Russia is smashing Ukraine - best public military analysis so far

A false narrative that will not last

NATO never had any plans to deploy nukes in Ukraine.

First of all, NATO always tries to put nukes on Russia's border, and did have them in Poland for a while, until they were forced to remove them.
Second is that Zelensky is constantly requesting them, whether or not NATO would actually allow them there or not.
So it's crystal clear that Rigby and Badger (and others) are Russian sock puppets...and you might remember them being ardent anti-mask/anti-vaccine freaks...

Why you might ask?

They want to inflict as much damage on America as possible. They always have

That is stupid.
The reason we only have a 2 month flu season instead of a 2 year flu season like we do with covid, is that we do NOT try to "flatten the curve" with flu. When you "flatten the curve", you conserve easy hosts, making it impossible for any epidemic to end.
We deliberately prevented covid from ending, and inflicted the most harm to the US possible, as long as Pfizer and Moderna made billions.
Guerilla warfare is easy to defeat.
All you have to do is blockade the whole country, which would be easy with something like the Ukraine.
That does not give the Ukrainians anything to attack.

Occupying troops would be slaughtered. Any government that the Russians put up will be overthrown unless they have occupying troops.
If you read about how the Allies won WWI, it was an atrocity.
The Allies used submarine warfare to end civilian commerce, and cause massive starvation in Germany.
That is a war crime.
The German forces in France were never defeated.
We won through atrocities instead.
Read about it.
Even after an armistice ended World War I, the rapacious victors continued a devastating blockade of Germany.

If one word could describe Germany during the immediate aftermath of World War I, it would be "starvation." And yet, while some 900,000 German men, women and children were starving to death, the American and British public knew nothing about the reason for this holocaust, deliberately caused by the continuation of a wartime British naval blockade.

Britain's post-war naval blockade of food to Germany in 1919 matched the then current blockade of news by the American and British press. Even today, only a few non-Germans know the truth, and American and British historians, for the most part, have participated in the coverup of this most appalling crime.

The guilt of the world press in covering up the atrocity is compounded by the fact that the American and British public were told of the starvation itself, but were kept ignorant of the criminal policies of the Allies which produced it.

Newspapers carried stories of relief efforts to rescue the starving. The most famed of these efforts was directed by Herbert Hoover, later to become the 31st president.

As told by Otto Friedrich in Before the Deluge: A Portrait of Berlin in the 1920s, John Maynard Keynes cited the testimony of an observer who accompanied Herbert Hoover's mission to help the starving:

  • You think [this] is a kindergarten for the little ones. No, these are children of seven and eight years. Tiny faces, with large, dull eyes, overshadowed by huge puffed, rickety foreheads, their small arms just skin and bones, and above the crooked legs with their dislocated joints the swollen, pointed stomachs of the hunger edema... "You see this child here," the physician in charge explained, "it consumed an incredible amount of bread, and yet it did not get any stronger. I found out that it hid all the bread it received underneath its straw mattress. The fear of hunger was so deeply rooted in the child that it collected the stores instead of eating the food: a misguided animal instinct made the dread of hunger worse than the actual pangs."
Meanwhile, the armistice terms dictated by the Allies at Versailles would assure that Germany could not recover economically even to the point of providing a subsistence livelihood for the majority of its citizens.

Maybe the Krauts deserved it.
That is stupid.
The reason we only have a 2 month flu season instead of a 2 year flu season like we do with covid, is that we do NOT try to "flatten the curve" with flu. When you "flatten the curve", you conserve easy hosts, making it impossible for any epidemic to end.
We deliberately prevented covid from ending, and inflicted the most harm to the US possible, as long as Pfizer and Moderna made billions.
Oh look...the sock puppet is still trying to get Americans as sick as possible.

Why would Russians want that do ya think?
What ever it takes will be a win for Russia, because they could not let Zelensky join NATO and put nukes on their border.
They had no choice but to fight, and will continue to fight until Zelensky gives up.
Ukraine was not about to join NATO OR "put nukes on their border" Boris.

