The Cuban Missile Crisis: Kennedy’s “Victory”?

There’s at least two documented books on it,:auiqs.jpg:can’t remember them but gipper might
Sense all you can do is post thumbs down signs when your cornered and taken to school,are you going to tell me oswald shot jfk and there were no multiple shooters and no cia involvement as well? i know idiot political chic believes the cia controlled media and the version our corrupt school system has shoved down our throughts,if so and you do as well,your totally helpless to be reasoned with. :auiqs.jpg:
There’s at least two documented books on it,:auiqs.jpg:can’t remember them but gipper night.
There are many more tan two or three history books on the issue.

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The CIA had used obsolete World War II B-26 bombers, and painted them to look like Cuban air force planes.

Yes, I know that. I even discussed it earlier.

Like using B-26 bombers, and Naval Fighters to support the operation. And having the Marines help secure the beachhead and the air base they planned on capturing and enlarging in the jungle.

So I have absolutely no idea why you are pointing out to me something I already know.

Of course, most of that is what is known as "bloat", and even Ike largely blew off the CIA and likely he never would have authorized the scheme at all.

The best think JFK could have done was to pull the plug on that before it happened. But I have no idea what in the hell you are even trying to say anymore.
You have any evidence at all to indicate otherwise? Of course you don't..
Lol. ALL the evidence indicates otherwise.

Anyone who strongly argues Oswald shot JFK has readily admitted to being a total and complete FOOL and a tool of the criminal establishment.
The Cuban Missile Crisis: Kennedy’s “Victory”?
That Khrushchev swept the floor with Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis was mainstream conservative conclusion throughout much of the Cold War. Richard Nixon and Barry Goldwater, for instance, represented opposite poles of the Republican establishment of their time.... Even Democratic luminary Dean Acheson despaired: "This nation lacks leadership," he grumbled about the famous “Ex-Comm meetings” so glorified in the movie Thirteen Days.... "We locked Castro's communism into Latin America and threw away the key to its removal," growled Barry Goldwater about the JFK’s Missile Crisis “solution.”... "Kennedy pulled defeat out of the jaws of victory,” complained Richard Nixon. "Then gave the Soviets squatters rights in our backyard.".. Generals Curtis Le May and Maxwell Taylor represented opposite poles of the military establishment.... JFK's Missile Crisis “solution” also pledged that he immediately pull the rug out from under Cuba's in-house freedom fighters. Raul Castro himself admitted that at the time of the Missile Crisis his troops and their Soviet advisors were up against 179 different "bands of bandits" as he labeled the thousands of Cuban anti-Communist rebels then battling savagely and virtually alone in Cuba's countryside, with small arms shipments from their compatriots in south Florida as their only lifeline...Kennedy's deal with Khrushchev cut this lifeline. This ferocious guerrilla war, waged 90 miles from America's shores, might have taken place on the planet Pluto for all you'll read about it in the mainstream media and all you'll learn about it from Kennedy’s court scribes, who scribbled Kennedy’s Missile-Crisis “victory.” To get an idea of the odds faced by those betrayed Cuban rebels, the desperation of their battle and the damage they wrought, you might revisit Tony Montana during the last 15 minutes of "Scarface."

