Russia ratchets up US tensions with arms sales to Iran and Venezuela

NEWS FLASH: They were head-sawing, wife-beating, female circumcizing, baby-bombing, plane-hijacking, mosque-hiding sand rats about 12 centuries before the US was even founded.

Try again.

It refers to how they exploit western respect for places of worship to breed terrorists and cache weapons.


yea.. like YOUR kinds weren't as well! Or, would you like to just forget about the crusades, motherfucker? Same shit, different flag.

oh.. so clearly ALL muslims are evil killers just like ALL christians are abortion clinic bombers.. gotcha. GOOD ONE! I suggest you get some valtrex for the brain as soon as possible before you spread your brain herpes to anyone else.

remember.. even between outbreaks you can spread brain herpes.

yea.. like YOUR kinds weren't as well! Or, would you like to just forget about the crusades, motherfucker? Same shit, different flag.
1. I've already told your drug-addled hair-piece, I'm not a Christian.

2. If you conquer 2/3 of Christian lands the Crusades aren't a testament of Chrisitan depravity, but rather its forebearance.

3. Islam is not a religion it's an myth by desert thugs for desert thugs but those cultures always have been and will be thugs until thier civilization is replaced by something more Darwinianly acceptable.

oh.. so clearly ALL muslims are evil killers just like ALL christians are abortion clinic bombers.. gotcha. GOOD ONE! I suggest you get some valtrex for the brain as soon as possible before you spread your brain herpes to anyone else.
Actually, Eric Rudolf was--regrettably--a Neitszchean.

remember.. even between outbreaks you can spread brain herpes.
I'm quite certain you are immune to all cephlatic contagions.
For the majority of history, Islam was, especially in the middle ages, significantly more tolerant than christianity.
There is a reason why Spains Jews fled to the Ottoman Empire after the reconquista.
1. I've already told your drug-addled hair-piece, I'm not a Christian.

yet you defend christian civ as if it's the beacon of fucking hope in the world DESPITE history.. funny how that works.

2. If you conquer 2/3 of Christian lands the Crusades aren't a testament of Chrisitan depravity, but rather its forebearance.


yea.. ok, dude.. tell it to la raza.

3. Islam is not a religion it's an myth by desert thugs for desert thugs but those cultures always have been and will be thugs until thier civilization is replaced by something more Darwinianly acceptable.

not a religion, eh? Funny.. about 1/3rd of the global population disagrees with you. It's hilarious that you call EVERYONE ELSE thugs despite the culture that YOU represent.

Of course I defend Chrisitan civilization: it's safer being a non-Christian in a Christian world than it is being a non-Muslim--or even a Muslim--in a Muslim world. Look at how they treat each other.

By your La Raza comment--twice now since I've joined this forum--seems to imply if the Christians are allowed to reclaim their lands from Muslims (a tacit concession of my point by-the-way) then La Raza should be allowed to pursue its fanyasy of Le Republica de Norte. In short, justice extends from the barrel of a rifle. If so we need not tolerate La Raza we should simply kill them outright for such is the method you admit.

And what is with the La Raza comments? You a member or just another simpering commie-symp?

They can call it a religion. Goody for them. Unless you can show with reasonable certitude that the old idiot spoke to The Divine it's just some crank's ramblings to justify robbing and murdering. He's just another of a long line of history's David Koresh-types.
of course you do.. Because we all know that non-christians in a christian culture is SAFER than a non-muslim in a muslim culture.. *yawn* riiight.. Muslims witch hunts sure are a figment of the global imagination!

MAKE me post some articles, dude. do it.

And CLEARLY you do not get my allusions but, I have to admit, it's fucking HILARIOUS to watch you both denounce non-American violence... and then go on to talk about the barrel of a gun for La Raza. trust me, dude. THAT is rich. So which is it? The conquistador violence is OK or not? Indeed, I'd bet jacks, joes and domineos that it's not so much the VIOLENCE that matters but which side of the fucking fence YOU happen to be on that dictates your opinion. consistency, dude. It's clearly not what's in your dinner.

hey, we can all talk about who is a koresh type from buddah on down to jebus fucking christ to moses. I dont have a dog in that race. But, to assume that the dogma of the culture that YOU associate with is viable while everyone else is not.. well.. again, your consistency button seems to be stuck on "stupid bastard"
Actually, yes: WHO is engaged in violence generally dictates WHY the violence is being conducted.

Commies--absolutely devoid of religion--slaughter by the tens of millions. Fascists--convinced of the myths attached to evolutionary theory--unlesahed massive wars. Even Hindus and sihks have a bad streak. Yet, there is no Muslim society or society with muslims in it that is free of violence based on the muslim creed.

So you have articles on what select bands of "Christians" did in the past in direct violation of their written scriptures. Yet, we are treated day-after-day to the killings and beheadings inspired by the worldly example of some schizophrenic thug.

