Russia prepares to deter Phrump´s ISIS relocation from Raqqa to government-held Palmyra


Nov 14, 2012

Phrump and his traitorous Kurds have reached an agreement with ISIS that includes ISIS´ possible withdrawal from Raqqa to relocate to Palmyra. Particularly after the Syrian army protected the Kurds from the Erdogan forces, this is not a normal behavior and the Kurds´ backer must be behind this obnoxious plan.

"MOSCOW, May 27. /TASS/. Commanders of the Russian group of forces in Syria has taken measures to avert the withdrawal of the Islamic State militants from Raqqa towards Palmyra, which is located to the south, a source at the Russian Defense Ministry said.

"The data confirmed via several independent channels suggests that the commanders of Kurdish units affiliated with the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces and the leaders of the Islamic State detachments operating in the area reached an agreement on the opening of the so-called secure southern corridor," the source said.

"The terrorists have received an opportunity for unimpeded withdrawal on the condition they will head towards Palmyra," he said.

Upon receiving the data, the command of the Russian forces in Syria took steps to prevent the militants’ withdrawal southwards, the source said."

Russian military in Syria to prevent militants’ withdrawal from Raqqa towards Palmyra

Isil´s Phrump colluding with ISIS, Russian Colonel General says.

"DAMASCUS, SYRIA (9:30 P.M.) – The US-led coalition and Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) collude with the leaders of the so-called “Islamic State”, Russian RIA Novosti agency reported on Friday citing Colonel General Sergei Surovikin, commander of Russian Armed Forces contingent in Syria.

“Instead of eliminating terrorists guilty of hundreds and thousands of Syrian civilian deaths, the US-led international coalition alongside with their proxies, Syrian Democratic Forces, collude with IS field commanders, who surrender their positions and sites without resistance and head towards the regions where Syrian government forces actively conduct military operations,” he said.

Surovikin also added that “it looks like Americans use IS in order to forestall the advances of Syrian government forces under the excuse of fighting international terrorism.”"

Commander of Russian forces in Syria accuses U.S. of being in cahoots with ISIS
Intense clashes between SAA and SDF after shoot down of Syrian aircraft!

"According to the source, units from the Syrian Arab Army attempted to cross SDF front-lines in order to rescue their fallen pilot; however, they were turned away by the latter.

This resulted in a fierce confrontation that is currently ongoing between the two entities near the key town of Resafa in western Al-Raqqa."

Breaking: Intense clashes break-out between Syrian Army and US-backed forces in west Raqqa
Intense clashes between SAA and SDF after shoot down of Syrian aircraft!

"According to the source, units from the Syrian Arab Army attempted to cross SDF front-lines in order to rescue their fallen pilot; however, they were turned away by the latter.

This resulted in a fierce confrontation that is currently ongoing between the two entities near the key town of Resafa in western Al-Raqqa."

Breaking: Intense clashes break-out between Syrian Army and US-backed forces in west Raqqa

I hope someone remembers to rescue the pilot-----ruskies do not have
a CARING rep...
Last edited:
capt blei waxeth DELERIOUS-------he imagines that the ruskies and
Iranians want to SAVE KURDS
Now the SDF, that invited the Syrian government to take part in the liberation of Raqqa, moves to cut off the Syrian Arab Army from the Raqqa Governorate. Such a scale of betrayal and villainy should be punished.

Kurdish fighters capture six key sites from ISIS in bid to cutoff Syrian Army route to Raqqa

fascinating delusion----the KURDS ----hated by
TURKS, SYRIANS, IRAQIS and IRANIANS----for Islamic cause are SOMEHOW beloved by ISIS (according to capt. blei)----suddenly. -----even MORE SUDDENLY------the Syrian army had been "PROTECTING THEM"
(quite an historic switheroo-----keep in mind the history of BAATHIST IRAQ------and its
genocide of Kurds on philosophical grounds.
For the record------(in sing-song)
la la la la DA KURDS AND DA BAAAATHISTS should be friends............
(for the record----turks, Baathists and ayatollahs ALL HATE KURDS---and so does
muslim fundamentalists like isis, which is why they escaped to the mountains more than 1000 years ago)
Now the SDF, that invited the Syrian government to take part in the liberation of Raqqa, moves to cut off the Syrian Arab Army from the Raqqa Governorate. Such a scale of betrayal and villainy should be punished.

