Russia Issues Urgent Nuclear War Warning as Doomsday Clock Moves Closest Ever to Midnight, Prompting WHO to Urge Countries to Stockpile Medicines....

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
All this would have never happened with Trump not getting the election stolen from him. Biden is a complete global security threat as this indicates.

Agree about the unbelievable Biden Bungle era but the alleged Russian comments are all theatre .

The Pentagon knows that the US would be destroyed by Russian hypersonic weapons and even Jill will have let it be known that Piss Pants must never have nuclear access codes .
Stockpiling medicines after a full nuclear exchange is like taking an antacid after drinking a bottle of Drano!!
Most of us grew up with Russia threatening nuclear war every day. Mutually assured destruction still applies.
MAD might apply, but it might not apply.

The important factor is the question of MAD being promoted as the result by America, and that causes everyone to not consider a nuclear strike by Russia on the Ukraine, with no nuclear reply.

When Israel and America considered a nuclear attack on Iran, the possibilities of a limited use of nuclear weapons was seriously considered and there was very little talk of MAD.

In a nutshell, the onus on starting a full scale nuclear war will be on America.

Considering the current situation in which Russia is facing a loss to a superior alliance, Russia's use of a tactical nuclear weapon has become highly likely. They will be on top level readiness for MAD, with their fingers on the red buttons.
MAD might apply, but it might not apply.

The important factor is the question of MAD being promoted as the result by America, and that causes everyone to not consider a nuclear strike by Russia on the Ukraine, with no nuclear reply.

When Israel and America considered a nuclear attack on Iran, the possibilities of a limited use of nuclear weapons was seriously considered and there was very little talk of MAD.

In a nutshell, the onus on starting a full scale nuclear war will be on America.

Considering the current situation in which Russia is facing a loss to a superior alliance, Russia's use of a tactical nuclear weapon has become highly likely. They will be on top level readiness for MAD, with their fingers on the red buttons.
So you obviously consider the use of nuclear weapons on a state that doesn't possess them acceptable. That figures.
So you obviously consider the use of nuclear weapons on a state that doesn't possess them acceptable. That figures.
Maybe, but it's a lot more complicated than that. The Ukraine can be considered a nuclear state in that it has the force of a large nuclear power at it's disposal.

And as for the 'complicated', could the Ukraine call on America to get involved in MAD for the Ukraine's sake?

There are more complications to mention but you're not worthy of the time to mention them all.
Stockpiling medicines after a full nuclear exchange is like taking an antacid after drinking a bottle of Drano!!
Kinda like when I was a kid in elementary school and they would have us duck under our desks in a nuclear attack drill. The Teledyne factory where they produced Harpoon cruise missile engines less than a half a mile away from the school would obviously be ground zero for a nuclear strike by the socialists/communists.

WTF good would hiding under your desk do when the entire school would be vaporized into oblivion anyways? :dunno:
Kinda like when I was a kid in elementary school and they would have us duck under our desks in a nuclear attack drill. The Teledyne factory where they produced Harpoon cruise missile engines less than a half a mile away from the school would obviously be ground zero for a nuclear strike by the socialists/communists.

WTF good would hiding under your desk do when the entire school would be vaporized into oblivion anyways? :dunno:

Here in Vegas we have Nellis AFB, home of the Thunderbirds and the training center for fighter squadrons with Creech AFB 45 mins. north, home of drone communication operations.
WTF do I need stockpiled medicines for??

Once again the U.N. and WHO prove that they are worthless as bull tits!
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All this would have never happened with Trump not getting the election stolen from him. Biden is a complete global security threat as this indicates.

That's because Trump is one of Putin's whores!
Most of us grew up with Russia threatening nuclear war every day. Mutually assured destruction still applies.
MAD works well when all nuclear armed nations are led by sane rulers.

Biden is in the early stages of dementia and Putins sanity and health have been questioned.

We all saw The Helsinki Kiss Ass!
I would rather have Trump negotiating with Putin than Biden.

Trump is old but seems mentally sharp. Biden is older but not as mentally sharp as he was a decade ago. Trump knows how to make a deal. Biden knows how to sell his influence.

Nuclear war is a serious issue. The last time we were as close to an all out nuclear war was during the Cuban Missile Crisis. At that time JFK was President and JFK found a way to get Russia to remove the missiles from Cuba by removing our missiles from Turkey.

Unfortunately it seems we are stuck with Biden and if he is impeached or resigns with Kamala. Kamala hasn’t proved all that impressive at this time.

A sharp negotiator might find a way to avoid an all out nuclear war and perhaps even preserve Ukraine‘s independence. Putin may see Biden as weak and push the issue by using tactical nukes. At that moment one simple mistake could result in the end of the world as we know it.

All this would have never happened with Trump not getting the election stolen from him. Biden is a complete global security threat as this indicates.

How do you know? Russia has been pushing for the annexation of the Ukraine ever since Putin got into power.
Trump would probably have rolled over, seeing how his supporters seem to think invading is a right of big countries.
All this would have never happened with Trump not getting the election stolen from him. Biden is a complete global security threat as this indicates.

Do you really beleive Putin's bullshit threats?
MAD works well when all nuclear armed nations are led by sane rulers.

Biden is in the early stages of dementia and Putins sanity and health have been questioned.

lol Even the 1950's weren't the 1950's. Their capabilites were grossly over-stated then and are even more so now. The Societs went bankrupt over a small containment in Viet Nam and lost their credibility with their allies when Israel defeated the Arabs in 1973, the same year they went bankrupt and have depended on the West to stay alive ever since. They put the paper in paper tiger; Putin is just doing Reagan, another phony badass.
lol Even the 1950's weren't the 1950's. Their capabilites were grossly over-stated then and are even more so now. The Societs went bankrupt over a small containment in Viet Nam and lost their credibility with their allies when Israel defeated the Arabs in 1973, the same year they went bankrupt and have depended on the West to stay alive ever since. They put the paper in paper tiger; Putin is just doing Reagan, another phony badass.
What if Putin is not all there and decides to go out with a big bang? His army may not be as tough as advertised but his nukes may still work.

Hopefully if Putin orders a first strike on Europe or the U.S., his generals will refuse. Or perhaps the space aliens we keep hearing about will intervene and shut the missiles down before launch.

Keep in mind just one nuclear weapon can ruin your entire day.

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