Russia informed in advance of tomahawk missile publicity stunt


Gold Member
Dec 17, 2015
Welp, looks like the Russians had a forward message via red phone.

Somebody post a link on my behalf. I'm going to sleep.
Well it makes sense .

What's with Assad being a real trouble making dick wh the gas attack ? I don't get the motive ?
He's just testing the waters, Timmy.
And, maybe Putin told his bitch to slap him on the wrist.
He's just testing the waters, Timmy.
And, maybe Putin told his bitch to slap him on the wrist.

That's dumb. He's winning the war . He already burned his "I won't do it again" card. And trump was on record about staying out of Syria .
If Donald informed the Russians, then wouldn't the Russians of informed the Syrians.

How much do you want to bet that no aircraft were destroyed, but a stray missile went off course and killed a bunch of civilians?
didn't Trump blast Obama repeatedly for telegraphing his intentions before a strike?

I guess calling them up and advising of an imminent attack doesn't count
This is old news. It was said at the time of the attack that the U.S. warned the Russians and I told you in multiple threads that they did... so why is this a big deal now? Seems to me you just want to make multiple threads to spread your lie filled garbage.

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