Russia will pay a heavy price for its war in Ukraine

I will gladly trust our CIA more than I would trust Putin
Too close to call these days. The people you support are systematically destroying this country and sending billions to Ukraine only helps with that destruction.
NATO will adjust its doctrine and has learned how to fight the Russians.
It will also take decades for Russia to rebuild its military. They just don’t have the economy

Russia is begging N Korea for military hardware. Shows how low they have sunk
Putin is doing the best he has in a long time. He has even teamed up with China to ruin our dollar and Biden is going to let them do it.
Putin is bringing down his country as he can’t sustain the Ukraine invasion

His health is failing and he is becoming increasingly isolated
Putin is doing the best he has in a long time. He has even teamed up with China to ruin our dollar and Biden is going to let them do it.
Putin has gone begging to China…..hardly constitutes a “team”

China will make Russia pay for any assistance by turning Russia into a Chinese colony
Putin has gone begging to China…..hardly constitutes a “team”

China will make Russia pay for any assistance by turning Russia into a Chinese colony
Actually they are working together on the dollar not to be the currency to buy oil anymore. Biden is owned by both, so he will gladly let it happen.
Putin carelessly overestimated the power of his Army and the degree of resistance he would face

Russia “is going to pay a very heavy price” for a long time because of its war in Ukraine, CIA Director Bill Burns said on Thursday.

“I think if you take a step back now, it’s hard to see the record of the war — Putin’s record — as anything other than a failure so far,” Burns said at a cybersecurity conference in Washington, DC. “Not only has the weakness of the Russian military have been exposed, but there’s going to be long term damage done to the Russian economy and to generations of Russians as a result of this.”
The Russian ruble is up in value while the U.S. dollar is in the decline. Should we depend on the freaking CIA that hasn't been right about much since WW2 for economic advice?
We paid a heavy price to invade Afghanistan and Iraq with zero long term effect in nation building.
Putin's turn.

The Military Industry Complex salivates either way.
The Russian ruble is up in value while the U.S. dollar is in the decline. Should we depend on the freaking CIA that hasn't been right about much since WW2 for economic advice?

I’ll tell ya what

I‘ll keep my money in US Dollars
You invest in Rubles
Biden is kicking both their asses

Putin is selling Russia to China to support a failed war that he can’t afford to lose
Biden is the reason both are pulling off what they are. Russian currency is setting records. Thank you Biden!
Biden is the reason both are pulling off what they are. Russian currency is setting records. Thank you Biden!

Putin is propping up his currency
It is a House of Cards

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