Russia will want revenge after losing the war, this may happen in 10 years – Ukraine's Defence Intellige

Nonsense - there will be no need, as long as Putin or members of the inner circle lead Russia, NATO can't win this war.

Putin IMO is far too humane to be a wartime President (he is clearly a Chamberlain and not a Churchill) - those Russians that I am familiar with, would have pressed the button latest in September 2022 - when it became evidently clear that NATO is directly involved in this war.

As to what date, Putin has already set a deadline towards NATO to end it's direct involvement - off course I wouldn't know. But I am dead sure he has.

Don't ever forget - NATO poses a deadly threat towards Russia since 1991 - and thanks to all these already existing sanctions - Russia factually has nothing to loose - via "angering/disappointing" other nations, due to the use of nukes. After-all the USA had no issue at all with the use of A-Bombs - as they claim until today; in order to save lives.
While you appear to be looking forward to Armageddon, the rest of the world is thinking about what to do to prevent another Russian invasion of Ukraine after the Russians are driven out of Ukraine this time.
You just can't get over losing the war in Vietnam can you? what the hell were you even doing there?
You are an idiot. Either an idiot or you are confused because you don't know jackshit about history, which is common for an uneducated Moon Bat.

The US did not lose the war in Vietnam. At least not from a military point of view.

That moron LBJ was fighting the war on the ground in the South and was taking far too many casualties. In other words wasting troops. Then Nixon was elected President. Nixon was much smarter than LBJ. He withdrew American combat ground troops and took the war to the North.

He kicked the shit out the fucking Communist assholes. The Communists agreed to ending the war and signed the Paris Peace Accords. The agreement acknowledged the sovereignty of South Vietnam, which was the military objective of the US all along. We had won. I know the Hollywood movies that you watch forget to tell you that part but I shit you not, go look it up.

All we had to do was the same as we did in Korea and support South Vietnam.

However, the filthy ass shithead Democrats, with the help of a few RINOs could not stand the idea of the Communists losing the war. The assholes in Congress passed the Case-Church Budget Amendment, which defunded aid to South Vietnam and that was of course a green light for the Communist bastards to invade.

In other words the idiot Libtards in Congress gave the Communists the victory they could not achieve on the battlefield. Typical Liberals fucking things up with being weak and stupid. We see it all the time. We see it now with this jerkoff Potatohead making the US military weak and ineffective with stupid woke policies instead of them being a war fighting machine. Just like Potatohead's Chinese buddies are paying him to do.

The goddamn Russians supplied weapons to the Communists and now they are getting a little of that payback and I, for one, as a Vietnam Veteran, am pleased as punch. If you don't like it you can just kiss my Cracker ass.
You just can't get over losing the war in Vietnam can you? what the hell were you even doing there?
The War in Vietnam, which I protested at the time, was unjustified, as the Russian invasion of Ukraine is unjustified.
You are an idiot. Either an idiot or you are confused because you don't know jackshit about history, which is common for an uneducated Moon Bat.

The US did not lose the war in Vietnam. At least not from a military point of view.
When U.S. forces fled South Vietnam clinging to their helicopters, it did not look like a victory parade.
So basically, if Russia can’t even subdue a country 1/20th it’s size, it will throw a hissy fit like a bitch and spray it’s nukes everywhere?

Got it
The War in Vietnam, which I protested at the time, was unjustified, as the Russian invasion of Ukraine is unjustified.
Vietnam was thousands of miles from the US, no threat to America, Ukraine is next door to Russia with a shared History not quite the same thing old Son.
You are an idiot. Either an idiot or you are confused because you don't know jackshit about history, which is common for an uneducated Moon Bat.

The US did not lose the war in Vietnam. At least not from a military point of view.

That moron LBJ was fighting the war on the ground in the South and was taking far too many casualties. In other words wasting troops. Then Nixon was elected President. Nixon was much smarter than LBJ. He withdrew American combat ground troops and took the war to the North.

He kicked the shit out the fucking Communist assholes. The Communists agreed to ending the war and signed the Paris Peace Accords. The agreement acknowledged the sovereignty of South Vietnam, which was the military objective of the US all along. We had won. I know the Hollywood movies that you watch forget to tell you that part but I shit you not, go look it up.

All we had to do was the same as we did in Korea and support South Vietnam.

However, the filthy ass shithead Democrats, with the help of a few RINOs could not stand the idea of the Communists losing the war. The assholes in Congress passed the Case-Church Budget Amendment, which defunded aid to South Vietnam and that was of course a green light for the Communist bastards to invade.

