Russia, USA

There is a video extant: the woman has her dog pooping on Putin's photo. We Putinists, of course, define it as a form of Bestiality.

Even though I'm disappointed in you, son, I for one applaud your honesty when you wrote "we Putinists."
Well after all, it was a rookie cop who seen Rudolph at the dumpster, a xian

How is it you skirt the objective issue of the post, which is laughable enough? You get screwed, as an American no less, due to your insolence And apparent fear of addressing the objective concept. Dipshit, what part of your mother-tongue can't you grasp here? Do you have the balls to discuss the book burning concept in front of the others? Likely not.
You need Midol and chocolate.
WTF? That is a seriously ignorant comment.

American government doesn't dictate programing and opinions to the media.

American government does not jail people for 15 years for calling a war, a war.

American government guarantees it's people the right to hold political protests.

To compare the insane propaganda Russian government bathes it's populace in to wide range of opinion and diversity in American media is to have your head in the fucking sand.

1. You mean it is a seriously TRUE comment.

2. As for the media, you got it backwards. It is the media that dictates things to the government.

3. Look at Dreik Chauvin, Gregory and Travis McMichael. They were given live in prison over bullshit. As was William Bryan who just filmed the incident. Etc. etc. etc. That's bad enough.

4. Nobody holds a political protest in the U.S. unless it is secretly sponsored by the government. It is as Lenin said. "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." Also, when the truth is suppressed it doesn't matter if that suppression is imposed or voluntary. The truth is still suppressed.

5. What about the insane propaganda our government bashes us with. Shall I tell you about it? Got any suggestions for a forum of any kind that will allow it? I happen to have a picture of you. Here it is.

head buried in the sand.jpg
Dude, I don't give a flying fuck about Germany, Putin, Ukraine, Russia, Biden, Hillary, or even Trump at this point. All I want is for you is to answer these two questions with honest answesr. Whether or not you answer the questions determines whether or not you will be forever added to my long list of "ignored" individuals.

1.) What nationality are you?

2.) What country do you reside in

Like I said, I need a fuckin' score card to tell what the hell's going here.

Are you speaking to me? Truthpox?
I believe new members do have some restrictions concerning PM's.

"Kidding", no everyone is entitled to have an opinion and everyone is also entitled to ignore someone else's opinion. If you are looking for a popularity membership you are probably using the wrong word "truth" as truth is very seldom palatable to many if it inconveniences them or goes against their indoctrination and this is probably the wrong forum for you because there is a lot of BS here that one must sift through or simply laugh at.

Yeah, everybody is entitled to have an opinion here just like the Ukraine actually invaded Russia.
Look, dude: You're not Jesus Fucking Christ. You can't get away with dropping vague parables and expect everyone to try to figure out what the fuck you're you're trying to say. We here at USMB are a straight-forward bunch of fuckers. We say what we mean, and we mean what we say. So if you have something relevant to say, please spit it out in a language that even we simpletons can understand, ok? Otherwise, just go fuck yourself.

Look "dude." I spoke the truth. Deal with it or go fuck "your"self.
No, but the same fucking thing goes to you.

1.) What nationality are you?

2.) What country do you reside in?

Are you ashamed or something?

Sounds like questions a Ruski might ask. I'm a White American living in America. Having that information, do your worst.
1. You mean it is a seriously TRUE comment.

2. As for the media, you got it backwards. It is the media that dictates things to the government.

3. Look at Dreik Chauvin, Gregory and Travis McMichael. They were given live in prison over bullshit. As was William Bryan who just filmed the incident. Etc. etc. etc. That's bad enough.

4. Nobody holds a political protest in the U.S. unless it is secretly sponsored by the government. It is as Lenin said. "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." Also, when the truth is suppressed or voluntary. The truth is still suppressed.

5. What about the insane propaganda our government bashes us with. Shall I tell you about it? Got any suggestions for a forum of any kind that will allow it? I happen to have a picture of you. Here it is.

View attachment 626251

...Media tells Putin what's allowed?...All protests secretly government ran?

You sound completely insane.

You want the truth? Stop skipping your meds first.
But the janus-faced modus operandi is that American government's CIA is busy micromanaging protests in Ukraine. Your first point is beyond absurd.

The New Nazi Book Burners: Fox News

Zelenskiy Brushes Off Reports of Azov Battalion Atrocities

From a blogger: 'However, you will not find this segment on the rebroadcast of the interview at Fox News. They took it out.....their youtube account again, they took it off.'

The nazi strive for pure form is operating in the media. Screw fascism and neo-nazism today. Try it, you'll like it.

CIA...micromanaging protests in Ukraine....???

Are you hopped up on drugs? Don't lie.
Sounds like questions a Ruski might ask. I'm a White American living in America. Having that information, do your worst.

You're lying to me. it's pretty obvious that American English isn't your first language.

Try again.
A couple of nights ago I was watching something on the news. Apparently the Ukrainians are able to randomly phone people in Russia. On the news they spoke to one of the Ukrainians who was doing so. Their purpose is to inform the Russian people about what was really going on in the Ukraine. He said something that I found out for myself long ago here in the U.S. Which is that most people aren't interested in the truth. In that regard, Russia and the U.S. are like two peas in a pod. Most people suffer from a sort of truthpox. Anybody here interested in the cure?

...Media tells Putin what's allowed?...All protests secretly government ran?

You sound completely insane.

You want the truth? Stop skipping your meds first.

It has been said that the bigger the lie, the more likely people are to believe it. Such as the lies that cause you to think I am wrong. Also, I have a newsflash for you. To an insane person, a sane person would seem insane. I have a song about the brainwashing power of television to recommend to you. It's called "I'm the slime" by Frank Zappa. Listen to it. Read the lyrics. You would be hard pressed to find anything more truthful than that.
You're lying to me. it's pretty obvious that American English isn't your first language.

Try again.

Yes, I did mess up in what I said. I meant to say, "Sounds like "a" question a Ruski might ask." Sorry I skipped an "a."

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