You yourself are testament to Christian tolerance. As vapid and irrational as you are the Christians do not threaten you though you live among them. Your little tantrums would not be tolerated in any Muslim country.
Actually, yes: WHO is engaged in violence generally dictates WHY the violence is being conducted.

I guess that depends on which side of the bombs one is while they are being dropped in some third world muslim nation.

Commies--absolutely devoid of religion--slaughter by the tens of millions. Fascists--convinced of the myths attached to evolutionary theory--unlesahed massive wars. Even Hindus and sihks have a bad streak. Yet, there is no Muslim society or society with muslims in it that is free of violence based on the muslim creed.


Your spam email mentality is not only predictable but boring as hell. Go take a course on world history, ya stupid bastard. Clearly, your education thus far has failed you.

So you have articles on what select bands of "Christians" did in the past in direct violation of their written scriptures. Yet, we are treated day-after-day to the killings and beheadings inspired by the worldly example of some schizophrenic thug.


yea.. SELECTED BANDS of christianity.. I mean.. the entire fucking DARK AGES sure was merely a SELECTION! :lol:

indeed.. your kind are so predictable. And sad in your attempt to ignore the HISTORIC FACT of your dogma while trying to play holy war with others. It would be cute if it weren't so pathetic.

You yourself are testament to Christian tolerance. As vapid and irrational as you are the Christians do not threaten you though you live among them. Your little tantrums would not be tolerated in any Muslim country.

Oh I KNOW! Because 1/3rd of the worlds religious population which are Muslims are BUSY OUT KILLING everyone else! Despite the FACT of your arm chair convenient bombs and gung-ho "kill em all" rhetoric!


And, if jebus junkies were given discretion outside of the First fucking amendment, bitch, they would have strung up my kind long ago. So, it's not so much the good will of your dhristianity as it is the FACT of a SECULAR government. so, please.. take your rah rah bullshit on down the road. You don't impress anyone.
My grasp of history is far better than some crank on the innerwbz going, "No, YOU'RE wrong lolz".

Name one nation with an appreciable muslim population that does NOT have a terrorism issue.

I can name 190 some-odd nations with Christians living in them that have no such issues.
Cripple Fight!

Selling weapons to quasi-authoritarian regimes?? Why does that ring a bell?? Where have I heard that before??
My grasp of history is far better than some crank on the innerwbz going, "No, YOU'RE wrong lolz".

Name one nation with an appreciable muslim population that does NOT have a terrorism issue.

I can name 190 some-odd nations with Christians living in them that have no such issues.


yea! CLEARLY this is true mr "christianity is sinnless"!

Your take on terrorism is ruled by your perspective FROM a christian nation. Again, let china bomb the shit out of Ohio and we'll see how swift you are to demand violent reaction against Buddhists.

And, as impressive as "derr, uh, im smart in history is and, derr, uh chrisianity was not killing muslims during the dark ages, derrrr" is I guess you'll have to fogive me for laughing at your immediate spitpolishing of the turd that is christian history.

yea! CLEARLY this is true mr "christianity is sinnless"!

Your take on terrorism is ruled by your perspective FROM a christian nation. Again, let china bomb the shit out of Ohio and we'll see how swift you are to demand violent reaction against Buddhists.
I would demand response to ChiComs.

And, as impressive as "derr, uh, im smart in history is and, derr, uh chrisianity was not killing muslims during the dark ages, derrrr" is I guess you'll have to fogive me for laughing at your immediate spitpolishing of the turd that is christian history.
I never said Christians didn't engage in war against your fuzzy muzzies, I outright acknowledged the fact. But war in and of itself is not bad.

You shoud spend less time daydreaming about what you want to hear people

You keep claiming I'm selective in my applications of violence as if I have/would deny such I thing. I do. I absolutely admit it. I re-enlisted after a 16-year break in service to join the infantry for the express puroise if killing people who are rabidly different from the culture I seek to protect.

You on the other hand seem to have a rote condemnation of violence...until you are pressed to condemn commies and fuzzy muzzies. We are left to wonder where you would have stood 70 years ago because the ONLY nation you give a wink and a nod to attacking is the US.

If you are an advocate of anti-Christian, anti-US, pro-communist violence have the decency to admit it; if not have the decency to condemn the commies and violent muzzies because I can assure you communism preaches violence as does Islam and the US and other nations are free to react to these threats.
WAR in and of itself is not bad, eh? Yet here you are crying that MUSLIMS are the violent ones?


And let's see... IRAQ sure the fuck WAS a retributive strike against those who attacked us! GOOD JOB! Please, lecture is some more on who preaches violence while, with your own post, practically LOOKING for a reason to kill someone.


Because Americans are content to stay home and watch TV.

Islam, like communism, spreads by violence.

