Russia Wanted HILLARY

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Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
Of course those of us with common sense knew this all along. That's why they cooperated putting together that fake Steele document

John Brennan, who headed the Central Intelligence Agency under President Barack Obama, “also had intel saying, actually, Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win because she was a known quantity, she had been secretary of state, and Vladimir Putin’s team thought she was more malleable, while candidate Donald Trump was unpredictable

Of course those of us with common sense knew this all along. That's why they cooperated putting together that fake Steele document

John Brennan, who headed the Central Intelligence Agency under President Barack Obama, “also had intel saying, actually, Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win because she was a known quantity, she had been secretary of state, and Vladimir Putin’s team thought she was more malleable, while candidate Donald Trump was unpredictable

New line
Of course those of us with common sense knew this all along. That's why they cooperated putting together that fake Steele document

John Brennan, who headed the Central Intelligence Agency under President Barack Obama, “also had intel saying, actually, Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win because she was a known quantity, she had been secretary of state, and Vladimir Putin’s team thought she was more malleable, while candidate Donald Trump was unpredictable

The intelligence was suppressed because it wasnt credible.
There is no evidence that Putin wanted Hillary because there is plenty of history of Putin hating Hillary. Besides, Putin himself says he wants Trump.
Even Brennan knew that. But he lied, which is nothing new there.

CrowdStrike. They were the ones hired by the DNC to examine the server that the Russians supposedly hacked. The Russians hacked the DNC server, said the story, and that was the foundational building block for the Russians meddling in the election — and the guy that the Democrats hired to examine the hacked server, CrowdStrike?


It turns out — it testified under oath — that they couldn’t tell who had hacked it. In fact, they couldn’t even assure anybody that there had been an external attack on the network. Meaning it might have been an inside job. But they couldn’t prove the Russians did it. Yet for three years, the media and the Democrats are all perpetrating and broadcasting and amplifying the lie that the Russians hacked their server.

They never turned it over to the FBI. The FBI never got a chance to examine it — and the FBI didn’t care! Imagine that. The FBI comes knocking on your door, “We have a search warrant. We want to see your server. Sorry, we don’t want you to get it. We’ve given it to a private sector firm.” The FBI says, “Oh, okay,” and leaves!

That would never happen to you or me, but it happened with Debbie “Blabbermouth” Schultz and the DNC. One lie after another, compounded over and over again. Now we have another expose. It happened last night on the Fox News Channel. Tucker Carlson Tonight with a report from Ed Henry about intelligence that may soon be declassified that shows that Obama’s director of the CIA, John Brennan, had intel that the Russians wanted Hillary to win the 2016 presidential election, not Donald Trump…
Everyone was sure that Hillary was going to win. That's why it was such a shock to the left.
Of course those of us with common sense knew this all along. That's why they cooperated putting together that fake Steele document

John Brennan, who headed the Central Intelligence Agency under President Barack Obama, “also had intel saying, actually, Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win because she was a known quantity, she had been secretary of state, and Vladimir Putin’s team thought she was more malleable, while candidate Donald Trump was unpredictable

The intelligence was suppressed because it wasnt credible.
There is no evidence that Putin wanted Hillary because there is plenty of history of Putin hating Hillary. Besides, Putin himself says he wants Trump.


"Henry told Tucker Carlson on Tucker Carlson Tonight that the new information would suggested John Brennan, who headed the Central Intelligence Agency under President Barack Obama, “also had intel saying, actually, Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win because she was a known quantity, she had been secretary of state, and Vladimir Putin’s team thought she was more malleable, while candidate Donald Trump was unpredictable.”

HEY CNN: Putin Wanted Hillary To Win And Your Boy Brennan Knew It... Care To Comment?

"Former CIA officer and National Security Council Chief of Staff Fred Fleitz said Wednesday that former CIA Director John Brennan ignored intelligence that Russian President Vladimir Putin actually wanted Hillary Clinton to win the the 2016 presidential election. "

Former NSC Chief Of Staff: John Brennan Buried Evidence That Putin Actually Favored Hillary In 2016
Everyone was sure that Hillary was going to win. That's why it was such a shock to the left.
Of course those of us with common sense knew this all along. That's why they cooperated putting together that fake Steele document

John Brennan, who headed the Central Intelligence Agency under President Barack Obama, “also had intel saying, actually, Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win because she was a known quantity, she had been secretary of state, and Vladimir Putin’s team thought she was more malleable, while candidate Donald Trump was unpredictable

The intelligence was suppressed because it wasnt credible.
There is no evidence that Putin wanted Hillary because there is plenty of history of Putin hating Hillary. Besides, Putin himself says he wants Trump.


"Henry told Tucker Carlson on Tucker Carlson Tonight that the new information would suggested John Brennan, who headed the Central Intelligence Agency under President Barack Obama, “also had intel saying, actually, Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win because she was a known quantity, she had been secretary of state, and Vladimir Putin’s team thought she was more malleable, while candidate Donald Trump was unpredictable.”

HEY CNN: Putin Wanted Hillary To Win And Your Boy Brennan Knew It... Care To Comment?

"Former CIA officer and National Security Council Chief of Staff Fred Fleitz said Wednesday that former CIA Director John Brennan ignored intelligence that Russian President Vladimir Putin actually wanted Hillary Clinton to win the the 2016 presidential election. "

Former NSC Chief Of Staff: John Brennan Buried Evidence That Putin Actually Favored Hillary In 2016
So that makes the intel that Brennan had credible?
How is that intel credible?
Back in 2011, Hillary was behind mass protests in Russia against Putin, accusing Putin of rigging the december 2011 election in Russia. Ever since Putin has been seeking revenge against Hillary.
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