Russia has Lost 3,000 Armored Vehicles and Has No Way to Replace Them

Those two clowns that Potatohead sent over there are the same idiots that fucked up Afghanistan.

Why didn't Potatohead go himself? Is he a chickenshit? Almost all the other NATO leaders went.
Doctors orders. Jill said he needed to rest.
How do you figure that? The Russian Federation can just buy more. They are flush with cash as they are making money selling oil and gas hand over fist to Germany and others.

Remember how Fuhrerette Angela Merkel refused President Trump's proposal to sell them oil and gas?

Russia produces their own tanks, they don't buy them. The state owned company they use to build and repair parts has had to cease production because they've run out of foreign made parts. It's over.

Russia produces their own tanks, they don't buy them. The state owned company they use to build and repair parts has had to cease production because they've run out of foreign made parts. It's over.

First thing I have read in these threads since February that I’m willing to believe on it’s face.
He knows and is intentionally blowing it off as it does not fit his worldview.
His worldview isn’t his own. He’s allowed the establishment complete control of his mental faculties.

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