Russian ambassador met with advisers to Clinton campaign too


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
I fig the other side met with the Russians also, it's ok for them to do. People see this crap and wonder why am I voting for these rabid leftist, demo Bloodbath 2018 & 2020

Kremlin spokesman: Russian ambassador met with advisers to Clinton campaign too
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The Hill

Olivia Beavers7 hrs ago


Russian President Vladimir Putin's spokesman said in an interview Sunday that the Russian ambassador who met with Trump campaign officials also met with "people working in think tanks advising Hillary or advising people working for Hillary."

"Well, if you look at some people connected with Hillary Clinton during her campaign, you would probably see that he had lots of meetings of that kind," Dmitry Peskov told CNN "GPS" host Fareed Zakaria. "There are lots of specialists in politology, people working in think tanks advising Hillary or advising people working for Hillary."

Peskov said it is the job of Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak to meet with officials on both sides to talk about "bilateral relations."

Peskov also defended those meetings, saying they were not an attempt to interfere in the 2016 election.

"But there were no meetings about elections - electoral process ... So if you look at it with intention to demonize Russia, you would probably say that, yes, he was trying to interfere in Hillary's activities. But it would be nonsense, because this is not true," Peskov said.

Peskov also said Putin never voiced support for then-presidential candidate Trump.

"You would probably recall that President Putin, during election campaign, had never answered directly a question about his candidate of his support. He kept saying that we will respect a choice of American people," Peskov told Zakaria.


Kremlin spokesman: Russian ambassador met with advisers to Clinton campaign too
Peskov gave Clinton tips on how to drink lots of vodka to hide alcohol on your breath and not look too drunk. Now that explains the falling down drunk scenes she's had.
Oh and because intelligence agencies say the Russians tried to hack the RNC then Clinton is guilty with conspiring with the Russians to interefere and cheat the election.
Russia wanted the Socialist Dems to win to bring communism to America. Free schools for the Play Doh generation Yeehaaahhh!
Trump contacts were official persons and parts of his campaign. Clinton contacts were separate entities that were not officials of the Clinton campaign. Anyone notice the difference?
Trump contacts were official persons and parts of his campaign. Clinton contacts were separate entities that were not officials of the Clinton campaign. Anyone notice the difference?
Prove it.
And by the way you just inadvertantly called the intelligence community- 3 agencies liars when they said there was no evidence of collusion regarding campaign.
Sessions was not yet part of the team and Obama set the meeting up.
Now by calling the agencies liars means the left owes Donald an apology for his questioning SOME OF the intelligence agencies.
Trump contacts were official persons and parts of his campaign. Clinton contacts were separate entities that were not officials of the Clinton campaign. Anyone notice the difference?
Prove it.
And by the way you just inadvertantly called the intelligence community- 3 agencies liars when they said there was no evidence of collusion regarding campaign.
Sessions was not yet part of the team and Obama set the meeting up.
Now by calling the agencies liars means the left owes Donald an apology for his questioning SOME OF the intelligence agencies.
You are making shyt up with your delusional imagination.Collusion is not the same as contact. Not even close. What you ask me to prove is in the link in your OP. Your link, your source. Try reading it. Probably should have done that before you posted it in your OP. Too late now.
Trump contacts were official persons and parts of his campaign. Clinton contacts were separate entities that were not officials of the Clinton campaign. Anyone notice the difference?
What I`ve noticed is the Trumpeteers running for cover for the last 2 months. Quite entertaining actually. Congressman Mike Kelly`s spokesman had to tell us last week that what we saw Kelly say (it`s on video) he didn`t really say. Friggin Hilarious!
Kelly softens unsupported claim of Obama 'shadow government'
Trump contacts were official persons and parts of his campaign. Clinton contacts were separate entities that were not officials of the Clinton campaign. Anyone notice the difference?
Prove it.
And by the way you just inadvertantly called the intelligence community- 3 agencies liars when they said there was no evidence of collusion regarding campaign.
Sessions was not yet part of the team and Obama set the meeting up.
Now by calling the agencies liars means the left owes Donald an apology for his questioning SOME OF the intelligence agencies.
You are making shyt up with your delusional imagination.Collusion is not the same as contact. Not even close. What you ask me to prove is in the link in your OP. Your link, your source. Try reading it. Probably should have done that before you posted it in your OP. Too late now.

So you have no proof Clinton didn't conspire with Russia then.
The whole premise of the OP is Clinton having contact with Russia which is the same DELUSIONAL correlation to being more then it is when you make ILLEGAL FALSE CHARGES against the Trump administration.
But worse the ones making the fake charges which is illegal are the ones who know it's a false charge cause they were the ones who set up the meetings which was part of Sessions job in foreign relations.

