Russia, Syria, Ukraine Etc. The Obvious Baiting..


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
The Ukraine is happening because Syria failed as bait. The Saudi King is "angry" with the US for not beefing up their aggression in Syria. It's all related. All coreographed and all tooled to bring about the final gasp of the US economy.

Cue Venezuela...

I say, let them take Ukraine without so much as a peep. It's funny how the games cease when the US refuses to play. Don't be so quick to accuse Obama of weakness. There is more afoot than meets the eye. They will amass in Kaliningrad next. Poland will probably be the next provocation. They won't be so bold to directly invade traditional European boundaries. Their aim is to woo Europe away from the US, not scare her right back into the US's arms.

Keep an eye on the West Coast. Keep an eye on the Panama Canal, the Gulf and Latin Meso-America. If it's going down anywhere, that's where it will happen.
Oddly related also is the healthcare debacle. The US will either get its shit together and enact universal healthcare and tell private insurers to pound sand, or its faltering economy will leave it ultimately vulnerable.

The domino effect of universal healthcare means immediately a huge cash flow back into the economy, more jobs and a morale boost. That alone could stave off what's looming now.

The question is, will we all go down for one industry? Laugh all you want but when you boil it down in the bottom of the pan, that's what's there.
A Plan For Iran

I was writing about this back in 2011. Back when Cheney's favorite puppet "The Gipper" Ronnie Raygun was acting like a cowboy from the old West ordering Mr. Gorbechev to "Tear down this wall!", I knew there was no intention of internal powers in Russia doing anything but business as usual...with a twist...

It was a grand plan and it looks like they may be very near success. Playing the bird with the wounded wing dancing your opponent ever closer to the cliff as you hop and stumble along.
Goal: United States wants to invade Syria and Iran.

Problem: Russia Navy in the Black Sea.

Solution: Under the cover and traveling mayhem of the Sochi Olympics, send in as many provocateurs and saboteurs as possible to flip the Ukraine into the EU (exactly how the CIA installed the Shah in Iran).

Desired result: US/EU can force the RUssian Navy to leave Ukraine ---peacefully.

Russia's answer: Retain control over the Crimea, even if they must forfeit Ukraine, so their navy can't be touched.

Actual Result: US military industrial complex can no longer invade Syria or Iran.

The Funny part: Both Barack Obama and Ron Paul couldn't give two less shits about any of this, and neither do most of the American people. The irony of these two agreeing, and for the benefit of all Americans and the rest of the world. World War III averted.
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The Ukraine coup has been successful to date. My poor Uks over there are about to get hit with a montrous price hike on their energy bills in May. Part of the EU/IMF deal.

50%. 50% gas price hike.

And that's just the start of the "tightening of the belt". Welcome to the EU and IMF idiots.

But hey they fell for the EU bullshit. Took it hook line and sinker. Lord help them now.

Ukraine agrees to 50% gas price hike amid IMF talks
Ukraine's interim government says it will raise gas prices for domestic consumers by 50% in an effort to secure an International Monetary Fund (IMF) aid package.

An official at Ukraine's Naftogaz state energy company said the price rise would take effect on 1 May, and further rises would be scheduled until 2018.
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