Just out of different are nukes fired from the North pole or Black Sea than from Poland or whatever NATO country you're currently obsessed with?
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Michael Kofman is a premier Russian analyst and has these take aways.
  • Kiev was always a distraction he predicted a small force to hit Kiev for political pressure but that the main pincer attack to be through Kharkiv and Mariupol
    • He predicted that back in January.
  • Russia has used almost NONE of its high tech weaponry. Almost all of the Russian losses are old Soviet Armor and aircraft.
  • Russia's casualties are almost entirely conscripts used to "pad out the force". They were forced into the military in the last few months before the war and were always intended to be cannon fodder.
  • Russia has effectively pinned Ukraine in the Joint Operations Area in the South East in the Donbas Pocket and he doesn't know what will come of it.
  • Ukraine cannot counter attack. They are unable to resupply effectively if they tried.
  • NATO is out of weapons to give to Ukraine which is why they are now down to giving Ukraine the scraps from old Soviet era.
  • Russia hasn't tried to capture most cities if they can avoid it. THAT WAS THEIR PLAN ALL ALONG.
  • He summarizes as:
    • "Russia is working the body, to use a bad boxing analogy."
Things Michael Kofman thinks Russia did/does poorly.
  • They didn't seize air superiority in the beginning with surprise allowing Ukraine to disperse their air defenses because they sought a "political victory" rather than a military victory.
    • He now says they have clearly changed to a military victory mindset which means their goal is to destroy the Ukrainian Army in the field. An objective that was previously not attempted.
  • They don't capitalize on jamming communications primarily because of their use of conscripts who have mixed comms and Ukraine's comms overlap so there's less flexibility.
    • Ukraine likewise doesn't jam Russian comms.



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First of all, NATO always tries to put nukes on Russia's border, and did have them in Poland for a while, until they were forced to remove them.
Second is that Zelensky is constantly requesting them, whether or not NATO would actually allow them there or not.

What Ukraine was begging NATO to do was support them militarily in case Russia invaded

They NEVER asked for nukes
That is Russian misinformation.
The US entirely bases our economy on foreign investments, so we have no backup to pay the National Debt interest if things go bad.
But Russia had no foreign investments and needs none, because they have NO national debt at all.
They don't owe anyone any interest.
So they can remain cut off from the rest of the world FOREVER.
And in fact, the oligarchs probably PREFER it that way.
It ensures there is less competition.

And again, the invasion of the Ukraine is NOT at all "senseless" as you claim.
The Ukraine is sitting on top of all Russia's pipelines to Europe, so was stealing billions in oil.
The Ukraine was massacring ethnic Russians.
The Ukraine was violating treaties and trying to put NATO nuke on Russia's border.
Are ANY of those things Russia can just ignore and live with?
Obviously not.
So now that Zelensky has started this war, Russia will have to finish it.

Oh yes..execute the North Korean model

Save your “blame Ukraine” propaganda for other Russian Trolls
If you read about how the Allies won WWI, it was an atrocity.
The Allies used submarine warfare to end civilian commerce, and cause massive starvation in Germany.
That is a war crime.
The German forces in France were never defeated.
We won through atrocities instead.
Read about it.
Even after an armistice ended World War I, the rapacious victors continued a devastating blockade of Germany.

If one word could describe Germany during the immediate aftermath of World War I, it would be "starvation." And yet, while some 900,000 German men, women and children were starving to death, the American and British public knew nothing about the reason for this holocaust, deliberately caused by the continuation of a wartime British naval blockade.

Britain's post-war naval blockade of food to Germany in 1919 matched the then current blockade of news by the American and British press. Even today, only a few non-Germans know the truth, and American and British historians, for the most part, have participated in the coverup of this most appalling crime.

The guilt of the world press in covering up the atrocity is compounded by the fact that the American and British public were told of the starvation itself, but were kept ignorant of the criminal policies of the Allies which produced it.

Newspapers carried stories of relief efforts to rescue the starving. The most famed of these efforts was directed by Herbert Hoover, later to become the 31st president.

