Russia tired of obama lies about hackers, vows response to any new sanctions

The blind are so amusing.

Look up United Russia, Putin's party, and educate yourself about his direct opposition to the Communist Party.

Did you fail to read my comments, no intention of moving to Russia no matter how much you stomp your feet and order me to do so...
The blind are so amusing.

Look up United Russia, Putin's party, and educate yourself about his direct opposition to the Communist Party.

Did you fail to read my comments, no intention of moving to Russia no matter how much you stomp your feet and order me to do so...

Do you even realize how fucking crazy you are? Putin was a communist. He is now a defacto far right dictator. Go to Russia and speak against him, you will be thrown in jail. Wake the fuck up.
Former Communist yes, he has been in opposition since 2007 (ah let me fact check that date.) I do agree, he is a far right dictator, with ties to the mafia no less. Which is exactly why I've no intentions of moving to Russia as you have ordered me dumb ass.

Perhaps you are the one who should wake the fuck up.

Correction, he has been in opposition since 1995. It is United Russia that was merged in 2007.

Full accounting of Putin:

1975-1991 - Communist Party of the Soviet Union

The party was dissolved on 29 August 1991 on Soviet territory soon after a failed coup d'état and was completely abolished on 6 November 1991 on Russian territory.

The CPSU was a communist party organized on the basis of democratic centralism, a principle conceived by Lenin that entails democratic and open discussion of policy issues within the party followed by the requirement of total unity in upholding the agreed policies. The highest body within the CPSU was the party Congress, which convened every five years.

1995-1999 - Our Home - Russia

ur Home – Russia was founded in 1995 by then Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin. It was a liberal, centrist political movement, founded for the purpose of rallying more technocratic-reformist (right-wing) government supporters. At the time of its founding, Chernomyrdin had the backing of Russian president Boris Yeltsin along with numerous large financial institutions such as Association of Russian Banks, and major companies such as Gazprom, of which he was formerly the chairman. The movement attracted the sympathies and interests of many prominent members of the ruling elite of Russia, and NDR was thus nicknamed "the party of power". It was also known as the party of the Oligarchs, the position previously identified with another political party, Russia's Choice. Two other parties were interested in cooperating with NDR after its foundation: parts of the Agrarian Party of Russia and Democratic Choice of Russia. Together their platform would promote "freedom, property, and legality", and would favor such policies as reducing the state's role in the economy, support for small businesses, privatization of agriculture, and military cutbacks. However, after Chernomyrdin's candidacy for a second term as Prime Minister was in 1998 rejected by the Duma, Our Home – Russia declined the other parties' bid for cooperation.

1999-2001 - Unity

he rise of Unity was meteoric given the short time period it had to create an identity, plan its campaign strategy and carry out its ambitious objectives. The establishment of the movement followed a declaration signed by 39 governors expressing their dissatisfaction with the political battles being fought in Russia. The initial meeting of these governors to form a new electoral movement was held on 24 September 1999. It was at this meeting that Minister of Emergency Situations Sergey Shoygu was selected as Unity’s leader.

Prime Minister Putin immediately pledged support for the new bloc, saying it could help stabilize the political situation in Russia. On November 24, 1999 he told reporters that in his capacity as premier, he "should not define his political preferences" with respect to election blocs but "as an ordinary citizen" he will vote for Unity. The party’s leading candidates in 1999 State Duma elections were Sergey Shoygu, nine-times world wrestling champion Alexander Karelin and former senior police official Alexander Gurov. Unity, backed up by popular support for the Second Chechen War, relied on a campaign of verbal attacks to discredit the Fatherland-All Russia alliance.[1] It was also heavily promoted by the ORT TV channel and especially "Sergey Dorenko's Program".

The party supported Vladimir Putin in the 2000 presidential elections.

In April 2001 the Unity party and the Fatherland - All Russia movement took the decision to unite into a single political party, United Russia.

1991-1995 & 2001-2008 - Independent

All of Russia's Presidents have been independents. Former president Dmitry Medvedev declined an offer to join United Russia, saying that he believes the President should be an independent so that he serves the interests of the country rather than his political party.

Vladimir Putin, the current president of Russia, is the head of the United Russia party, but is not its member, thus formally is independent.

