Russia Russia Russia confirmed today by Guiliani associate in House testimony

Not but there’s enough there to suspect Joe has been involved, so let the investigations come

Remember, dems when you all started down this path, it was said this would come back around, well, here we are.
Actually thee isn’t . It’s all politically motivated claims substantiated by Russian and Chinese assets
I am not that old, but Clinton investigation was about a land deal that ended up being did he get a BJ. Trump's was directly, did he ask Ukraine to announce an investigation.. that was a yes. Nothing else was covered. The GOP voted that they didnt care. Trump's second one was did he piss on the constitution on Jan 6... answer was a yes, nothing else covered, the GOP voted that they didnt care.

The GOP isnt investigating anything. They are hoping for another BJ thread.

Clinton wasn’t impeached for a BJ, you all KNOW this. Why do you keep repeating it.

Yes, trump asked zelensky for an investigstion, sure thing, there were also allegations at the time about Biden. Everyone just assumes that trump was looking for political dirt but nobody ever thought to ask that maybe trump had suspected that Biden was into something criminal and that him getting shokin fired was a part of that and knowing Ukraine wasn’t going to do anything on their own, trump pressured them on it.

Of course, I know you’ll come back and say that’s all bullshit because you couldn’t ever, for a second, consider the possibility…

And I still think the J6 impeachment was a political sham. There was, and still isn’t, any evidence that it was trump who orchestrated the attack on the capitol. Also, again, nobody ever answers, why is it if they had enough evidence to impeach a president, that they needed a following 2 year investigation, which led to a following DOJ investigation. You’d think of they had the evidence to impeach, further investigations wouldn’t be necessary, you’d have all the evidence you need. Also, did the J6 committee turn any of their findings over to the DOJ for its investigations? If they did, that’s highly unethical and unconstitutional.
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Actually thee isn’t . It’s all politically motivated claims substantiated by Russian and Chinese assets
That’s one side of the story. Others don’t beleive that. Thats why there are investigstions.
Clinton wasn’t impeached for a BJ, you all KNOW this. Why do you keep repeating it.

Yes, trump asked zelensky for an investigstion, sure thing, there were also allegations at the time about Biden. Everyone just assumes that trump was looking for political dirt but nobody ever thought to ask that maybe trump had suspected that Biden was into something criminal and that him getting shokin fired was a part of that and knowing Ukraine wasn’t going to do anything on their own, trump pressured them on it.

Of course, I know you’ll come back and say that’s all bullshit because you couldn’t ever, for a second, consider the possibility…
It takes a mere second to dismiss the possibility as absurd.
That’s one side of the story. Others don’t beleive that. Thats why there are investigstions.
There never was evidence to support the investigation in the first place.

The “investigation” is and always was for political reasons.
There never was evidence to support the investigation in the first place.

The “investigation” is and always was for political reasons.
That’s one belief…of course you are partisan for the left, you don’t like it that people are investigating your president, so you are mad…well, here’s a news flash for ya, the right are mad that you are doing the same thing to them.

What comes around…goes around.
By people who only want to see things one way…their way..
No, it’s just very obvious. The president, especially Trump, doesn’t involve himself in day to day investigations. But the one time he does, it’s for his chief political rival.

And that’s just a coincidence?
That’s one belief…of course you are partisan for the left, you don’t like it that people are investigating your president, so you are mad…well, here’s a news flash for ya, the right are mad that you are doing the same thing to them.

What comes around…goes around.
It seems pretty obvious that Congressional Republicans are doing this because of politics.
That’s one side of the story. Others don’t beleive that. Thats why there are investigstions.
That’s THE story and what the investigations have found

That some idiots don’t believe the factual evidence….just stupid
That dude is a known liar and cheat...

So what if he is? So's Trump and Giuliani but you believe them. And he was cheating for Trump and Giuliani. They hired him to cheat.

he is just trying to stay out of prison or tax court himself by currying favor with crooked dems...

He already went to jail, rambtard. Try harder to impeach his testimony.
Clinton wasn’t impeached for a BJ, you all KNOW this. Why do you keep repeating it.

Yes, trump asked zelensky for an investigstion, sure thing, there were also allegations at the time about Biden. Everyone just assumes that trump was looking for political dirt but nobody ever thought to ask that maybe trump had suspected that Biden was into something criminal and that him getting shokin fired was a part of that and knowing Ukraine wasn’t going to do anything on their own, trump pressured them on it.

Of course, I know you’ll come back and say that’s all bullshit because you couldn’t ever, for a second, consider the possibility…

And I still think the J6 impeachment was a political sham. There was, and still isn’t, any evidence that it was trump who orchestrated the attack on the capitol. Also, again, nobody ever answers, why is it if they had enough evidence to impeach a president, that they needed a following 2 year investigation, which led to a following DOJ investigation. You’d think of they had the evidence to impeach, further investigations wouldn’t be necessary, you’d have all the evidence you need. Also, did the J6 committee turn any of their findings over to the DOJ for its investigations? If they did, that’s highly unethical and unconstitutional.

It was a public hearing. What is unethical and unconstitutional about providing the DoJ evidence along with their referrals of charges? House hearings today. He also points out Pete Sessions', Ron Johnson's and Lindsay Graham's complicity with trying to use Shokin against the Bidens. It’s clear. Russia Russia Russia was no hoax. Damn. Who would have thought?

"The only information ever pushed on the Bidens and Ukraine has come from one source and one source only: Russia and Russian agents," he said, adding that impeachment proceedings against Biden were "predicated on false information spread by the Kremlin."

“Every person integral to this shadow diplomacy knew that the Biden corruption rumors were baseless," Parnas said. "Then-Congressman Devin Nunes, Senator Ron Johnson, and many other individuals understood that they were pushing a false narrative. The same goes for John Solomon, Sean Hannity, and media personnel, particularly at Fox News, who used that narrative to manipulate the public ahead of the 2020 election. They are still doing this today, as we approach the 2024 election.”

As if that weren't bad enough, the House GOP had another "impeachment witness" speak who has been jailed for $80M in pension fraud.

Lev Parnas, ex-Giuliani associate, testifies allegations against Bidens are false and 'spread by the Kremlin'
That’s just silly and untrue.

“WE‘RE HERE TO STORM THE CAPITOL” - Ray Epps Jan 5, 2021​

“Director Wray, on January 6, 2021, did the FBI have confidential human sources dressed as Trump supporters inside the Capitol?” -Higgins​

“I can’t answer that” -Wray

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