Russia Pulls Back Troops From Ukraine Border, Putin Says

More than a little doubt about this also from the article.

But there were no immediate signs that either move was truly happening or that they would cool the Ukrainian crisis. NATO and Washington said they saw no indication of a Russian pullback, and the pro-Russia insurgents behind the referendum have not agreed to go along with Putin's proposal.
Looks like Obama's sanctions are working.... LOL

No. He's trying to prevent a civil war. The Right Sector came to Odessa and it was a bloodbath.

They set the building on fire. Many deaths. Evil bastards. And this is who our leaders are backing.

He's also asked the pro Russian rebels to postpone their vote. Putin has been the only one using diplomacy in all of this as everyone else is saber rattling and chest thumping.
The Russian goons that died in Odessa first attacked the pro-Ukrainian crowd according to people on the ground, not Russian media. The Russian goons ended up hiding in a building that was attacked and they died....oh pity.

If armed goons attacked a conservative group marching peacefully, I would have no problem if those goons ended up getting hurt in the end when they started it.

Anyone that believes Ukraine is going out of their way to attack "Russians" in Ukraine is insane. That is like attacking the relatives of a crazy fuck family that has told you they will harm you if given the chance.
Oh....Putin lied about moving his forces back.

Putin lies every day but tinydancer likes sucking his tiny cock.
Looks like Obama's sanctions are working.... LOL

No. He's trying to prevent a civil war. The Right Sector came to Odessa and it was a bloodbath.

They set the building on fire. Many deaths. Evil bastards. And this is who our leaders are backing.

He's also asked the pro Russian rebels to postpone their vote. Putin has been the only one using diplomacy in all of this as everyone else is saber rattling and chest thumping.

Invading and annexing another countries territory is not what I would call using diplomacy. This is the type of thing Hitler did in the 1930s and 1940s and SADDAM did it to his neighbors in the 1980s and 1990s.
The Russian goons that died in Odessa first attacked the pro-Ukrainian crowd according to people on the ground, not Russian media. The Russian goons ended up hiding in a building that was attacked and they died....oh pity.

If armed goons attacked a conservative group marching peacefully, I would have no problem if those goons ended up getting hurt in the end when they started it.

Anyone that believes Ukraine is going out of their way to attack "Russians" in Ukraine is insane. That is like attacking the relatives of a crazy fuck family that has told you they will harm you if given the chance.

Liar. Pravy Sektor came in for battle. They murdered innocents.
Looks like Obama's sanctions are working.... LOL

No. He's trying to prevent a civil war. The Right Sector came to Odessa and it was a bloodbath.

They set the building on fire. Many deaths. Evil bastards. And this is who our leaders are backing.

He's also asked the pro Russian rebels to postpone their vote. Putin has been the only one using diplomacy in all of this as everyone else is saber rattling and chest thumping.

Invading and annexing another countries territory is not what I would call using diplomacy. This is the type of thing Hitler did in the 1930s and 1940s and SADDAM did it to his neighbors in the 1980s and 1990s.

You are regurgitating the bullshit you've been handed. There was no invasion. Russia by treaty with Ukraine in 1997 and that treaty extended until 2042 was allowed up to 25,000 troops in Crimea.

You know like America has treaties with foreign powers for the USA to have bases? And Crimea is home to Russia' Black Sea fleet.

Oh and Crimea was Russian until old Nikita decided to give her to the Ukraine as a present in the mid 50's.

Oh and the majority of Crimeans are ethnic Russian and really really were pissed off at the coup in Kiev that threw out their guy.

Oh and while I'm freaking at it I find it monumentally hypocritical that we are now saying its ok to kill pro Russian protestors when just a few days ago we were condemning the killing of pro western protestors.

What a dogs breakfast Obama has created and civil war is now very possible. They are crying in Odessa that they will never forget and they will never forgive for what our western leaders allowed to happen.

Because of politics.

I fear this is just the beginning.
This whole episode is a fascinating study in economic isolation being used as a tactic to enforce co-operation with other nations.

John Kerry called it right earlier today when he said that Putin's comments appear to be posturing to his people on tv.

Seems like the early sign of a blink though, especially with Putin getting on the phone with every other country only to have them say, "We're with the Americans on this one".

The sanctions are working. The Ruble shot up after Putin implied he'd back off. He's gotten himself stuck between a rock and a hard place. Should be interesting to see what his next move is. It's gotta piss him off to know he's such a small fry when it comes to his global position in the world. He wants his boyhood Soviet Union empire back and it's long gone.
So far, no evidence a pullback has actually occurred, and Putin has been bald-facedly lying since the beginning.

"Russian troops in the Ukraine? There are no Russian troops in the Ukraine. Nuh-uh. I have no idea who those guys in balaclavas are."

True enough.

But the fact he is making a public announcement will expose him as a huge liar if it doesn't happen.

And what ever support he had in the world? Will evaporate.

all war is deception.

jets and bombers were spotted 2 days ago over the ukraine
Putin called Obama and told him I like the Ukraine I think I'll keep it period

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
So far, no evidence a pullback has actually occurred, and Putin has been bald-facedly lying since the beginning.

"Russian troops in the Ukraine? There are no Russian troops in the Ukraine. Nuh-uh. I have no idea who those guys in balaclavas are."

Sounds like something Saddam would say smh.
This whole episode is a fascinating study in economic isolation being used as a tactic to enforce co-operation with other nations.

John Kerry called it right earlier today when he said that Putin's comments appear to be posturing to his people on tv.

Seems like the early sign of a blink though, especially with Putin getting on the phone with every other country only to have them say, "We're with the Americans on this one".

The sanctions are working. The Ruble shot up after Putin implied he'd back off. He's gotten himself stuck between a rock and a hard place. Should be interesting to see what his next move is. It's gotta piss him off to know he's such a small fry when it comes to his global position in the world. He wants his boyhood Soviet Union empire back and it's long gone.

The sanctions are working! If every other country said "We're with the Americans on this one" their energy would have already been cut off. Russia and Europe are making agreements behind obama's back to violate those sanctions even as obama was mumbling about them.

Putin is lying. He knows that the Americans are so arrogant they are willing to believe anything if they think it makes them look good. obama is the ugly girl at the prom putting out for the football team cause they told her how pretty she is.

The utter stupidity of our leadership is astounding.
I thought Nazis are left wing! Now they are "right wing radicals"?


You nuts need to make up your minds.

Left and Right are simply a measure of authoritarianism or a lack thereof.

Got nothing to do with politics. In fact, were you to apply the terms correctly to today's parties, Republicans would be far more 'left wing' than dimocraps. We believe in less government and government is the root of ALL authoritarianism.

The terms are often loosely, and inaccurately, applied to political doctrinaires, but that has become tedious at best

Oh....Putin lied about moving his forces back.

Putin lies every day but tinydancer likes sucking his tiny cock.

She does have that man crush on him.

It has nothing to do with liking or hating Putin for me. Pointing out the sheer hypocrisy of Obama/Harper (my guy)/Cameron/Merkel/Hollande and others doesn't mean I suck anyone's cock.

For Obama to now get up and say that it is lawful for this illegal government in Kiev to kill these anti government protestors is beyond the pale.

It is so obvious now that the west backed this illegal coup and installed this puppet government and has not one problem with the new interim President ordering the slaughter of his citizens.

A pox on all their houses.

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