If they were not spread that way Americans wouldn't it tends to interrupt their TV watching. It's kinda like finding a burglar in your home threateing your family: you can detest violence, but you'd be a (dead) fool if you didn't embrace it. Still, that doesn't make the invader and homeoner moral equals. The homeowner has casus belli.
Because Americans are content to stay home and watch TV.

Islam, like communism, spreads by violence.

If they were not spread that way Americans wouldn't it tends to interrupt their TV watching. It's kinda like finding a burglar in your home threateing your family: you can detest violence, but you'd be a (dead) fool if you didn't embrace it. Still, that doesn't make the invader and homeoner moral equals. The homeowner has casus belli.

HA! yea.. tell a Caribbean SUGAR farmer that!

You know.. violence began upon the price of SUGAR in this capitalist nation?

damn, dude.. your grasp at history is about as impressive as your rah rah America Fuck yea attitude.
HA! yea.. tell a Caribbean SUGAR farmer that!

You know.. violence began upon the price of SUGAR in this capitalist nation?
So I'll drink my coffee black from now on. Happy?

An what has the anti-capitalist institutions brought us? Stalin, Mao, The Shining Path, The Red Brigades, FARC, Castro, North Korea, Black September, the PLO, Ba'athism.

QUERY: Let us grant, for sake of argument, that your premise is correct. If you truly believe the US wages aggressive war without provocation at the behest of dictators who steal would you plan to stop it?

Have you even thought that far ahead or are you too wrapped in your I'm-David-You're-Goliath fantasies? I imagine yours is a fairly tedious existence, full of frustrations and missed opportunities and like all rabble rousers it must be the other guy's fault because you're just too gosh-darned smart for it to be your own fault.

So are you going to rail day and night with no real risk or even discomfort to yourself or do you actually plan for achieving SOMETHING? Or are you waiting for the Le Revolucion to start so you run adoringly up to commadante and gushingly declare, "I was always with you comrade!" How does someone such as you stop The Big, Bad, Evil, Meanie Empire, LLC?
You can keep your dime store psychiatry since it's about as relevant and valuable as your grasp on world history. Socialism doesn't automatically produce Mao's anymore than Capitalism AUTOMATICALLY produces Batista's. Muslims don't AUTOMATICALLY product Osama's anymore than Christianity AUTOMATICALLY produces HITLERS. Please, continue to be an ethnocentric bitch though. It's pretty indicative of your intellectual capacity that you tink drinking black coffee is a solution for the historic fact of Caribbean sugar farmers. Perhaps you shouldn't be so quick to call someone out for thinking ahead, eh?
Yes. Yes. You make unqualified broad strokes then protest bitterly that what you want is valid because 10% of the anti-capitalists can't be held responsible for what 90% of the anti-capitalists do and as a jester's gesture of good faith you admit that 90% of Chrisitians and capitalists can't be held responsible for the 10%.

But that still doesn't answer what you plan on doing--besides posting another hyperventilating screed about how smarterish you are than any who dare oppose you--to stop the Evil American Capitalist Empire.

BTW - Nazis based their mythos of Nordic paganism, not Christianity.
I would demand response to ChiComs.
I never said Christians didn't engage in war against your fuzzy muzzies, I outright acknowledged the fact. But war in and of itself is not bad.
You shoud spend less time daydreaming about what you want to hear people
You keep claiming I'm selective in my applications of violence as if I have/would deny such I thing. I do. I absolutely admit it. I re-enlisted after a 16-year break in service to join the infantry for the express puroise if killing people who are rabidly different from the culture I seek to protect.

You on the other hand seem to have a rote condemnation of violence...until you are pressed to condemn commies and fuzzy muzzies. We are left to wonder where you would have stood 70 years ago because the ONLY nation you give a wink and a nod to attacking is the US.

If you are an advocate of anti-Christian, anti-US, pro-communist violence have the decency to admit it; if not have the decency to condemn the commies and violent muzzies because I can assure you communism preaches violence as does Islam and the US and other nations are free to react to these threats.

Hey tough guy. You act like we are immune to being victimized. Violence begets violence. When we are richous, the world supports us and then we can't lose. Isolate ourselves and you see paying for the war can break us, just like russia was broken. So now they are retuning the favor.

We are famous for our airstrikes, yet we were outraged that they flew planes into our buildings.

We are mad that 3000 died on sept 11 but are ok that 1 milion iraqis have died. Imagine your mother is killed in a air strike in basra and you don't have powerful military to go pay her killers back. Could you become a suicide bomber?

Piece is patriotic. War only when necessary. Diplomacy first and as soon as possible after the bombs stop.

Do you even consider that the gop emptied the treasury needlessly? its called war for profit. maybe half of what they spent was fraud. This spending has a lot to do with our economic mess. Do you even realize it?

No, you think the president doesn't have that much to do with the economy. lol

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