2008 - Present

United Russia (Russian: Еди́ная Росси́я, tr. Yedinaya Rossiya; IPA: [(j)ɪˈdʲinəjə rɐˈsʲijə]) is as of 2016 the ruling political party of the Russian Federation. United Russia is the largest party in Russia; as of 2016 it holds 343 (or 76.22%) of the 450 seats in the State Duma.

The United Russia Party formed in December 2001 through a merger of the Unity Party and the Fatherland – All Russia Party. As of 2016 the United Russia Party supports the policies of the presidential administration. The Party's association with President and former Prime Minister Vladimir Putin (a former leader of the Party) has been the key to its success.[citation needed] There is also evidence that the electorate credits the Party for improvements to the economy.[citation needed]

Although the United Russia Party's popularity declined from its peak of 64.4% in the 2007 Duma elections to 49.32% in the 2011 elections, it remained the most popular party in the country, ahead of the second-placed Communist Party at 19.19%. In the 2016 elections it received 54.2%, while the second-place Communist Party received 13.3%.

The Party has no coherent ideology; however, it embraces specific politicians and officials[6] with a variety of political views who support the administration.[7] The Party appeals mainly to non-ideological voters;[8] therefore, United Russia is often classified[by whom?] as a "catch-all party"[citation needed] or as a "party of power".[9][10]

In 2009 the United Russia Party proclaimed "Russian Conservatism" as its official ideology.[11]

According to the party's 2003 political manifesto, The Path of National Success, the party's goal is to unite the responsible political forces of the country, aiming to minimize the differences between rich and poor, young and old, state, business and society. The economy should combine state regulation and market freedoms, with the benefits of further growth distributed for the most part to the less fortunate. The party rejects left-wing and right-wing ideologies in favour of "political centrism" that could unite all sections of society.[14] In addition, the official party platform emphasizes pragmatism and anti-radicalism. The party regards itself to be one of the heirs to Russia's tradition of statehood, both tsarist and communist.[37] United Russia's long-time moniker is "the party of real deeds."[38]

United Russia has always characterised itself as wholly supportive of the agenda of the popular current President Vladimir Putin, and this has proved key to its success. A survey, whose results were presented by Henry E. Hale in 2008 at the Annual Meeting of American Political Science Association, indicates that the Russian population associates the party with a market economic orientation, opposition to communism, a moderately pro-Western foreign policy and a tough stance on rebellious minority regions like Chechnya. Voters who support such values are significantly more likely to vote for United Russia. Survey results also provide clear evidence that Russians tend to credit United Russia (as well as Putin) for improvements in the economy.[12]

2011-present - People's Front

The All-Russia People's Front (Russian: Общероссийский народный фронт), known by its Russian initialism ONF, is a movement in Russia started in 2011 by then-Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin to provide United Russia with "new ideas, new suggestions and new faces". This Front is intended to be a coalition between the ruling party and numerous nongovernmental organizations. On 12 June 2013, Putin was elected its leader.[1]

At the meeting of United Russia on May 6, 2011, Putin called for the creation of a "broad popular front [of] like-minded political forces" to participate in the Duma election. He included United Russia and other political parties, business associations, trade unions and youth', women's and veterans' organizations. He claimed that United Russia's party list would include non-party candidates nominated by these organizations.[citation needed]

A website was set up involving headquarters, regional branches and leadership. The Front urged individuals and groups that care about the "fate" and "victory" of Russia, and want "access to participation in power," to fill out an application on the website. Putin's aides have stated that he is the "informal head" of the popular front, but deputy prime minister and chief of government staff Vyacheslav Volodin was named the head of the popular front headquarters.[citation needed]

In April 2011, at a meeting with the Coordinating Council of the People's Front, Putin said the activities of the front would continue after the election season. At the same meeting, Putin also said that Russia should ensure that the parliament remained a leading political force.[2] By May 2011, hundreds of businesses had enlisted their workforces in the organization, including around 40,000 from the Siberian Business Union.[3]

On June 12, 2013, the movement convened its inaugural congress, electing Putin as its leader.[1] The congress also elected the front’s Central Staff: film director Stanislav Govorukhin, Delovaya Rossiya, co-chairman Alexander Galushka and State Duma member Olga Timofeyeva.[1]

