Russia says US astronauts could be hurt by Ukraine sanctions


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
I wondered how long before our Astronauts would be in danger from Obuma's turning NASA over to a muslim outreach program. We are currently PAYING Russia $70.7 million a trip to the ISS!

Russia warned Tuesday that American astronauts on the International Space Station could be hurt by new US-led sanctions over the escalating crisis in Ukraine, where pro-Moscow militants seized more public buildings in the east. Washington was resorting to "Iron Curtain" policies from its Cold War-era playbook with the new Western sanctions, which were driving the Ukraine crisis towards "a dead end", Moscow raged. A day after the United States and its EU and Japanese allies unveiled fresh punitive measures for what was seen as Russian interference in Ukraine, violence worsened on the ground. Thousands of pro-Moscow protesters in the city...

Violence flares in Ukraine, deepening 'Iron Curtain' crisis
Can't blame Putin for using every means imaginable to threaten the US to mind its own damn business.

Like everything the Manchurian muslim does, he NEVER takes into consideration those unforeseen circumstances of his actions! Knee Jerk and delegating power is all he does!
Can't blame Putin for using every means imaginable to threaten the US to mind its own damn business.

Like everything the Manchurian muslim does, he NEVER takes into consideration those unforeseen circumstances of his actions! Knee Jerk and delegating power is all he does!

I thought he was showing weakness by not marching into Crimea, or Ukraine, or Syria, or Lybia...what is the current talking point?
It's hard to keep up.

Can't blame Putin for using every means imaginable to threaten the US to mind its own damn business.

Like everything the Manchurian muslim does, he NEVER takes into consideration those unforeseen circumstances of his actions! Knee Jerk and delegating power is all he does!

I thought he was showing weakness by not marching into Crimea, or Ukraine, or Syria, or Lybia...what is the current talking point?
It's hard to keep up.

The first thing the obomanation should have done is weaken Russia's oil position on the world market... that pussy hasn't done a thing about the one thing that would cripple Russia. You also NEVER draw a RED LINE, threatening Russia, make a big thing out of it in the American media, stand back and watch Putin walk all over it, and then try to tell everyone that the Manchurian muslim didn't do that, it was world leaders!

Senate panel backs Syria attack; Obama defends chemical arms red line -

How much of a bigger :asshole: can you get than that?
I wondered how long before our Astronauts would be in danger from Obuma's turning NASA over to a muslim outreach program.
Muslim outreach program??

How did your idiot mind come up with that one? . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Oh, little muslim bigot, and complete asshole, you KNOW NOTHING!:cuckoo::cuckoo::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Obama: NASA’s ‘Foremost’ Mission, Muslim Outreach

If you’re going to go to the Moon, Mars or a nearby star you’re going to need the cooperation of the international community. At least that’s what President Obama thinks. Charles Bolden, NASA chief, says that the President commissioned him with sending the program in a new direction. NASA’s “foremost” mission? Muslim outreach!!!!

The last time I checked I thought NASA was all about space exploration and aeronautics research. Not so much anymore. Bolden says that before he took over as the head of NASA, President Obama charged him with three things.

First, Bolden said in an interview with Al-Jazeera (red flag goes up), Obama wanted him to re-inspire children to become interested in science and math. Okay, not so bad, fairly noble. Secondly, he wanted Bolden to “expand international relationships.”

The second point, not completely necessary for space exploration, is just a continuation of the Obama doctrine of inclusion of the international community in everything we undertake. Simply meaning he doesn’t feel that America should excel above and beyond any other nation in space exploration or anything else for that matter.

The third thing to focus on? The one that really raises eyebrows? NASA’s “foremost” mission is Muslim outreach. Somehow President Obama feels it necessary to reach out to Muslim nations in an area that they have absolutely no proficiency.

The idea behind this scheme is to help Muslim countries “feel good” about their contributions to math and science and engineering. If he wants to do this why not just have academic types from ivy league schools in those fields throw them a bone?

Commissioning NASA, a symbol of American exceptionalism and excellence sends the wrong message. Establishing NASA’s “foremost” mission as Muslim outreach is just another example of kowtowing to the Islamic community when they have not reciprocated. Should we expect anything less from this Administration?

Obama: NASA?s ?Foremost? Mission, Muslim Outreach » Right Pundits
Time for America to invest in a new launch system ;) Big time.

Exactly. Launch a new space race. Not about the moon, but about the whole solar system. Mars by 2025, an occupied Jovian station by 2035. The technology achieved in just those two goals would do for us what the Moon Race did for us with computers.
This is what happens when your policy is to get a taxi ride from another country into space.

We culled our only means of getting our people to the Space Station, and now we get black mailed as a result. NASA was culled to the Liberal mindset. We need more socialist programs and NASA needs to pitch in for our country.

You can't fix Stupid. Throw millions to Green Energy programs but couldn't see fit to keep our shuttles flying or build new ones for Space.


Hitler did all of the above as well. And I suppose Stalin is high on your list of men to be admired.

No, Hitler and Stalin did very little of those things, but I do admire what he has done to control the subversives in his country, keep the countries cultural, and traditional values while you, on the other hand, appear to be part of America's problem!
That's right, asshole. I am what is wrong with America. A dd214 that states Honorable. 70, and still working at a full time job as a millwright in a steel mill. Also attending university classes. Celebrating my 40th wedding anniversary next month. A property owner, and a gun owner since I was 12.

Oh yes, I am what is wrong with America.
That's right, asshole. I am what is wrong with America. A dd214 that states Honorable. 70, and still working at a full time job as a millwright in a steel mill. Also attending university classes. Celebrating my 40th wedding anniversary next month. A property owner, and a gun owner since I was 12.

Oh yes, I am what is wrong with America.

We're the same age, moron, 47 years married in June, Nam vet, BUT I retired from my own business.

Because the Russian, is everything I wish our limp wristed pansy isn't, and YOU can't see it, is a SAD reflection on you.


Hitler did all of the above as well. And I suppose Stalin is high on your list of men to be admired.

The question is did he have a hot girlfriend? Hitler had Eva, Putin has had his pieces, don't know about Stalin though.

Also, no one can measure up to the man, the myth, the legend, our immortal fuhrer dolph h.
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