Russia should put missile defense in Cuba

non existing middle east missiles `?

iran got a satelite in orbit

pakistan got 5000km missiles

don t know what they got now

saudi arabia got billions to buy tech

So now Pakistan is threatening Europe? Since when did Pakistan ever invade Europe and colonize it for 200 years?

Maybe Russia should imagine some Nuclear missile threat from Belize?
Belize only had nukes in the form of microwaves..
Iran doesn't have nukes either.

Obama is doing his best to see to it that they get them.
That's about a 20 years old myth....
Tell all the countless dead Iraqis, Iranians, Afghans, Vietnamese, Koreans, Chinese, Filippinos, Cubans, etc..., that the US has murdered in their wars of imperialism.
I ask again: When do you leave?
There is no where to go.

THe US has masterly bombed and destroyed every country that might be an escape.

Want to move to Mexico? No that's OK they are fighting a war the size of the Vietnam War for the last 30 years and 30,000 people die a year or get their heads cut off by drug cartels financed by the US.

Want to go to Cuba, no that's OK the US has destroyed Cuba financially.

Want to go to Brazil? No thanks, the US ran an apartheid military Junta for 30 years that killed millions of people and now gangs of blacks kill whites in reprisals for decades of fascism.

How about South Africa...oooh wait same thing...

Everywhere in the World has gone to shit because America has been bombing it for the last 70 years.

And if it didn't go to shit it's because they absolutely do not allow Americans to move in.

LOL you have very little imagination don't you?

There are countries all over the world that Americans are travelling to, or retiring to.

But I suggest Russia for you. Or maybe Azerbejian.
non existing middle east missiles `?

iran got a satelite in orbit

pakistan got 5000km missiles

don t know what they got now

saudi arabia got billions to buy tech

So now Pakistan is threatening Europe? Since when did Pakistan ever invade Europe and colonize it for 200 years?

Maybe Russia should imagine some Nuclear missile threat from Belize?
Belize only had nukes in the form of microwaves..
Iran doesn't have nukes either.

Obama is doing his best to see to it that they get them.
That's about a 20 years old myth....

Obama has only been in power for 6 years.
Russia no more invaded Poland than the US invaded Germany...
The US certainly did invade Germany, just as Russia invaded Poland, except that Russia has invaded Poland more than once.
Russia did not invade Poland more than once in the last 100 years which is the time frame I was referring to.
I see you limited your timerame so that you have some hope of making a point.
Funny how you don't realize that doing so indicates that you know your point is unsound.
Look at a map of Europe in 1914. Explain why you don't see the state of Poland,.
There was no Poland from the 1700's till 1918...
Russia no more invaded Poland than the US invaded Germany...
The US certainly did invade Germany, just as Russia invaded Poland, except that Russia has invaded Poland more than once.
Russia did not invade Poland more than once in the last 100 years which is the time frame I was referring to.
I see you limited your timeframe so that you have some hope of making a point.
Funny how you don't realize that doing so indicates that you know your point is unsound.
Look at a map of Europe in 1914. Explain why you don't see the state of Poland,.
There was no Poland from the 1700's till 1918...
-I- know that. :)
ICBM = inter continental balistic missile

needs at least 14 000 km range to engage targets, with 20 000 km range can hit any target on earth

iran to england, distance 6800 km does not need an ICBM

IRBM is enough

but iran can put satelites into orbit, therfore can hit any place on earth

including any place in the USA
pakistan never threatened europe before

because pakistan never was able to threaten europe

now pakistan can
i bet

youd reconsider

if pakistan had nuklear armed icbm s which could destroy kansas city
the politics of the USA in the world is

anyone with nukes is immune

everyone else better do what the usa wants or the usa invades

so everyone wants nukes
the usa won t attack russia china greatbritain and its commonwealth france israel pakistan india north korea

because they got nuclear weapons

and the usa attacks everyone else
the usa governement the people in congress in senate don t represent the american people

they represent the billionaer scum fucking the american people
the reason that im so angry at america

being from germany

is that you americans represent hope

and you fucked up
hauke is posting to who?
shouting in the dark to whom?
haiku haiku haiku haiku haiku
Russia no more invaded Poland than the US invaded Germany...
The US certainly did invade Germany, just as Russia invaded Poland, except that Russia has invaded Poland more than once.

Russia did not invade Poland more than once in the last 100 years which is the time frame I was referring to.

You just proved you an ignorant moron. After the communists gained control of Russia, it invaded Poland in 1920. Fortunately for Poland, the communists were a bunch of Keystone cops when it comes to running a military, and it gave Russia a big fat bloody nose. Russia invaded Poland again in 1939 per its treaty agreement with Nazi Germany. Russia invaded Poland for the third and last time in 1944.

Russia was attacked in WW1, and reacted, there was no Poland then.

There was a Poland in 1920 when Russia attempted to invade it.

Russia saved Eastern poland from the horrors of the Nazis for at least 2 years before Nazism raged across eastern Europe in an orgy of blood.

BWAHAHAHAHA!! You have to me one of the most delusional commies in the entire forum. Was Russia trying to "save" Poland when it executed the entire Polish officer corps in the Katyn forest in 1939? Hmmmm?

After WW2, a majority of Poles invited Soviet communism similar to how the French invited US military occupation to their own country to ensure the political regimes they wanted.

ROFL! Yeah, because Russia had already executed anyone who might object.

You have to be brain damaged to believe the Poles wanted to be a Soviet client state.
Russia no more invaded Poland than the US invaded Germany...
The US certainly did invade Germany, just as Russia invaded Poland, except that Russia has invaded Poland more than once.
Russia did not invade Poland more than once in the last 100 years which is the time frame I was referring to.
I see you limited your timerame so that you have some hope of making a point.
Funny how you don't realize that doing so indicates that you know your point is unsound.
Look at a map of Europe in 1914. Explain why you don't see the state of Poland,.
There was no Poland from the 1700's till 1918...

The USSR invaded it in 1920.
most people don t know that the soviet union invaded poland in 1939 according to the nazi soviet treaty

so take pity on the ignorant guy

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