Russia Urges More Arms to Ukraine as a Kyiv surrender will delay the Russian Mobilisation Timetable and Training Programmes.

Minor personal differences are of no importance to me. I'm just happy to have you being one of us who know the truth on how America is responsible for the war against Russia.
Indeed, there are so few of you left in the world, I can understand why the two of you would want to huddle together no matter how much you dislike each other.
Indeed, there are so few of you left in the world, I can understand why the two of you would want to huddle together no matter how much you dislike each other.
I just put our minor personal differences aside.

Much more important that Tucker has enabled Kennedy junior to get the facts out to a few Americans for a start at least.
As I said, it must be very lonely for you guys.
We, and some others are fighting against huge odds.

But Russia's satisfactory end to the war is heavily weighted to our side.

Americans never learn and accept the truth on their wars. The truth is brought to them, as with Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, and many others.

Kennedy could become dangerous enough to warrant government assassination.
We, and some others are fighting against huge odds.

But Russia's satisfactory end to the war is heavily weighted to our side.

Americans never learn and accept the truth on their wars. The truth is brought to them, as with Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, and many others.

Kennedy could become dangerous enough to warrant government assassination.
That is so sad.
That is so sad.
Russia, China, the Brics, are not militarily ambitious and still hold to being the forces of good for the 21st. century.

America is till invited to join the fight that's concentrated on benefitting all of the world's people.

In any event, America's military might is being defanged by the MAD threat.

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