On the Fifty Seventh (57th) anniversary of the "Bay of Pigs" debacle, imagine Obama's term with no Fox News, internet, social media or talk radio. Imagine press conferences where the reverence and adulation for Sarah Huckabee Sanders surpasses anything Hillary Clinton gets as a guest on The View. That’s about what JFK and his press secretary Pierre Salinger enjoyed. Tragically, the "Camelot Fairy tales" of Kennedy’s court scribes (with their adoring media cohorts of the time) concocted about JFK’s Pattonesque handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis (56 years ago this week) prevail in media/academic circles even today.
Who remembers "Alpha 66" and who of the Progressive Left wants to recognize that JFK's legacy began with the "Bay of Pigs" debacle and his surrender to Nakita Khrushchev during the following "Cuban Crisis".
While studying US foreign policy in college this was hailed as a great victory for the US. As I've read more on the subject the article is spot on. It was a complete loss for us. We have complete nuclear and conventional superiority over the Russians and Cubans. JFK withdrew some missiles from Turkey and Italy in exchange for the Russians pulling theirs from Cuba....with a promise not to invade Cuba. In a complete reversal of the Monroe Doctrine we allowed a foreign power a base of operations in our backyard. Part of the mess of the 60s in Latin and South American can be attributed to that.
So much for the gallant Knights of Camelot forcing the Russians’ retreat. In fact, the Castro brothers and Che Guevara’s genocidal lust is what prompted the Butcher of Budapest to yank the missiles from their reach.
Considering the U.S. nuclear superiority over the Soviets at the time of the (so-called) Missile Crisis (five thousand nuclear warheads for us, three hundred for them) it's hard to imagine a President Nixon — much less Reagan — quaking in front of Khrushchev's transparent ruse a la Kennedy.
The global propaganda machine has been alive and well for a very, very long time. It is infuriating.
Cuba and Cubans could be free today but for JFK and his brothers RFK and Teddy did not want the US to seem to be invading a small, poor nation. The Bay of Pigs disaster was a pretty big failure of nerve and ego. The U.S. had a whole fleet sitting offshore watching the freedom fighters get butchered and did nothing to help them. Castro knew every detail of that landing. I think someone at State (Progressive Marxist Socialist) leaked the info and our guys were slaughtered
Free? Free from what? They are free from USG control and economic serfdom by US corporations.

Have you ever asked yourself why the USG insists on destroying any nation where the people rise up against their government? If the new government isn’t sufficiently pro-US, meaning it must allow US corporations the power to do as they wish, that government is overthrown, leaders murdered, or attacked by the USG military.

If this is news to you, you need to start educating yourself before posting on any Internet forums.

Lol. ALL the evidence indicates otherwise.

Anyone who strongly argues Oswald shot JFK has readily admitted to being a total and complete FOOL and a tool of the criminal estIisment

In other words you have nothing but mindless conspiracy mongering.

The evidence that Oswald shot and killed JFK is simply overwhelming.
Free? Free from what? They are free from USG control and economic serfdom by US corporations.

Have you ever asked yourself why the USG insists on destroying any nation where the people rise up against their government? If the new government isn’t sufficiently pro-US, meaning it must allow US corporations the power to do as they wish, that government is overthrown, leaders murdered, or attacked by the USG military.

If this is news to you, you need to start educating yourself before posting on any Internet forums.

Lol. ALL the evidence indicates otherwise.

Anyone who strongly argues Oswald shot JFK has readily admitted to being a total and complete FOOL and a tool of the criminal establishment.
Yeah he is obviously a paid shill from Langley,he loves doc and pc because they are easily brainwashed sheeps who can’t think for themselves who fall for tales on magic bullets this paid shill gets paid to push.:auiqs.jpg:
Free? Free from what? They are free from USG control and economic serfdom by US corporations.

Have you ever asked yourself why the USG insists on destroying any nation where the people rise up against their government? If the new government isn’t sufficiently pro-US, meaning it must allow US corporations the power to do as they wish, that government is overthrown, leaders murdered, or attacked by the USG military.

If this is news to you, you need to start educating yourself before posting on any Internet forums.


Indeed,him and pc have obviously been taken in by what our corrupt school system has peddled in their textbooks in history classes over the years.comedy gold that Dayton trollboy doc and others think our school system is not corrupt and taught us the truth in our textbooks on kennedy.comedy gold.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:educate yourself is the understatement of the century on him.:2up: He keeps posting fake news. :auiqs.jpg:
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Hey gipper the funny thing about these two dumbasses doc and political chic who put Reagan on a pedastal is not only do they ignore what a mass murderer and traiter he was because he also was a servant to Wall Street and had a huge role in the jfk coverup,they expose what hypocrites they are because they post on how the killshot is dangerous but yet they are brainwashed sheeps who don’t even realise the hero they worship,betrayed them the fact the gipper was the first president who hired the demonic fauchi to such an important position,they are next going to claim that’s not true of course they live in such a fantasyland. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:We’re you aware of that on Reagan and fauchi,I wasn’t till a couple months or so,talk About a fucking hypocrite. Kennedy is so much rolling over in his grave right now on how the Dem party you could once be proud of because of kennedy, have made that party into the Demonrats troll PoliticalChic

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