According to the Charter, the Front’s goal is, "promotion of unity and civil solidarity in the name of Russia’s historical success"; the country’s development as a free, strong and sovereign state with a robust economy; fast economic growth; and reliance on the family. On the list of the ONF founders were 480 people, including trade union activists, workers, scientists, culture workers, athletes, businessmen, farm and medical workers and politicians.[4]

On December 4, 2013, the conference of the Front was held. The conference, which ran until December 6, discussed the process of implementing reforms in healthcare, economy, community services, education and culture. The meeting held numerous round tables on the president’s so-called "May decrees" and tackled internal agenda items.[5][6]

In January 2014, the Front registered its first regional office in the city of Lipetsk, located about 440 kilometers south of Moscow, with Russia’s Justice Ministry.[7]
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Former Communist yes, he has been in opposition since 2007 (ah let me fact check that date.) I do agree, he is a far right dictator, with ties to the mafia no less. Which is exactly why I've no intentions of moving to Russia as you have ordered me dumb ass.

Perhaps you are the one who should wake the fuck up.
I'm not the moron defending Putin over the United States. That is you. You are a disgrace.
See full accounting I just added above.

I am not defending Putin over the US - only him over the failures of the DNC to protect their emails from basic hacking threats.

I demand to see our government's proof of Russia's involvement. I have ulterior motives as well - I want to know if Wikileaks has sold out, and if so what deal was cut by whom...
Granny says, "Dat's right - `cause he knows dey been caught red-handed...

Putin declines diplomatic tit-for-tat after US hacking sanctions
30 December 2016 - Russian President Vladimir Putin has declined to engage in a tit-for-tat after the US expelled 35 Russian diplomats over the hacking scandal.
He said Russia would not "stoop" to the level of "irresponsible diplomacy", and would work to restore ties with America under President-elect Donald Trump. The Russian foreign ministry had formally asked him to expel 35 US diplomats in retaliation. Russia denies involvement in hacking, calling US sanctions "ungrounded". Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev accused the outgoing administration of President Barack Obama of ending in "anti-Russian death throes".


The US embassy in Moscow​

Under the US action taken on Thursday:

* Thirty-five diplomats from Russia's Washington embassy and its consulate in San Francisco were declared "persona non grata" and given 72 hours to leave the US with their families
* Two properties said to have been used by Russian intelligence services in New York and Maryland will be closed
* Sanctions were announced against nine entities and individuals including two Russian intelligence agencies, the GRU and the FSB

Mr Obama, who will be replaced by Donald Trump on 20 January, had vowed action against Russia amid US accusations that it directed cyber-attacks on the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton's campaign. Emails stolen from her campaign manager and from the servers of the Democratic National Committee - some containing embarrassing information for Democrats - were released during the election campaign. President-elect Trump has dismissed the hacking claims as "ridiculous" and said Americans should "get on with our lives" when asked previously about the possibility of sanctions. However, he said late on Thursday he would meet US intelligence chiefs next week to be "updated on the facts of this situation".

See full accounting I just added above.

I am not defending Putin over the US - only him over the failures of the DNC to protect their emails from basic hacking threats.

I demand to see our government's proof of Russia's involvement. I have ulterior motives as well - I want to know if Wikileaks has sold out, and if so what deal was cut by whom...
You are trying to portray Putin, a fucking communist former KGB as some freedom fighter against communism. You think Putin, just because he was against a regime so he could get into power, isn't the same guy he has always been? You don't think he wants to weaken the United States? Why the fuck would you defend someone who wants to weaken the United States?
And you would defy reality to support your self-imagined idea that I'm a communist in love with Putin despite my words.

You're ego is large my dear, but horribly flawed against someone who has no emotions...
Why the fuck do you defend Obama handing Putin the prowess of hacking the US election process on a lark? You do realize Putin is the winner in these claims don't you. That he could so easily waltz in a couple kiddy scripters and destroy the entire process?

