Russia Pulls Back Troops From Ukraine Border, Putin Says

Well I am sure that Katzndogz will still stick up for her most favorite despot..
So far, no evidence a pullback has actually occurred, and Putin has been bald-facedly lying since the beginning.

"Russian troops in the Ukraine? There are no Russian troops in the Ukraine. Nuh-uh. I have no idea who those guys in balaclavas are."
So far, no evidence a pullback has actually occurred, and Putin has been bald-facedly lying since the beginning.

"Russian troops in the Ukraine? There are no Russian troops in the Ukraine. Nuh-uh. I have no idea who those guys in balaclavas are."

True enough.

But the fact he is making a public announcement will expose him as a huge liar if it doesn't happen.

And what ever support he had in the world? Will evaporate.
So far, no evidence a pullback has actually occurred, and Putin has been bald-facedly lying since the beginning.

"Russian troops in the Ukraine? There are no Russian troops in the Ukraine. Nuh-uh. I have no idea who those guys in balaclavas are."

The guys in balaclavas? Easy. Pravy Sektor. They are armed to the hilt and have moved into the region.

You know. The goons that were part of the violent overthrow of the duly elected government and illegal impeachment of the President.

Any condemnation of the deadly force used to kill the protestors? Or does one only condemn the man you wanted overthrown when he used force against the violent rebellion in Kiev?

It was a bloodbath on the weekend.
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Any condemnation of the deadly force used to kill the protestors? Or does one only condemn the man you wanted overthrown when he used force against the violent rebellion in Kiev?

It was a bloodbath on the weekend.

Protestors? They were armed invaders, probably many of them Russians sent over the border.
You really need to quit your delusions that Ukrainian democracy is somehow bad.
Pravy Sektor set fire to the building the protestors ran into to escape the violence on the street.

They burned 40 people to death. This is who you are supporting. Disgusting. But hey Obama/ Harper/ Cameron/Merkel et al have their guy in power so now it's ok to kill protestors.

Members of the fascist Right Sector set fire to Odessa’s Trade Unions House on Friday killing 40 anti-coup activists who had retreated to the building to escape escalating street violence.

Witnesses say that members of the Ukrainian security forces withdrew from the scene allowing the rightwing radicals to block the exits and firebomb the building forcing many to jump from open windows to the pavement below where they died on impact.

The few who survived the fall were savagely beaten with clubs and chains by the nearly 300 extremist thugs who had gathered on the street.

Much of the murderous provocation was caught on video including footage of the terrified occupants leaping to their deaths.

Just hours after the bloodbath took place in Odessa, President Obama praised the brutal crackdown in a joint-press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Obama announced that, “The Ukrainian government has the right and responsibility to uphold law and order within its territory.”

The president made no mention of the 40 victims who were burned alive or who jumped to their death trying to escape the fire.

Nor did Obama offer his condolences to the families who lost loved one’s in the Nazi-ignited blaze. Instead, the president demanded that heavier penalties be levied on Moscow for its ‘defiance’ in Crimea where people were allowed to choose their own future through a referendum.

Obama?s Bloodbath in Odessa: As Guilty as Anyone in Kiev | Global Research
I thought Nazis are left wing! Now they are "right wing radicals"?


You nuts need to make up your minds.
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Nazis are left wingers, remember.

Here's another Right Sector leftie. You know...because socialist! :lol:

Seems Putin has blinked.

Russian President Vladimir Putin softened his tone in the confrontation with the West on Wednesday, declaring that Russia has pulled its troops away from the Ukrainian border and calling for a delay of Sunday's referendum on autonomy in Ukraine's restive east.
Putin: Troops Have Pulled Back From Ukraine Border - ABC News

Not at all. The White House just briefed Senators last night that there is a high probability that Putin plans to "landlock" what is left of Ukraine by taking the following provinces: Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv, Dinipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia, Kherson, Mykolaiv, and Odessa. They will then annex Transnistria from Moldava which borders the Ukrainian province Odessa.
Putin is always 3 steps ahead of the US fool. Whatever it is, he's in control. obama is the world's afterthought.
Seems Putin has blinked.

Russian President Vladimir Putin softened his tone in the confrontation with the West on Wednesday, declaring that Russia has pulled its troops away from the Ukrainian border and calling for a delay of Sunday's referendum on autonomy in Ukraine's restive east.
Putin: Troops Have Pulled Back From Ukraine Border - ABC News

You're such a idiot...

This whole time he has said he will do x, y and z... You and Obama declare victory, then he does the opposite.

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