Russian aggression driving Ukrainians toward EU, NATO, poll finds


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Looks like many Ukrainians are not too happy with Russia.

Russian aggression driving Ukrainians toward EU, NATO, poll finds

CAROL J. WILLIAMS contact the reporter

Poll shows an absolute majority of Ukrainians now favors closer ties to the European Union over Russia

Ukrainians' support for joining NATO is rising as they see Russia trying to divide their nation
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warns NATO membership for Ukraine would undermine European security

Russia’s annexation of the Crimean peninsula and alleged support of pro-Russia separatists elsewhere in Ukraine are driving more and more Ukrainians to seek alliance with the European Union and NATO, a Kiev social researcher reported Wednesday.

That is exactly the economic and security shift the Kremlin has been trying to prevent.

For the first time in more than a decade of polling Ukrainians on their attitudes toward the Western alliances, an absolute majority -- 52% -- said they favored steering Ukraine’s foreign policy toward the European Union, said Andriy Bychenko, sociological services director for the Razumkov Center.

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Russian aggression driving Ukrainians toward EU, NATO, poll finds*-*Los Angeles Times

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