get F-16s. I dont think you are fully appreciating what air superiority means for a military force at war.
Yes, the four oblasts and western Crimea will be Ukrainian by July 1. The Russians lose 90% of their missiles to the Ukrainian ADA.

Rodina is a paper tiger.
Yes, Ukraines airforce is bullshit. Practically non existent. That changes instantly if they get F-16s. I dont think you are fully appreciating what air superiority means for a military force at war.
There's no such thing now, it turns out. Even the rudimentary Air Defense that Uks still have won't allow Russians to act freely in their airspace and that's with their old systems like S-300. Imagine the mess that awaits you when your fleet of faggots hopefully comes to encounter our last generation of S-400s and S-500s? Bring it on, scum-bags, I almost hear myself screaming.
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Yes, the four oblasts and western Crimea will be Ukrainian by July 1. The Russians lose 90% of their missiles to the Ukrainian ADA.

Rodina is a paper tiger.
You, asshole, must be from Canada, right? Do you still speak with Ukrainian accent, like your grand daddy taught you?
A well-off one from the rez who has plans for geographic Russia.
Either you're owning up to being a moron and being proud of it, which must be not unheard of these days in your neck of the world, or using some brand of English I'm not familiar with yet. Rephrase that, dot the i's.

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