Putin's Revenge: Hypersonic Missiles in Cuba

"...which may well be the intent..."

Cuba pissing off America?
To what end?
Russia pissing off America?
Been there, done that.
So what?

  • You fucking stupid ass loons are starting ww3.
  • Everyone of you should be executed.

    • We can't do shit. Our military is an experiment now.
    • Our troops are a social experiment now. I feel sorry for the sane soldiers having to compensate for the mentally ill soldiers we infiltrated the system with.
    • We have guys in there just to get their transition surgery
I read such postings above by the prolific poster "jknowgood".
And I believe I could be persuaded that his contributions go towards validating the widespread cliche' that MAGAphiles are under-educated, under-informed, grievance-filled unhappy souls.

Now, to be sure, my avatar is not claiming that that is what they are, but......but we can readily see how some could view MAGA-groupies exactly that way.
No disrespect intended.
What FACTS we do know
RUSSIA ATTACKED with lame excuses,
as it has done before To other small country's
DRAFTED Russian military have died in the hundreds of thousands.
Look up the end results of this kind of war.
For those of you who demanded we support a DICTATOR
OVER a country that just wants the FREEDOM to run there own country.
Maybe you will get a chance to feel what lack of freedom feels like.
Hope not, for AMERICA SAKE.
What FACTS we do know
RUSSIA ATTACKED with lame excuses,
as it has done before To other small country's
DRAFTED Russian military have died in the hundreds of thousands.
Look up the end results of this kind of war.
For those of you who demanded we support a DICTATOR
OVER a country that just wants the FREEDOM to run there own country.
Maybe you will get a chance to feel what lack of freedom feels like.
Hope not, for AMERICA SAKE.

You simply have no knowledge about this subject. None.
Not sure why all the concern when Ivan has boomers lurking off the coast with a 15 min or less arrival time if they chose.
Americans weren't targeting and firing missiles into Russia from Ukraine in 1962.
JFK and his Soviet counterpart, Nikita Khrushchev, were communicating regularly and efficiently 62 years ago, and it's my understanding Genocide Joe hasn't spoken to Putin for months. I'm sure you're right about how submarines have changed this equation since 1962, but maybe not for the better?

Current Time - 2024 - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

"A moment of historic danger:​

It is still 90 seconds to midnight​

2024 Doomsday Clock Statement"
Sabre rattling by Putin
He knows better than to mess with the US and NATO

Russia can’t even keep ships in the Black Sea because Ukraine keeps taking them out.
The US can take his ships at will
Putin is defending his western border against a hostile military alliance.
Ukraine never had the slightest chance to win against Russia, and that won't change before next November.

Are you expecting another successful Ukrainian counteroffensive this summer?

Russia-Ukraine war in maps and charts: Live Tracker
Russia sailing into Havana Harbor simply to piss off America?

which may well be the intent
Because the last time narrowly avoided WW3.....

And for intentionally pissing off America....are you suggesting WW3 is nigh?
OK, got it, but.......
But.....what is America's responsibility here?
Not allow Russia's Navy into Cuba?
Send a strongly worded telegram?
Say nothing whatsoever?
Fire a missile at the ships?
To the best of my knowledge, America has not made any overt action over this move by Cuba & Russia.

So then, poster Sparky what are you suggesting as America's wisest move her
Talk of these hypersonic missiles has been floating around for a long time. China has done a few demonstration runs (that we know of). If Russia has them, it is a certainty that they stole the technology from the U.S.

But our own capabilities in these weapons is not publicized - at least I haven't seen it. Surely, we are at a more advanced stage than either Russia or China. They are good at copying, not so good at inventing.
I’ve seen it. The tests failed. We are behind in this tech.

Hypersonic Missiles in Cuba​

Good to know that dear Uncle Volodya has all of our interests at heart .

But truth be told , this is just a variation of the 60s scenario .

Let's see if Emperor Joe Piss Pot can out stare the Iron Man .
If it's true US personnel (military and contractors) are required to accurately target and fire US weapons deep inside Russia from Ukraine, does that change your analysis of "the 60s scenario"?

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