RUSSIA HITS OBAMA…HARD: “We are reaching a really terrifying conclusion for the whole world


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016
RUSSIA HITS OBAMA…HARD: “We are reaching a really terrifying conclusion for the whole world: That the White House is defending Islamic State.

RUSSIA HITS OBAMA…HARD: "We are reaching a really terrifying conclusion for the whole world: That the White House is defending Islamic State. »

Obama is the biggest mistake Americans made. They should have known what he was going to be when he swore by the Koran during his innaugration.

Mr Putin's assessment about Obama was spot on. With the US having a Muslim sympthiser, as well as the only American President in American history who swore on the Koran on his innaugeration in 2009, Americans have only themselves to blame for electing him. Even if all that is too late, they should not make the same mistake again by voting Hillary who has been groomed by Obama.
RUSSIA HITS OBAMA…HARD: “We are reaching a really terrifying conclusion for the whole world: That the White House is defending Islamic State.

RUSSIA HITS OBAMA…HARD: "We are reaching a really terrifying conclusion for the whole world: That the White House is defending Islamic State. »

Obama is the biggest mistake Americans made. They should have known what he was going to be when he swore by the Koran during his innaugration.

Mr Putin's assessment about Obama was spot on. With the US having a Muslim sympthiser, as well as the only American President in American history who swore on the Koran on his innaugeration in 2009, Americans have only themselves to blame for electing him. Even if all that is too late, they should not make the same mistake again by voting Hillary who has been groomed by Obama.
white people are dumb as fuck.
RUSSIA HITS OBAMA…HARD: “We are reaching a really terrifying conclusion for the whole world: That the White House is defending Islamic State.

RUSSIA HITS OBAMA…HARD: "We are reaching a really terrifying conclusion for the whole world: That the White House is defending Islamic State. »

Obama is the biggest mistake Americans made. They should have known what he was going to be when he swore by the Koran during his innaugration.

Mr Putin's assessment about Obama was spot on. With the US having a Muslim sympthiser, as well as the only American President in American history who swore on the Koran on his innaugeration in 2009, Americans have only themselves to blame for electing him. Even if all that is too late, they should not make the same mistake again by voting Hillary who has been groomed by Obama.
he swore by the Koran during his innaugration

Are you an ignorant liar or an ignorant dumbfuck? Which is it?
The Russians, hmm yeah they are the go to source for truthful commentary. Cons have just lost their shit, they actually seem to be begging Putin to teabag them. Not as in the political party.
RUSSIA HITS OBAMA…HARD: “We are reaching a really terrifying conclusion for the whole world: That the White House is defending Islamic State.

RUSSIA HITS OBAMA…HARD: "We are reaching a really terrifying conclusion for the whole world: That the White House is defending Islamic State. »

Obama is the biggest mistake Americans made. They should have known what he was going to be when he swore by the Koran during his innaugration.

Mr Putin's assessment about Obama was spot on. With the US having a Muslim sympthiser, as well as the only American President in American history who swore on the Koran on his innaugeration in 2009, Americans have only themselves to blame for electing him. Even if all that is too late, they should not make the same mistake again by voting Hillary who has been groomed by Obama.

Do you have evidence that he used Koran during his inauguration? Or you just another right wing liar.
Why are you so concern of killing Syrian soldiers? In my opinion they should kill Syrian and Russian soldiers. Both Putin and Assad has been murdering civilians in Syria.

Russian airstrikes in Syria killed 2,000 civilians in six months
more frustrated and disgusted by the year, month, week , day, hour with Obama and both his SoS

.....and they want more of his legacy?
RUSSIA HITS OBAMA…HARD: “We are reaching a really terrifying conclusion for the whole world: That the White House is defending Islamic State.

RUSSIA HITS OBAMA…HARD: "We are reaching a really terrifying conclusion for the whole world: That the White House is defending Islamic State. »

Obama is the biggest mistake Americans made. They should have known what he was going to be when he swore by the Koran during his innaugration.

