Russia passes anti Gay bill 436-0

There must be a historian in Moscow someplace. After seeing what the gay agenda is doing in the US, what Russia is doing is a normal reaction.
LOL. Humans being humans there are just as many homosexuals per 100,000 in Russia as in the US. And outlawing them will only create another way of controling people. But then, that is the goal of the "Conservatives", controling the lives of individuals, and letting the transnational corperations do as they choose.
The anti gay bill is really an anti gay propaganda bill and designed to prohibit gays from targeting children.

The bill banning the "propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations" still needs to be passed by the appointed upper house and signed into law by President Vladimir Putin, but neither step is in doubt.
The measure is part of an effort to promote traditional Russian values instead of Western liberalism

It is a reasonable response taken by any sane government for the protection of their normal people.
At one time, Russia was a nation of Godless communists. At one time China was a nation that relentlessly spied on its own citizens. Both had secret courts and secret police. Both accused journalists of crime for reporting the truth. Both systematically deprived their people of freedom and told the world that they did it because that's what the people wanted.

That is at one time. Today the nation of Godless communists is the US. The nation that relentlessly spies on its citizens is the US. The nation that accuses journalists of committing crimes when they print the truth is the US. The nation that tells the world that they are doing it because that's what the people want is the US.
Russian lawmakers pass anti-gay bill in 436-0 vote

I'm guessing if China and all the other communist nations that Libs adore did this, liberals would have an about face on gay r ights.

Glad to see the Russian gov't focusing on "important" things in the midst of a world economy on the verge of collapse.

The stupidity of man is really limitless.


I'm sure the Russians can walk and chew gum at the same time. The can deal with the "world" economy and protect their children both.
Russian lawmakers pass anti-gay bill in 436-0 vote

I'm guessing if China and all the other communist nations that Libs adore did this, liberals would have an about face on gay r ights.

Glad to see the Russian gov't focusing on "important" things in the midst of a world economy on the verge of collapse.

The stupidity of man is really limitless.


I'm sure the Russians can walk and chew gum at the same time. The can deal with the "world" economy and protect their children both.

Protect their children from what? Freedom of choice? Not sure about you, but I prefer a world with options that I can sift through vs. a world where a gov't CHOOSES for me what I should or should not be exposed to.

I don't support Authoritarian gov'ts? Are you partial to communism where everything is decided for you?

Just trying to understand where you're coming from...

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a totalitarian Communist government, inwhich homosexulaity was illegal, now backtracks to reestablish
some form of normal heterosexual separation from a perverted homosexual agenda driven global conspiracy to bring homosexuality to everyone on Earth. I say this bill is the right move. The western liberals have been trying to corrupt the entire world with homosexuality ever since we entered the 21st century. We must do all we can to stop the homosexual agenda.
Glad to see the Russian gov't focusing on "important" things in the midst of a world economy on the verge of collapse.

The stupidity of man is really limitless.


I'm sure the Russians can walk and chew gum at the same time. The can deal with the "world" economy and protect their children both.

Protect their children from what? Freedom of choice? Not sure about you, but I prefer a world with options that I can sift through vs. a world where a gov't CHOOSES for me what I should or should not be exposed to.

I don't support Authoritarian gov'ts? Are you partial to communism where everything is decided for you?

Just trying to understand where you're coming from...


In the US the government chooses for you too. Special interests, like gay activists, make the choice for you. The promote homosexuality and punish those who don't follow the new party line. Why you imagine that this is some kind of freedom is mystifying.

I'm partial to the government staying out of the sexual practices of individuals. That means they don't get to tell children how normal homosexuality is. It means that the government doesn't punish bakers, florists and photographers for not accepting the normalcy of homosexuality. The government doesn't substitute the individual's moral decisions with its own. That is exactly what Russia is doing. It is protecting the normal public from the propaganda of abnormal activists. No one has banned homosexuals, nor criminalized homosexualty. They just can't force their agenda down the throats of an unwilling public.
Didn't realize this country was so full of freedom-hating commies....


So you hate Obama and the whole NSA eavesdropping thing, huh?
Glad you're on our side. :clap2:

Even if you are a cocksmoker.

LOL - dude. I abhor Obama. I have at least 5 original posts to my name calling out the man for being a Fascist, globalist hypocrite. I'm appalled by the NSA scandal and don't believe I've ever voted for a Democrat in a Presidential election.

So, nice try.

And I'm not on your side; you're in favor of an Authoritarian Nanny state making all of our sexual decisions for us. You're just a hop skip away from endorsing communism, you know that?

I prefer freedom to choose, and urge you to look into that concept...


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