Russia is losing in Ukraine - who will it blame? Analysis

When Russia inevitably wins this conflict, who will you blame for your previous posts?
Maybe the reason so many of us don't support Ukraine is because we have an aversion to fascists & following the plans of globalists steering us into a reset.
Plus, it's none of our business what happens between these foreign cousins with a long history

I agree that Russia will probably win eventually. However. That means we should make the victory so expensive that Russia can’t afford to even think of war again. The term is Pyrrhic Victory.

And when they take Ukraine it should be a smoking ruin that costs then for decades. No benefit. No gains. Just expenses. Expenses they can’t afford to pay. I want their economy wiped out. I am already seeing it. Their aviation industry is in the crapper. Sweden and Finland joining NATO further isolated them. They’re going to end up being a vassal of China. Begging for anything they can get.
Ukraine leaders have said that Russia may use tactical Nukes to stave off defeat.....biden should let them know if they use any kind of Nukes we will come in....totally support Ukraine...meaning all of our military might defending Ukraine and attacking Russia.

Unfortunately putin sees biden as being so weak....that he might speak tough words but not willing to walk the walk.
Wanting to know where billions of dollars in aid are actually going isn't wrong, Persuader! Let's be honest here, Ukraine is and always has been a very politically corrupt nation. Is our aid actually reaching the fighters or is it being funneled off to enrich the corrupt?

You seem to want to blame Republicans for this war yet you inadvertently admitted that Putin views Biden as weak which combined with the Green New Deal agenda putting billions in Putin's coffers so that he could finance his aggressions begs the question...would Putin have invaded Ukraine if Trump was President and the US energy policies weren't handing Russia all that money? Would he have done so if the US were able to supply Europe with our abundant supply of natural gas?
I agree that Russia will probably win eventually. However. That means we should make the victory so expensive that Russia can’t afford to even think of war again. The term is Pyrrhic Victory.

And when they take Ukraine it should be a smoking ruin that costs then for decades. No benefit. No gains. Just expenses. Expenses they can’t afford to pay. I want their economy wiped out. I am already seeing it. Their aviation industry is in the crapper. Sweden and Finland joining NATO further isolated them. They’re going to end up being a vassal of China. Begging for anything they can get.

You forget that 'expenses' are a 2-way street.
Ukraine leaders have said that Russia may use tactical Nukes to stave off defeat.....biden should let them know if they use any kind of Nukes we will come in....totally support Ukraine...meaning all of our military might defending Ukraine and attacking Russia.

Unfortunately putin sees biden as being so weak....that he might speak tough words but not willing to walk the walk.
If no one had supported Ukraine, the war would be over and a lot less lives and property lost. Emotionality is the problem here. The Left has a lot to answer for. Putin is a monster, but Nato a bigger monster still.
I agree that Russia will probably win eventually. However. That means we should make the victory so expensive that Russia can’t afford to even think of war again. The term is Pyrrhic Victory.

And when they take Ukraine it should be a smoking ruin that costs then for decades. No benefit. No gains. Just expenses. Expenses they can’t afford to pay. I want their economy wiped out. I am already seeing it. Their aviation industry is in the crapper. Sweden and Finland joining NATO further isolated them. They’re going to end up being a vassal of China. Begging for anything they can get.
It was Nato's encroachment that was the catalyst for this war.
I agree that Russia will probably win eventually. However. That means we should make the victory so expensive that Russia can’t afford to even think of war again. The term is Pyrrhic Victory.

And when they take Ukraine it should be a smoking ruin that costs then for decades. No benefit. No gains. Just expenses. Expenses they can’t afford to pay. I want their economy wiped out. I am already seeing it. Their aviation industry is in the crapper. Sweden and Finland joining NATO further isolated them. They’re going to end up being a vassal of China. Begging for anything they can get.
A Pyrrhic Victory can work both ways & would also bankrupt our own country in the process. We are already headed for a collapse with interest rates rising & national debt approaching $30,000,000,000,000.

I guess you don't care about the millions that will suffer when Ukraine is destroyed. Ukraine is the breadbasket of Europe & it's destruction will cause millions of additional deaths by starvation. That's a tough way to go.

Russia is still selling their resources on the open market & don't bow to eco fascists.
Those massive resources will only become more valuable as the implosion of the West spreads across the world.

Russia will declare a war on NATO before they allow themselves to be conquered by the West in a proxy war
It was Nato's encroachment that was the catalyst for this war.

Oh bullshit. Everyone said that Ukraine would not be allowed to join NATO. And as we saw with Finland and Sweden the facts were than any country in NATO could stop them joining. Essentially Vetoing the move.

Now not one NATO nation said Ukraine could join. Not one. And every single one would have to say yes. So how was NATO encroaching?

It’s bullshit. A lie to cover up the desire of Putin to recreate the old Russia of history.
The expenses to defend Ukraine are spread around dozens of countries.
In the form of debt, and a weakening of our own militaries. They are literally removing weapons systems from the hands of our own troops throughout Europe and sending them forward into Ukraine. And they are being expended, and destroyed faster than we can replace them. And any replacement efforts are going to come at the cost of time which is irreplaceable, and yet more debt that the West will never be able to repay.
The US better bet would have been to let these two non NATO countries scrap it out, and do business with the winner…
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If no one had supported Ukraine, the war would be over and a lot less lives and property lost. Emotionality is the problem here. The Left has a lot to answer for. Putin is a monster, but Nato a bigger monster still.
Pathetic.....where do these morons come from?

What do you have against NATO?

Ukraine troops sweep ahead after Russian collapse in northeast​

Pathetic.....where do these morons come from?

What do you have against NATO?

