The Cuban Missile Crisis: Kennedy’s “Victory”?

The entire event proves it but you have to research it, and not merely accept statist propaganda.

Apparently you are one of the few Americans who hasn’t seen the Zapruder film, which alone proves conspiracy. Let alone all the other numerous inconsistencies.

The event does not constitute proof of any such thing

You are the last moron to be advising people to research it. You have never done any proper research

The Zapruder film does not prove conspiracy silly boy

You cannot name any of these inconsistencies
The event does not constitute proof of any such thing

You are the last moron to be advising people to research it. You have never done any proper research

The Zapruder film does not prove conspiracy silly boy

You cannot name any of these inconsistencies
Yes it does. This is why your grandpa refused to allow the American people to see the Z film. The film was not shown until 1975 long after gramps bit the dust.

Of course Allen III thinks this means nothing.
Yes it does. This is why your grandpa refused to allow the American people to see the Z film. The film was not shown until 1975 long after gramps bit the dust.

Of course Allen III thinks this means nothing.
No it does not

It means nothing lee

It was owned by Time Life not the government'

The event does not prove your stypid theory you uneducated fool

]Now for once in your pathetic life try and psot some evidence for the lies your post
Yes it does. This is why your grandpa refused to allow the American people to see the Z film. The film was not shown until 1975 long after gramps bit the dust.

Of course Allen III thinks this means nothing.
Gipper ignore these two shills from langley and tallk about the topic here and talk to the op who is just a dumbass and not a paid shill from langley as these two.

the op is a dumbass,he blames jfk for the bay of pigs showing how cluless he is that like someone else explained to him earlier,kennedy INHERITED the bay of pigs invasion from eisenhower and did not want military invovlvment from the get go only approving the plan cause the CIA said there would be no military involvement needed. the troll ignores how the CIA LIED to kennedy about the invasion and how he fired allen dulles because of how he lied to him about the invasion. this is from a high ranking military officer who has credibility unlike the fake news in that link the op posted.

So, let’s set the record straight, beginning with the aborted, disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion. The timeline leading up to the action is important, especially if you want to blame the operation on a young commander-in-chief who literally took over three months before.

It was President Dwight Eisenhower (Republican), victorious WWII general, who hired Allen Dulles to be his CIA director after he was elected in 1952

Ike responded by giving Dulles and the CIA over $13 million in March 1960, for use against Castro and they began planning and organizing an invasion to overthrow Castro

Afterwards Kennedy, even though he had inherited this planned debacle from Eisenhower and had only been President for three months, took full responsibility, stating, “There’s an old saying that victory has 100 fathers and defeat is an orphan… I’m the responsible officer of the government…”. He fired Dulles and the CIA leadership soon after.

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There are many more tan two or three history books on the issue.

Amazon product ASIN 0804762023

If those six books dont mention THESE facts in them they are obviously propaganda right gipper :auiqs.jpg:

The Cuban Missile Crisis late the following year was caused in part by Soviet Premier Khrushchev’s sense that Kennedy did indeed lack experience and resolve, based on the Bay of Pigs failure. Khrushchev thought he could counter U.S. Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles Eisenhower had placed in 1958 on the Soviet border with Turkey by doing the same thing in Cuba. But Khrushchev gambled and lost big time when JFK called his bluff by aggressively blockading Castro’s island and playing a remarkable hand over thirteen crucial days that held covert, military, and State Department cards, as well as a clandestine personal Joker, too. Jack Kennedy stared down the Soviet Bear, and they pulled their missiles out quickly. A few months later, we quietly pulled ours out of Turkey.

