Russian Ambassador's assassination in Turkey was organized by NATO secret services

Russian ambassador's assassination in Turkey organised by 'NATO secret services' | Daily Mail Online
The secret services of a NATO country is 'highly likely' to have been behind the assassination of ambassador Andrey Karlov, claimed a top ally of Vladimir Putin.

Should we be shocked probably not. NATO gets caught all the time so much for being peace keepers . Sit back and watch NATO try and blame someone else it's almost a guaranteed transition .
This has to be put out by Russian hackers.
terrorist was usa allies.
As a member of a very broad group of people, sure.

So do we blame all Pakistanis for hiding OBL as well?

Surely you realize that there are tens of millions of US citizens who would like to have our military STOP playing checkers with the nations of the world, right? That most of us want to live in peace with everyone else?

The problem you see, is that too many of our corporations make their profits from killing people.

They should all face firing squads, IMO, but we are still too deep in the NeoCon delusion to stop that just yet.
Turkey should be expelled from NATO. They are now a security risk for us and of no use anyway.
As Trump said: Nato is obsolete.
NATO never adapted to the fall of the Soviet Union and found a relevant current purpose until recently in its adopting the war on terrorism, to which it is a sore thumb and sabotaged by Turkish membership.

NATO is in Truth the intended future military arm of the EU along with some American units and command structure.
No, there is no western war on terror at all. They are supplying them.
Could still be a CIA action.
Turkey should be expelled from NATO. They are now a security risk for us and of no use anyway.
As Trump said: Nato is obsolete.
NATO never adapted to the fall of the Soviet Union and found a relevant current purpose until recently in its adopting the war on terrorism, to which it is a sore thumb and sabotaged by Turkish membership.

NATO is in Truth the intended future military arm of the EU along with some American units and command structure.
No, there is no western war on terror at all. They are supplying them.
We are play fighting them for home front propaganda purposes as we supply them via our ARab allies and Turkish NATO ally.

That makes so much sense....NOT.

Who profits by propping up ISIS? The answer should be obvious.

Remember, Russia kills lots of it's own people. Journalists and others Putin doesn't like. This guy could have been a Putin sacrifice just to make Turkey look bad.
Trump can lie all he wants. His supporters have already proven they don't care. Trump has told his supporters during his Thank you tour that he lied to them and made up slogans just to get them riled up... they don't care. They cheered him for saying it.
That is not what he said, you fucking liar.

Welcome to my ignore list.

Remember ignore is only for pussies like you.
When ever I have gotten someone to tell me they are putting me on ignore, I view it in one of two ways.

If they are putting me on ignore b/c I have out debated them with facts. . . I consider it a victory.

If they are putting me on ignore b/c they are fed up with my counter-trolling, then I am kinda sad.

I seriously do like just about everyone on here. I was a little disappointed with my victory over fakey Jakey. When I used superior logic and information to the point that he put me on ignore, it was a victory, but I never thought he was a pussy. I'd have thought bat shit or deano would throw up a wall first. Wonders never cease.

Folks like Sarah G. who have had me on Ignore for years? Meh, no surprise.
Turkey should be expelled from NATO. They are now a security risk for us and of no use anyway.
As Trump said: Nato is obsolete.
NATO never adapted to the fall of the Soviet Union and found a relevant current purpose until recently in its adopting the war on terrorism, to which it is a sore thumb and sabotaged by Turkish membership.

NATO is in Truth the intended future military arm of the EU along with some American units and command structure.
No, there is no western war on terror at all. They are supplying them.
We are play fighting them for home front propaganda purposes as we supply them via our ARab allies and Turkish NATO ally.

That makes so much sense....NOT.

Who profits by propping up ISIS? The answer should be obvious.
They want to create larger terrorist threats. They want their citizens no longer to be attacked by small groups but by oil-rich terrorist states. The ultimate threat.

