Why we all must die? Ukraine war moves 'Doomsday Clock' to 90 seconds to midnight

There are powerful factions in this country and the world that want war with Russia over Ukraine. Ukraine, one of the most corrupt evil countries on earth. It is not worth one american dollar or one american life. Let Putin have it, It was part of Russia for decades. Let him deal with its corrupt leaders. its none of our fricken business.
Sounds like you are one scared clock watcher .

Even if there is a probability is less as 0,00001 % we shall send f...... Zelensky to Hell
The moron refuses to negotiate, why I must die while the f...... billionaire dwarf will drink sect in his f...... bunker
Even if there is a probability is less as 0,00001 % we shall send f...... Zelensky to Hell
The moron refuses to negotiate, why I must die while the f...... billionaire dwarf will drink sect in his f...... bunker
We agree in some respects but whilst I also have only contempt for Z , remember that compliance and subservience were the prices he paid for his off shore riches . But it is his Pentagon masters that are the greatest evil .
This means his time is almost up and I expect him to be replaced, particularly if the Russians move fast out of Bakhmut and with little resistance .

Never forget that it is the US which needs to find a way of exit with a minimum of embarrassment , let alone humiliation .

Russia will not yield . It has no reason to presently .It will continue shelling peas until its SMO aims are achieved .
And the US knows this which is why they are in panic mode . The tanks saga is just extravagant theatre .
America has like 700 overseas military installations. Russia has like 20 mostly in their former soviet republics. Russia simply cannot project force for long. Further if Russia were to nuke europe, where the hell do you think all of the radiation is going to end up? It is going to blow back on them and then get trapped in the northern latitudes. Except for Alaska, we'd be fine. Moscow, on the other hand..... In case you haven't noticed just about all of Russia is north of the US except for our Alaskan areas.
Keep up the warnings Baron but I think it's pointless.
It's pretty clear the mass formation psychosis has hit the point on Ukraine that most won't even question the narrative till the missiles are flying.

For some reason, if we don't stop the Russians from taking over one of the most corrupt countries in the world, it means the end of everything.
Even though we have ZERO over riding interest in this other than the CIA & NWO elites wanting to keep their playground where they can do what they want.

When the war drums start to beat, the sheeple begin to bleat
Gotta keep D.C.s money laundering HQ safe.
America has like 700 overseas military installations. Russia has like 20 mostly in their former soviet republics. Russia simply cannot project force for long. Further if Russia were to nuke europe, where the hell do you think all of the radiation is going to end up? It is going to blow back on them and then get trapped in the northern latitudes. Except for Alaska, we'd be fine. Moscow, on the other hand..... In case you haven't noticed just about all of Russia is north of the US except for our Alaskan areas.
they are bluffing , this is all what they got :

he lives in Germany, originally from sovok (ussr) so he is a very old man


you'd forgotten to write, I'm 110 years old, a Mongol, friend of Putin and live in Munich.
BTW you shall explain the meaning of the word 'sovok', you troglodyte moron.
Putin's impatience is what is at play here.
He couldn't wait for America to finish it's self destruction.
America has never been this weak. We have no leader, no direction and all the powers that be don't really care about America one way or another... they would just take their $$$ and go elsewhere.
America is definitely weaker than Russia...Putin's invasion of Ukraine makes it very clear...in fact, it is wrong to call it an invasion...it is manifest destiny...Ukraine belongs to Russia....Russia should rightfully annex other countries as well -- just because of how tough and strong Putin is.....

That is the problem with America; we don't annex countries anymore....we haven't really launched a good strong powerful invasion in quite a few years.....too weak

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