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Russiagate is a Ruse


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
Very excellent article in Tablet regarding how Russiagate is a fake scandal cooked up by career bureaucrats and the political elite to protect their positions of power at the expense of the rest of us.

Yes, the left hates Trump. I didnā€™t vote for him, either. But what Gessen, Greenwald, Lears, and Cohen all understand is that Russiagate isnā€™t about Trump. Heā€™s just a convenient proxy for the real target. Their understanding is shared by writers on the right, like Andrew McCarthy, a former lawyer at the Department of Justice, who has unfolded the Russiagate affair over the last year in the pages of National Review, where he has carefully explained how the DOJ and FBI misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in order to spy on Carter Page and violate the privacy of an American citizen.

What unites Gessen, Greenwald, Lears, and McCarthy obviously isnā€™t politicsā€”rather, itā€™s the recognition that the Russiagate campaign represents an attack on American political and social institutions, an attack on our liberties, an attack on us. Russiagate is a conspiracy theory, weaponized by political operatives, much of the press, as well as high-level intelligence and law enforcement bureaucrats to delegitimize an American election and protect their own interests, which coincide with those of the countryā€™s larger professional and bureaucratic elite.

Left and Right Agree that Russiagate is Hogwash, So Why Does It Live On?
I think it's a lot more likely that idiots in the Trump campaign played with fire, than that this secret shadow government conspiracy bullshit is real.
American people, Russian people, American president and Russian president have one common enemy: Deep State. And all together we could destroy this enemy rather easyly and quickly by uniting our efforts .

Deep State knows that very well and has been doing its best not to allow that to happen. Their tactics has been very simple and primitive: to make Americans and Russians fight with each other and think they are each otherā€™s enemies and distract them from their main enemy: Deep State. All those alleged stories about ā€œbad Russiansā€ spread by Western ā€œfreeā€ Media have been serving this goal very successfully so far.

Americans and Russians, Deep State has been efficiently dividing us and thus ruling. We can do only one thing about it: unite our efforts and destroy Deep State and only then keep overcoming our differences.
Very excellent article in Tablet regarding how Russiagate is a fake scandal cooked up by career bureaucrats and the political elite to protect their positions of power at the expense of the rest of us.

Yes, the left hates Trump. I didnā€™t vote for him, either. But what Gessen, Greenwald, Lears, and Cohen all understand is that Russiagate isnā€™t about Trump. Heā€™s just a convenient proxy for the real target. Their understanding is shared by writers on the right, like Andrew McCarthy, a former lawyer at the Department of Justice, who has unfolded the Russiagate affair over the last year in the pages of National Review, where he has carefully explained how the DOJ and FBI misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in order to spy on Carter Page and violate the privacy of an American citizen.

What unites Gessen, Greenwald, Lears, and McCarthy obviously isnā€™t politicsā€”rather, itā€™s the recognition that the Russiagate campaign represents an attack on American political and social institutions, an attack on our liberties, an attack on us. Russiagate is a conspiracy theory, weaponized by political operatives, much of the press, as well as high-level intelligence and law enforcement bureaucrats to delegitimize an American election and protect their own interests, which coincide with those of the countryā€™s larger professional and bureaucratic elite.

Left and Right Agree that Russiagate is Hogwash, So Why Does It Live On?

Its all about all of them being scared shitless about their dealings with Russia, and so therefore they need to accuse others of that which they themselves are guilty. The Goebbels tactic has been and always will be an effective political strategy.

I think it's more than that. They are scared shitless that normal Americans will see them for what they are (grifters and power mongers) and throw them out.

the investigation "lives on" because it is part of our chief law enforcement agency's mission to protect our country from enemies, foreign and domestic.

trump likes to say things like "without borders we have no country".. or just the other day he said, "without steel we have no country".... but he fails to recognize that without our chief law enforcement agencies upholding rule of law, THAT is the sad day when we really we have no country... and this is why i call his obstructive action, and inaction, straight up treason with a capital T. an honorable congress would hold him to account as such but alas the chamber is currently filled with short sighted partisan cowards.

the investigation "lives on" because it is part of our chief law enforcement agency's mission to protect our country from enemies, foreign and domestic.

trump likes to say things like "without borders we have no country".. or just the other day he said, "without steel we have no country".... but he fails to recognize that without our chief law enforcement agencies upholding rule of law, THAT is the sad day when we really we have no country... and this is why i call his obstructive action, and inaction, straight up treason with a capital T. an honorable congress would hold him to account as such but alas the chamber is currently filled with short sighted partisan cowards.

The investigation lives on because the Obama-Clinton faction figured out how to weaponize the surveillance state against its opponents.