What a disgrace as you proclaim me to be the one bolstering Putin.
So you're just going believe them over our cia, fbi and everything else in America?? Are you insane?
You are going to believe a CIA, FBI, and Intel who have been corrupted by the Obama administration ?? Are you insane ???? Do you not see how dangerous the left is yet ?? Do you not see how their corruption has crept into everything, and how they have manipulated the people of this nation so badly, that the actual peace within the world is now at risk because of these dammed cry babies who can't get their way, so just blow it all up eh ??

I have a question? If we can't trust the FBI and CIA, then who do we trust? It's not like the Avery citizen hasn't the resources to investigate such matters.

You trust those who get called " fake news" lol no seriously though most of the " Alternative media" that is for a free America........... Drudge, Breitbart, and yes infowars.................
Look they are like Trump and Putin who do not want to agree with a new world order so they are all being attacked and that is why .
There is more spun into the web, but it is up to the person to take everything in they can even from sources they " Think are fake because msm told them it's fake" go to it the time you read it all common sense and logic, and gut tell you if these events occur. or have been occuring.
So you're just going believe them over our cia, fbi and everything else in America?? Are you insane?
You are going to believe a CIA, FBI, and Intel who have been corrupted by the Obama administration ?? Are you insane ???? Do you not see how dangerous the left is yet ?? Do you not see how their corruption has crept into everything, and how they have manipulated the people of this nation so badly, that the actual peace within the world is now at risk because of these dammed cry babies who can't get their way, so just blow it all up eh ??

I have a question? If we can't trust the FBI and CIA, then who do we trust? It's not like the Avery citizen hasn't the resources to investigate such matters.

Look at all these Putin weak-minded ass sniffers.
All seventeen intelligent agencies, plus two of the world's top private security companies say Russia attacked our democratic election process. Yet these easily manlipulated no- minds opt to believe the attacker and his stooge (Trump).
God help us!
Look at all these Putin weak-minded ass sniffers.
All seventeen intelligent agencies, plus two of the world's top private security companies say Russia attacked our democratic election process. Yet these easily manlipulated no- minds opt to believe the attacker and his stooge (Trump).
God help us!

CIA caught in lies, created the lies
FBI caught in lies, created lies, drink and screw whores

Presidents esp. Obama have the power to put false information out there and ppl will believe it for the exact same reasons you do.
Do you know why you trust them? What is the reasons to trust these people?
Do they make you feel safe?
Do they give you a sense of security

they are no different than your thug neighbor down the street.............number 1.
2. Take some moves you might have seen that is about the Gov. CIA, FBI etc........... how about Jason Borune
How about the Matrix................

Do you realize this bs really goes on within the Gov. ..

Do we really want to trust those caught drinking, cheating on their wives doing drugs....
and caught in looking at porn at work while everyday American's get prosecuted for the same thing.
Is Obama engaging in criminal activity in the United States name, and is he doing so on a world stage, where as he is accusing Russia of something that he himself has engaged in without any doubt, and with the world having proof of ?? Wasn't he engaged or influencing the Egyptian election concerning Morsi, and the Israeli election concerning his disdain for Benjamin Netanyahu??
Are you an American? You sound like a foreign propaganda agent. Look, pal. you are either for this country or against it. I can't believe how much you RW gullible fools have followed your pied piper into the clutches of a former KGB agent who is determined to revive perestroika within OUR boundaries.
. Are you an American ? Then support our new President or get the hell out of this country.
Look at all these Putin weak-minded ass sniffers.
All seventeen intelligent agencies, plus two of the world's top private security companies say Russia attacked our democratic election process. Yet these easily manlipulated no- minds opt to believe the attacker and his stooge (Trump).
God help us!
. Your disdain for our newly elected President is why we are OK with Putin right now on this issue, so deal with it.
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See full accounting I just added above.

I am not defending Putin over the US - only him over the failures of the DNC to protect their emails from basic hacking threats.