Kurdish fighters capture six key sites from ISIS in bid to cutoff Syrian Army route to Raqqa

fascinating delusion----the KURDS ----hated by
TURKS, SYRIANS, IRAQIS and IRANIANS----for Islamic cause are SOMEHOW beloved by ISIS (according to capt. blei)----suddenly. -----even MORE SUDDENLY------the Syrian army had been "PROTECTING THEM"
(quite an historic switheroo-----keep in mind the history of BAATHIST IRAQ------and its
genocide of Kurds on philosophical grounds.
For the record------(in sing-song)
la la la la DA KURDS AND DA BAAAATHISTS should be friends............
(for the record----turks, Baathists and ayatollahs ALL HATE KURDS---and so does
muslim fundamentalists like isis, which is why they escaped to the mountains more than 1000 years ago)
Look here:
The people of Al-Hasakah held a rally in support of the Syrian Armed Forces...
Syrian Army, SDF and Russians dance in Manbij, preparing a warm welcome for Erdogan
Now the SDF, that invited the Syrian government to take part in the liberation of Raqqa, moves to cut off the Syrian Arab Army from the Raqqa Governorate. Such a scale of betrayal and villainy should be punished.

Kurdish fighters capture six key sites from ISIS in bid to cutoff Syrian Army route to Raqqa

fascinating delusion----the KURDS ----hated by
TURKS, SYRIANS, IRAQIS and IRANIANS----for Islamic cause are SOMEHOW beloved by ISIS (according to capt. blei)----suddenly. -----even MORE SUDDENLY------the Syrian army had been "PROTECTING THEM"
(quite an historic switheroo-----keep in mind the history of BAATHIST IRAQ------and its
genocide of Kurds on philosophical grounds.
For the record------(in sing-song)
la la la la DA KURDS AND DA BAAAATHISTS should be friends............
(for the record----turks, Baathists and ayatollahs ALL HATE KURDS---and so does
muslim fundamentalists like isis, which is why they escaped to the mountains more than 1000 years ago)
Look here:
The people of Al-Hasakah held a rally in support of the Syrian Armed Forces...
Syrian Army, SDF and Russians dance in Manbij, preparing a warm welcome for Erdogan

you is easily impressed, capt. blei
Now the SDF, that invited the Syrian government to take part in the liberation of Raqqa, moves to cut off the Syrian Arab Army from the Raqqa Governorate. Such a scale of betrayal and villainy should be punished.

Kurdish fighters capture six key sites from ISIS in bid to cutoff Syrian Army route to Raqqa

fascinating delusion----the KURDS ----hated by
TURKS, SYRIANS, IRAQIS and IRANIANS----for Islamic cause are SOMEHOW beloved by ISIS (according to capt. blei)----suddenly. -----even MORE SUDDENLY------the Syrian army had been "PROTECTING THEM"
(quite an historic switheroo-----keep in mind the history of BAATHIST IRAQ------and its
genocide of Kurds on philosophical grounds.
For the record------(in sing-song)
la la la la DA KURDS AND DA BAAAATHISTS should be friends............
(for the record----turks, Baathists and ayatollahs ALL HATE KURDS---and so does
muslim fundamentalists like isis, which is why they escaped to the mountains more than 1000 years ago)
Look here:
The people of Al-Hasakah held a rally in support of the Syrian Armed Forces...
Syrian Army, SDF and Russians dance in Manbij, preparing a warm welcome for Erdogan

you is easily impressed, capt. blei
The Kurds are Syrian citizens. They can always count on Damascus´ support.
Now the SDF, that invited the Syrian government to take part in the liberation of Raqqa, moves to cut off the Syrian Arab Army from the Raqqa Governorate. Such a scale of betrayal and villainy should be punished.

Kurdish fighters capture six key sites from ISIS in bid to cutoff Syrian Army route to Raqqa

fascinating delusion----the KURDS ----hated by
TURKS, SYRIANS, IRAQIS and IRANIANS----for Islamic cause are SOMEHOW beloved by ISIS (according to capt. blei)----suddenly. -----even MORE SUDDENLY------the Syrian army had been "PROTECTING THEM"
(quite an historic switheroo-----keep in mind the history of BAATHIST IRAQ------and its
genocide of Kurds on philosophical grounds.
For the record------(in sing-song)
la la la la DA KURDS AND DA BAAAATHISTS should be friends............
(for the record----turks, Baathists and ayatollahs ALL HATE KURDS---and so does
muslim fundamentalists like isis, which is why they escaped to the mountains more than 1000 years ago)
Look here:
The people of Al-Hasakah held a rally in support of the Syrian Armed Forces...
Syrian Army, SDF and Russians dance in Manbij, preparing a warm welcome for Erdogan

you is easily impressed, capt. blei
The Kurds are Syrian citizens. They can always count on Damascus´ support.

capt. Blei is still living in the BAATHIST UTOPIA (something like the Stalinist utopia of ----utopia for the Kulaks----of the early 20th century) For famous Baathist heroes------REMEMBER EMIR SADDAAM the FRIEND OF THE KURDS
Now the SDF, that invited the Syrian government to take part in the liberation of Raqqa, moves to cut off the Syrian Arab Army from the Raqqa Governorate. Such a scale of betrayal and villainy should be punished.