Ukraine troops sweep ahead after Russian collapse in northeast​

Pathetic, are the morons who are willing to weaken our own forces, and expend American treasure in Europe, for a country we owe nothing to.
Wanting to know where billions of dollars in aid are actually going isn't wrong, Persuader! Let's be honest here, Ukraine is and always has been a very politically corrupt nation. Is our aid actually reaching the fighters or is it being funneled off to enrich the corrupt?

You seem to want to blame Republicans for this war yet you inadvertently admitted that Putin views Biden as weak which combined with the Green New Deal agenda putting billions in Putin's coffers so that he could finance his aggressions begs the question...would Putin have invaded Ukraine if Trump was President and the US energy policies weren't handing Russia all that money? Would he have done so if the US were able to supply Europe with our abundant supply of natural gas?
I do not blame Repoublicans for the war.....I blame them for being unwilling to oppose Russian least a lot of them.

Anyhow if you had followed my posts you would know I blame the war on sloe joes weakness....You are correct Putin would not have dared to invade Ukraine if Trump was still the President.

Too many Republicans have been led astray by Russian Propaganda.

Thus unwittingly strengthening the democratic party who can now lay legitimate claim to being supporters of freedom and liberty whilst Republicans will be blamed for not wanting to support Ukraine in their struggle against a totalitarian regime who invaded their nation and have committed horredous war crimes....targetig of civilians etc.

This republican confusion and stupidity will cost them in the unpcoming mid term elections....there is a price to pay for stupidity.
I do not blame Repoublicans for the war.....I blame them for being unwilling to oppose Russian least a lot of them.

Anyhow if you had followed my posts you would know I blame the war on sloe joes weakness....You are correct Putin would not have dared to invade Ukraine if Trump was still the President.

Too many Republicans have been led astray by Russian Propaganda.

Thus unwittingly strengthening the democratic party who can now lay legitimate claim to being supporters of freedom and liberty whilst Republicans will be blamed for not wanting to support Ukraine in their struggle against a totalitarian regime who invaded their nation and have committed horredous war crimes....targetig of civilians etc.

This republican confusion and stupidity will cost them in the unpcoming mid term elections....there is a price to pay for stupidity.
Protect Ukraine from a totalitarian regime? Lol! The same Ukraine that outlawed opposing political parties and has full control of the media..? Lol!
Protect Ukraine from a totalitarian regime? Lol! The same Ukraine that outlawed opposing political parties and has full control of the media..? Lol!
You are a sucker for Russian Propaganda.

The truth is that those parties banned were nothing more than fronts for Russia aka collabarators with Russia.
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You are a sucker for Russian Propaganda.

The truth is that those parties banned were nothing more than fronts for Russia aka collabarators with Russia.
Whatever helps you sleep at night. He has done what he’s done, and it’s a fact. Truth is every argument you’ve made in favor of involvement in this war is predicated upon nothing but feelings. None of it is based on what is best for the US. Just like the Left, and democrats always do.
I do not blame Repoublicans for the war.....I blame them for being unwilling to oppose Russian least a lot of them.

Anyhow if you had followed my posts you would know I blame the war on sloe joes weakness....You are correct Putin would not have dared to invade Ukraine if Trump was still the President.

Too many Republicans have been led astray by Russian Propaganda.

Thus unwittingly strengthening the democratic party who can now lay legitimate claim to being supporters of freedom and liberty whilst Republicans will be blamed for not wanting to support Ukraine in their struggle against a totalitarian regime who invaded their nation and have committed horredous war crimes....targetig of civilians etc.

This republican confusion and stupidity will cost them in the unpcoming mid term elections....there is a price to pay for stupidity.
With all due respect, was Joe Biden who practically INVITED Putin to invade Ukraine! The vast majority of the GOP has voted to fund military aid to Ukraine. It wasn't the GOP that refused to give Ukraine fighter jets to defend against Russian air strikes...again that was Joe Biden!
Russia still controls a large portion of Ukraine. It's like saying the Union Army is losing in Virginia.
Whatever helps you sleep at night. He has done what he’s done, and it’s a fact. Truth is every argument you’ve made in favor of involvement in this war is predicated upon nothing but feelings. None of it is based on what is best for the US. Just like the Left, and democrats always do.
What a bunch of b.s.---the defeat of a totalitarian regime is very good for well as the whole of Europe.

The world will be a much better place if this leads to Putin being deposed.

America has a long history of supporting freedom fighters and those who are unwilling to do so are not deserving of being called American.

For decades, the United States has supported democracy and human rights around the world for the following reasons:

  • The United States was founded on the principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and Americans believe that all people should enjoy these rights.
  • The United States is safer and more prosperous in a more democratic world and should take the lead in advancing this cause.
  • Free nations are more economically successful, stable, reliable partners, and democratic societies are less likely to produce terrorists, proliferate weapons of mass destruction, or engage in aggression and war. This means that the advance of democracy benefits not just the U.S., but order and peace around the globe.
  • Major problems we face in the world come from authoritarian regimes (and non-state actors) that seek to blunt the advance of democracy and see it as a threat to their own hold on/grab for power.
  • Democracy advocates and human rights defenders look to the U.S. for moral, financial, and political leadership and support, making American leadership indispensable. Remaining silent or reducing the profile of these issues abandons people who, in many cases, sacrifice their liberty and lives struggling for a more democratic society.
  • How a regime treats its own people is often indicative of how it will behave in foreign policy, thus getting a government to respect universal values and promote democratic development advances the cause of freedom.
  • Given the option, most people around the world would choose to live in free societies. According to the most recent World Values Survey, more than 82% of respondents believe having a democratic system of government is a good thing.

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