Then there is the issue nobody discusses, why they claim it prejudice to assure
security until vetting is improved by nations not taking it serious, but Dems suddenly are allowedvDirect real predjudices against Russians just as a ploy.
One man's acts does not make your intolerance acceptable to the whole group as your standards cry. :)
They even threw out Russians from the country you xenophobes!
Busted !
LIKE I SAY: every excuse and demonization the left throws up on the wall falls right back onto their face. You guys are like the
Wile E. Coyote of politics.
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Trump contacts were official persons and parts of his campaign. Clinton contacts were separate entities that were not officials of the Clinton campaign. Anyone notice the difference?

You mean except for the 145 million dollars putin controlled energy companies gave to the clinton foundation while hilary was Secretary of State? You mean other than those official contacts? Or the 500,000 dollars the russians paid bill clinton, the rapist, for speeches....increasing his pay rate for speeches, while she was secretary of state? You mean other than that official contact?
Trump contacts were official persons and parts of his campaign. Clinton contacts were separate entities that were not officials of the Clinton campaign. Anyone notice the difference?

You mean except for the 145 million dollars putin controlled energy companies gave to the clinton foundation while hilary was Secretary of State? You mean other than those official contacts? Or the 500,000 dollars the russians paid bill clinton, the rapist, for speeches....increasing his pay rate for speeches, while she was secretary of state? You mean other than that official contact?
No, I ,mean the OP nor you can name the Clinton campaign official, who is a delusional character, by name.
Trump contacts were official persons and parts of his campaign. Clinton contacts were separate entities that were not officials of the Clinton campaign. Anyone notice the difference?

You mean except for the 145 million dollars putin controlled energy companies gave to the clinton foundation while hilary was Secretary of State? You mean other than those official contacts? Or the 500,000 dollars the russians paid bill clinton, the rapist, for speeches....increasing his pay rate for speeches, while she was secretary of state? You mean other than that official contact?
No, I ,mean the OP nor you can name the Clinton campaign official, who is a delusional character, by name. was officials at the clinton foundation and hilary...who corresponded with the Russians and other governments from foriegn countries through her illegal, secret server.....she destroyed 33,000 emails with the high tech BleachBit program to hide her activities with these governments....
Trump contacts were official persons and parts of his campaign. Clinton contacts were separate entities that were not officials of the Clinton campaign. Anyone notice the difference?

You mean except for the 145 million dollars putin controlled energy companies gave to the clinton foundation while hilary was Secretary of State? You mean other than those official contacts? Or the 500,000 dollars the russians paid bill clinton, the rapist, for speeches....increasing his pay rate for speeches, while she was secretary of state? You mean other than that official contact?
No, I ,mean the OP nor you can name the Clinton campaign official, who is a delusional character, by name. was officials at the clinton foundation and hilary...who corresponded with the Russians and other governments from foriegn countries through her illegal, secret server.....she destroyed 33,000 emails with the high tech BleachBit program to hide her activities with these governments....
That is not what the thread title and OP says or is about. It claims Clinton campaign officials met with the Russian Ambassador
You are changing the topic. If a campaign official that allegedly had contact with the Russian Ambassador can not be named, the thread and OP are lies.
The charges are that campaign officials had contact with the Russians to influence an election. The topics you are bringing up have absolutely nothing to do with campaign officials and attempts to influence an election. What you are doing is called a deflection to carry the discussion away from the topic.
Trump contacts were official persons and parts of his campaign. Clinton contacts were separate entities that were not officials of the Clinton campaign. Anyone notice the difference?

You mean except for the 145 million dollars putin controlled energy companies gave to the clinton foundation while hilary was Secretary of State? You mean other than those official contacts? Or the 500,000 dollars the russians paid bill clinton, the rapist, for speeches....increasing his pay rate for speeches, while she was secretary of state? You mean other than that official contact?
No, I ,mean the OP nor you can name the Clinton campaign official, who is a delusional character, by name. was officials at the clinton foundation and hilary...who corresponded with the Russians and other governments from foriegn countries through her illegal, secret server.....she destroyed 33,000 emails with the high tech BleachBit program to hide her activities with these governments....
That is not what the thread title and OP says or is about. It claims Clinton campaign officials met with the Russian Ambassador
You are changing the topic. If a campaign official that allegedly had contact with the Russian Ambassador can not be named, the thread and OP are lies.
The charges are that campaign officials had contact with the Russians to influence an election. The topics you are bringing up have absolutely nothing to do with campaign officials and attempts to influence an election. What you are doing is called a deflection to carry the discussion away from the topic.

I think hilary is a campaign official.....and since she destroyed 33,000 emails with a high tech program...Bleachbit, to hide her contacts with the Russians who donated 145 million dollars to the clinton foundation while she was Secretary of State, you can't say no one on her campaign had contact....and since her husband, the rapist, went to Russia to give 500,000 dollars a can't say he didn't have contact with high level Russian officials....and they have a long and well understood history of greed and corruption....

Show us those emails, and show us who bill the rapist met with....


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