Russia is smashing Ukraine - best public military analysis so far

All you accomplish when you give the Ukraine all those stinger and javelin missiles, is increase the body count on both sides.
Russia is still going to win because they are never going to stop, no matter what it takes.
That is because they are in the right, they can NOT allow NATO nukes on their border.
Russia will lose because it lacks the Will to continue

Its troops do not want to be there
Their families don’t want them there

Without a will to fight, they will collapse
All you accomplish when you give the Ukraine all those stinger and javelin missiles, is increase the body count on both sides.
Russia is still going to win because they are never going to stop, no matter what it takes.
That is because they are in the right, they can NOT allow NATO nukes on their border.
In the right?

I know you're a sock puppet but damn you're losing it
Land does not win you wars
You must defeat the enemy forces

Russia is failing miserably. Ukrainian forces are choosing their fight and Russia is just being picked off.

With Western Powers providing a pipeline of defensive weapons, Russia seems in for an endless war

Russia has not committed it missiles, planes, bombs, or main forces yet.
And the pipeline of weapons is easily cut.
What do you think is going to happen to a ship trying to offload weapons?
Russia has not committed it missiles, planes, bombs, or main forces yet.
And the pipeline of weapons is easily cut.
What do you think is going to happen to a ship trying to offload weapons?

They just lost 20,000 troops cause they were playing?

The Russian economy can’t afford to play such games
The Western economies can play indefinitely

Russia will be forced into an occupation without end. An occupation whose resistance will be funded and supported by Western powers

Putin can artificially prop up his fragile economy through economic tricks. It will collapse like a House of Cards

The USSR broke up because it was causing debt.
Russia has zero debt.
The do not owe a thing, unlike the US that has a $40 trillion national debt, largely held by China.
Russia can do this indefinitely, and will if they have to.
It is the US that is the house of cards.
Soon the world will be forced to drop the US dollar as the oil and reserve currency, due to our massive debt.
Michael Kofman is a premier Russian analyst and has these take aways.
  • Kiev was always a distraction he predicted a small force to hit Kiev for political pressure but that the main pincer attack to be through Kharkiv and Mariupol
    • He predicted that back in January.
  • Russia has used almost NONE of its high tech weaponry. Almost all of the Russian losses are old Soviet Armor and aircraft.
  • Russia's casualties are almost entirely conscripts used to "pad out the force". They were forced into the military in the last few months before the war and were always intended to be cannon fodder.
  • Russia has effectively pinned Ukraine in the Joint Operations Area in the South East in the Donbas Pocket and he doesn't know what will come of it.
  • Ukraine cannot counter attack. They are unable to resupply effectively if they tried.
  • NATO is out of weapons to give to Ukraine which is why they are now down to giving Ukraine the scraps from old Soviet era.
  • Russia hasn't tried to capture most cities if they can avoid it. THAT WAS THEIR PLAN ALL ALONG.
  • He summarizes as:
    • "Russia is working the body, to use a bad boxing analogy."
Things Michael Kofman thinks Russia did/does poorly.
  • They didn't seize air superiority in the beginning with surprise allowing Ukraine to disperse their air defenses because they sought a "political victory" rather than a military victory.
    • He now says they have clearly changed to a military victory mindset which means their goal is to destroy the Ukrainian Army in the field. An objective that was previously not attempted.
  • They don't capitalize on jamming communications primarily because of their use of conscripts who have mixed comms and Ukraine's comms overlap so there's less flexibility.
    • Ukraine likewise doesn't jam Russian comms.

Can someone in Admin get rid of this Russian troll kokksukker?
Good luck with that

What will ultimately give up will be the Russian economy and willingness to fight

Russia and all Russians are never going to allow NATO nukes on their border, so this will end badly for the Ukraine.
And it will be the fault of the US, that bribed Zelensky into this suicide.
Russia will lose because it lacks the Will to continue

Its troops do not want to be there
Their families don’t want them there

Without a will to fight, they will collapse

You are listening to your own propaganda.
All the Russians are against NATO nukes on their border.
No Russian will ever accept that.
They will fight as long as necessary.
In the right?

I know you're a sock puppet but damn you're losing it

Zelensky is the war criminal, murdering 14k ethnic Russians, and the US is guilty of war crimes since economic sanctions violate the Geneva Conventions.
Anything but bulletproof
It is a House of Cards built on oil

It Will tumble

Russia does not import its food, electronic, cars, or anything else.
They do not need the rest of the world, and economic sanctions have no effect because the rest of the world needs oil and will continue to buy Russian oil and gas.
It is the US who will lose, because the rest of the world knows it is not the Ukraine who started this war, it is the US who bribed Zelensky into deliberately starting this war.

Russia is smashing Ukraine - best public military analysis so far​

Michael Kofman is a premier Russian analyst and has these take aways.

Hey bullshit peddling sock puppet, no where does Koefman say that "Russia is smashing Ukraine".

In fact what he talks about is how suprisingly bad Russian army has perfomed, how he overestimated them and underestimated Ukraine's forces.

Michael Kofman: What initially surprised me about the invasion is that it started more as a strategic raid. The Russians clearly believed that in three days they could conduct a regime change and get Ukraine to surrender without fighting. Looking back at it, they did not seriously plan for the kind of military operation that would be required to invade the largest country in Europe and take on a country with a sizable conventional military like Ukraine.

The initial operation was clearly a failure — that was self-evident a few days in — because of how they tried to put it together. They didn’t tell the troops, and didn’t prepare psychologically or materially, and as a result it was a debacle at the outset. We didn’t see an initial air campaign and we saw a very limited strike campaign. Since then, they’ve tried to put together a real military operation, the thrust of which is going for the capital as the center of gravity, trying to bypass major cities and take critical infrastructure, and try to encircle Ukrainian forces in the Donbas in the eastern part of Ukraine.

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Censorship is the sign of a liar.
Really ironic you say that considering you still drink Kremlin piss even after they effectively closed all independent news in Russia and are sending people to jail for up to 15 years just for calling this war a war.
You're so fucking stupid you don't know who Michael Kofman is.
Yeah yeah---Russia is so great that they planned to use their young men and women as cannon fodder to be killed off in the thousands......sure their families are just so supportive of Russia as well over this.

Lord have mercy------Russia is losing their young and pissing off their families for generations to come and you think it is a win?
If you follow Kofman, he’s been saying that Ukraine has performed far above expectations, and that the Russians have been poor. He’s also been saying that the Russians have NOT achieved their political objectives, which included an overthrow of the Ukrainian government.

He has a podcast called War on the Rocks where he has been saying this.
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The Ukraine is taking higher casualties, and the Russians don't care.
They had to do it regardless the cost.
The alternative was NATO nuke on their border, which they are never going to allow.

Ukraine does not have a choice, Russia does

Russia will have to choose if it wants to continue to occupy Ukraine at the current rate of casualties. How long will the home front tolerate a senseless invasion with high losses ?

The US economy is able to sustain long term invasions and occupations. A Russian economy cut off from foreign investment cannot

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