As told by Otto Friedrich in Before the Deluge: A Portrait of Berlin in the 1920s, John Maynard Keynes cited the testimony of an observer who accompanied Herbert Hoover's mission to help the starving:

  • You think [this] is a kindergarten for the little ones. No, these are children of seven and eight years. Tiny faces, with large, dull eyes, overshadowed by huge puffed, rickety foreheads, their small arms just skin and bones, and above the crooked legs with their dislocated joints the swollen, pointed stomachs of the hunger edema... "You see this child here," the physician in charge explained, "it consumed an incredible amount of bread, and yet it did not get any stronger. I found out that it hid all the bread it received underneath its straw mattress. The fear of hunger was so deeply rooted in the child that it collected the stores instead of eating the food: a misguided animal instinct made the dread of hunger worse than the actual pangs."
Meanwhile, the armistice terms dictated by the Allies at Versailles would assure that Germany could not recover economically even to the point of providing a subsistence livelihood for the majority of its citizens.
They got the idea during the genocide of the American Indigene: burning their crops.
Russia has bitten off more than they can chew

Even if they manage a structured “victory” the occupation of their captured territory will be a nightmare for Russia

Pre-war you could have called me a Russian stooge. I was all but convinced Russia would roll over Ukraine and we would be next. I was very anti-war and anti-involvement. Now that I see the Ukrainians putting up such a fight, I say we give them everything they need to defeat the Russians. I had no idea they were this incompetent.
Pre-war you could have called me a Russian stooge. I was all but convinced Russia would roll over Ukraine and we would be next. I was very anti-war and anti-involvement. Now that I see the Ukrainians putting up such a fight, I say we give them everything they need to defeat the Russians. I had no idea they were this incompetent.

Russia is an existential threat.

Right now, I don’t give a shit about Trump except that Trump said he’d be harder on Russia than Biden.

So I’d be 100% behind Trump and America in Russia’s war against freedom and the West.
Russia is an existential threat.

Right now, I don’t give a shit about Trump except that Trump said he’d be harder on Russia than Biden.

So I’d be 100% behind Trump and America in Russia’s war against freedom and the West.
And you believe Trump?

Pre-war you could have called me a Russian stooge. I was all but convinced Russia would roll over Ukraine and we would be next. I was very anti-war and anti-involvement. Now that I see the Ukrainians putting up such a fight, I say we give them everything they need to defeat the Russians. I had no idea they were this incompetent.
It's the corruption
Only 17% of Ukraine is Russian held, and even that small percentage is shrinking. It is now well into month TWO and it has not gotten better for Russian forces. 20,000 Russian dead litter the Ukrainian landscape with the countless burned out hulls of tanks and vehicles. Many thousands more are wounded or missing.

So Russian stooge, tell me how you see this as a lot of land, and a military success, you DUMB FUCKING SHIT.
And those who are still alive calling their mothers to get them back home, because they are hungry and it's cold out there in Ukraine these days.
Hey bullshit peddling sock puppet, no where does Koefman say that "Russia is smashing Ukraine".

In fact what he talks about is how suprisingly bad Russian army has perfomed, how he overestimated them and underestimated Ukraine's forces.

Michael Kofman: What initially surprised me about the invasion is that it started more as a strategic raid. The Russians clearly believed that in three days they could conduct a regime change and get Ukraine to surrender without fighting. Looking back at it, they did not seriously plan for the kind of military operation that would be required to invade the largest country in Europe and take on a country with a sizable conventional military like Ukraine.

The initial operation was clearly a failure — that was self-evident a few days in — because of how they tried to put it together. They didn’t tell the troops, and didn’t prepare psychologically or materially, and as a result it was a debacle at the outset. We didn’t see an initial air campaign and we saw a very limited strike campaign. Since then, they’ve tried to put together a real military operation, the thrust of which is going for the capital as the center of gravity, trying to bypass major cities and take critical infrastructure, and try to encircle Ukrainian forces in the Donbas in the eastern part of Ukraine.

Ukraine does not have a choice, Russia does

Russia will have to choose if it wants to continue to occupy Ukraine at the current rate of casualties. How long will the home front tolerate a senseless invasion with high losses ?

The US economy is able to sustain long term invasions and occupations. A Russian economy cut off from foreign investment cannot
You confuse "cut off" with boycott.

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