What the White House really wanted to know, on Entousā€™ telling, was what the Israeli prime minister and his ambassador to Washington were doing to contest the Iran deal. Except, neither Benjamin Netanyahu nor Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer makes U.S. policy: Congress does. As I explained in an April Tablet article, the purpose of the spying campaign was to help the White House fight U.S. legislators and other Americans critical of the dealā€”i.e., to win a domestic political battle. A pro-Israel political operative who was deeply involved in the Iran deal fight told me last year, ā€œThe NSAā€™s collections of foreigners became a means of gathering real-time intelligence on Americans.ā€ With the Iran deal, as would later happen with Russiagate, the ostensible targets of intelligence collectionā€”Israel, then Russiaā€”were simply instruments that the Obama administration used to go after the real bad guys, namely its enemies at home.

The same process of weaponizing foreign-intelligence collection for domestic political purposes that the Obama administration road-tested during the Iran-deal fight was used to manufacture Russiagate and get it to market. Except instead of keeping a close hold of the identities of those swept up during ā€œincidental collectionā€ of U.S. persons, departing Obama White House officials leaked the names to friendly reporters.

Left and Right Agree that Russiagate is Hogwash, So Why Does It Live On?
let's just start with the fact that he openly invited russia to hack our secretary of state's presumably classified missing emails.........

those very same emails which trumptards wanted ms hillary to be "locked up" for being careless with on account of her having used a private server... (which never actually got hacked)
And importantly - Russiagate is a distraction to support a COVER-UP:

Leaking classified intelligence is a felony, which means that Obama officials, many in the intelligence community, who leaked the names of Americans whose communications were intercepted to the press, were breaking the law. A crucial concern, then, was the trustworthiness of the intermediaries chosen to publish classified intelligence. It is to those intermediaries that anyone seeking to understand how the press became an instrument of the U.S. intelligence bureaucracyā€™s information war must now turn.
then let's move on to the fact that the campaign has admitted to actively communicating with enemy of the state hackers wikileaks in collusion with russia...
then there's the fact that russian spies were openly recruiting carter page to spy for them in 2013...
then there's all of the trump administration false statements to the FBI in a direct attempt to cover up their contacts with russia...
then there's all of that laundered russian money sloshing around in their bank accounts...
Guess what shoe Mueller will drop next

"The mission of the FBI is to protect and defend the United States against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats, to uphold and enforce the criminal laws of the United States, and to provide leadership and criminal justice services to federal, state, municipal, and international agencies and partners; and to ..."

Organization, Mission and Functions Manual: Federal Bureau of Investigation | DOJ | Department of Justice


"Trump's first visit to Soviet Moscow in 1987 looks, with hindsight, to be part of a pattern. The dossier by the former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele asserts that the Kremlin had been cultivating Trump for ā€œat least five yearsā€ before his stunning victory in the 2016 US presidential election. This would take us back to around 2011 or 2012.

In fact, the Soviet Union was interested in him too, three decades earlier. The top level of the Soviet diplomatic service arranged his 1987 Moscow visit. With assistance from the KGB. It took place while Kryuchkov was seeking to improve the KGB's operational techniques in one particular and sensitive area. The spy chief wanted KGB staff abroad to recruit more Americans."

The Hidden History of Trumpā€™s First Trip to Moscow

Boy, Those Russkies Sure Stole the Election

Donald Trump Jr communicated with WikiLeaks during final stages of election

Mueller Shows How Russians Sowed Discord With Dirty Tricks

The Unaccountable Death of Boris Nemtsov
Very excellent article in Tablet regarding how Russiagate is a fake scandal cooked up by career bureaucrats and the political elite to protect their positions of power at the expense of the rest of us.

Yes, the left hates Trump. I didnā€™t vote for him, either. But what Gessen, Greenwald, Lears, and Cohen all understand is that Russiagate isnā€™t about Trump. Heā€™s just a convenient proxy for the real target. Their understanding is shared by writers on the right, like Andrew McCarthy, a former lawyer at the Department of Justice, who has unfolded the Russiagate affair over the last year in the pages of National Review, where he has carefully explained how the DOJ and FBI misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in order to spy on Carter Page and violate the privacy of an American citizen.

What unites Gessen, Greenwald, Lears, and McCarthy obviously isnā€™t politicsā€”rather, itā€™s the recognition that the Russiagate campaign represents an attack on American political and social institutions, an attack on our liberties, an attack on us. Russiagate is a conspiracy theory, weaponized by political operatives, much of the press, as well as high-level intelligence and law enforcement bureaucrats to delegitimize an American election and protect their own interests, which coincide with those of the countryā€™s larger professional and bureaucratic elite.

Left and Right Agree that Russiagate is Hogwash, So Why Does It Live On?
The Russia investigations are perfectly appropriate and legitimate as warranted by the evidence and facts.

Indeed, the many indictments and guilty pleas are proof of that.

That conservatives, concerned about the political damage sustained by Trump and the GOP, would propagate the lie that the investigations are a ā€˜ruseā€™ comes as no surprise.

Conservatives are infamous for their propensity for lying, and their contempt for the truth.