In other words the idiot Libtards in Congress gave the Communists the victory they could not achieve on the battlefield. Typical Liberals fucking things up with being weak and stupid. We see it all the time. We see it now with this jerkoff Potatohead making the US military weak and ineffective with stupid woke policies instead of them being a war fighting machine. Just like Potatohead's Chinese buddies are paying him to do.

The goddamn Russians supplied weapons to the Communists and now they are getting a little of that payback and I, for one, as a Vietnam Veteran, am pleased as punch. If you don't like it you can just kiss my Cracker ass.
I do know history and that's a problem for clowns like you, what the criminal Nixon did was drop more bombs on Vietnam and Laos, the bastard was a war criminal like the other arsehole Kissinger, you lost get over it.
Vietnam was thousands of miles from the US, no threat to America, Ukraine is next door to Russia with a shared History not quite the same thing old Son.
What you say is true. Nevertheless, at the time of the most recent Russian invasion of Ukraine that country did not threaten Russia. NATO had no plans, and certainly no intention, to invade Russia through Ukraine.
What you say is true. Nevertheless, at the time of the most recent Russian invasion of Ukraine that country did not threaten Russia. NATO had no plans, and certainly no intention, to invade Russia through Ukraine.
You need to get real, Nato does threaten Russia, thats what it's there for, would the US tolerate Russian and Chinese troops on the Rio Grande and a rabid anti US puppet Government in Mexico? i think you know the answer.
Vietnam was thousands of miles from the US, no threat to America, Ukraine is next door to Russia with a shared History not quite the same thing old Son.
Of course, that was also true of the Nazi siege of the UK. The UK was thousands of miles away from the US and the Nazis posed no immediate threat to the US, so why not let the Brits and Nazis and Russians fight it all out among themselves without risking any American lives or any US tax dollars?
You need to get real, Nato does threaten Russia, thats what it's there for, would the US tolerate Russian and Chinese troops on the Rio Grande and a rabid anti US puppet Government in Mexico? i think you know the answer.
From the beginning NATO was a defensive alliance of like minded democratic countries.

The Warsaw Pact represented the most recent conquests of Russia. When the Soviet Union fell most Warsaw Pact countries formed democratic governments and voted to join NATO.
Super patriotic american clowns are dumb as a rock.

They obssess day and night over a foreign country located half a world away trying to protect its borders from foreign military encirclement while they find themselves in the middle of an unprecedented national calamity:

Their own country becoming the Planet of the Apes in the short span of a few decades.





"Super patriotic American clowns" are usually Trump supporters.
The people of Russia stand with Putin on his resolve to protect and save mother Russia.

Putin's invasion of Ukraine has done much harm too Russia. The Russian economy has been harmed. many thousands of Russians have been killed. NATO countries are re arming. Two more countries have joined NATO.
From the beginning NATO was a defensive alliance of like minded democratic countries.

The Warsaw Pact represented the most recent conquests of Russia. When the Soviet Union fell most Warsaw Pact countries formed democratic governments and voted to join NATO.
For a start Nato is not defensive, they attacked the former Yugoslavia bombing Belgrade for 78 days,when did Yugoslavia attack any Nato Country? Nato attacked Libya, Nato are up to their necks in blood in Ukraine, Nato is a foreign legion for American Imperialism, and no Country voted to join Nato their Governments made that decision, they didn't have referendums to let the people decide.
Of course, that was also true of the Nazi siege of the UK. The UK was thousands of miles away from the US and the Nazis posed no immediate threat to the US, so why not let the Brits and Nazis and Russians fight it all out among themselves without risking any American lives or any US tax dollars?
You can't compare our fight against the Nazis with American naked aggression with a Country thousands of miles away, who was Vietnam a threat to?
You can't compare our fight against the Nazis with American naked aggression with a Country thousands of miles away, who was Vietnam a threat to?
I'm sure you understand I was comparing what the US did in helping the UK defeat Nazi aggression with what the US is doing to help Ukraine defeat Russian aggression. Both the UK and Ukraine are thousands of miles away and neither conflict posed any danger to the US, so if the US has no business helping Ukraine defend itself against Russian aggression, then it certainly didn't have any business helping the Brits defend themselves against the Nazis.
For a start Nato is not defensive, they attacked the former Yugoslavia bombing Belgrade for 78 days,when did Yugoslavia attack any Nato Country? Nato attacked Libya, Nato are up to their necks in blood in Ukraine, Nato is a foreign legion for American Imperialism, and no Country voted to join Nato their Governments made that decision, they didn't have referendums to let the people decide.
NATO never attacked Russia. NATO arms Ukraine to fight Russia.
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