Putin's Revenge: Hypersonic Missiles in Cuba

Sabre rattling by Putin
He knows better than to mess with the US and NATO

Russia can’t even keep ships in the Black Sea because Ukraine keeps taking them out.
The US can take his ships at will
Us ships, can't even gain entry into the Black Sea...
I ea

how bout The Idea of Finland in NATO ?
Good idea long overdue. You ever read about those mechanized tracks, much like a bulldozer, in the bottom of the fjords and inlets on the border with Russia?

Between Finland and Sweden, I think they are or have developed some tasty weaponry that worries Ivan.
Putin is defending his western border against a hostile military alliance.
Ukraine never had the slightest chance to win against Russia, and that won't change before next November.

Are you expecting another successful Ukrainian counteroffensive this summer?

Russia-Ukraine war in maps and charts: Live Tracker
Afghanistan had no chance to win against the US or Soviets
Hang around long enough and they give up and go home.

Russia needed a quick victory. They can’t afford a lengthy occupation
And China wants a 20 Carrier Fleet within 15 years 😳

Chinese carriers can’t even leave their backyard
Carrier task forces are difficult to put together and deploy

Let me know when China has one
They have 3 with keels laid for two more

The three they have are barely functional.
Building a global carrier task force is more complex than building ships you can take off and land
What FACTS we do know
RUSSIA ATTACKED with lame excuses,
as it has done before To other small country's
DRAFTED Russian military have died in the hundreds of thousands.
Look up the end results of this kind of war.
For those of you who demanded we support a DICTATOR
OVER a country that just wants the FREEDOM to run there own country.
Maybe you will get a chance to feel what lack of freedom feels like.
Hope not, for AMERICA SAKE.
What's your source for hundreds of thousands of Russian deaths in Ukraine?

Putin makes rare claim on Ukraine war casualties

"He (Putin) also asserted that Moscow has only lost one soldier for every five that Kyiv has.

"'I can tell you that our losses, particularly irretrievable losses, are certainly significantly smaller than those of the opposite party,' Putin said, as reported by TASS.

"The Russian president’s claims contradict Ukrainian and U.S. battlefield estimates, the latest of which reported that Moscow has suffered 515,000 casualties, including more than 50,000 deaths, since the war began in February 2022.

"The real death toll could actually be much higher, as there are no reliable exact numbers for Kremlin military casualties."
Cuba pissing off America?
To what end?
Russia pissing off America?
Been there, done that.
So what?

I read such postings above by the prolific poster "jknowgood".
And I believe I could be persuaded that his contributions go towards validating the widespread cliche' that MAGAphiles are under-educated, under-informed, grievance-filled unhappy souls.

Now, to be sure, my avatar is not claiming that that is what they are, but......but we can readily see how some could view MAGA-groupies exactly that way.
No disrespect intended.
Biden is supplying Ukraine with missiles to attack Russia, something the Biden administration said they would never do. They are now using American soldiers to launch the missiles into Russia. Which is an act of war brought on by the Biden administration. You loons said Trump was going to start ww3. You were only off by one president. Congratulations you fucking war momgerors. Putin's thinking about bombing our homeland, enjoy.
What's your source for hundreds of thousands of Russian deaths in Ukraine?

Putin makes rare claim on Ukraine war casualties

"He (Putin) also asserted that Moscow has only lost one soldier for every five that Kyiv has.

"'I can tell you that our losses, particularly irretrievable losses, are certainly significantly smaller than those of the opposite party,' Putin said, as reported by TASS.

"The Russian president’s claims contradict Ukrainian and U.S. battlefield estimates, the latest of which reported that Moscow has suffered 515,000 casualties, including more than 50,000 deaths, since the war began in February 2022.

"The real death toll could actually be much higher, as there are no reliable exact numbers for Kremlin military casualties."
Why doesn’t Putin release his casualties numbers?

The US reports and honors their war dead and reports deaths daily

What is Putin hiding?
In 1962 US had Jupiter C's in Turkey, aimed at Ivan. So the US freaks out when Ivan puts ICBM's in Cuber.
I was in high school in '62 and remember how little we knew at that time about how close the superpowers came to a nuclear exchange.

There was also no internet 62 years ago to provide an alternative view to the MSM propaganda.

Biden may or may not understand the historical echo:


"President Joe Biden has compared the current nuclear threat posed by Russia to the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis on several occasions, particularly in the context of Russia's actions in Ukraine. In October 2022,

"Biden stated that the risk of nuclear 'Armageddon' was at its highest since the Cuban Missile Crisis.

"He made these remarks during a Democratic fundraiser, emphasizing that the threat from Russian President Vladimir Putin should not be taken lightly."
Afghanistan had no chance to win against the US or Soviets
Hang around long enough and they give up and go home.

Russia needed a quick victory. They can’t afford a lengthy occupation
Afghanistan "won" when Soviet and US puppet governments collapsed. Zelensky is no longer the duly elected president of Ukraine. Only next November's election will prevent Ukraine's latest puppet regime from failing as spectacularly as Afghanistan in 2021

Biden vows payback for deadly attacks on U.S. troops, but will keep Aug. 31 Afghanistan withdrawal plan

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