And Lee Smith clearly doesnā€™t understand the nature of the Russia investigations; no one maintains that Trump campaign/administration officials engaged in a ā€˜conspiracyā€™ to ā€˜colludeā€™ with Russia ā€“ quite the opposite in fact.

The Russia investigations are the consequence of Trump campaign/administration officialsā€™ inexperience, incompetence, and stupidity.
Very excellent article in Tablet regarding how Russiagate is a fake scandal cooked up by career bureaucrats and the political elite to protect their positions of power at the expense of the rest of us.

Yes, the left hates Trump. I didnā€™t vote for him, either. But what Gessen, Greenwald, Lears, and Cohen all understand is that Russiagate isnā€™t about Trump. Heā€™s just a convenient proxy for the real target. Their understanding is shared by writers on the right, like Andrew McCarthy, a former lawyer at the Department of Justice, who has unfolded the Russiagate affair over the last year in the pages of National Review, where he has carefully explained how the DOJ and FBI misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in order to spy on Carter Page and violate the privacy of an American citizen.

What unites Gessen, Greenwald, Lears, and McCarthy obviously isnā€™t politicsā€”rather, itā€™s the recognition that the Russiagate campaign represents an attack on American political and social institutions, an attack on our liberties, an attack on us. Russiagate is a conspiracy theory, weaponized by political operatives, much of the press, as well as high-level intelligence and law enforcement bureaucrats to delegitimize an American election and protect their own interests, which coincide with those of the countryā€™s larger professional and bureaucratic elite.

Left and Right Agree that Russiagate is Hogwash, So Why Does It Live On?
The Russia investigations are perfectly appropriate and legitimate as warranted by the evidence and facts.

Indeed, the many indictments and guilty pleas are proof of that.

That conservatives, concerned about the political damage sustained by Trump and the GOP, would propagate the lie that the investigations are a ā€˜ruseā€™ comes as no surprise.

Conservatives are infamous for their propensity for lying, and their contempt for the truth.

And Lee Smith clearly doesnā€™t understand the nature of the Russia investigations; no one maintains that Trump campaign/administration officials engaged in a ā€˜conspiracyā€™ to ā€˜colludeā€™ with Russia ā€“ quite the opposite in fact.

The Russia investigations are the consequence of Trump campaign/administration officialsā€™ inexperience, incompetence, and stupidity.

^^^ Useful Idiot for the Progs ^^^
Secretary of State Colin Powell told W, ā€œbut I still look in his eyes and I see K-G-B. Remember,ā€ he added ominously, ā€œthereā€™s a reason heā€™s fluent in German.ā€

Vice President Dick Cheney felt the same way: Every time he saw Putin, he told people, ā€œI think KGB, KGB, KGB.ā€


80 times Trump talked about Putin

"Putin's running his country and at least he's a leader, unlike what we have in this country" Trump said.
Very excellent article in Tablet regarding how Russiagate is a fake scandal cooked up by career bureaucrats and the political elite to protect their positions of power at the expense of the rest of us.

Yes, the left hates Trump. I didnā€™t vote for him, either. But what Gessen, Greenwald, Lears, and Cohen all understand is that Russiagate isnā€™t about Trump. Heā€™s just a convenient proxy for the real target. Their understanding is shared by writers on the right, like Andrew McCarthy, a former lawyer at the Department of Justice, who has unfolded the Russiagate affair over the last year in the pages of National Review, where he has carefully explained how the DOJ and FBI misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in order to spy on Carter Page and violate the privacy of an American citizen.

What unites Gessen, Greenwald, Lears, and McCarthy obviously isnā€™t politicsā€”rather, itā€™s the recognition that the Russiagate campaign represents an attack on American political and social institutions, an attack on our liberties, an attack on us. Russiagate is a conspiracy theory, weaponized by political operatives, much of the press, as well as high-level intelligence and law enforcement bureaucrats to delegitimize an American election and protect their own interests, which coincide with those of the countryā€™s larger professional and bureaucratic elite.

Left and Right Agree that Russiagate is Hogwash, So Why Does It Live On?
The Russia investigations are perfectly appropriate and legitimate as warranted by the evidence and facts.

Indeed, the many indictments and guilty pleas are proof of that.

That conservatives, concerned about the political damage sustained by Trump and the GOP, would propagate the lie that the investigations are a ā€˜ruseā€™ comes as no surprise.

Conservatives are infamous for their propensity for lying, and their contempt for the truth.

And Lee Smith clearly doesnā€™t understand the nature of the Russia investigations; no one maintains that Trump campaign/administration officials engaged in a ā€˜conspiracyā€™ to ā€˜colludeā€™ with Russia ā€“ quite the opposite in fact.

The Russia investigations are the consequence of Trump campaign/administration officialsā€™ inexperience, incompetence, and stupidity.

Evidence? Care to share some of that evidence with the rest of the world?

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