Remember, Russia kills lots of it's own people. Journalists and others Putin doesn't like. This guy could have been a Putin sacrifice just to make Turkey look bad.

Propaganda. ISIS in Washington, ISIS in Ankara. You´re their useful idiot who stands against his own country. A bullshit and lies spreading fool. A big fool.
Impossible. Turkey is a very important to NATO.

Why is it impossible? They support ISIS, reason enough to kick them out. Are you another sap who thinks we should go to war for some Muslims?

Turkey is very important to NATO. Turkey need NATO. Relationship with Putin is just a bandaids.

Yet you can't explain why it is so "important". They aren't important, it's an Islamic country and has no business being in a Western coalition. They should be isolated from the West. They are the Trojan horse, most refugees come through Turkey to get into the EU. If Europe was smart they would build a wall around them.

Logistically and militarily purposes NATO will never give up Turkey in the event of war.

Lame ass answer to keep a Trojan horse in NATO. They are more of a liability than an asset. We can open new bases at other locations.

What is the benefits/consequences by giving up Turkey? It's not a lame answer..... You just didn't like it. Look at the map of Turkey is the only way to access Black Sea. Is a choke hold.
Turkey is very important to NATO. Turkey need NATO. Relationship with Putin is just a bandaids.

Yet you can't explain why it is so "important". They aren't important, it's an Islamic country and has no business being in a Western coalition. They should be isolated from the West. They are the Trojan horse, most refugees come through Turkey to get into the EU. If Europe was smart they would build a wall around them.

Logistically and militarily purposes NATO will never give up Turkey in the event of war.

Lame ass answer to keep a Trojan horse in NATO. They are more of a reliability than an asset. We can open new bases at other locations.

You mean liability.

And Turkey is strategically very important.

You are right, it is strategically important, but not worth it anymore. Its now too dangerous for US personnel stationed there to have families. They've already been evacuated.
We can always make new bases in other countries.

New Bases where? Turkey is very important yesterday, today and tomorrow. NATO will never give up Turkey. It's very valuable and too much to lose by giving up Turkey.
Trump can lie all he wants. His supporters have already proven they don't care. Trump has told his supporters during his Thank you tour that he lied to them and made up slogans just to get them riled up... they don't care. They cheered him for saying it.
That is not what he said, you fucking liar.

Welcome to my ignore list.

Remember ignore is only for pussies like you.
When ever I have gotten someone to tell me they are putting me on ignore, I view it in one of two ways.

If they are putting me on ignore b/c I have out debated them with facts. . . I consider it a victory.

If they are putting me on ignore b/c they are fed up with my counter-trolling, then I am kinda sad.
Folks like Sarah G. who have had me on Ignore for years? Meh, no surprise.

I considered that as a victory. I'm with you 100% Misterbeale....... They just can't handle the heat that is why I called it big pussies.

The good part of that is you can keep beating them on the head how stupid it is and no respond.............. No need to follow up and that saves time. It's just so funny if you ask me.
Last Friday ( I think ) when Trump was making a Thank you speech in Mobile, Al.
His 30,000 smart followers was cheering. Is that mean he will fire all of his foreign workers and hire American workers OR he will hire more foreign workers? What lying piece of hypocrite.

Maybe you should watch this documentary and see if your mind changes. You can always deny it and keep in your world what you want to but that won't make truth go away.
Clearly this was a Russian plot which they will use as an excuse to attack Russia- after Trump has Turkey expelled from NATO for being a Muslim country.
Russian ambassador's assassination in Turkey organised by 'NATO secret services' | Daily Mail Online
The secret services of a NATO country is 'highly likely' to have been behind the assassination of ambassador Andrey Karlov, claimed a top ally of Vladimir Putin.

Should we be shocked probably not. NATO gets caught all the time so much for being peace keepers . Sit back and watch NATO try and blame someone else it's almost a guaranteed transition .

Thanks for continuing to dig on this, it's as I suspected.

Food for thought

Check out the Video I posted " ENDGAME".

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