I demand to see our government's proof of Russia's involvement. I have ulterior motives as well - I want to know if Wikileaks has sold out, and if so what deal was cut by whom...
You are trying to portray Putin, a fucking communist former KGB as some freedom fighter against communism. You think Putin, just because he was against a regime so he could get into power, isn't the same guy he has always been? You don't think he wants to weaken the United States? Why the fuck would you defend someone who wants to weaken the United States?
. For a second there I thought you were talking about Hillary or was it Obama ?
Is Obama engaging in criminal activity in the United States name, and is he doing so on a world stage, where as he is accusing Russia of something that he himself has engaged in without any doubt, and with the world having proof of ?? Wasn't he engaged or influencing the Egyptian election concerning Morsi, and the Israeli election concerning his disdain for Benjamin Netanyahu??
Are you an American? You sound like a foreign propaganda agent. Look, pal. you are either for this country or against it. I can't believe how much you RW gullible fools have followed your pied piper into the clutches of a former KGB agent who is determined to revive perestroika within OUR boundaries.
. Are you an American ? Then support our new President or get the hell out of this country.
I am an American but I took an oath to defend against ALL enemies foreign AND domestic.. From what I have deduced, Trump is PUBIC enemy#1. I owe no allegiance to a president-elect who himself showed no inkling of loyalty or support for president Obama. Where was your sage advice THEN? No, I was born here and I will stay here to be as much of an annoyance to Trump supporters as I can, just like HE was to supporters of Obama!
Is Obama engaging in criminal activity in the United States name, and is he doing so on a world stage, where as he is accusing Russia of something that he himself has engaged in without any doubt, and with the world having proof of ?? Wasn't he engaged or influencing the Egyptian election concerning Morsi, and the Israeli election concerning his disdain for Benjamin Netanyahu??
Are you an American? You sound like a foreign propaganda agent. Look, pal. you are either for this country or against it. I can't believe how much you RW gullible fools have followed your pied piper into the clutches of a former KGB agent who is determined to revive perestroika within OUR boundaries.
. Are you an American ? Then support our new President or get the hell out of this country.
I am an American but I took an oath to defend against ALL enemies foreign AND domestic.. From what I have deduced, Trump is PUBIC enemy#1. I owe no allegiance to a president-elect who himself showed no inkling of loyalty or support for president Obama. Where was your sage advice THEN? No, I was born here and I will stay here to be as much of an annoyance to Trump supporters as I can, just like HE was to supporters of Obama!

The military is awake to the NWO, you should know better then. You should also be aware of the fact Trump and Putin being attacked is because they do not want any part of this globalist bs. We don't have to agree with EVERYTHING he is saying or doing right now. But dude all he wants is for this Country to be free, and free from UN vetted killers coming into our Country. etc.
Is Obama engaging in criminal activity in the United States name, and is he doing so on a world stage, where as he is accusing Russia of something that he himself has engaged in without any doubt, and with the world having proof of ?? Wasn't he engaged or influencing the Egyptian election concerning Morsi, and the Israeli election concerning his disdain for Benjamin Netanyahu??
Are you an American? You sound like a foreign propaganda agent. Look, pal. you are either for this country or against it. I can't believe how much you RW gullible fools have followed your pied piper into the clutches of a former KGB agent who is determined to revive perestroika within OUR boundaries.
. Are you an American ? Then support our new President or get the hell out of this country.
I am an American but I took an oath to defend against ALL enemies foreign AND domestic.. From what I have deduced, Trump is PUBIC enemy#1. I owe no allegiance to a president-elect who himself showed no inkling of loyalty or support for president Obama. Where was your sage advice THEN? No, I was born here and I will stay here to be as much of an annoyance to Trump supporters as I can, just like HE was to supporters of Obama!

The biggest reason for the military's support for Trump, Bespalov suggested, is Trump's rhetoric on foreign policy.

"Trump's promises to significantly temper the military activity of the United States around the globe very likely brings forth a positive reaction from the military. They are, in general, not too thrilled about the idea of their country being dragged into new armed conflicts, since they are the ones who take most of the risks" when this happens.

Read more: US Military Supports Trump, and Probably Not Why You Think
So you're just going believe them over our cia, fbi and everything else in America?? Are you insane?

Where and why do you think " Drain the swamp " came from yes all of those sob's who are betraying America are going to get canned.
Go research off a liberal site and look up the " PURGE" remember all those Generals accused of this or that, or those who quit wth do you think they did that, They did not want to play Obama's pos game of stripping America so they got bitch slapped no matter how they had to do it. etc.

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