so much for clueless docs babble and lies that had Nixon been president there never would have been a cuban missile crisis :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: when as EVERYONE can see from the FACTS here in this link I posted that unlike docs links are NOT fake news,that the cuban missile crisis occured because EISENHOWER provoked Russia into putting missiles into cuba by putting missiles in Turkey in 1958 yet Doc is posting lies trying to rewrite history that had Nixon been elected,there never would have been a missile crisis never mind the fact the united states provoked russia into the cuban missile crisis before kennedy even became president as this link proves. :auiqs.jpg:

doc,same as soupnazi and dayton keeps trolling this thread IGNORING that after the CIA lied to kennedy about the bay of pigs invasion he got wise and learned from that not to listen to the military anymore and instead when the crisis occured he leaned heavily on Bobby and his aides for advise ignoring the joint chiefs to bomb cuba,:uhoh3:

every person on the planet who knows the history of nixon as well knows HE would have gotten us into a nuclear war because he was always a YES man for the military and did their bidding, He later on after he got elected said that had HE been president back then he would have gone in and bombed cuba which would have stared ww 3 and seeing how he lied to the american people about ending the vietnam war EXPANDING it by bombing cambodia anybody that does not think he would have done what the military wanted kennedy to do to bomb cuba,that he would not have done so is obviously an idiot that Nixon was a warmonger president which was the kind of boy the joint chiefs LOVED and doc is trying to convince everyone of us he was not a yes man to the military ow warmonger.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
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as this link says so very well,contrary to what the fake news has said over several decades about Kennedy almost getting us into a nuclear war always ignoring that it was Eisenhowers meddling that provoked Russia into starting a nuclear war,kennedy got us OUT OF THE CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS that Eisenhower GOT US INTO BY STARING DOWN THE SOVIET BEAR NOT BACKING DOWN FROM THEM. :uhoh3:

Kennedy stared down the Soviet Bear, and they pulled their missiles out quickly. A few months later, we quietly pulled ours out of Turkey.

DOC KEEPS trolling ignoring that Nixon was a yes man for the military and would have done their bidding and would have gone in and bombed cuba as they tried to get kennedy to do but he refused.:uhoh3:

we all know that polictical chic is a paid shill for the RNC committe i am thinking doc is as well and that is the ONLY reason he likes trump same as dumbass retard political chic does. :uhoh3: :cuckoo:

Political chic is indeed a retard,if Trump was a democrat,if you all think she would STILL like him i got some land in Russia I want to sell you all. this stupid fuck political chic ignores and runs off from evidence you give her that Obama expanded the corruption that her hero Bush started.:uhoh3:

Oh and doc stop pretending like i am the only one that has told you how clueless you are on the bay of pigs invasison,savanaa took you to school on this as well earlier showing how dense you are on your knowledge of kenendy. :auiqs.jpg: :laugh: :rofl:

Kennedy told the CIA he didn’t want the Americans to invade. The CIA and Joint Chiefs swore the Cubans could do it on their own. They knew this was not the case. They promised that the Cuban people would rise up. Again. Not true.

The CIA and Joint Chiefs figured they could manipulate Kennedy into thinking in for a penny. Kennedy was serious when he said no. The Chiefs learned. Kennedy was not going to be manipulated so easily.:yes_text12::TH_WAY~113::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

so doc the more and more you say Kennedy was to blame for the bay of pigs disaster instead of the CIA,proves what an idiot you are on the history of kennedy and his time in office.:lol::lol:

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Quote-- The CIA had used obsolete World War II B-26 bombers, and painted them to look like Cuban air force planes. The bombers missed many of their targets and left most of Castro's air force intact. As news broke of the attack, photos of the repainted U.S. planes became public and revealed American support for the invasion. President Kennedy cancelled a second air strike.
that propagnda piece omits what savanna told you what i said earlier and what HE told you as well that the CIA lied to kennedy about the invasion that the CIA assured kennedy no military involvement would be needed and knowing that the invasion would fail,tried to trick kennedy into ordering an all out military invasion which he refused as savanna told you as well but because the FACTS savaanah and myself told you do not support your babble,you IGNORED his facts same as you have mine. miserable fail as always same as your six books on the cubam missile crisis fail sense you try and tell us babble that there never would have been a cuban missile crisis had nixon been elected which i just disproved in my link.:auiqs.jpg:
By reading the JFK Assassination files I have learned that all white males in the 1950's and 60's were working for the CIA or FBI. What the fuck was going on? Why was everybody a goddamn informant?

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