Mr Putin's assessment about Obama was spot on. With the US having a Muslim sympthiser, as well as the only American President in American history who swore on the Koran on his innaugeration in 2009, Americans have only themselves to blame for electing him. Even if all that is too late, they should not make the same mistake again by voting Hillary who has been groomed by Obama.

Do you have evidence that he used Koran during his inauguration? Or you just another right wing liar.
Why are you so concern of killing Syrian soldiers? In my opinion they should kill Syrian and Russian soldiers. Both Putin and Assad has been murdering civilians in Syria.

Russian airstrikes in Syria killed 2,000 civilians in six months

Progressives want war with Russia, and they want the US to take the side of Muslims.
Obama is the biggest mistake Americans made. They should have known what he was going to be when he swore by the Koran during his innaugration.

On another political subforum, I spent hundreds of hours in vain to make people listen to reason, during Obama's campaign to be president.

I have never felt even a pang of guilt over supporting or voting for Obummer. :biggrin:
US having a Muslim sympthiser, as well as the only American President in American history who swore on the Koran on his innaugeration in 2009

Mr. Obombawombachumbawumba relies on the teleprompter, but he usually stands at the podium with the seal on it. You could be right. There could be a Koran on a shelf inside that podium. There could even be a pocket pussy in there too. You know he loves to get fucked in the ass, by his black First Lady's tranny long dick. He probably eats Hot Pockets for breakfast. And while America eats its Wheaties, Obama laughs in everybody's face, even while taking the vow of the presidency. You could be right. Who knows what is under there in the podium he leans on, on his skinny weak knees. Gideon's Bible?
The Russians, hmm yeah they are the go to source for truthful commentary. Cons have just lost their shit, they actually seem to be begging Putin to teabag them. Not as in the political party.
With that same logic Putin was tea bagging Obama when Obama told him to wait till after the elections. So he could work with him more. You make Gruber proud!
The Ruskies have always been da bad guy supporters, but the USA took over that one also, since the Ruskies are so broke,(how broke are they?)..They are so broke, they can't afford to pay attention...
RUSSIA HITS OBAMA…HARD: “We are reaching a really terrifying conclusion for the whole world: That the White House is defending Islamic State.

RUSSIA HITS OBAMA…HARD: "We are reaching a really terrifying conclusion for the whole world: That the White House is defending Islamic State. »

Obama is the biggest mistake Americans made. They should have known what he was going to be when he swore by the Koran during his innaugration.

Mr Putin's assessment about Obama was spot on. With the US having a Muslim sympthiser, as well as the only American President in American history who swore on the Koran on his innaugeration in 2009, Americans have only themselves to blame for electing him. Even if all that is too late, they should not make the same mistake again by voting Hillary who has been groomed by Obama.

It was immediately clear within days of his inauguration he was a huge Islmao-Nazi fan; he couldn't hardly wait to jump in the big jet and race over there to swear his loyalty the Islamo-Nazis and promise them nuclear weapons and plane loads of untraceable cash.
The Russians, hmm yeah they are the go to source for truthful commentary. Cons have just lost their shit, they actually seem to be begging Putin to teabag them. Not as in the political party.

You mean like the Hillary Tards who now have the Koch brothers, Paul Ryan, Jeb and George W., and Goldman Sachs on their team, yet still run around like circus monkeys proclaiming themselves 'progressives'???? LOL LOL LOL
It's going to take a few years for Trump to fix the damage those two idiots have inflicted on this country.
RUSSIA HITS OBAMA…HARD: “We are reaching a really terrifying conclusion for the whole world: That the White House is defending Islamic State.

RUSSIA HITS OBAMA…HARD: "We are reaching a really terrifying conclusion for the whole world: That the White House is defending Islamic State. »

Obama is the biggest mistake Americans made. They should have known what he was going to be when he swore by the Koran during his innaugration.

Mr Putin's assessment about Obama was spot on. With the US having a Muslim sympthiser, as well as the only American President in American history who swore on the Koran on his innaugeration in 2009, Americans have only themselves to blame for electing him. Even if all that is too late, they should not make the same mistake again by voting Hillary who has been groomed by Obama.
white people are dumb as fuck.
I'll bet you wish they were as smart as this guy....


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