Russia passes anti Gay bill 436-0

Our government controls us as much or more than the Russian government controls the Russians. To be comparable Russia would have to go back to the Stalinist era.
Russia's birth rate is on par with most eastern European counties and even many western nations. Yes, it's low, but I find much of the alarmist propaganda just another way for the Russian government to exert control on its population.

It's so low because teh gheys have convinced many Russians to turn ghey, and now they're no longer having babbies.

This is what Real Americans fear will one day happen to America. Heed their warning!
The anti gay bill is really an anti gay propaganda bill and designed to prohibit gays from targeting children.

The bill banning the "propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations" still needs to be passed by the appointed upper house and signed into law by President Vladimir Putin, but neither step is in doubt.
The measure is part of an effort to promote traditional Russian values instead of Western liberalism

It is a reasonable response taken by any sane government for the protection of their normal people.

Something you and Russian lawmakers have in common: ignorance and hate.

Pedophilia is a heterosexual thing, homosexuals have no interest in children.
And there is no ‘gay propaganda,’ gays are not trying to ‘covert’ anyone to homosexuality.

Americans are indeed fortunate, unlike Russia, we have a 14th Amendment to protect citizens from such ignorance and hate.
Russia's birth rate is on par with most eastern European counties and even many western nations. Yes, it's low, but I find much of the alarmist propaganda just another way for the Russian government to exert control on its population.

Russian birth rate has increased a 30% in the last 7 years, and religious faith +16%. The opposite trend is seen in Europe and North America (record low US birth rate and, for the first time, more deaths than births among white americans).

In Germany 42 million people have a job but between 30% and 40% of women are little or not interested at all in having kids.
The anti gay bill is really an anti gay propaganda bill and designed to prohibit gays from targeting children.

The bill banning the "propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations" still needs to be passed by the appointed upper house and signed into law by President Vladimir Putin, but neither step is in doubt.
The measure is part of an effort to promote traditional Russian values instead of Western liberalism

It is a reasonable response taken by any sane government for the protection of their normal people.

Something you and Russian lawmakers have in common: ignorance and hate.

Pedophilia is a heterosexual thing, homosexuals have no interest in children.
And there is no ‘gay propaganda,’ gays are not trying to ‘covert’ anyone to homosexuality.

Americans are indeed fortunate, unlike Russia, we have a 14th Amendment to protect citizens from such ignorance and hate.

Your comment about pedophelia shows you are more ignorant than the people you accuse others of.
Russian lawmakers pass anti-gay bill in 436-0 vote

I'm guessing if China and all the other communist nations that Libs adore did this, liberals would have an about face on gay r ights.

Glad to see the Russian gov't focusing on "important" things in the midst of a world economy on the verge of collapse.

The stupidity of man is really limitless.


Yeah and the obama regime is concentrated on free birth control, and gay marrige. Lol
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The anti gay bill is really an anti gay propaganda bill and designed to prohibit gays from targeting children.

The bill banning the "propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations" still needs to be passed by the appointed upper house and signed into law by President Vladimir Putin, but neither step is in doubt.
The measure is part of an effort to promote traditional Russian values instead of Western liberalism

It is a reasonable response taken by any sane government for the protection of their normal people.

Something you and Russian lawmakers have in common: ignorance and hate.

Pedophilia is a heterosexual thing, homosexuals have no interest in children.
And there is no ‘gay propaganda,’ gays are not trying to ‘covert’ anyone to homosexuality.

Americans are indeed fortunate, unlike Russia, we have a 14th Amendment to protect citizens from such ignorance and hate.

Propagandizing children isn't pedophilia. It is child abuse but not molestation.
If u don't want your kids becoming gay, then keep the Roman Catholic priests away from them.

Keep public school teachers away from them and by all means keep sports coaches away from them. Is Jerry Sandusky still a liberal hero for the cause?
The anti gay bill is really an anti gay propaganda bill and designed to prohibit gays from targeting children.

The bill banning the "propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations" still needs to be passed by the appointed upper house and signed into law by President Vladimir Putin, but neither step is in doubt.
The measure is part of an effort to promote traditional Russian values instead of Western liberalism

It is a reasonable response taken by any sane government for the protection of their normal people.

Something you and Russian lawmakers have in common: ignorance and hate.

Pedophilia is a heterosexual thing, homosexuals have no interest in children.
And there is no ‘gay propaganda,’ gays are not trying to ‘covert’ anyone to homosexuality.

Americans are indeed fortunate, unlike Russia, we have a 14th Amendment to protect citizens from such ignorance and hate.

Your comment about pedophelia shows you are more ignorant than the people you accuse others of.

The research to date all points to there being no significant relationship between a homosexual lifestyle and child molestation. There appears to be practically no reportage of sexual molestation of girls by lesbian adults, and the adult male who sexually molests young boys is not likely to be homosexual.

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

Again, pedophilia is a heterosexual thing, homosexuals have no interest in children.
LOL. Humans being humans there are just as many homosexuals per 100,000 in Russia as in the US. And outlawing them will only create another way of controling people. But then, that is the goal of the "Conservatives", controling the lives of individuals, and letting the transnational corperations do as they choose.
Actually, you have it wrong. Liberals like to control people...from cradle to grave...even to the point of deciding how big a soft drink they can buy, where they must get their health insurance, what medical procedures they can and cannot have, what kind of light bulbs they can infinitum.

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