Kurdish fighters capture six key sites from ISIS in bid to cutoff Syrian Army route to Raqqa

fascinating delusion----the KURDS ----hated by
TURKS, SYRIANS, IRAQIS and IRANIANS----for Islamic cause are SOMEHOW beloved by ISIS (according to capt. blei)----suddenly. -----even MORE SUDDENLY------the Syrian army had been "PROTECTING THEM"
(quite an historic switheroo-----keep in mind the history of BAATHIST IRAQ------and its
genocide of Kurds on philosophical grounds.
For the record------(in sing-song)
la la la la DA KURDS AND DA BAAAATHISTS should be friends............
(for the record----turks, Baathists and ayatollahs ALL HATE KURDS---and so does
muslim fundamentalists like isis, which is why they escaped to the mountains more than 1000 years ago)
Look here:
The people of Al-Hasakah held a rally in support of the Syrian Armed Forces...
Syrian Army, SDF and Russians dance in Manbij, preparing a warm welcome for Erdogan

you is easily impressed, capt. blei
The Kurds are Syrian citizens. They can always count on Damascus´ support.

capt. Blei is still living in the BAATHIST UTOPIA (something like the Stalinist utopia of ----utopia for the Kulaks----of the early 20th century) For famous Baathist heroes------REMEMBER EMIR SADDAAM the FRIEND OF THE KURDS
Erdogan is allegedly preparing a big conquest against the Kurds. Where´s Trump?
fascinating delusion----the KURDS ----hated by
TURKS, SYRIANS, IRAQIS and IRANIANS----for Islamic cause are SOMEHOW beloved by ISIS (according to capt. blei)----suddenly. -----even MORE SUDDENLY------the Syrian army had been "PROTECTING THEM"
(quite an historic switheroo-----keep in mind the history of BAATHIST IRAQ------and its
genocide of Kurds on philosophical grounds.
For the record------(in sing-song)
la la la la DA KURDS AND DA BAAAATHISTS should be friends............
(for the record----turks, Baathists and ayatollahs ALL HATE KURDS---and so does
muslim fundamentalists like isis, which is why they escaped to the mountains more than 1000 years ago)
Look here:
The people of Al-Hasakah held a rally in support of the Syrian Armed Forces...
Syrian Army, SDF and Russians dance in Manbij, preparing a warm welcome for Erdogan

you is easily impressed, capt. blei
The Kurds are Syrian citizens. They can always count on Damascus´ support.

capt. Blei is still living in the BAATHIST UTOPIA (something like the Stalinist utopia of ----utopia for the Kulaks----of the early 20th century) For famous Baathist heroes------REMEMBER EMIR SADDAAM the FRIEND OF THE KURDS
Erdogan is allegedly preparing a big conquest against the Kurds. Where´s Trump?

"erdogan is......preparing...against the kurds"?????? what else is new? He has been DOING for decades as have Syria, Iraq, Iran and even Russia

capt. Blei is still living in the BAATHIST UTOPIA (something like the Stalinist utopia of ----utopia for the Kulaks----of the early 20th century) For famous Baathist heroes------REMEMBER EMIR SADDAAM the FRIEND OF THE KURDS
Erdogan is allegedly preparing a big conquest against the Kurds. Where´s Trump?

"erdogan is......preparing...against the kurds"?????? what else is new? He has been DOING for decades as have Syria, Iraq, Iran and even Russia
Come on, I am talking about a current development.

Turkey holds drills for upcoming offensive against SDF
you is easily impressed, capt. blei
The Kurds are Syrian citizens. They can always count on Damascus´ support.

capt. Blei is still living in the BAATHIST UTOPIA (something like the Stalinist utopia of ----utopia for the Kulaks----of the early 20th century) For famous Baathist heroes------REMEMBER EMIR SADDAAM the FRIEND OF THE KURDS
Erdogan is allegedly preparing a big conquest against the Kurds. Where´s Trump?

"erdogan is......preparing...against the kurds"?????? what else is new? He has been DOING for decades as have Syria, Iraq, Iran and even Russia
Come on, I am talking about a current development.

Turkey holds drills for upcoming offensive against SDF

not impressed------drills is what military does, Barbaric is what the axis powers are-------to wit---Syria, Turkey, Iran etc
The Kurds are Syrian citizens. They can always count on Damascus´ support.

capt. Blei is still living in the BAATHIST UTOPIA (something like the Stalinist utopia of ----utopia for the Kulaks----of the early 20th century) For famous Baathist heroes------REMEMBER EMIR SADDAAM the FRIEND OF THE KURDS
Erdogan is allegedly preparing a big conquest against the Kurds. Where´s Trump?

"erdogan is......preparing...against the kurds"?????? what else is new? He has been DOING for decades as have Syria, Iraq, Iran and even Russia
Come on, I am talking about a current development.

Turkey holds drills for upcoming offensive against SDF

not impressed------drills is what military does, Barbaric is what the axis powers are-------to wit---Syria, Turkey, Iran etc
Barbaric, eh?

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